Tastypie - Get foreign key resource uri without redundant join query - django

I'm having Trouble figuring out how to get a resource uri of a foreign key without invoking an Extra Join Query to the database.
Let's say I have the following resource:
section = fields.ForeignKey(SectionResource,attribute='section')
What happens is that tastypie generates an extra Join to the Section table in order to populate the "section" field with data (for example).
BUT, I don't need this extra Join in order to populate this field's value (I need only the resource uri), since I already have it in the Question table (section_id) - All I need to do is prefix the 'section_id' field with 'api/v1/section/'.
I can do something like this:
section = fields.IntegerField(attribute='section_id')
But I will get only the id, without the prefix of 'api/v1/section/'
I know I can override dehydrate to do it, But I was wondering if there is a built in way in Tastypie to do it , cause it seems like an ugly workaround.


Problem with .only() method, passing to Pagination / Serialization --- all fields are getting returned instead of the ones specified in only()

I am trying load some data into datatables. I am trying to specify columns in the model.objects query by using .only() --- at first glance at the resulting QuerySet, it does in fact look like the mySQL query is only asking for those columns.
However, When I try to pass the QuerySet into Paginator, and/or a Serializer, the result has ALL columns in it.
I cannot use .values_list() because that does not return the nested objects that I need to have serialized as part of my specific column ask. I am not sure what is happening to my .only()
db_result_object = model.objects.prefetch_related().filter(qs).order_by(asc+sort_by).only(*columns_to_return)
paginated_results = Paginator(db_result_object,results_per_page)
serialized_results = serializer(paginated_results.object_list,many=True)
paginated_results.object_list = serialized_results.data
return paginated_results
This one has tripped me up too. In Django, calling only() doesn't return data equivalent to a SQL statement like this:
SELECT col_to_return_1, ... col_to_return_n
FROM appname_model
The reason it doesn't do it like this is because Django returns data to you not when you construct the QuerySet, but when you first access data from that QuerySet (see lazy QuerySets).
In the case of only() (a specific example of what is called a deferred field) you still get all of the fields like you normally would, but the difference is that it isn't completely loaded in from the database immediately. When you access the data, it will only load the fields included in the only statement. Some useful docs here.
My recommendation would be to write your Serializer so that it is only taking care of the one specific filed, likely using a SerializerMethodField with another serializer to serialize your related fields.

Django queryset behind the scenes

Difference between creating a foreign key for consistency and for joins
I am fine to use Foreignkey and Queryset API with Django.
I just want to understand little bit more deeply how it works behind the scenes.
In Django manual, it says
a database index is automatically created on the ForeignKey. You can
disable this by setting db_index to False. You may want to avoid the
overhead of an index if you are creating a foreign key for consistency
rather than joins, or if you will be creating an alternative index
like a partial of multiple column index.
creating for a foreign key for consistency rather than joins
this part is confusing me.
I expected that you use Join keyword if you do query with Foreign key like below.
INNER JOIN users ON vehicles.car_owner = users.user_id
For example,
class Place(models.Model):
name = models.Charfield(max_length=50)
address = models.Charfield(max_length=50)
class Comment(models.Model):
place = models.ForeignKeyField(Place)
content = models.Charfield(max_length=50)
if you use queryset like Comment.objects.filter(place=1), i expected using Join Keyword in low level SQL command.
but, when I checked it by printing out queryset.query in console, it showed like below.
(I simplified with Model just to explains. below, it shows all attributes in my model. you can ignore attributes)
"bfm_comment"."id", "bfm_comment"."content", "bfm_comment"."user_id", "bfm_comment"."place_id", "bfm_comment"."created_at"
FROM "bfm_comment" WHERE "bfm_comment"."place_id" = 1
creating a foreign key for consistency vs creating a foreign key for joins
simply, I thought if you use any queryset, it means using foreign key for joins. Because you can get parent's table data by c = Comment.objects.get(id=1) c.place.name easily. I thought it joins two tables behind scenes. But result of Print(queryset.query) didn't how Join Keyword but Find it by Where keyword.
The way I understood from an answer
Case 1:
"bfm_comment"."id", "bfm_comment"."content", "bfm_comment"."user_id", "bfm_comment"."place_id", "bfm_comment"."created_at"
FROM "bfm_comment"
WHERE "bfm_comment"."id" = 1
Case 2:
SELECT "bfm_comment"."id", "bfm_comment"."content", "bfm_comment"."user_id", "bfm_comment"."place_id", "bfm_comment"."created_at"
FROM "bfm_comment" INNER JOIN "bfm_place" ON ("bfm_comment"."place_id" = "bfm_place"."id")
WHERE "bfm_place"."name" = df
Case1 is searching rows which has comment.id column is 1 in just Comment table.
But in Case 2, it needs to know Place table's attribute 'name', so It has to use JOIN keyword to check values in column of Place table. Right?
So Is it alright to think that I create a foreign key for joins if i use queryset like Case2 and that it is better to create index on the Foreign Key?
for above question, I think I can take the answer from Django Manual
Consider adding indexes to fields that you frequently query using
filter(), exclude(), order_by(), etc. as indexes may help to speed up
lookups. Note that determining the best indexes is a complex
database-dependent topic that will depend on your particular
application. The overhead of maintaining an index may outweigh any
gains in query speed
In conclusion, it really depends on how my application work with it.
If you execute the following command the mystery will be revealed
./manage.py sqlmigrate myapp 0001
Take care to replace myapp with your app name (bfm I think) and 0001 with the actual migration where the Comment model is created.
The generated sql will reveal that the actual table is created with place_id int rather than a place Place that is because the RDBMS doesn't know anything about models, the models are only in the application level. It's the job of the django orm to fetch the data from the RDBMS and convert them into model instances. That's why you always get a place member in each of your Comment instances and that place member gives you access to the members of the related Place instance in turn.
So what happens when you do?
Django is smart enough to know that you are referring to a place_id because 1 is obviously not an instance of a Place. But if you used a Place instance the result would be the same. So there is no join here. The above query would definitely benefit from having an index on the place_id, but it wouldn't benefit from having a foreign key constraint!! Only the Comment table is queried.
If you want a join, try this:
Comment.objects.filter(place__name='my home')
Queries of this nature with the __ often result in joins, but sometimes it results in a sub query.
Querysets are lazy.
QuerySets are lazy – the act of creating a QuerySet doesn’t involve
any database activity. You can stack filters together all day long,
and Django won’t actually run the query until the QuerySet is
evaluated. Take a look at this example:

django orm - How to use select_related() on the Foreign Key of a Subclass from its Super Class

I've always found the Django orm's handling of subclassing models to be pretty spiffy. That's probably why I run into problems like this one.
Take three models:
class A(models.Model):
field1 = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class B(A):
fk_field = models.ForeignKey('C')
class C(models.Model):
field2 = models.CharField(max_length=255)
So now you can query the A model and get all the B models, where available:
the_as = A.objects.all()
for a in the_as:
print a.b.fk_field.field2 #Note that this throws an error if there is no B record
The problem with this is that you are looking at a huge number of database calls to retrieve all of the data.
Now suppose you wanted to retrieve a QuerySet of all A models in the database, but with all of the subclass records and the subclass's foreign key records as well, using select_related() to limit your app to a single database call. You would write a query like this:
the_as = A.objects.select_related("b", "b__fk_field").all()
One query returns all of the data needed! Awesome.
Except not. Because this version of the query is doing its own filtering, even though select_related is not supposed to filter any results at all:
set_1 = A.objects.select_related("b", "b__fk_field").all() #Only returns A objects with associated B objects
set_2 = A.objects.all() #Returns all A objects
len(set_1) > len(set_2) #Will always be False
I used the django-debug-toolbar to inspect the query and found the problem. The generated SQL query uses an INNER JOIN to join the C table to the query, instead of a LEFT OUTER JOIN like other subclassed fields:
SELECT "app_a"."field1", "app_b"."fk_field_id", "app_c"."field2"
FROM "app_a"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "app_b" ON ("app_a"."id" = "app_b"."a_ptr_id")
INNER JOIN "app_c" ON ("app_b"."fk_field_id" = "app_c"."id");
And it seems if I simply change the INNER JOIN to LEFT OUTER JOIN, then I get the records that I want, but that doesn't help me when using Django's ORM.
Is this a bug in select_related() in Django's ORM? Is there any work around for this, or am I simply going to have to do a direct query of the database and map the results myself? Should I be using something like Django-Polymorphic to do this?
It looks like a bug, specifically it seems to be ignoring the nullable nature of the A->B relationship, if for example you had a foreign key reference to B in A instead of the subclassing, that foreign key would of course be nullable and django would use a left join for it. You should probably raise this in the django issue tracker. You could also try using prefetch_related instead of select_related that might get around your issue.
I found a work around for this, but I will wait a while to accept it in hopes that I can get some better answers.
The INNER JOIN created by the select_related('b__fk_field') needs to be removed from the underlying SQL so that the results aren't filtered by the B records in the database. So the new query needs to leave the b__fk_field parameter in select_related out:
the_as = A.objects.select_related('b')
However, this forces us to call the database everytime a C object is accessed from the A object.
for a in the_as:
#Note that this throws an DoesNotExist error if a doesn't have an
#associated b
print a.b.fk_field.field2 #Hits the database everytime.
The hack to work around this is to get all of the C objects we need from the database from one query and then have each B object reference them manually. We can do this because the database call that accesses the B objects retrieved will have the fk_field_id that references their associated C object:
c_ids = [a.b.fk_field_id for a in the_as] #Get all the C ids
the_cs = C.objects.filter(pk__in=c_ids) #Run a query to get all of the needed C records
for c in the_cs:
for a in the_as:
if a.b.fk_field_id == c.pk: #Throws DoesNotExist if no b associated with a
a.b.fk_field = c
I'm sure there's a functional way to write that without the nested loop, but this illustrates what's happening. It's not ideal, but it provides all of the data with the absolute minimum number of database hits - which is what I wanted.

Django: Equivalent of "select [column name] from [tablename]"

I wanted to know is there anything equivalent to:
select columnname from tablename
Like Django tutorial says:
fetches all the objects with the given condition. It is like:
select * from Entry where condition
But I want to make a list of only one column [which in my case is a foreign key]. Found that:
Entry.objects.values_list('column_name', flat=True).filter(condition)
does the same. But in my case the column is a foreign key, and this query loses the property of a foreign key. It's just storing the values. I am not able to make the look-up calls.
Of course, values and values_list will retrieve the raw values from the database. Django can't work its "magic" on a model which means you don't get to traverse relationships because you're stuck with the id the foreign key is pointing towards, rather than the ForeignKey field.
If you need to filters those values, you could do the following (assuming column_name is a ForeignKey pointing to MyModel):
ids = Entry.objects.values_list('column_name', flat=True).filter(...)
my_models = MyModel.objects.filter(pk__in=set(ids))
Here's a documentation for values_list()
To restrict a query set to a specific column(s) you use .values(columname)
You should also probably add distinct to the end, so your query will end being:
See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#django.db.models.query.QuerySet.values
for more information
Depending on your answer in the comment, I'll come back and edit.
I'm not certain if the approach is right one though. You can get all of your objects in a python list by getting a normal queryset via filter and then doing:
myobjectlist = map(lambda x: x.mycolumnname, myqueryset)
The only problem with that approach is if your queryset is large your memory use is going to be equally large.
Anyway, I'm still not certain on some of the specifics of the problem.
You have a model A with a foreign key to another model B, and you want to select the Bs which are referred to by some A. Is that right? If so, the query you want is just:
B.objects.filter(a__isnull = False)
If you have conditions on the corresponding A, then the query can be:
B.objects.filter(a__field1 = value1, a__field2 = value2, ...)
See Django's backwards relation documentation for an explanation of why this works, and the ForeignKey.related_name option if you want to change the name of the backwards relation.

Django QuerySet access foreign key field directly, without forcing a join

Suppose you have a model Entry, with a field "author" pointing to another model Author. Suppose this field can be null.
If I run the following QuerySet:
Where X is some value. Suppose in MySQL I have setup a compound index on Entry for some other column and author_id, ideally I'd like the SQL to just use "author_id" on the Entry model, so that it can use the compound index.
It turns out that Entry.objects.filter(author=5) would work, no join is done. But, if I say author=None, Django does a join with Author, then add to the Where clause Author.id IS NULL. So in this case, it can't use the compound index.
Is there a way to tell Django to just check the pk, and not follow the link?
The only way I know is to add an additional .extra(where=['author_id IS NULL']) to the QuerySet, but I was hoping some magic in .filter() would work.
(Sorry I was not clearer earlier about this, and thanks for the answers from lazerscience and Josh).
Does this not work as expected?
You can either use a model or the model id in a foreign key filter. I can't check right yet if this executes a separate query, though I'd really hope it wouldn't.
If do as you described and do not use select_related() Django will not perform any join at all - no matter if you filter for the primary key of the related object or the related itself (which doesn't make any difference).
You can try:
print Entry.objects.(author=X).query
Assuming that the foreign key to Author has the name author_id, (if you didn't specify the name of the foreign key column for ForeignKey field, it should be NAME_id, if you specified the name, then check the model definition / your database schema),
should work.
Second Attempt:
Maybe you can have a separate query, depending on whether X is null or not by having author__isnull?
Pretty late, but I just ran into this. I'm using Q objects to build up the query, so in my case this worked fine:
This generates sql like
NOT ("author_id" > 0 AND "author_id" IS NOT NULL)
You could probably solve the problem in this question by using