I am building an Ember app to show a simple Twitter-like tagging system. When a user visits /items, he or she will see a list of all items. When the user visits /tags, the user will see a list of tags as links. When the user clicks one of these links, the user should be directed to /tags/:id and will see all items tagged with that specific tag. Then the user will be able to search/sort/manipulate the items as he/she would be able to from the ItemsRoute.
How can I make TagRoute use ItemsController and render the items template, using the tag's associated items as the model?
I have tried different combinations of the hooks in TagRoute, and I'm not able to find a recipe that works. There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding on my part.
Here is my relevant code:
App.Router.map ()->
#resource 'items'
#resource 'tags', ->
#resource 'tag', path: ':tag_id'
App.TagRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params)->
#get('store').find 'tag', params.tag_id
controllerName: 'items'
setupController: (controller, model)->
#controllerFor('items').set('model', model.items)
renderTemplate: ->
#render 'items', ->
into: 'tags'
controller: 'items'
<ul class="tag-list">
{{#each tag in model}}
{{#link-to 'tag' tag}}
App.Item = DS.Model.extend(
body: DS.attr('string')
checked: DS.attr('boolean')
tags: DS.hasMany('tag')
App.Tag = DS.Model.extend(
name: DS.attr('string')
taggings_count: DS.attr('number')
items: DS.hasMany('item')
Currently, this give me an error:
Error while processing route: tag Cannot assign to read only property 'name' of function () {
return {
into: 'tags',
controller: 'items'
} TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'name' of function () {
return {
into: 'tags',
controller: 'items'
Looking at the Ember Routes Inspector in Chrome, the controllerName property is the only one which overrides Ember's defaults, and Ember still tries to render a generated tag template.
As ahmed.hoban suggested, I have solved this using query params. This helps me avoid duplicating routes and having a tangled router. It hits the database, which is not preferable, but I'm not sure at this point if I'll make that a requirement. I have control over the full-stack, so I was able to make adjustments on the back-end to support the request.
App.Router.map ()->
#resource 'tags', path: '/', ->
#resource 'items'
routes/tag.js.coffee - deleted
<ul class="tag-list">
{{#each tag in model}}
{{#link-to 'items' (query-params tag=tag.id)}}
App.ItemsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend(
needs: 'tags'
queryParams: ['tag']
tag: null
items: (->
tag = #get 'tag'
if tag
#store.find 'item', tag: tag
#get 'model'
).property('tag', 'model')
I'm building the mandatory TODO app to learn ember.
I have tasks and tags in a belongsTo/hasMany relationship (each tag hasMany tasks). When showing tasks, I want to show a computed property on each available tag.
App.Tag = DS.Model.extend({
tasks: DS.hasMany('task', {async: true}),
App.Task = DS.Model.extend({
tag: DS.belongsTo('tag', {async: true}),
App.TasksRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
tasks: this.store.find('task'),
tags: this.store.find('tag')
setupController: function(controller, model) {
this.controllerFor('tasks').set('content', model.tasks);
this.controllerFor('tags').set('content', model.tags);
Tags controller:
App.TagsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ["tag"]
Tag controller:
App.TagController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
taskCount: function() {
return this.get('tasks.length')
Tag partial:
{{#each tag in model}}
{{tag.name}} ({{controllers.tag.taskCount}} tasks)
The computed property 'taskCount' does not work. There is something wrong with 'this'.
Is this canonical way of doing it? And if so, what is wrong? Thanks
I had missed out
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.ActiveModelSerializer.extend();
And I've used render to get the controller decoration:
{{render 'tag' tag}}
which calls the controller before rendering
If I have an "organization" that has many "clinics" and in my app I don't want the routes nested, but I want to access the clinics on an organization page and the organization on a clinic page, is there something special I need to do? I am using rails as a backend and if I switch from the RestAdapter to the ActiveModelAdapter and embed the clinic ids it works, but I would like to know how to do it with the standard RestAdapter.
App.Router.map ->
#resource 'organizations', ->
#resource 'organization', path: 'organization/:organization_id', ->
#resource 'clinics', ->
Organization template:
{{#link-to 'clinics.new'}}New Clinic{{/link-to}}
<ul id="org-clinics">
{{#each clinics}}
<li>{{#link-to 'clinic' this}}{{name}}{{/link-to}}</li>
<strong>No clinics yet...</strong>
Organization model:
App.Organization = DS.Model.extend
name: DS.attr 'string'
clinics: DS.hasMany 'clinic', async: true
Clinic template:
<strong>Organization: </strong>{{organization.name}}
Clinic model:
App.Clinic = DS.Model.extend
name: DS.attr 'string'
organization: DS.belongsTo 'organization'
Depends on how you want to go about it, but you can bind controller content super easily. For example:
App.OrganizationsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['clinics'],
clinics: null,
clinicsBinding, 'controllers.clinics.content',
clinicsUpdated: function () {
// Do something here because some record updated
}.observes('clinics.#each.content') // Bind properties
App.ClinicsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['organizations'],
organizations: null,
organizationsBinding, 'controllers.organizations.content'
You can acess them in templates, too. For example, {{#each clinics}}
Hope that helps!
The Ember.js application
# routes/application.js.coffee
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
#store.findAll('category').then (records) ->
categories: records
# routes/categories.js.coffee
App.CategoriesRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
#store.find 'category'
# routes/category.js.coffee
App.CategoryRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
serialize: (model, params) ->
id: model.get('slug')
# templates/application.hbs
{{ partial 'categories' }}
{{ outlet }}
# templates/categories.hbs
{{#each category in categories}}
{{#link-to 'category' category}}
# templates/category.hbs
# router.js.coffee
App.Router.map ->
#resource 'categories', path: 'categories'
#resource 'category', path: 'category/:slug'
# store.js.coffee
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend
namespace: 'api/v1'
What I am trying to accomplish
I am loading Category on the Application route so the data can be used to render the site-wide navigation via the categories partial.
Model is acquired successfully and stored, according to the Ember console. If it makes any difference, one-to-many data is being sideloaded, called Sections, which is also stored successfully.
The category partial is rendered as expected, with links to each section. Clicking on them yields the rendering of the title and description.
What is wrong
Refreshing the application on the route of say, /#/category/title-1, doesn't render the category view (both title and description). However, clicking on the links generated in the categories partial will render the view.
What I expect on page load is the rendering of the category view, without the need of clicking on the categories links. What am I doing wrong?
After playing around with the Application for too long, I figured out a solution to my problem.
When using the Ember console, I saw that the model for the Category view was referenced to [Object object] and not App.Category. I had to specify the store to search by the slug. Therefore, the code looks like this
# routes/category.js.coffee
App.CategoryRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
serialize: (model, params) ->
id: model.get('slug')
#store.find('category', params.slug)
The view is now rendered on page load.
I have prepared this jsfiddle. This is the code:
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
revision: 13,
adapter: 'DS.FixtureAdapter'
App.Router.map(function() {
// put your routes here
App.User = DS.Model.extend({
name : DS.attr('string'),
email : DS.attr('string'),
App.User.FIXTURES = [{ id: 'me', name: 'Max Smith', email: 'max.smith#email.com' }];
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.User.find();
And this is the template:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#each model}}
<div class="form_labels_wrapper">
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dt>Id:</dt> <dd>{{id}}</dd>
<dt>Name:</dt> <dd>{{name}}</dd>
<dt>Email:</dt> <dd>{{email}}</dd>
What I want to do is to display the data of a single user. The opbject has no id (it represents the logged in user, which is session related, and has no id visible for ember). Instead, I am forced to create a list of users (with one user), and give it a fake id (me). This makes no sense in my application.
I would like to use this template, but I have no idea how to configure ember for this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<div class="form_labels_wrapper">
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dt>Name:</dt> <dd>{{name}}</dd>
<dt>Email:</dt> <dd>{{email}}</dd>
With this fixture:
App.User.FIXTURES = { name: 'Max Smith', email: 'max.smith#email.com' };
Note that this is a single element, and that I am not looping through the models with #each, because this should not be a list: there is only a single element.
Ember refuses to accept this. What can I do to get this to work?
You can returning an array of records from the model hook, as a result ember is generating an ArrayController for it, which expects it's content to be an array.
Change the model hook to return the single record. For instance using me as the id.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.User.find('me');
Then your template works. See the updated jsfiddle.
So I want to store all of my API keys in a config file in my backend so I don't have them scattered all over the place. So I thought I would be a able to create a Model on the frontend to do a GET on /config and then I would be returned a config object with any API keys I would need. So I'm basically trying to access a model from the ApplicationRoute. To be clear, the request happens right now but I have no idea how to access the data from the index template. I've tried things {{App.Config.apiKey}}, {{apiKey}}, trying to set #get.controllerFor('application').get('model') in the index controller and see if I could look at values, none have worked. I'm using Ember 1.0.0 .4pre. Thanks
So I have something like this:
App = Ember.Application.create
rootElement: '#app'
# Models
App.Store = DS.Store.extend
revision: 11
App.User = DS.Model.extend
firstName: DS.attr 'string'
lastName: DS.attr 'string'
accountType: DS.attr 'string'
email: DS.attr 'string'
_id: DS.attr 'string'
password: DS.attr 'string'
fullName: (->
"#{#get('firstName')} #{#get('lastName')}"
).property('firstName', 'lastName')
App.Config = DS.Model.extend
secret: DS.attr 'string'
apikey: DS.attr 'string'
# Controller
# This is has validations for a form in it but I don't think its relivent
App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend()
# Routes
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
DS.RESTAdapter.configure "plurals", {
config: "config"
App.Router.map ->
#resource 'index'
And my templates look something like this:
<!--- index.html --->
<div id="app"></div>
<!--- application.hbs --->
<div class="container">
<--- index.hbs --->
{{apiKey}} <!-- This is a value from the Config Model -->
{{firstName}} <!-- This is a value from the User Model -->
Either define explicitly your ApplicationController as an ObjectController
App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend()
then in your ApplicationRoute set the content of the controller to the config object
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend
setupController: (controller, model) ->
Or, set your config in your index controller such as
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller,model) {
and then in your template
{{config.apiKey}} <!-- This is a value from the Config Model -->
{{config.firstName}} <!-- This is a value from the User Model -->
See a working jsfiddle using the first approach
You can learn about the different type of controller supported by ember here