Google Glass as external monitor - google-glass

Is there any way to mirror a computer screen onto Google Glass? There is a lot of information for glass->computer, but I cannot find any for computer-> glass. Any help will be appreciated.
So far this is the only source I have found. It's a great start, but what if you aren't at home and don't have access to a router control panel?


Locate Glass's location on Google Map

Is it possible to have Glass do a POST on it's current coordinate to the server while running other apps, say, Google Hangout or take a picture?
Is there any example or APIs I can leverage?
If you are using Goggle Glass GDK, you can use an AsyncTask to to do work. If you are using Mirror-API, then that is a separate app, and it can work simultaneously (see GlassWare Fieldtrip).

How to start Hangouts from Glassware

I want to start Hangouts from my Glassware so that the user can make video call to any of his contacts in the Glass. I tried the giving the package name of the hangout app in an intent , but it did not work. If anybody has tried this before ,please do share.
Starting a hangout from an intent isn't supported by the GDK. A feature request was filed in our issue tracker here; feel free to follow it so that you can be updated if anything changes!
I want to start Hangouts from my Glassware so that team can see what is out put is coming.
I did lots of RnD, then I come up with below solution
steps -
install myglass into mobile
install your apps in google glass
paired with glass with your mobile thr Bluetooth
start myglass apps and sync with glass
now start you application over the google glass, it will show at mobile in same way and behavior.
let me know if it work

Sample apps of Google Glass

I want to develop a Google Glass app. I am confused on how to implement the UI. Can anyone please suggest me some tutorials on developing Google Glass.
Also i dont have Google Glass device. I have heard the emulator is not available for Google Glass. Is there any way to test the apps without having the device.
There's no publicly available emulator, so you need real device to test your app. Also, all things are documented here:
As of now, you can't and hope Google will publish the simulator soon. Meanwhile, you could check some of the presentation, and open source codes.

Take a picture and share it with one voice command using Google Glass Mirror API

I just started using the Mirror API with a PHP web server. Is there anyway to integrate a voice command with my app that when said, Glass will take a picture and automatically share the picture with my server?
From what I read so far, it doesn't seem possible to access the camera with anything other than the default "Take picture" command. I also don't see a way to have Glass commit two actions (in this case take a picture and then share it) with one voice command. Is there any way to do the above with the Mirror API?
This isn't possible with the current features provided by the Mirror API. If this is a feature you're interested in using, file it in the official issue tracker.
However, you can implement this functionality with the GDK.

Is there any API to add ads to my desktop app

I am looking for a way to embed ads to my desktop APIs. There are planty solutions out there for web sites which stream ads from Ad Networks. However, I didn't find one which will allow to get a similar ad content to the app.
Does any one have any experience with this?
Which operating system are you targeting? If you are on Windows you could always display the ads within an embedded/automated IE window (assuming IE is installed). Alternatively, you could hook up to something like datafeeds and embed the appropriate links in your app. Clicking on the link (or description, image, etc) would merely cause a browser to launch at the appropriate site.
I have had the same pro, I found it was hard to find an ad network focus on desktop apps. Several months ago one of my developer friend told me he is using DesktopAd's ads in his Windows desktop apps. I downloaded their ads SDK and added into my Windows 8.1 apps, it only took me half a day finishing all the works. After that I can get revenue from ad clicks everyday. I hope my answer could be of some help to you.