Use Django templates to generate forms - django

I’m planning to use the Django templating system in a slightly uncommon way. I need an app that will let me easily create simple “fill in the gap”-style forms and I decided to use Django templates with custom tags to design the forms.
Here is a sketch of what I mean:
This is the <i>form</i>. Two plus two is {% gap four 4 vier %}.<br>
The best programming language is {% case_gap Python Haskell %}.
{% if all_correct %}
You are smart.
{% else %}
<input type="submit">
{% endif %}
The idea is that the *gap tags render a text input control, look into the context to see if the answer for them was sent, and if the answer is correct, mark the text inputs green.
The question is how to implement the all_correct logic. The simple solution is to add this variable to the context and then make each *gap tag update it based on its correct answer, and, I believe, this should work with my example. But what if I want to move the {% if all_correct %} code to the top of the template, where none of the gaps were rendered, and thus none of them have validated their answers yet?
Looks like I need some way to iterate over all the *gap tags before starting to render the template and [ask them to] validate the answers, but I don’t know the internals of the templating system well enough to implement this. Or there might be a completely different and better way.

I believe I figured how to do this after reading Chapter 9 of The Django Book.
Creating of a custom template tag involves defining of two things: how to compile the tag and how to render it. The compile-function should parse the tag data and return a Node—basically a thing that has a .render(self, context) method and some other data derived from the tag text.
The solution is to create FormNode—a subclass of Node that will also have a .validate(self, context) method. Then our custom tag will be compiled to a subclass of FormNode that implements validation logic.
The next thing to do is to create FormTemplate—a subclass of Template with a super-power: before starting to render individual nodes it will validate all the nodes by iterating over them and calling validate(context) on all the subclasses of FormNode and it will set the all_valid variable in the context.
Here is my proof-of-concept implementation: I believe it works pretty well.
I used the ability to instantiate a custom template engine, which was added in Django 1.8. Overall, I had to dig a little deeper than one might expect and I always had this feeling that splitting of the templating API and the django engine (which is now just one of the available backends) wasn’t complete yet. I hope that Django 2.0 will bring us new cool stuff and all the hacks I had to add will vanish.


django cms [aldryn newsblog] replace template for plugin

I need to replace same plugin template on different subpages - e.g. on frontpage I need specific slider template for latest articles, in detail article I need small list, on search result without images etc.
[note: everything about aldryn newsblog app - I don't mean my own plugin!]
*(something like custom template per plugin instance)
How to replace it ? Extending template is not quite what I need - inheritance is from bottom - from lower subtemplate to base.html - but that plugin have hardcoded lower template.
Tons of IF block in template is irrational then we think in MVC.
*( like here Render Django-CMS plugins differently on different splaceholders/templates )
Or maybe just write custom template with using hardcoded including plugins ? But using django cms placeholder editor is very useful and it'll be better to keep working in that way :///
So, I create front.html base template for frontpage,
put some plugins to placeholders - and need to replace subtemplates for this plugins only in this front.html and keep subtemplates for that plugin in other places - this is main goal.
It will be the best, when django cms / aldryn newsblog provide option "custom template" per plugin instance :|
( like this one )
If I understand your question correctly (it's late here), you need a way to override plugin templates on a plugin instance basis because hacking django templates is not the way to go (I agree).
Django CMS does allow you to override plugin templates on an instance basis.
As shown in
In your CMSPluginBase subclass add the following:
def get_render_template(self, context, instance, placeholder):
# criteria goes here
return 'sometemplate.html'
As far as how to know which template to render when (criteria), you can do a few things.
Use the page's reverse id:
page =
templates = {
'homepage': 'plugin_home.html',
'about': 'plugin_about.html',
'contact': 'plugin_contact.html',
return templates[]
This approach has a few drawbacks:
Relies on plugin being bound to a page. (plugins can live outside of pages)
Can only work with pages that have reverse id set and reverse ids
are unique per page which means you would have to list reverse id
for every page you want to change template for.
Use a page extension to set a category per page:
With this approach you can then set some sort of category to multiple pages and so you can target multiple pages in one shot like so:
page =
extension = get_page_extension(page) # Check out docs for this
templates = {
'category_1': 'plugin_category_1.html',
'category_2': 'plugin_category_2.html',
'category_3': 'plugin_category_3.html',
return templates[]
Can target multiple pages in one shot
Relies on plugin being bound to a page.
A bit more complex
Use a template context variable:
In your templates, depending on how you're rendering your plugins, you can
provide a context variable like so:
{% with category='category_1' %}
{% placeholder 'content' %}
{% endwith %}
{% with category='category_1' %}
{% render_plugin yourplugin %}
{% endwith %}
Then in your get_render_template method you can access this context variable and do the following:
# Use .get() to provide fallback
category = context['category']
templates = {
'category_1': 'plugin_category_1.html',
'category_2': 'plugin_category_2.html',
'category_3': 'plugin_category_3.html',
return templates[category]
No extra models.
Can target multiple pages in one shot.
The only one I can think of is these random {% with %} in
I completely missed the newblog part, so in order to override the newsblog plugins or any plugin, just subclass the plugin class you want to override and unregister the original and then register yours, make sure yours has the same class name.
Maybe you can make the whole template logic above into a mixin to use throughout your project.
I've always wanted to give Zinnia a look, but I'm too far into working with NewsBlog on a site right now to do it (and blogs have already been posted and whatnot). You can always just add a few extra placeholders in the template (it's not the most efficient looking thing ever, but it's no load on the framework if you add a placeholder and leave it blank), that way they aren't static, and then you can put whatever plugins you want to inside of them. You can customize each component in NewsBlog pretty easily by just adding whatever you want in the structure mode. Things get trickier when it comes to having multiple blogs that act differently, but even then, as long as you're not adding components into the static placeholders provided by NewsBlog (or as I so elegantly learned it, "don't put the stuff in the blocky-things with the pins next to them), you can create different namespace for the different blogs (either in the admin, under "Configs" in the NewsBlog section, or when creating a new page and hooking it to the NewsBlog app), and you can have different templates on different blogs.
EDIT: This is a really excellent resource for touching up NewBlog without throwing the baby out with the bathwater (after three months of learning DjangoCMS, I'm still finding myself referencing it for fine-tuning pieces of NewsBlog, and to refresh my grasp on templatetags and other things that are overwhelming and have quickly left my brain along the way):
*I linked to part two, as the first part deals with how to initially setup a project, and I assumed it probably wasn't relevant. Then again, if you're using Aldryn, there are some useful bits in there that can extrapolate if you're having trouble with customizing the boilerplate (or other things you'd like to configure that an Aldryn setup handles for you -- which is super awesome most of the times, but when it's not super awesome, it's usually super frustrating :)

Subrequests in Django templates

I'm working on my first Django project and have my templates setup with a base that all the others extend. In that base I want to have some user-specific navigation which means loading some values from the database to build the contents of a drop down menu. However I don't want to have to do this inside each view. Coming from Symfony2/Twig I would normally do this using a sub-request where I tell the template to render a view and that will use it's own template. Using syntax like:
{% render 'Bundle:Controller:action' with {} %}
How would I accomplish this same thing with Django? I've read over the docs a couple of times but can't find any way to do this.
You have two approaches:
- add the code to base.html (the one you're always extending) and only override it when you need to.
- in every template use {% include %} to include your menus.html template.
Update: re-reading your question: you could modify the request in context-processor so your base.html would then have this information.
Custom template tags are what you want.

Can I use something like Hyde from within Django?

I have a site with a few hundred pages where maybe 75% of pages are static content and the rest fit the typical "web application" model. My preference is Django, so I've mostly been looking at solutions based on that.
The content is very bespoke -- most pages share little beyond the basic site chrome, and are complex enough that it's simpler to write them in HTML rather than try to wrangle a rich text editor into giving the correct output. So the direction I'm currently going is to just define the content in templates -- I have a single view and use the incoming path as the template path. This keeps each page on the site as a page in the file system (easy to browse, easy to track in revision control), but lets each page share any number of common elements (headers, footers, navigation) and inject its own data into them as needed.
This gets bogged down in a lot of the details, though. For instance:
Sharing of page data with other pages. For example, the title defined by a page should show up in navigation menus on other pages, etc. I found this question about getting a block value from a template, but this seems really convoluted (and not scalable).
Related issue: if I define something as a block I can only use it once. I've seen the example of {% block title %} -- which typically goes in multiple places in a page -- several times in SO without a great solution.
Multiple/flexible inheritance. For a breadcrumb I might want to inherit from a page's ancestor, but for layout I'd probably want to inherit from something else (eg. a one-column vs two-column base template).
I think these specific issues are solvable on their own, mostly by using includes and custom template tags, but looking down that road I see hacks piled on top of hacks, which I'd like to avoid -- this needs to be a fairly simple and easily grokked system.
In the course of looking into these, I came across Hyde, which seems to address a lot of these issues. In particular, I really like that it has a sense of the site structure, and it gives pages some nice tools to navigate.
But I still have all the dynamic pieces, which really need to fit seamlessly. So anything I do for the content pages should really be available for any template that's part of a dynamic application. Also, one thing I really like about the "each page a template" approach is that I can alter the treatment of any particular page just by adding its path to and specifying a custom view.
Is there a good solution for this type of use case? More generally, is this just something that Django shouldn't be asked to do? It occurs to me that I'm sort of trying to use the file system as a CMS database here, which seems likely to lead to scaling problems, but Django seems to process and cache template content pretty well, and after looking at some existing CMS solutions (django-cms, feincms, fiber) I really don't like the idea of having one solution for static content and a totally different one for interactive content.
Here's what I got using custom tags to handle page metadata/configuration:
A dictionary for page data is passed in at the top level (so that a tag can write into it and then code higher in the stack can read it back)
A custom data tag allows pages to write data into this page data
Other custom tags read and render structures (navigation, breadcrumbs, etc) from the data
The main piece is a tag that will read data (written as JSON) into the global dict:
class PageInfoNode(Node):
def __init__(self, page_info):
self.title = page_info['title']
self.breadcrumb_title = page_info.get('breadcrumb_title', self.title)
self.show_breadcrumb = page_info.get('show_breadcrumb', False)
self.nav_title = page_info.get('nav_title', self.breadcrumb_title)
self.side_nav = page_info.get('side_nav', None)
def render(self, context):
# 'page_info' must be set someplace higher in the context stack
page_info = context['page_info']
page_info['title'] = self.title
page_info['nav_title'] = self.nav_title
if self.show_breadcrumb:
if 'breadcrumb' in page_info:
page_info['breadcrumb'] = [self.breadcrumb_title] + page_info['breadcrumb']
page_info['breadcrumb'] = [self.breadcrumb_title]
if self.side_nav != None:
page_info['side_nav'] = self.side_nav
return ''
def pageinfo(parser, token):
nodelist = parser.parse(('endpageinfo',))
return PageInfoNode(json.loads(nodelist.render(Context())))
Each page sets its data like:
{% block data %}
{{ block.super }}
{% load my_page_tags %}
{% pageinfo %}
"title": "My Page Title",
"show_breadcrumb": true,
"side_nav": ["/section1/page.html", "/section2/page.html"]
{% endpageinfo %}
{% endblock data %}
This works, but it seems really opaque and fragile:
The global dict needs to be added somehow -- right now I do it in the view, but I guess a custom context processor would be better
This needs to be in an inherited block so that it will actually render
Because we sometimes need the super's data (eg. for breadcrumbs) it needs to call {{ block.super }} but it needs to be in the right order to keep the super's data from overwriting the target page's data.
I just feel like I'm working against the way Django wants to operate, and I was hoping that there was some better way of handling this sort of thing that I was missing.
Stop creating data in your templates. Create it in your views, pass it to your templates. For example, with breadcrumbs, there is no reason whatsoever that the code to add to breadcrumb trails has to live in the template. It could live in a view, or even better, be a context processor.
One solution is to go with a Static site + services model. You use hyde to generate the static site but have your dynamic content dealt with using javascript on the client site and nice REST API on your server.

Django Includes - are they evil?

A friend and developer I respect recently advised that I avoid using 'Includes' in django templates. The sum of their argument was that includes are 'evil'.
I am having trouble understanding the logic; My novice opinion is that they are a great way to organise chunks of reusable html, and instead of having to edit html in multiple locations I can simply edit it in one when changes must be made.
What do all you geniuses think? Please provide some Pro's and Con's of using includes in Django templates
It seems a slightly odd opinion. Includes are a perfectly valid part of the template language, have been so since day 1 and have never AFAIK been recommended against or deprecated.
Your friend might be trying to say that you should rely more on template inheritance (which is kind of an opposite include). That's true as far as it goes - most of the time it's better to compose your templates of blocks that override or extend ones defined in parent templates. But there's definitely a use-case for includes.
The only other reason he might say that would be because of the added filesystem hit of loading include templates from disk. In which case, he's definitely off the mark - again, the template inheritance model which definitely is recommended would have exactly the same hit; and both can be avoided by using the optional caching filesystem loader.
As mentioned by Daniel, includes are perfectly valid for the reasons he mentioned. As such it is difficult to give Pro's and Con's because it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
Generally it is best to define common elements of a website inside block tags in a base template and use template inheritance to change out the parts you need on each page. However, if you simply need to reuse a snippet of text in many places, an 'includes' would be perfect.
An important point to note is that includes cannot contain block tags as they are rendered by themselves without any knowledge of the parent page. To better understand this see the note from the template docs on includes or this (non-bug) bug report. If you find yourself needing this functionality, it may be worth considering if you should instead move the included file into a base template inside a block tag.
He might be saying you'd be better off writing custom tags. So instead of having:
{% for post in blog %}
{% include "blog.tmpl" %}
{% endfor %}
you should do:
{% for post in blog %}
{% formatPost post %}
{% endfor %}
The include method relies on the blog posting being in an object called 'post', whereas the custom tag method lets you format anything. For example if you had a page that compared two blog posts, you would send them as as 'post1' and 'post2' in the context and do:
<h1>John Said</h1>
{% formatPost post1 %}
<h1>And Fred Said</h1>
{% formatPost post2 %}
Much more reusable. With includes you'd have to rename each of post1 and post2 as 'post' and then include the template...

Is it possible, in a django template, to check if an object is contained in a list

I'm very new to django, about a week into it.
I'm making a site where users enter stuff, then other users can vote on whether they like the stuff or not. I know it's not so novel, but it's a good project to learn a bunch of tools.
I have a many-to-many table for storing who likes or dislikes what. Before I render the page, I pull out all the likes and dislikes for the current user, along with the stuff I'm going to show on the page.
When I render the page, I go through the list of stuff I'm going to show and print them out one at a time. I want to show the user which stuff they liked, and which they didn't.
So in my django template, I have an object called entry. I also have two lists of objects called likes and dislikes. Is there any way to determine if entry is a member of either list, inside my django template.
I think what I'm looking for is a filter where I can say something like
{% if entry|in:likes %}
{% if likes|contains:entry %}
I know I could add a method to my model and check for each entry individually, but that seems like it would be database intensive.
Is there a better way to think about this problem?
If you're using latest django version, then it's just
{% if entry in likes %}
Refer django docs
Go here. Very similar to what they're using on trunk. "Save this as in the templatetags folder of one of your apps. Then a simple {% load smart_if %} replaces the boring built-in Django {% if %} template with the new smart one."
If you're not running trunk one of the following should work:
Replacement "if" tag, largely the basis for the new functionality in the upcoming 1.2 release: