I have a simple code of union-find as below:
let rec find p x =
if p.(x) = x
then x
let y = find p (p.(x)) in
p.(x) <- y;
let union x y p =
p.(find p y) <- p.(find p x);
let a = [|0;1;2;3;4|]
let print_array a =
Array.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i" i; print_string " ") a
let print_union =
let a = union 0 1 a in
print_string "Result union (0, 1): ";
print_array a;
print_string "\n"
the result will be:
Result union (0, 1): 0 0 2 3 4
I am having a hard time to go further to get the disjoint-set.
For instance the example above I want to get: {0,1},{2},{3},{4}
Thank you for your help.
For obvious reasons, you can't print that result without going through the whole structure.
So, you want to collect inhabitants from all of your union-find:
let print_classes a =
(* Let's first create an array for storing the classes *)
let classes = Array.make (Array.length a) [] in
(* Let's now populate it!
I'm going backwards in the array to have nicer printing *)
for i = (Array.length classes) - 1 downto 0
do classes.(a.(i)) <- i :: (classes.(a.(i))) done;
(* And now the printing *)
Array.iter (function
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> Printf.printf "{%d%a}" h
(fun c -> List.iter (fun x -> Printf.fprintf c ",%i" x)) t
I used Printf functions for the sake of brevity, you can find their doc here.
Note that this could probably be improved as it creates a potentially big array that may be "almost not" populated. depending on the frequency in which you'll use this function, you may want to store the equivalence class along with the class leader (I had to do that once, I used Set and Map from the stdlib).
I want to write a function that gives the cartesiant product of two sequences that's what i did but i thought that it can be interesting to have less complexity with I want to browsing once the first sequence s1 and n times the second using map and then append all the results:
`let cartesian_product a b =
let na = length a in
let nb = length b in
(na * nb)
(fun j -> let i = j / nb in
at a i, at b (j - i*nb))
that's what i did for the moment :
`let rec cartesian_product a b =
let rec aux x b () = match b () with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons(e, b) -> Cons ((x, e), aux x b)
match a () with
| Nil -> nil
| Cons (x, a) -> append (aux x b) (cartesian_product a b)`
but i didn't use map (is there a better way for doing that)??
Your aux function is essentially a specific case of map so you can write:
let rec cartesian_product a b = match a () with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (x, a) -> append (map (fun e -> (x, e)) b) (cartesian_product a b)
As a rule of thumb when you feel the need to write a function called aux, take a step back and think whether you can use map or fold. In fact, you could improve my code by using a fold instead of deconstructing the sequence yourself.
Here an example of the algorithm with a structure of list :
let cartesian_product a b =
let open List in
let mk_tuple l n = map (fun x -> (n,x)) l in
a |> map (mk_tuple b) |> fold_left append []
This will give you :
cartesian_product [0;1] [2;3];;
- : (int * int) list = [(0, 2); (0, 3); (1, 2); (1, 3)]
I would like to log (print for now) all the elements in results before reducing it for return. Is there a way to achieve that?
let calculate ~size_of_experiment:s ~number_of_buckets:n =
let results = run_experiments s n in
List.iter (fun x -> print_endline x) results;
List.fold_left (fun x y -> x + (snd y)) 0 results
The code above does not compile:
Error: This expression has type (int * int) list
but an expression was expected of type string list
Type int * int is not compatible with type string
Your only problem seems to be that elements of the list are of type (int * int) and you are treating them as strings.
let string_of_int_pair (a, b) = Printf.sprintf "(%d, %d)" a b
let calculate ~size_of_experiment:s ~number_of_buckets:n =
let results = run_experiments s n in
List.iter (fun x -> print_endline (string_of_int_pair x)) results;
List.fold_left (fun x y -> x + (snd y)) 0 results
The more general problem is that it would be really nice to have a way to print values of various types without writing the code yourself for each case. For that you can use something like deriving.
I want to read some numbers from a file, take them to a list and finally display them on the screen.
numbers.txt currently has 2 3 5 7 11 however as output i'am getting 11 7 5 3 2 - : unit = ()
Why is this happening?
let rec int_list_from_sb sb n =
match n with
| 0 -> [];
| _ -> (bscanf sb " %d" (fun a -> a))::(int_list_from_sb sb (n - 1));;
let file_name = open_in "numbers.txt" in
let sb = Scanning.from_channel file_name in
let int_list = int_list_from_sb sb 5 in
List.iter (fun a -> print_int a) int_list;;
The order of evaluation of arguments is unspecified in OCaml. So when you do f x :: g y, it is unspecified whether f or g gets called first. In your case the recursive call is invoked before the call to bscanf, which is why you get the results in the wrong order.
The general way to fix evaluation-order issues is to put the arguments to a function into local variables when the order of their side effects matters. So instead of f x :: g y, you'd do let fx = f x in fx :: g y if you want the effects of f x to happen before g is called.
However in your case you can just make use of bscanf's continuation argument like this:
bscanf sb " %d" (fun a -> a :: int_list_from_sb sb (n - 1))
Can someone explain the syntax used for when you have nested functions?
For example I have a outer and an inner recursive function.
let rec func1 list = match list with
[] -> []
|(head::tail) ->
let rec func2 list2 = match list2 with
I have spent all day trying to figure this out and I'm getting a ever tiring "Syntax error".
You don't show enough code for the error to be obvious.
Here is a working example:
# let f x =
let g y = y * 5 in
g (x + 1);;
val f : int -> int = <fun>
# f 14;;
- : int = 75
Something that might help until you're used to OCaml syntax is to use lots of extra parentheses:
let rec f y x =
match x with
| h :: t -> (
let incr v = if h = y then 1 + v else v in
incr (f y t)
| _ -> (
It's particularly hard to nest one match inside another without doing this sort of thing. This may be your actual problem rather than nested functions.
i'm trying to learn ocaml right now and wanted to start with a little program, generating all bit-combinations:
... and so on
My idea is the following code:
let rec bitstr length list =
if length = 0 then
else begin
bitstr (length-1)("0"::list);
bitstr (length-1)("1"::list);
But i get the following error:
Warning S: this expression should have type unit.
val bitstr : int -> string list -> string list = <fun>
# bitstr 3 [];;
- : string list = ["1"; "1"; "1"]
I did not understand what to change, can you help me?
Best regards
begin foo; bar end executes foo and throws the result away, then it executes bar. Since this makes only sense if foo has side-effects and no meaningful return value ocaml emits a warning if foo has a return value other than unit, since everything else is likely to be a programmer error (i.e. the programmer does not actually intend for the result to be discarded) - as is the case here.
In this case it really does make no sense to calculate the list with "0" and then throw it away. Presumably you want to concatenate the two lists instead. You can do this using the # operator:
let rec bitstr length list =
if length = 0 then
bitstr (length-1)("0"::list) # bitstr (length-1)("1"::list);;
Note that I also made the length = 0 case return [list] instead of just list so the result is a list of lists instead of a flat list.
Although sepp2k's answer is spot on, I would like to add the following alternative (which doesn't match the signature you proposed, but actually does what you want) :
let rec bitstr = function
0 -> [[]]
| n -> let f e = List.map (fun x -> e :: x) and l = bitstr (n-1) in
(f "0" l)#(f "1" l);;
The first difference is that you do not need to pass an empty list to call the function bitsr 2 returns [["0"; "0"]; ["0"; "1"]; ["1"; "0"]; ["1"; "1"]]. Second, it returns a list of ordered binary values. But more importantly, in my opinion, it is closer to the spirit of ocaml.
I like to get other ideas!
So here it is...
let rec gen_x acc e1 e2 n = match n with
| 0 -> acc
| n -> (
let l = List.map (fun x -> e1 :: x) acc in
let r = List.map (fun x -> e2 :: x) acc in
gen_x (l # r) e1 e2 (n - 1)
let rec gen_string = gen_x [[]] "0" "1"
let rec gen_int = gen_x [[]] 0 1
gen_string 2
gen_int 2
[["0"; "0"]; ["0"; "1"]; ["1"; "0"]; ["1"; "1"]]
[[0; 0]; [0; 1]; [1; 0]; [1; 1]]