SqlAlchemy changes in Model description not applied in DB - flask

I am currently developing a server using Flask/SqlAlchemy. It occurs that when an ORM model is not present as a table in the database, it is created by default by SqlAlchemy.
However when an ORM class is changed with for instance an extra column is added, these changes do not get saved in the database. So the extra column will be missing, every time I query. I have to adjust my DB manually every time there is a change in the models that I use.
Is there a better way to apply changes in the models during development? I hardly think manual MySql manipulation is the best solution.

you can proceed as the following:
new_column = Column('new_column', String, default='some_default_value')
new_column.create(my_table, populate_default=True)
you can find more details about sqlalchemy migration in: https://sqlalchemy-migrate.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changeset.html


Django - Reading from live Database, created by separate application

I have an sqlite database located at /home/pi/Desktop/Databsaes/data.db and wish to access it from my models.py script.
To view table contents in a normal command prompt I would execute:
sqlite> .open data.db
sqlite> SELECT * from table1
I have been reading through this official tutorial, but I do not understand how to access my local db and perform the above.
In SQL terms, a QuerySet equates to a SELECT statement,
... but how can I perform something of the sort directly in my models.py script?
Models.py is still untouched:
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import models
# Create your models here
From what I am gathering, field lookups may be used, which specify arguments for QuerySet methods (such as get()).
I followed this tutorial to import the database into Django.
However my question is: Will new data added to this database by a separate process be visible from Django's side after the import?
If you do want to allow Django to manage the table’s lifecycle, you’ll need to change the managed option above to True (or simply remove it because True is its default value).
I don not know whether "manage the table's lifecycle" means to update the database with newer data once this is added.
I think the statement of managed=False might be the main point that confusing you. Here is the description on Model._meta.managed:
If False, no database table creation or deletion operations will be performed for this model. This is useful if the model represents an existing table or a database view that has been created by some other means. This is the only difference when managed=False. All other aspects of model handling are exactly the same as normal. This includes
This means new migrations will not be generated (through makemigrations) for the modification of models schema with managed=False. This implies that you are telling Django, "I'm not going to change these model's schema through Django" (But through other way, maybe through another service).
Note that all we were talking about are just the effect on schema changed, which is nothing to do with your real data. After the link of your database and Django model has been established, just as #DanielRoseman's comments, any data that is there will be visible to Django on each query.
Since according to your statement the question is for newly-added data, the answer should be yes. But, if you were meaning that new tables are created through other service (not through the Django service above), of course you still have to add the corresponding model to Django (with managed=False) then you will be able to access data through Django.

Does Django support setting the beginning value for an id column?

I have seen several questions and answers on SO, most were three years old or older and I looked at the Django documentation (hoping I didn't miss it). I have to have a 9+ digit number for an id. Most responses were to do this at the database. I am guessing that means to create the model in Django and then go back to the database and change the id column Django created with a new starting/next value attribute on the column.
If not how can I create a database table from Django, Code First, that allows me to create a table with an id column that starts at 100000000? And, it be done with the stock model object methods in Django. I don't really want to do a special hack. If that is the case, I can go the database and fix the column. I was trying to adhere to the Code First ideas of Django (though I prefer database first, and am afraid using inspectdb will make a mess.)
Edit: I didn't want to use UUID. I believe BigAutoField is best.
You should be able to do this in two steps:
1 - Specify your primary key explicitly using primary_key=TRUE in your model definition. See the Django docs for more info. You can then specify BigAutoField or whatever other type you want for the primary key.
2A - If you're populating the database up front, just set pk: 100000000 in your fixture.
2B - If you're not populating the database up front, use Django Model Migration Operations RunSQL as detailed here. For your SQL use ALTER TABLE tableName AUTO_INCREMENT=100000000.

Generally, when does Django model change require South?

I am new to Django. I have completed the tutorial and am reading the documentation for more learning. As I try to add to my understanding, say, in new Managers or ModelForms I am curious as to what needs South (or even just scrapping it and rewriting the app).
update django database to reflect changes in existing models
The link above says basically that any column change it is necessary, while the link below is more of what I am asking. Can someone generalize when it is not needed (eg: Adding a new Form/ModelForm based on an existing Model? Adding a Manager?) If no changes are made to the columns of the database South is not then not necessary?
Does changing a django models related_name attribute require a south migration?
There are two types of south migrations: schema and data.
Data migrations are used to change data in the DB and not the schema of the DB.
The schema migrations are the ones you are interested in. They are used to keep track of changes to the DB schema and one should accompany any changes to your models that result in DB schema change (create table, drop table, drop column, change null constrain e.g.)
Some great insights might be found if you read two consecutive migrations for a django app.
In each of them you can find code that applies the migreation, code that reverts the migrations and a snapshot of the DB schema.
P.S. It is quite easy to check if south migration is needed for a particular change in your models. Just run a schemamigration for the modified django app and delete the newly created migration if such was created. As creating a south migration is different that running it, this is a great way to test and learn.
Keep in mind that south is a piece of software like any other and it does 'support' bugs.
Related_name attribute changes only affect your project and django uses it to make queries.
Changes like blank = True/False, null = True/False, symmetrical = True/False require database changes although symmetrical = True/False does not trigger update by south, but the setting definitely makes difference at field creation.
Column changes, like the link in your post shows, require updates in database and that's what south does very good.

Modify the django models

I just tested it myself. I had Django models, and there have already been instances of the models in the database.
Then I added a dummy integer field to a model and ran manage.py syncdb. Checked the database, and nothing happened to the table. I don't see the extra field added in.
Is this the expected behavior? What's the proper way of modifying the model, and how will that alter the data that's already in the database?
Django will not alter already existing tables, they even say so in the documentation. The reason for this is that django can not guarantee that there will be no information lost.
You have two options if you want to change existing tables. Either drop them and run syncdb again, but you will need to store your data somehow if you want to keep it. The other options is to use a migrations tool to do this for you. Django can show you the SQL for the new database schema and you can diff that to the current version of the database to create the update script.
You could even update your database mannually if it is a small change and you don't want to bother with migrations tools, though I would recommend to use one.
Please use south for any kind of changes to get reflected to your database tables,
here goes the link for using south
Link for South documentation

Can I use a database view as a model in Django?

i'd like to use a view i've created in my database as the source for my django-view.
Is this possible, without using custom sql?
******13/02/09 UPDATE***********
Like many of the answers suggest, you can just make your own view in the database and then use it within the API by defining it in models.py.
some warning though:
manage.py syncdb will not work anymore
the view need the same thing at the start of its name as all the other models(tables) e.g if your app is called "thing" then your view will need to be called thing_$viewname
Just an update for those who'll encounter this question (from Google or whatever else)...
Currently Django has a simple "proper way" to define model without managing database tables:
Defaults to True, meaning Django will create the appropriate database tables in syncdb and remove them as part of a reset management command. That is, Django manages the database tables' lifecycles.
If False, no database table creation or deletion operations will be performed for this model. This is useful if the model represents an existing table or a database view that has been created by some other means. This is the only difference when managed is False. All other aspects of model handling are exactly the same as normal.
Since Django 1.1, you can use Options.managed for that.
For older versions, you can easily define a Model class for a view and use it like your other views. I just tested it using a Sqlite-based app and it seems to work fine. Just make sure to add a primary key field if your view's "primary key" column is not named 'id' and specify the view's name in the Meta options if your view is not called 'app_classname'.
The only problem is that the "syncdb" command will raise an exception since Django will try to create the table. You can prevent that by defining the 'view models' in a separate Python file, different than models.py. This way, Django will not see them when introspecting models.py to determine the models to create for the app and therefor will not attempt to create the table.
I just implemented a model using a view with postgres 9.4 and django 1.8.
I created custom migration classes like this:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import migrations
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('myapp', '0002_previousdependency'),
sql = """
create VIEW myapp_myview as
select your view here
operations = [
migrations.RunSQL("drop view if exists myapp_myview;"),
I wrote the model as I normally would. It works for my purposes.
Note- When I ran makemigrations a new migration file was created for the model, which I manually deleted.
Full disclosure- my view is read only because I am using a view derived from a jsonb data type and have not written an ON UPDATE INSTEAD rule.
We've done this quite extensively in our applications with MySQL to work around the single database limitation of Django. Our application has a couple of databases living in a single MySQL instance. We can achieve cross-database model joins this way as long as we have created views for each table in the "current" database.
As far as inserts/updates into views go, with our use cases, a view is basically a "select * from [db.table];". In other words, we don't do any complex joins or filtering so insert/updates trigger from save() work just fine. If your use case requires such complex joins or extensive filtering, I suspect you won't have any problems for read-only scenarios, but may run into insert/update issues. I think there are some underlying constraints in MySQL that prevent you from updating into views that cross tables, have complex filters, etc.
Anyway, your mileage may vary if you are using a RDBMS other than MySQL, but Django doesn't really care if its sitting on top of a physical table or view. It's going to be the RDBMS that determines whether it actually functions as you expect. As a previous commenter noted, you'll likely be throwing syncdb out the window, although we successfully worked around it with a post-syncdb signal that drops the physical table created by Django and runs our "create view..." command. However, the post-syncdb signal is a bit esoteric in the way it gets triggered, so caveat emptor there as well.
EDIT: Of course by "post-syncdb signal" I mean "post-syncdb listener"
From Django Official Documentation, you could call the view like this:
#import library
from django.db import connection
#Create the cursor
cursor = connection.cursor()
#Write the SQL code
sql_string = 'SELECT * FROM myview'
#Execute the SQL
result = cursor.fetchall()
Hope it helps ;-)