set "stickness on TCP connection" in loadbalancer on AWS - amazon-web-services

I'm scaling up TCP service on AWS now. I investigated for a while and find
"sticky sessions" is using cookie to attach all requests from one user to specific instance via HTTP protocol. However, for TCP connection, is there any solution to open up "stickness" in TCP connection?
Very Thanks.

No. AWS does not provide any mechanism for TCP sticky sessions. That's the price you pay for being deeper in the network stack.


Enable logging for NLP while using TCP listener in AWS

I have NLB which has TCP listener configured at port 80. I wanted to enable logging for all the incoming requests. The AWS docs says TLS listeners are required when such logging is needed.
I cant use CloudTrail due to company restriction and the limit defined to my project.
Is there a way to enable logs using TCP listener in NLB?

AWS Security Group connection tracking failing for responses with a body in ASP.NET Core app running in ECS + Fargate

In my application:
ASP.NET Core 3.1 with Kestrel
Running in AWS ECS + Fargate
Services run in a public subnet in the VPC
Tasks listen only in the port 80
Public Network Load Balancer with SSL termination
I want to set the Security Group to allow inbound connections from anywhere ( to port 80, and disallow any outbound connection from inside the task (except, of course, to respond to the allowed requests).
As Security Groups are stateful, the connection tracking should allow the egress of the response to the requests.
In my case, this connection tracking only works for responses without body (just headers). When the response has a body (in my case, >1MB file), they fail. If I allow outbound TCP connections from port 80, they also fail. But if I allow outbound TCP connections for the full range of ports (0-65535), it works fine.
I guess this is because when ASP.NET Core + Kestrel writes the response body it initiates a new connection which is not recognized by the Security Group connection tracking.
Is there any way I can allow only responses to requests, and no other type of outbound connection initiated by the application?
So we're talking about something like that?
Client ----> AWS NLB/ELB public ----> AWS ECS network router or whatever (kubernetes) --------> ECS server instance running a server application (kubernetes pod)
Do you configure the security group on the AWS NLB or on the AWS ECS? (I guess both?)
Security groups should allow incoming traffic if you allow port 80.
They are indeed stateful. They will allow the connection to proceed both ways after it is established (meaning the application can send a response).
However firewall state is not kept for more than 60 seconds typically (not sure what technology AWS is using), so the connection can be "lost" if the server takes more than 1 minute to reply. Does the HTTP server take a while to generate the response? If it's a websocket or TCP server instead, does it spend whole minutes at times without sending or receiving any traffic?
The way I see it. We've got two stateful firewalls. The first with the NLB. The second with ECS.
ECS is an equivalent to kubernetes, it must be doing a ton of iptables magic to distribute traffic and track connections. (For reference, regular kubernetes works heavily with iptables and iptables have a bunch of -very important- settings like connection durations and timeouts).
Good news is. If it breaks when you open inbound, but it works when you open inbound + outbound*. This is definitely an issue due to the firewall dropping the connection, most likely due to losing state. (or it's not stateful in the first place but I'm pretty sure security groups are stateful).
The drop could happen on either of the two firewalls. I've never had an issue with a single bare NLB/ELB, so my guess is the problem is in the ECS or the interaction of the two together.
Unfortunately we can't debug that and we have very little information about how this works internally. Your only option will be to work with the AWS support to investigate.

Tcp level Information on Ec2

I'm trying to get TCP timestamp from the packets for clock skewing purposes on my application which is hosted on EC2. In my network I have an ALB.
So my question is how do I get TCP level packet information in my app ? Since ALB filters out all the OSI Layers except application level (HTTP)
If the only reason to get access to TCP packet is to detect timestamp and correct clock drift, I would suggest to configure your EC2 instance to use NTP time server instead.
That being said, the ALB is not "removing" TCP information from network packets. HTTP connections made to your application are still transported over IP and TCP. If you need low level access to network packets from an app, I would suggest to look at the pCAP library which is used by TCPDUMP and many other tool to capture network traffic on an interface.
[UPDATED to include comments]
It is important to understand the TCP connection between your client and the ALB is terminated at the ALB level. The ALB creates a second TCP connection to forward HTTP requests to your EC2 instance. The ALB does not remove information from TCP/IP, it just creates a second, independent and new connection. Usually the only information you want to propagate from the initial TCP connection is the source IP address. The ALB, like most load balancers and proxies, captures this information from the original connection (the one received from the client) and embed the information in an HTTP header called X-Forwarded-For.
This is documented at
If you want to capture other information from the original connection, I am afraid it will not be possible using ALB. (but I also would be very curious about the use case, i.e. WHAT you're trying to achieve)

Websocket timeouts using AWS Application Load Balancer

I'm getting gateway time-outs when trying to use a port specifically for websockets using an Application Load Balancer inside an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
The web application and websocket server is held within a Docker container, the application runs fine however wss:// will just time out.
Here is the Load balancer listeners, using the SSL cert for wss.
The target group it points to is accepting 'Protocol' of HTTP (I've tried HTTPS) and forwards to 8080 onto an EC2 instance. Or.. It should be. (Doesn't appear to be an option for TCP on Application Load Balancers).
I've had a look over the Application Load Balancer logs and it looks like the it reaches the target group, but times out between it's connection to the EC2 instance, and I'm stumped on why.
All AWS Security Groups have been opened on all traffic for the time being, I've checked the host and found that the port is open and being listened to by Nginx which will route to the correct port to the docker container:
docker ps also shows me:
And once inside the container I can see that the port is being listened to by the Websocket server:
So it can't be the EC2 instance itself, can it? Is there an issue routing websockets via ports in an ALB?
-- Edit --
Current SG of the ALB:
The EC2 instance SG:
Accepted answer here seems to be "open Security Groups for EC2 (web server) and ALB inbound & outbound communication on required ports since websockets need two way communication."
This is incorrect and the reason why it solved the problem is coincidental.
Let me explain:
"Websockets needs two way communication..." - Sure but the TCP sessions is only ever opened from one way - from the client.
You don't have to allow any outbound connections from the EC2 instance (web server) in order to use web sockets.
Of course the ALB needs to be able to do TCP connections to the EC2 instance. But not to the client. Why? Well the ALB is accepting TCP connections (usually on port 80 and 443). It is setting up a TCP session that was initiated by the client. It is then trying to set up a new TCP session to the web server behind the ALB. This should be done on the port that you decided to have the web server listening on. The Security Group around the ALB needs to be able to do outbound connections on this port to the web server. This is the reason why "open up everything" worked. It has nothing to do with "two way communication".
You could use any ports of course but you don't need to use any other ports than 80 & 443 (such as 8080) on both the Load Balancer or the EC2.
Websockets need two way communication, make sure security groups attached to all resources (EC2 & ALB) allow both inbound & outbound communication on required ports.

HTTP2 over AWS ELB under TCP Mode

Does anyone have the experience using HTTP2 server behind AWS ELB running in TCP Mode?
As I know, AWS ELB does not support HTTP2 now, however, by using TCP mode, it should pass the request to the backend server transparently.
Does someone have the experience for sharing?
Thank you.
Yes, TCP port 443 works to bypass ELB's HTTPS, but there's no way to do session stickiness since ELB can't read the cookies over the wire.
You may also consider using h2c (HTTP/2 over cleartext).
Supposedly the new Application Load Balancer supports HTTP/2. I'm a little unclear whether it's useful, however, if CloudFront doesn't support it yet:
ELB has no way of pipelining connections. Therefore you cannot trick it into do http2. Maybe with the new version coming out, but not sure.