How to zoom out on an object with glTranslatef? - c++

I'm trying to zoom out from a polygon with glTranslatef. However, whatever numbers I put in Z (trying to zoom out) inside glTranslatef function, it remains a black window. Here is code:
glClearColor (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glPushMatrix ();
glTranslatef(0, 0, 0.9f); //Here I'm translating
glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
glColor3f(100, 100, 0); glVertex2f(-1.0f, -1.0f);
glColor3f(100, 0, 100); glVertex2f(-1.0f, 1.0f);
glColor3f(25, 25, 25); glVertex2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
glColor3f(100, 50, 90); glVertex2f(1.0f, -1.0f);
glEnd ();
glPopMatrix ();
SwapBuffers (hDC);
Sleep (1);
I tried with following numbers in Z:
0.9 (works)
-0.9 (works)
1.1 (works not)
-1.1 (works not)
Do I need some other code for this or I'm doing it wrong?

If you haven't specified a projection matrix then the standard one will be an orthographic (non-perspective) projection with left-right top-bottom and near-far all being -1,1.
So translating outside that will make the vertices not draw at all.

The reason this does nothing is because you have no transformation matrices setup.
Right now you are drawing in a coordinate space known as Normalized Device Coordinates, which has the viewing volume encompass the range [-1.0, 1.0] in all directions. Any point existing outside that range is clipped.
Vertices specified with glVertex2f (...) are implicitly placed at z=0.0 and translating more than 1.0 unit along the Z-axis will push your vertices outside the viewing volume. This is why -1.1 and 1.1 fail, while 0.9 and -0.9 work fine.
Even if you translate to a position within the viewing volume, without a perspective projection, translating something along the Z-axis is not going to change its size. The only thing that will happen is that eventually the object will be translated far enough that it is clipped and suddenly disappears (which you already experienced with values > 1.0 or < -1.0).


OpenGL change background without changing perspective of previously drawn pictures

So I draw an 'I' and use gluLookAt(0.f,0.f,3.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f,0.f), and the I is moderate size. Then I add a drawScene() function which draw the background with gradient color, and then the 'I' becomes super big. I guess it is because I change matrix mode to GL_PROJECTION and GL_MODELVIEW in drawScene(), and those change the perspective maybe? I guess glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() are needed to reserve matrix status, but I have hard time finding where to put them. So how can I make the 'I' look normal size? Here are my drawI() and drawScene():
void drawI(int format)
glColor3f(0, 0, 1);
glVertex2f(point[3][0], point[3][1]);
glVertex2f(point[2][0], point[2][1]);
glVertex2f(point[1][0], point[1][1]);
glVertex2f(point[12][0], point[12][1]);
glVertex2f(point[10][0], point[10][1]);
glVertex2f(point[10][0], point[10][1]);
glVertex2f(point[11][0], point[11][1]);
glVertex2f(point[12][0], point[12][1]);
glVertex2f(point[9][0], point[9][1]);
glVertex2f(point[10][0], point[10][1]);
glVertex2f(point[3][0], point[3][1]);
glVertex2f(point[4][0], point[4][1]);
glVertex2f(point[6][0], point[6][1]);
glColor3f(1, 0.5, 0);
glVertex2f(point[7][0], point[7][1]);
glVertex2f(point[8][0], point[8][1]);
glColor3f(0, 0, 1);
glVertex2f(point[5][0], point[5][1]);
glVertex2f(point[6][0], point[6][1]);
glVertex2f(point[4][0], point[4][1]);
void drawScene()
//red color
//blue color
glVertex2f(1.0, 1.0);
glVertex2f(-1.0, 1.0);
Thanks a lot!
So I take glMatrixMode() and glLoadIdentity() out of drawScene() and drawI() and put them in display(). I changed drawScene() and drawI() above, and here is my display()
void display()
The normal way to do this (in a 3D mode) is in your code, before you call drawI or drawScene would be:
gluPerspective(fov, aspect, near, far); // fov is camera angle in degrees, aspect is width/height of your viewing area, near and far are your near and far clipping planes.
In your 2D rendering, you probably don't need the call to gluPerspective, but these calls should be done in your code before you call drawI or drawScene. Do this and delete the glMatrixMode() and glLoadIdentity() calls from drawI and drawScene.
If your "I" is still too big, there are a number of things you could do, but you should probably be operating in 3D (giving a Z coordinate also).
You could scale the object:
glScalef(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
You could move the camera further back (you'll need to include the gluPerspective() call as well):
Perhaps the easiest way to control the rendered image size in a 3D mode is to both move the camera (eye) back a way and then control the image size by changing the camera aperture angle (fov in the gluPerspective() call). A wider fov will shrink the rendered image; a smaller fov will enlarge it.
I don't know what the values for your coordinates are in drawI since they're variables, but a camera position of 3.0, an fov of 70.0 and an aspect of 1 should give you left, right, top and bottom clipping planes of about +/- 2.1 at Z = 0.
If you kept everything else the same and moved the camera to 50.0, the clipping planes would be at about +/- 35.0, so your "I" would occupy a much smaller portion of the viewing area.
If you then left the camera position at 50.0, but changed the fov to 40.0, the clipping planes would be at about +/- 18.2. Your "I" would fill a larger area than it did at cameraZ = 50.0, fov = 70.0, but a smaller area than cameraZ = 3.0, fov = 70.0.
You can play with camera position and fov to get the image size you want, or you could just scale the image. I like to keep camera position constant and change the fov. If I provide a function that changes the fov based on user input (maybe a mouse scroll), it's a good way to provide a zoom in/out effect.
BTW, in your original code, if you called:
Then later in DrawI or drawScene call:
You've trashed the matrix loaded by your earlier call to gluLookAt().

Opengl Confusion with gluPerspective

Hello guys I am beginner to opengl and trying to understand the concept gluPerspective() funtion. I went through this post gluPerspective parameters- what do they mean? post and I wrote this code
This is the dispay function but black screen is rendered.What is wrong in my code
Call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); before calling gluPerspective.
After that switch back with glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);.
gluPerspective() sets up a projection matrix under the assumption that your eye point is at the origin, and you're looking down the negative z-axis. The zNear and zFar parameters specify the range of distances along the negative z-axis that will be contained within the view volume.
Therefore, with zNear set to 1.0 and zFar to 3.0, z-values within a range of -1.0 to -3.0 will be within the view volume.
To make your quad visible, you will have to use coordinates within that range. Changing all your z-coordinates from 2.0 to -2.0 would work. The more typical approach is to apply a view transformation to place the geometry where it is needed for the projection transformation.
For example, in your case, you could place the quad around the origin, and then use either gluLookAt(), or a simple translation, to move the geometry down the negative z-axis.
You also need to watch out for the matrix modes. The projection matrix should normally be set in the corresponding matrix mode.
The whole thing will then look like this:
glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f);
glVertex3f(100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f);
Note that the range of your x and y coordinates is far beyond the default coordinate range of [-1.0, 1.0]. You will either want to use additional translation/scaling, or use much smaller values.

From gluOrtho2D to 3D

I followed a guide to draw a Lorenz system in 2D.
I want now to extend my project and switch from 2D to 3D. As far as I know I have to substitute the gluOrtho2D call with either gluPerspective or glFrustum. Unfortunately whatever I try is useless.
This is my initialization code:
// set the background color
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/// set the foreground (pen) color
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);*/
// set the foreground (pen) color
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.02f);
// enable blending
// enable point smoothing
// set up the viewport
glViewport(0, 0, 400, 400);
// set up the projection matrix (the camera)
//gluOrtho2D(-2.0f, 2.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f);
gluPerspective(45.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f); //Sets the frustum to perspective mode
// set up the modelview matrix (the objects)
while to draw I do this:
// draw some points
// go through the equations many times, drawing a point for each iteration
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// compute a new point using the strange attractor equations
float xnew=z*sin(a*x)+cos(b*y);
float ynew=x*sin(c*y)+cos(d*z);
float znew=y*sin(e*z)+cos(f*x);
// save the new point
x = xnew;
y = ynew;
z = znew;
// draw the new point
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
// swap the buffers
the problem is that I don't visualize anything in my window. It's all black. What am I doing wrong?
The name "gluOrtho2D" is a bit misleading. In fact gluOrtho2D is probably the most useless function ever. The definition of gluOrtho2D is
void gluOrtho2D(
GLdouble left,
GLdouble right,
GLdouble bottom,
GLdouble top )
glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, -1, 1);
i.e. the only thing it does it calling glOrtho with default values for near and far. Wow, how complicated and ingenious </sarcasm>.
Anyway, even if it's called ...2D, there's nothing 2-dimensional about it. The projection volume still has a depth range of [-1 ; 1] which is perfectly 3-dimensional.
Most likely the points generated lie outside the projection volume, which has a Z value range of [0.1 ; 100] in your case, but your points are confined to the range [-1 ; 1] in either axis (and IIRC the Z range of the strange attractor is entirely positive). So you have to apply some translation to see something. I suggest you choose
near = 1
far = 10
and apply a translation of Z: -5.5 to move things into the center of the viewing volume.

Understanding the window coordinates' interpretation in OpenGL

I was trying to understand OpenGL a bit more deep and I got stuck with below issue.
This segment describes my understanding, and the outputs are as assumed.
glViewport(0, 0 ,800, 480);
glFrustum(-400.0, 400.0, -240.0, 240.0, 1.0, 100.0);
glTranslatef(0, 0, -1);
glRotatef(0, 0, 0, 1);
glVertex3f(-128, -128, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(128, -128, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(128, 128, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(-128, 128, 0.0f);
The window coordinates (Wx, Wy, Wz) for the above snippet are
(272.00000286102295, 111.99999332427979, 5.9604644775390625e-008)
(527.99999713897705, 111.99999332427979, 5.9604644775390625e-008)
(527.99999713897705, 368.00000667572021, 5.9604644775390625e-008)
(272.00000286102295, 368.00000667572021, 5.9604644775390625e-008)
I did a glReadPixels() and dumped to a bmp file. In the image I get a quad as expected with the (Wx, Wy) mentioned above ( since incase of images, the origin is at the top left, while verifying the bmp image I took care of subtracting the the window height i.e 480). This output was as per my understanding - (Wx, Wy) will be used as a 2D coordinate and Wz will be used for depth purpose.
Now comes the issue. I tried the below code snippet.
glViewport(0, 0 ,800, 480);
glFrustum(-400.0, 400.0, -240.0, 240.0, 1.0, 100.0);
glTranslatef(100, 0, -1);
glRotatef(30, 0, 1, 0);
glVertex3f(-128, -128, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(128, -128, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(128, 128, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(-128, 128, 0.0f);
The window coordinates for the above snippet are
(400.17224205479812, 242.03174613770986, 1.0261343689191909)
(403.24386530741430, 238.03076912806583, 0.99456100555566640)
(403.24386530741430, 241.96923087193414, 0.99456100555566640)
(400.17224205479812, 237.96825386229017, 1.0261343689191909)
When I dumped output to a bmp file, I expected to have a very small parallelogram(approx like a 4 x 4 square transformed to a parallelogram) based on the above (Wx, Wy). But this was not the case. The image had a different set of coordinates as below
(403, 238)
(499, 113)
(499, 366)
(403, 241)
I have mentioned the coordinates in CW direction as seen on the image.
I got lost here. Can anyone please help in understanding what and why it is happening in the 2nd case??
How come I got a point (499, 113) on the screen when it was no where in the calculated window coordinates?
I used gluProject() to the window coordinates.
Note : I'm using OpenGL 2.0. I'm just trying to understand the concepts here, so please don't suggest to use versions > OpenGL 3.0.
This is an update for the answer posted by derhass
The homogenous coordinates after the projection matrix for the 2nd case is as follows
(-0.027128123630699719, -0.53333336114883423, -66.292930483818054, -63.000000000000000)
(0.52712811245482882, -0.53333336114883423, 64.292930722236633, 65.00000000000000)
(0.52712811245482882, 0.53333336114883423, 64.292930722236633, 65.000000000000000)
(-0.027128123630699719, 0.53333336114883423, -66.292930483818054, 63.000000000000000)
So here for the vertices where z > -1, the vertices will get clipped at the near plane. When this is the case, shouldn't GL use the projected point at z = -1 plane?
The thing you are missing here is clipping.
After this
glFrustum(-400.0, 400.0, -240.0, 240.0, 1.0, 100.0);
you basically have a camera at origin, looking along the -z direction, and the near plane at z=-1, the far plane at z=-100. Now you draw a 128x128 square rotated at 30 degrees aliong the y (up) axis, and shifted by -1 along z (and 100 along x, but that is not the crucial point here). Since You rotated the square around its center point, the z value for two of the points will be way before the near plane, while the other two should fall into the frustum. (And you can also see that as those two points match your expectations).
Now directly projecting all 4 points to window space is not what GL does. It transforms the points to clip space, intersects the primitives with all 6 sides of the viewing frustum and finally projects the clipped primitives into window space for rasterization.
The projection you did is actually only meaningful for points which lie inside the frustum. Two of your points lie behind the camrea, and projecting points behind the camera will create an mirrored image of these points in front of the camera.

OpenGL switching between ortho and perspective

I have a tile engine using orthographic projection in immediate mode and I'm just trying to draw a 3d cube on top of my tile scene, in hopes that I can eventually incorporate 3d models into my engine instead of just sprites / textured quads. I would also like to make the tiles 3d for that slight bit of extra eye candy.. Hopefully I can eventually convert this to use modern OpenGL so I can take advantage of those extra features. Not on the top of my priority list at the moment. So on to the question.
I'm initializing OpenGL with this:
void initGL()
//Initialize Projection Matrix
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
//Initialize Modelview Matrix
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
//...setting some various other attributes, omitted for brevity...
glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
I have a function for drawing a cube that works.
void draw_cube()
/* position object */
glRotatef(30.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
glRotatef(30.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
/* draw six faces of a cube */
...vertices... (removed for brevity)
I made 2 functions for setting the 2d and 3d projection modes.
void set3d()
void set2d()
For the sake of completeness, some pseudocode of my textured quad drawing..
So far I have managed to get the cube to draw on top of the tiles, but it disappears after approximately 1 second to never be seen again until I run the program again.
Basically what I'm doing in the main loop is this:
move objects around, process collisions, etc.
draw textured quads, lines, text, etc. in 2d mode.
My question is: Why is the cube disappearing, and are there any errors in my set2d() and set3d() functions?
You have quite a few problems in this code, too many to list in comments in fact.
Your projection matrices are changing the handedness of your post-projected coordinate space, which will affect polygon winding.
Stick to a single handedness, unless you want to reverse the direction used for front- / back-facing polygon facets (glFrontFace (...)) - it is CCW by default, but you will have to change it to CW when you use set3d (...) to maintain consistent behavior.
This problem arises because you have the Y-axis going different directions
The behavior your are describing, where the object appears briefly and then disappears is indicative of an issue with your matrix stack.
Are you calling initGL (...) more than once in your software? You will run into a stack overflow if you do this enough times since you needlessly push the current matrix onto the stack and never pop it off.
You cannot use 0.0 for zNear with a perspective projection matrix, this will result in wonky math during the perspective divide step that comes after transformation to clip-space; the depth buffer will not work correctly.
In fact, glFrustum (...) will generate a GL_INVALID_VALUE error and do exactly nothing if you pass a value ≤ 0.0 for zNear. On a related note, gluPerspective (...) will not do this since it is not actually part of OpenGL, but it is equally invalid behavior to pass such a value to gluPerspective (...).