Trouble while writing an resiseable vector with std::vector - c++

i'm a Brazilian beginner in c++ coding (apologize my poor knowledge in both things). I'm trying to write an .txt output file containing the positions of pixels i click with the mouse. I'm making use of opencv library, so thats a functional part of the code:
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
//declaration of vector and counter
int i = 1;
//the callback function
void CallBackFunc(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* userdata)
vet_x[i] = x;
vet_y[i] = y;
cout << "Left button of the mouse is clicked - position (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat img = imread("lena.jpg");
//Create a window
namedWindow("Mouse Track Test", 1);
//set the callback function for mouse event
setMouseCallback("Mouse Track Test", CallBackFunc, NULL);
//show the image
imshow("Mouse Track Test", img);
// Wait until user press some key
//the writing begins after the press of the key
ofstream myfile;"points.txt");
for (int j = 1; j <= vet_x.size(); j++)
cout << vet_x[j] << "," << vet_y[j] << endl;
myfile << vet_x[j] << "," << vet_y[j] << endl;
return 0;
The problem is: the file write only the last clicked position!
But if i turn the "vet_x.reserve(1024);" line, it works well, but only for the y coordinates...
So, what is my mistake?

C++ array indexing is 0-based. Thus when you resize a vector v to size 1, and assign to v[1], you're assigning to a non-existing item. This is Undefined Behavior.
To catch this kind of out-of-bounds indexing you can use the at method, which guarantees an exception. I.e., writing instead of v[i].
However, you should simply use the push_back member function to add items to a vector. I.e., v.push_back( x ), where x is the value that you want to add. It can also be a good idea to use a single vector of 2D points, instead of one vector for x and one vector for y.

You are assigning elements out of range, which is an undefined behavior. After resize(i) the last valid index is i-1. std::vector operator [] never insert elements in the container.
Rather just do

Your method of adding variables into vectors is wrong. I suggest this:
struct Point
int x, y;
Point(int sx, int sy)
std::vector<Point> clickedPositions;
//the callback function
void CallBackFunc(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* userdata)
if ( event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN )
and while writing it into the file:
for(int j=0; j<clickedPositions.size(); j++)
myfile << clickedPositions[j].x < <","<< clickedPositions[j].y <<endl;


Using a 2D array for a game map in C++

Software: Visual Studio 2017 Community
Hi, everybody,
I am making a simple 2d console game in C++ (perhaps very simplified Dwarf Fortress if you know it).
And I want a map to be displayed in console with ASCII.
Something like this:
I have a WorldMap class declared in the header file(simplified version).
And I declare a 2d array inside it.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
class WorldMap
virtual ~WorldMap();
int worldWidth;
int worldHeight;
char worldMap; // Declare a variable that will hold all the characters for the map
And then define it in the .cpp file:
#include "WorldMap.h"
#include <algorithm>
worldWidth = 50;
worldHeight = 50;
worldMap[50][50]; // Define the map array
// And then here I will also somehow need to be able to fill the whole map with '.' symbols, and so on
So that is the basic idea of what I am trying to achieve. The reason why I can't define the array size immediately is because I want to be able to choose the size of the map when the map is created.
I have already tried:
The code above.
error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
Declaring 2d array as char worldMap[][]; and then defining it as worldMap[50][50]; .
error C2087: 'worldMap': missing subscript
warning C4200: nonstandard extension used: zero-sized array in struct/union
message : This member will be ignored by a defaulted constructor or copy/move assignment operator
Declaring 2d array as char worldMap[worldWidth][worldHeight];, expecting that when the object is created, the width and height variables will be defined first, and then they will define the array.
error C2327: 'WorldMap::worldWidth': is not a type name, static, or enumerator
error C2065: 'worldWidth': undeclared identifier
error C2327: 'WorldMap::worldHeight': is not a type name, static, or enumerator
error C2065: 'worldHeight': undeclared identifier
Using char* worldMap; and char** worldMap, but so far I can't even understand how double pointer works, yet char* worldMap actually works with a 1D array without errors, until I start accessing values of the elements in the array.
I suppose a workaround would be to use a string or 1D char array and when displaying it just use mapWidth to end line each 50 characters for example, which will give the same result. But I feel like that's not a good way to achieve this since I will need to access x and y coords of this map and so on.
I guess what I am asking is:
What's the best way of declaring a 2d array for a class and then defining it in the object?
What's the best way to store a map for such a console game? (Not necessarily using arrays)
Thank you for reading. I will really appreciate any help, even just ideas and tips might push me in the right direction :)
What's the best way of declaring a 2d array for a class and then defining it in the object?
What's the best way to store a map for such a console game? (Not necessarily using arrays)
This is not "the best way" but it's one way of doing it.
Create a class wrapping a 1D std::vector<char>.
Add operator()s to access the individual elements.
Add misc. other support functions to the class, like save() and restore().
I've used your class as a base and tried to document what it's doing in the code: If some of the functions I've used are unfamiliar, I recommend looking them up at which is an excellent wiki that often has examples of how to use the particular function you read about.
#include <algorithm> // std::copy, std::copy_n
#include <filesystem> // std::filesystem::path
#include <fstream> // std::ifstream, std::ofstream
#include <iostream> // std::cin, std::cout
#include <iterator> // std::ostreambuf_iterator, std::istreambuf_iterator
#include <vector> // std::vector
class WorldMap {
WorldMap(unsigned h = 5, unsigned w = 5) : // colon starts the initializer list
worldHeight(h), // initialize worldHeight with the value in h
worldWidth(w), // initialize worldWidth with the value in w
worldMap(h * w, '.') // initialize the vector, size h*w and filled with dots.
// Don't make the destructor virtual unless you use polymorphism
// In fact, you should probably not create a user-defined destructor at all for this.
//virtual ~WorldMap(); // removed
unsigned getHeight() const { return worldHeight; }
unsigned getWidth() const { return worldWidth; }
// Define operators to give both const and non-const access to the
// positions in the map.
char operator()(unsigned y, unsigned x) const { return worldMap[y*worldWidth + x]; }
char& operator()(unsigned y, unsigned x) { return worldMap[y*worldWidth + x]; }
// A function to print the map on screen - or to some other ostream if that's needed
void print(std::ostream& os = std::cout) const {
for(unsigned y = 0; y < getHeight(); ++y) {
for(unsigned x = 0; x < getWidth(); ++x)
os << (*this)(y, x); // dereference "this" to call the const operator()
os << '\n';
os << '\n';
// functions to save and restore the map
std::ostream& save(std::ostream& os) const {
os << worldHeight << '\n' << worldWidth << '\n'; // save the dimensions
// copy the map out to the stream
std::copy(worldMap.begin(), worldMap.end(),
return os;
std::istream& restore(std::istream& is) {
is >> worldHeight >> worldWidth; // read the dimensions
is.ignore(2, '\n'); // ignore the newline
worldMap.clear(); // empty the map
worldMap.reserve(worldHeight * worldWidth); // reserve space for the new map
// copy the map from the stream
worldHeight * worldWidth, std::back_inserter(worldMap));
return is;
// functions to save/restore using a filename
bool save(const std::filesystem::path& filename) const {
if(std::ofstream ofs(filename); ofs) {
return static_cast<bool>(save(ofs)); // true if it suceeded
return false;
bool restore(const std::filesystem::path& filename) {
if(std::ifstream ifs(filename); ifs) {
return static_cast<bool>(restore(ifs)); // true if it succeeded
return false;
unsigned worldHeight;
unsigned worldWidth;
// Declare a variable that will hold all the characters for the map
std::vector<char> worldMap;
There is no best way to do anything*. It's what works best for you.
From what I understand you want to make a dynamic 2D arrays to hold your char of world map. You have a lot of options to do this. You can have a worldMap class nothing wrong with that. If you want dynamic 2D arrays just make functions out of this kind of logic.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main() {
int H = 10, W = 20;
char** map = NULL; //This would go in your class.H
//Make a function to allocate 2D array
map = new char* [H];
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
map[i] = new char[W];
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
map[i][j] = 'A';
//do what ever you want like normal 2d array
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
std::cout << map[i][j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//Should always delete when or if you want to make a new one run time
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++)
delete[] map[i];
delete[] map;
map = NULL;
//Also you can use vectors
std::cout << "\n\n With vector " << std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<char>> mapV;
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
std::vector<char> inner;
for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
//do what ever you want kind of like a normal array
//but you should look up how they really work
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
std::cout << mapV[i][j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;

table of strings array

#include <iostream>
#include "HtmlTable.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Content-type: text/html" << endl << endl;
HtmlTable t(2,3);
t.insert(2,1, "one");
t.insert(1,2, "two");
t.insert(2,3, "three");
return 0;
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class HtmlTable
HtmlTable(int y, int x)
void print()
cout << "<table>";
for (row=0; row<y; row++)
cout << "<tr>";
for (col=0; col<x; col++)
cout << "<table border='1'>";
cout << m_Table[y][x];
cout << "</td>";
cout << "</table>";
void insert(int row, int col, string text)
y = row;
x = col;
z = text;
m_Table[y][x] = {{z,z,z,z},{z,z,z,z},{z,z,z,z},{z,z,z,z}};
string m_Table[100][100];
int row;
int col;
string text;
int x;
int y;
string z;
int get_x = x;
int get_y = x;
#endif // HTMLTABLE_H
I have to create a 2d array of strings.
There is an insert function that inserts a string into a certain spot in the array.
Then the print function should print a table with the words inside the corresponding box.
output should be something like this:
|____| two |______|
| one|_____| three|
I am given int main and cant change anything.
My current issue is with the void insert. the error is:
no match for 'operator=' in
my past attemps only printed the last spring and repeated in for every box in the table.
what am i doing the array incorrectly? is my print function also incorrect?
This line:
m_Table[y][x] = {{z,z,z,z},{z,z,z,z},{z,z,z,z},{z,z,z,z}};
is plain wrong. m_Table is a 2D array or strings, so m_Table[y][x] is just a std::string. You should write: m_Table[y][x] = z.
But there are many other problems in your code:
you pass the array dimensions in HtmlTable constructor but ignore them
you declare z, row, col, text as member variable when they does not store state: they should be local variable of member functions
these two lines
int get_x = x;
int get_y = x;
declare unused member variable and try to initialize them which is incorrect. Member variables should be initialized in constructor (except for integral static const ones)
print make row loop from 0 to y, and col from 0 to x (which is right if x and y are initialized), but consistently writes m_Table[y][x] instead of m_Table[row][col]
And your print method is wrong... because you never initialized x and y. Your constructor should be:
HtmlTable(int y, int x): x(x), y(y)
and you should not modify them in insert:
void insert(int row, int col, string text)
m_Table[row][col] = text;
Array are 0 indexed in C++. Your main should contain:
t.insert(1,0, "one");
t.insert(0,1, "two");
t.insert(1,2, "three");
BTW, generated HTML is incorrect: you do not close <tr> tag, not open <td> one, and nest <table> tags in a strange way but this would be another story...

Should I be attempting to return an array, or is there a better solution?

A problem set for people learning C++ is
Write a short program to simulate a ball being dropped off of a tower. To start, the user should be asked for the initial height of the tower in meters. Assume normal gravity (9.8 m/s2), and that the ball has no initial velocity. Have the program output the height of the ball above the ground after 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 seconds. The ball should not go underneath the ground (height 0).
Before starting C++ I had a reasonable, but primarily self taught, knowledge of Java. So looking at the problem it seems like it ought to be split into
input class
output class
calculations class
Physical constants class (recommended by the question setter)
controller ('main') class
The input class would ask the user for a starting height, which would be passed to the controller. The controller would give this and a number of seconds (5) to the calculations class, which would create an array of results and return this to the controller. The controller would hand the array of results to the output class that would print them to the console.
I will put the actual code at the bottom, but it's possibly not needed.
You can probably already see the problem, attempting to return an array. I'm not asking how to get round that problem, there is a workaround here and here. I'm asking, is the problem a result of bad design? Should my program be structured differently, for performance, maintenance or style reasons, such that I would not be attempting to return an array like object?
Here is the code (which works apart from trying to return arrays);
* Just the main class, call other classes and passes variables around
#include <iostream>
#include "dropSim.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
double height = getHeight();
int seconds = 5;
double* results = calculateResults(height, seconds);
return 0;
* Asks the user for a height from which to start the experiment
* SI units
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double getHeight()
cout << "What height should the experiment start at; ";
double height;
cin >> height;
return height;
* given the initial height and the physical constants, the position of the ball
* is calculated at integer number seconds, beginning at 0
#include "constants.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double getPosition(double height, double time);
double* calculateResults(double height, int seconds)
double positions[seconds + 1];
for(int t = 0; t < seconds + 1; t++)
positions[t] = getPosition(height, t);
return positions;
double getPosition(double height, double time)
double position = height - 0.5*constants::gravity*pow(static_cast<double>(time), 2);
if( position < 0) position = 0;
//Commented code is for testing
//cout << position << endl;
return position;
* Takes the array of results and prints them in an appropriate format
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
void outputResults(double* results){
string outputText = "";
//The commented code is to test the output method
//Which is working
//double results1[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
//int numResults = sizeof(results1)/sizeof(results1[0]);
int numResults = sizeof(results)/sizeof(results[0]);
//cout << numResults; //= 0 ... Oh
for(int t = 0; t < numResults; t++)
ostringstream line;
line << "After " << t << " seconds the height of the object is " << results[t] << "\r";
cout << outputText;
And finally a couple of headers;
* dropSim.h
#ifndef DROPSIM_H_
#define DROPSIM_H_
double getHeight();
double* calculateResults(double height, int seconds);
void outputResults(double* results);
#endif /* DROPSIM_H_ */
* Contains physical constants relevant to simulation.
* SI units
#ifndef CONSTANTS_H_
#define CONSTANTS_H_
namespace constants
const double gravity(9.81);
#endif /* CONSTANTS_H_ */
I would say that you're over-engineering a big solution to a little problem, but to answer your specific question:
Should my program be structured differently, for performance, maintenance or style reasons, such that I would not be attempting to return an array like object?
Returning an array-like object is fine. But that doesn't mean returning an array, nor does it mean allocating raw memory with new.
And it's not restricted to return values either. When you're starting out with C++, it's probably best to just forget that it has built-in arrays at all. Most of the time, you should be using either std::vector or std::array (or another linear collection such as std::deque).
Built-in arrays should normally be viewed as a special-purpose item, included primarily for compatibility with C, not for everyday use.
It may, however, be worth considering writing your computation in the same style as the algorithms in the standard library. This would mean writing the code to receive an iterator to a destination, and writing its output to wherever that iterator designates.
I'd probably package the height and time together as a set of input parameters, and have a function that generates output based on those:
struct params {
double height;
int seconds;
template <class OutIt>
void calc_pos(params const &p, OutIt output) {
for (int i=0; i<p.seconds; i++) {
*output = get_position(p.height, i);
This works somewhat more clearly along with the rest of the standard library:
std::vector<double> results;
calc_pos(inputs, std::back_inserter(results));
You can go a few steps further if you like--the standard library has quite a bit to help with a great deal of this. Your calc_pos does little more than invoke another function repeatedly with successive values for the time. You could (for example) use std::iota to generate the successive times, then use std::transform to generate outputs:
std::vector<int> times(6);
std::iota(times.begin(), times.end(), 0);
std::vector<double> distances;
std::transform(times.begin(), times.end(), compute_distance);
This computes the distances as the distance dropped after a given period of time rather than the height above the ground, but given an initial height, computing the difference between the two is quite trivial:
double initial_height = 5;
std::vector<double> heights;
std::transform(distances.begin(), distances.end(),
[=](double v) { return max(initial_height-v, 0); });
At least for now, this doesn't attempt to calculate the ball bouncing when it hits the ground--it just assumes the ball immediately stops when it hits the ground.
You should get rid of self-allocated double * and use std::vector<double> instead. It's not difficult to learn and a basic step in modern C++
This is how I would solve the problem:
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::sqrt;
using std::fixed;
using std::setprecision;
using std::max;
using std::setw;
static const double g = 9.81;
class Calculator {
Calculator(double inh) : h(inh)
void DoWork() const {
double tmax = sqrt(h / ( g / 2));
for (double t=0.0; t<tmax; t+=1.0) {
void GenerateOutput(double t) const {
double x = g * t * t / 2;
double hremaining = max(h - x, 0.0);
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(10) << t;
cout << setw(10) << hremaining << endl;
double h;
int main() {
double h(0.0);
cout << "Enter height in meters: ";
cin >> h;
if (h > 0.0) {
const Calculator calc(h);
} else {
return 1;
return 0;

Why does returning a data structure rather than a pointer mess with the integrity of my data?

I'm building a sparse matrix class that holds two arrays (row and column) of pointers to doubly linked lists (down and right). Sort of like this:
m4 A-->B-->
n5 | |
s6 | V
7 V D-->
8 C-->
Both arrays are initialized to have nullptr in every space until something is inserted in that place.
I have a function "readFile" that reads in objects from a text file and inserts them into this sparse matrix. For some reason, before this function returns, all of the data in it is fine, but after I return, I get random memory locations in my arrays. Here is main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "sparseMatrix.h"
using namespace std;
class basic
int x, y;
string word;
basic *down;
basic *right;
basic(int x, int y, string word)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->word = word;
down = nullptr;
right = nullptr;
int getX()
return x;
int getY()
return y;
basic *getRight()
return right;
void setRight(basic *newRight)
right = newRight;
basic *getDown()
return down;
void setDown(basic *newDown)
down = newDown;
void print()
cout << "X: " << x << ", Y: " << y << ", word: " << word << ".\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> readFileBROKEN(string pathToFile);
sparseMatrix<basic> *readFile(string pathToFile);
int main()
cout << "Working:\n\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> *workingMatrix = readFile("C:/users/jmhjr/desktop/testdata.txt");
cout << "After returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
cout << "Not working:\n\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> brokenMatrix = readFileBROKEN("C:/users/jmhjr/desktop/testdata.txt");
cout << "After returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
delete workingMatrix;
sparseMatrix<basic> readFileBROKEN(string pathToFile)
ifstream inputFile;;
if (
cout << "Couldn't open " << pathToFile << "!\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> matrix(100, 100);
while (!inputFile.eof())
int x, y;
string word;
inputFile >> x >> y >> word;
basic data(x, y, word);
cout << "Before returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
cout << "press ENTER to return\n";
return matrix;
sparseMatrix<basic> *readFile(string pathToFile)
ifstream inputFile;;
if (
cout << "Couldn't open " << pathToFile << "!\n";
sparseMatrix<basic> *matrix = new sparseMatrix<basic>(100, 100);
while (!inputFile.eof())
int x, y;
string word;
inputFile >> x >> y >> word;
basic data(x, y, word);
cout << "Before returning, here are all the locations that are NOT nullptr:\n";
cout << "press ENTER to return\n";
return matrix;
and here is sparseMatrix.h:
template <class dataType>
class sparseMatrix
//The dimensions of the sparse matrix.
int width;
int height;
//Dynamic array of pointers to heads of linked lists.
dataType** xArray;
dataType** yArray;
//Constructor. Sets everything in the two arrays to nullptr.
sparseMatrix(int height, int width)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
xArray = new dataType*[width];
yArray = new dataType*[height];
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
this->yArray[row] = nullptr;
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
this->xArray[col] = nullptr;
//Deconstructor. First goes through the matrix and looks for every city it can find, and deletes
//all of those. Then when it's done, it deletes the two dynamic arrays.
dataType *currentdataType;
dataType *next;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
currentdataType = yArray[row];
while (currentdataType != nullptr)
next = currentdataType->getRight();
delete currentdataType;
currentdataType = next;
delete [] yArray;
delete [] xArray;
//Creates a copy of the data we are passed, then creates links to this copy.
void insert(dataType data)
//Make sure the data is valid.
if (data.getX() < 0 || data.getX() >= width || data.getY() < 0 || data.getY() >= height)
std::cout << "That dataType doesn't fit into the sparse matrix!\n";
//Copy the data we were passed.
dataType *newData = new dataType(data);
//Easy case. If nothing is in this row, set yArray[row] to the address of this data.
if (yArray[data.getY()] == nullptr)
yArray[data.getY()] = newData;
//Not so easy case. Move forward (right) until we find the right location, then set links.
dataType *current = yArray[data.getY()];
while (current->getRight() != nullptr)
current = current->getRight();
//Easy case. If nothing is in this col, set xArray[col] to the address of this data.
if (xArray[data.getX()] == nullptr)
xArray[data.getX()] = newData;
//Not so easy case. Move forward (down) until we find the right location, then set links.
dataType *current = xArray[data.getX()];
while (current->getDown() != nullptr)
current = current->getDown();
void printyArray()
for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
if (yArray[r] != nullptr)
std::cout << r << ' ';
readFile reads everything in from a file that looks like this:
0 0 hello
5 2 world
6 8 foo
9 5 bar
As expected, before returning, the only locations that are NOT nullptr are the ones that I have inserted into. (0, 2, 8 and 5). However when the function returns, EVERY SINGLE location in the array is not nullptr. I added a second function which returns a pointer to dynamically allocated sparseMatrix object, rather then returning the object itself, and this fixed it. However, I don't understand why. It seems like these two functions should behave identically the same way.
Also, the part that is most confusing to me, why does this run perfectly fine in Xcode, but not in Visual Studio?
tomse's answer is correct and gives the why and a fix, but it's an unnecessarily expensive fix for this problem. His suggestion of the copy constructor also solves numerous future problems such as the classics Why did my vector eat my data? and Dude, where's my segfault? Make the copy constructor. Don't use it unless you have to.
I think Andras Fekete got the problem right, but his post is kind of garbled. His solution is bang on, though.
Define your function like this:
bool readFile(string pathToFile, sparseMatrix<basic> & matrix)
Remove the definition of matrix inside the function in favour of the one passed in.
Return false on error so you know the matrix is bad (or use exceptions).
Create the matrix in the calling function and pass it into the revised reader function.
sparseMatrix<basic> matrix(100, 100);
if readFile("C:/users/jmhjr/desktop/testdata.txt", matrix);
That puts you right back where you were with the pointer version, but without the pointer and without having to do the extra work of copying data you didn't need to copy.
Your function:
sparseMatrix<basic> readFileBROKEN(string pathToFile)
returns a copy of the object (which is OK), but sparseMatrix does not define a copy constructor, so the default generated will be used which creates a shallow copy by just copying the adresses inside the returned object.
But the memory where the address points to is deleted when you leave your function (because the destructor of the locally created object is called).
To solve this you have to define your own copy contructor in sparseMatrix which copies all the content of the object.
sparseMatrix(const sparseMatrix& rhs) :
... and now copy all the content from rhs.xArray to this->xArray,
(same for yArray)
The problem is that you're allocating 'matrix' inside both of the readFile functions. Upon returning from the function, both variables are deallocated. However, returning the value (eradFile) the matrix is copied into your variable of the calling function, whereas returning the pointer (readFileBROKEN) is just returning the address where the matrix used to be stored.
To fix this, you should allocate the 'matrix' variable, and pass in a reference to the function. Then the function can return a void while stuffing the matrix properly.

Cannot access objects created in array of pointers

I am having trouble accessing objects that I have created in an array of pointers. I have some test code that shows the objects are being created but in my ShowCluster() function it hangs on the first iteration through the second level loop.
The way I believe I have it coded is that I have a Node** object that in essence becomes a 2d array. Since I am using the new operator I don't have to worry about the scope inside the function.
Any ideas on why I cannot display the contents of these objects that I have created. This is just toy code that I want to use to help my understanding of pointers.
#include <iostream>
#include "Node.h"
void Test(std::string message){
static int testNumber = 0;
std::cout << "[+] Test: " << testNumber << " : " << message << std::endl;
void Default2dNodeArray(Node** myCluster, int height, int width, int vecLength){
Test("Start of array creation.");
myCluster = new Node*[height];
for(int i=0; i<height; i++){
myCluster[i] = new Node[width];
Test("End of array creation.");
void ShowCluster(Node **myCluster, int height, int width){
Test("Start of Display array.");
for(int i=0; i<height; i++){
Test("Outer for loop");
for(int j=0; j<width; j++){
Test("Inner for loop");
std::cout << myCluster[i][j].myNodeString << " : " << myCluster[i][j].myNodeInt << std::endl;
Test("End of Display array.");
int main(){
int myHeight = 5;
int myWidth =8;
int myVecLength = 4;
Node** myNodeArray;
std::cout << "Starting pointer test" << std::endl;
Test("In main.");
Default2dNodeArray(myNodeArray, myHeight, myWidth, myVecLength);
Test("In main.");
ShowCluster(myNodeArray, myHeight, myWidth);
Test("In main.");
std::cout << "Ending pointer test" << std::endl;
return 1;
#include "Node.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
int Node::globalCounter = 0;
std::cout << "Node created." << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Default: " << globalCounter;
myNodeString = ss.str();;
myNodeInt = globalCounter;
myVecLength = new int[3];
Node::Node(std::string myString, int myInt, int vecLength){
myNodeString = "Non-Default:" + myString;
myNodeInt = globalCounter;
myVecLength = new int[vecLength];
#ifndef NODE_H_
#define NODE_H_
#include <string>
class Node {
static int globalCounter;
std::string myNodeString;
int myNodeInt;
int* myVecLength;
Node(std::string, int, int);
#endif /* NODE_H_ */
Whatever you do to your Node** myCluster variable in the Default2dNodeArray function, it will not be visible within your main function because you pass in myCluster by value. So myNodeArray in main will not be modified. If you want to modify it, either return the new variable from the function, or change the function signature to
void Default2dNodeArray(Node**& myCluster, int height, int width, int vecLength)
(note the reference in the first argument). Using a triple pointer would also be possible, but I think the intention of modifying the passed variable is much better expressed through a reference, especially since you are already dealing with a double pointer here. Also, it leaves the rest of the code untouched.
You're trying to create an array of pointers to Node objects and initialize each one of those pointers to a Node object allocated on the heap, and pass that around as a parameter.
Passing a pointer to a function can be done by value (i.e. the pointer gets copied, you're able to access the memory pointed by dereferencing it but you can't change the original pointer pointed value), by taking its address and passing it to the function, e.g.
Node *ptr = 0x10;
void function(Node** ptr_to_ptr) {
(*ptr_to_ptr) = 0x20; // This will modify ptr
or by reference (that will also modify the original pointer value)
Node *ptr = 0x10;
void function(Node*& ref_to_ptr) {
ref_to_ptr = 0x20; // This will modify ptr
in your case, since a double pointer is necessary to hold an array of pointers to Node objects and you're trying to pass it around by taking its address, you're going to end up using a triple pointer:
void Default2dNodeArray(Node*** myCluster, int height, int width, int vecLength) {
Test("Start of array creation.");
// Dereference to access the original double pointer value
*myCluster = new Node*[height];
for (int i = 0; i<height; i++){
(*myCluster)[i] = new Node[width];
Test("End of array creation.");
void ShowCluster(Node*** myCluster, int height, int width) {
Test("Start of Display array.");
for (int i = 0; i<height; i++){
Test("Outer for loop");
for (int j = 0; j<width; j++){
Test("Inner for loop");
std::cout << (*myCluster)[i][j].myNodeString << std::endl;
Test("End of Display array.");
int main(){
int myHeight = 5;
int myWidth = 8;
int myVecLength = 4;
Node** myNodeArray; // Double pointer
std::cout << "Starting pointer test" << std::endl;
Test("In main.");
Default2dNodeArray(&myNodeArray, myHeight, myWidth, myVecLength);
Test("In main.");
ShowCluster(&myNodeArray, myHeight, myWidth);
Test("In main.");
std::cout << "Ending pointer test" << std::endl;
return 1;
The above signatures look much scarier than they actually are. Try to figure out the small snippets I posted at the beginning and then move forward to this code.
If you understood the above example, it will be much easier to get that you could also have done it with a reference to a double pointer:
void Default2dNodeArray(Node**& myCluster, int height, int width, int vecLength)
// etc..
One last piece of advice: although this is just a test, remember to free all the allocated memory or you'll end up leaking it!