matrix order in skeletal animation using assimp - c++

I had followed this tutorial and got the output animation for a rigged model as expected. The tutorial uses assimp, glsl and c++ to load a rigged model from a file. However, there were things that I couldn't figure out.
First thing is assimp's transformation matrix are row major matrices and the tutorial uses a Matrix4f class which uses those transformation matrices just as they are i.e. row major order. The constructor of that Matrix4f class is as given:
Matrix4f(const aiMatrix4x4& AssimpMatrix)
m[0][0] = AssimpMatrix.a1; m[0][2] = AssimpMatrix.a2; m[0][2] = AssimpMatrix.a3; m[0][3] = AssimpMatrix.a4;
m[1][0] = AssimpMatrix.b1; m[1][3] = AssimpMatrix.b2; m[1][2] = AssimpMatrix.b3; m[1][3] = AssimpMatrix.b4;
m[2][0] = AssimpMatrix.c1; m[2][4] = AssimpMatrix.c2; m[2][2] = AssimpMatrix.c3; m[2][3] = AssimpMatrix.c4;
m[3][0] = AssimpMatrix.d1; m[3][5] = AssimpMatrix.d2; m[3][2] = AssimpMatrix.d3; m[3][3] = AssimpMatrix.d4;
However, in the tutorial for calculating the final node transformation, the calculations are done expecting the matrices to be in column major order, which is shown below:
Matrix4f NodeTransformation;
NodeTransformation = TranslationM * RotationM * ScalingM; //note here
Matrix4f GlobalTransformation = ParentTransform * NodeTransformation;
if(m_BoneMapping.find(NodeName) != m_BoneMapping.end())
unsigned int BoneIndex = m_BoneMapping[NodeName];
m_BoneInfo[BoneIndex].FinalTransformation = m_GlobalInverseTransform * GlobalTransformation * m_BoneInfo[BoneIndex].BoneOffset;
m_BoneInfo[BoneIndex].NodeTransformation = GlobalTransformation;
Finally, since the matrices calculated are in row major order, it is specified so while passing the matrices in the shader by setting GL_TRUE flag in the following function. Then, openGL knows it is in row major order as openGL itself uses column major order.
void SetBoneTransform(unsigned int Index, const Matrix4f& Transform)
glUniformMatrix4fv(m_boneLocation[Index], 1, GL_TRUE, (const GLfloat*)Transform);
So, how does the calculation done considering column major order
transformation = translation * rotation * scale * vertices
yield a correct output. I expected that for the calculation to hold true, each matrices should first be transposed to change to column order, followed by the above calculation and finally transposed again to obtain back row order matrix, which is also discussed in this link. However, doing so produced a horrible output. Is there something that I am missing here?

You are confusing two different things:
the layout the data has in memory (row vs. column major order)
the mathematical interpretation of the operations (things like multiplication order)
It is often claimed that when working with row major vs. column major, things have to be transposed and matrix multipication order hase to be reversed. But this is not true.
What is true is that mathematically, transpose(A*B) = transpose(B) * transpose(A). However, that is irrelevant here, because the matrix storage order is independent of, and orthogonal to, the mathematical interpretation of the matrices.
What I mean by this is: In math, it is exactly defined what a row and a column of a matrix is, and each element can be uniquely addressed by these two "coordinates". All the matrix operations are defined based on this convention. For example, in C=A*B, the element in the first row and the first column of C, is calculated as the dot product of the first row of A (transposed to a column vector) and the first column of B.
Now, the matrix storage order just defines how the matrix data is laid out in memory. As a generalization, we could define a function f(row,col) mapping each (row, col) pair to some memory address. We now could write or matrix functions using f, and we could change f to adapt row-major, column-major or something completely else (like a Z order curve, if we want some fun).
It doesn't matter what f we actually use (as long as the mapping is bijective), the operation C=A*B will always have the same result. What changes is just the data in memory, but we have also to use f to interpet that data. We could just write a simple print function, also using f, to print the matrix as the 2D array in columns x rows as a typical human would expect.
The confusion comes from this fact when you use a matrix in a different layout than the implementation of the matrix functions is designed on.
If you have a matrix library which is internally assuimg colum-major layout, and pass in data in row-major format, it is as if you transformed that matrix before - and only at this point, things get screwed up.
To confuse things even more, there is another issue related to this: the matrix * vector vs vector * matrix issue. Some people like to write x' = x * M (with v' and v being row vectors), while others like to write y' = N *y (with column vectors). It is clear that mathematically, M*x = transpose((transpose(x) * transpose(M)), so that people often also confuse this with row- vs column-major order effects - but it is also totally independent of that. It is just a matter of convention if you want to use the one or the other.
So, to finally answer your question:
The transformation matrices created there are written for the convention of multyplying matrix * vector, so that Mparent * Mchild is the correct matrix multiplication order.
Up to this point, the actual data layout in memory does not matter at all. It only begins to matter because now, we are interfacing a different API, with its own conventions. GL's default order is column-major. The matrix class in use is written for row-major memory layout. So you just transpose at this point, so that GL's interpretation of that matrix matches your other library's.
The alternative would be not convert them and account for that by incorporating the implicit operation created by this into the system - either by changing the multiplication order in the shader, or by adjusting the operations which created the matrix in the first place. However, I would not recommend going that path, because the resulting code will be totally unintuitive, because in the end, this would mean working with column-major matrices in a matrix class using a row-major interpretation.

Yes, the memory layout is similar for glm and assimp : data.html
But, according to the doc page : classai_matrix4x4t
The assimp matrix is always row-major whereas the glm matrix is always col-major meaning you need to create a transponse on conversion:
inline static Mat4 Assimp2Glm(const aiMatrix4x4& from)
return Mat4(
(double)from.a1, (double)from.b1, (double)from.c1, (double)from.d1,
(double)from.a2, (double)from.b2, (double)from.c2, (double)from.d2,
(double)from.a3, (double)from.b3, (double)from.c3, (double)from.d3,
(double)from.a4, (double)from.b4, (double)from.c4, (double)from.d4
inline static aiMatrix4x4 Glm2Assimp(const Mat4& from)
return aiMatrix4x4(from[0][0], from[1][0], from[2][0], from[3][0],
from[0][1], from[1][1], from[2][1], from[3][1],
from[0][2], from[1][2], from[2][2], from[3][2],
from[0][3], from[1][3], from[2][3], from[3][3]
PS: The abcd stands for row and 1234 stands for col in assimp.


Transformation in vertex shader only works with post-multiplying

I am currently in the process of learning OpenGL and GLSL to write a simple software that loads models, display them on the screen, transform them etc.
As a first stage, I wrote a pure-C++ program without using OpenGL.
it works great, and it uses a Row-major matrix representation:
So for instance mat[i][j] means row i and column j.
class mat4
vec4 _m[4]; // vec4 is a struct with 4 fields
This is the relevant matrix multiplication method:
mat4 operator*(const mat4& m) const
mat4 a(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
a[i][j] += _m[i][k] * m[k][j];
return a;
In order to get from model space to clip space I do as follows in C++:
vec4 vertexInClipSpace = projectionMat4 * viewMat4 * modelMat4 * vertexInModelSpace;
Now, trying to implement that in a GLSL Shader (Version 1.5) yields weird results. It works, but only if I post multiply the vertex instead of pre-multiplying it and in addition transpose each of the matrices.
uniform mat4 m;
uniform mat4 v;
uniform mat4 p;
void main()
// works ok, but using post multiplication and transposed matrices :
gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 1.0f) * m * v * p;
Although mathematically OK as v2 = P * V * M * v1 is the same as transpose(v2) = transpose(v1) * transpose(M) * transpose(V) * transpose(P) ,
I obviously don't get something because I have not seen even 1 reference where they post multiply a vertex in the vertex shader.
To sum up, here are specific questions:
Why does this works? is it even legal to post multiply in glsl?
How can I pass my C++ matrices so that they work properly inside the shader?
Links to related Questions:
link 1
link 2
Problem was sort of "solved" by altering the "transpose" flag in the call to:
Now the multiplication in the shader is a pre-multiplication:
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(vertex, 1.0f);
Which kind of left me puzzled as the mathematics doesn't make sense for a column-major matrices that are a transpose of row major matrices.
could someone please explain?
Citing OpenGL faq:
For programming purposes, OpenGL matrices are 16-value arrays with
base vectors laid out contiguously in memory. The translation
components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th elements of the 16-element
matrix, where indices are numbered from 1 to 16 as described in
section 2.11.2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification.
Column-major versus row-major is purely a notational convention. Note
that post-multiplying with column-major matrices produces the same
result as pre-multiplying with row-major matrices. The OpenGL
Specification and the OpenGL Reference Manual both use column-major
notation. You can use any notation, as long as it's clearly stated.
About some conventions:
Row vs Column Vector
Multiply 2 matrices is possible only if the number of columns of the left matrix is equal to the number of rows of the right matrix.
MatL[r1,c] x MatR[c,r2]
So, if you are working on a piece of paper, considering that a vector is a 1 dimensional matrix, if you want to multiply a 4vec for 4x4matrix then the vector should be:
a row vector if you post-multiply the matrix
a colum vector if you pre-multiply the matrix
Into a computer you can consider 4 consecutive values either as a column or a row (there's no concept of dimension), so you can post-multiply or pre-multiply a vector for the same matrix. Implicitly you are sticking with one of the 2 conventions.
Row Major vs Column Major layout
Computer memory is a continuous space of locations. The concept of multiple dimensions doesn't exist, it's a pure convention. All matrix elements are stored continuously into a one dimensional memory.
If you decide to store a 2 dimensional entity, you have 2 conventions:
storing consecutive row elements in memory (row-major)
storing consecutive column elements in memory (column-major)
Incidentally, transposing the elements of a matrix stored in row major, it's equivalent to store its elements in column major order.
That implies, that swapping the order of the multiplication between a vector and a matrix is equivalent to multiply the same vector in the same order with the transposed matrix.
Open GL
It doesn't officially prescribes any convention, as stated above. I suggest you to look at OpenGL convention as if the translation is stored in the last column and the matrix layout is column major.
Why does this works? is it even legal to post multiply in glsl?
It is legal. As far as you are consistent across you code, either convention/multiplication order is fine.
How can I pass my C++ matrices so that they work properly inside the
If you are using 2 different convention in C++ and in the shader, than you can either transpose the matrix and keep the same multiplication order, or don't transpose the matrix and invert the multiplication order.
If you got any gaps see Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices.
If you swap between column major (OpenGL matrices) and row major (DX and Your matrices) order of matrices then it is the same as transpose so you're right. What you are missing is that:
For orthogonal and orthonormal homogenous transform matrices if you
transpose a matrix it is the same as if you're invert it
Which is answer to your question I think.
transpose(M) = inverse(M)
The other question if it is OK to post multiply a vertex that is only matter of convention and it is not forbidden in GLSL. The whole point of GLSL is that you can do almost anything there.

Why does my matrix rotation not pass my school's unit test?

Basically we were asked to create a matrix calls in C++ for my university course.
To start off, my class uses a column major constructor, but it places it in memory row major:
Matrix2::Matrix2(float R1C1, float R1C2, float R2C1, float R2C2)
//Row major order.
//Parameters written as column major (a normal matrix) but entered into memory as row major.
matrix[0] = R1C1;
matrix[1] = R2C1;
matrix[2] = R1C2;
matrix[3] = R2C2;
Which I believe is required for the unit test.
Matrices are defined as their identity matrix if no parameters are specified.
So, i rotate my matrix with this code:
void Matrix2::setRotateZ(float radians)
(*this) = (*this)*Matrix2( cosf(radians), -sinf(radians),
sinf(radians), cosf(radians));
I found this code on wikipedia and on my uni lecture slides. And it seems to go with column major matricies (which is how the data is meant to be input due to my constructor)
Also note that "setRotateZ" should actually be "rotateZ", as it accumulates rotation when called more than once.
My multiplication overload goes like this:
Matrix2 Matrix2::operator*(Matrix2& o)
Matrix2 newMatrix(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
newMatrix.matrix[0] = matrix[0] * o.matrix[0] + matrix[2] * o.matrix[1];
newMatrix.matrix[2] = matrix[0] * o.matrix[2] + matrix[2] * o.matrix[3];
newMatrix.matrix[1] = matrix[1] * o.matrix[0] + matrix[3] * o.matrix[1];
newMatrix.matrix[3] = matrix[1] * o.matrix[2] + matrix[3] * o.matrix[3];
return newMatrix;
Which just multiplies like a normal matrix (given that it's row major, 0 is R1C1 and 1 is R2C1 etc)
So pretty much, if I swap:
in my setRotateZ function above, all works well, the matrix passes all tests including multiplication, rotation and addition.
However, as it is shown now, the matrix fails rotation.
As far as I know, swapping the sign functions should work for row major matrices only, but because mine swaps it in the constructor, entering it as a column major should work.
What am I doing wrong? This is bugging me, even though I've gotten it to work by swapping the values, I want to know what's going on.
I'm pretty much a matrix newb, so a little help will be appreciated!
NOTE: The unit test works by comparing the results of an operation with what they should evaluate to.
To start off, my class uses a column major constructor, but it places
it in memory row major
Well, the code you posted shows the exact opposite (wiki):
Matrix2(float R1C1, float R1C2, float R2C1, float R2C2)
// this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is ROW major!
matrix[0] = R1C1;
matrix[1] = R2C1; // <-- this is COLUMN major!
matrix[2] = R1C2; // <--
matrix[3] = R2C2;
Besides, in order to apply a rotation (the math is correct) you have to multiply the rotation matrix by the other matrix while you are doing the opposite.

sparse sparse product A^T*A optim in Eigen lib

In the case of multiple of same matrix matA, like
You don't have to compute all result product, because the result matrix is symmetric(so only if the m>n), in my specific case is always symmetric! square.
So its enough the compute only for. ex. lower triangular part and rest only copy..... because the results of the multiple 2nd and 3rd row, resp.col, is the same like 3rd and 2nd.....And etc....
So my question is , exist way how to tell Eigen, to compute only lower part. and optionally save to only lower trinaguler part the product?
DATA = SparseMatrix<double>((SparseMatrix<double>(matA.transpose()) * matA).pruned()).toDense();
According to the documentation, you can evaluate the lower triangle of a matrix with:
m1.triangularView<Eigen::Lower>() = m2 + m3;
or in your case:
m1.triangularView<Eigen::Lower>() = matA.transpose()*matA;
(where it says "Writing to a specific triangular part: (only the referenced triangular part is evaluated)"). Otherwise, in the line you've written
Eigen will calculate the entire sparse matrix matA.transpose()*matA.
Regarding saving the resulting m1 matrix, it is the same as saving whatever type of matrix it is (Eigen::MatrixXt or Eigen::SparseMatrix<t>). If m1 is sparse, then it will be only half the size of a straightforward matA.transpose()*matA. If m1 is dense, then it will be the full square matrix.
The symmetric rank update is defined as:
B = B + alpha * A * A^T
where alpha is a scalar. In your case, you are doing A^T * A, so you should pass the transposed matrix instead. The resulting matrix will only store the upper or lower portion of the matrix, whichever you prefer. For example:
SparseMatrix<double> B;

C++ opengl get new vertex position after glTranslatef

I have a plane in my 3d space and I want to move it somewhere else, so I use glTranslate to do so.
The planes vertex data is: (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0) and (0,1,0).
I translate the object to the position of (2,0,0) through the use of glTranslatef(2.0, 0.0, 0.0).
After the translation the point data is unchanged so if I was to want to collide with my plane the visual position is not its actual position.
Is there a way to get the point data from the MODELVIEW_MATRIX or at least a way to find out what the new values are after the glTranslate?
Don't respond with just add 2.0 to the actual values to move it because what if I want to the use glRotate etc. I still want the points locations.
If you really don't want to maintain your own transformation matrix, you can get the current modelview matrix with:
GLfloat mat[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mat);
You can then apply this matrix to your vertices with a standard matrix multiplication. Keep in mind that the matrix is arranged in column-major order. With an input vector xIn, the transformed vector xOut is:
xOut[0] = mat[0] * xIn[0] + mat[4] * xIn[1] + mat[8] * xIn[2] + mat[12];
xOut[1] = mat[1] * xIn[0] + mat[5] * xIn[1] + mat[9] * xIn[2] + mat[13];
xOut[2] = mat[2] * xIn[0] + mat[6] * xIn[1] + mat[10] * xIn[2] + mat[14];
Keeping track of the current transformation matrix in your own code is really a better approach, IMHO. Aside from eliminating glGet() calls, which can be harmful to performance, it gets you on a path to using modern OpenGL (Core Profile), where the matrix stack and all related calls do not exist anymore.
You can create a matrix from your translation and rotation, so that you can use the matrix to transform the coordinates.
There're many libraries to help you create such matrix and transform coordinates.

vector * matrix product efficiency issue

Just as Z boson recommended, I am using a column-major matrix format in order to avoid having to use the dot product. I don't see a feasible way to avoid it when multiplying a vector with a matrix, though. The matrix multiplication trick requires efficient extraction of rows (or columns, if we transpose the product). To multiply a vector by a matrix, we therefore transpose:
(b * A)^T = A^T * b^T
A is a matrix, b a row vector, which, after being transposed, becomes a column vector. Its rows are just single scalars and the vector * matrix product implementation becomes an inefficient implementation of dot products of columns of (non-transposed) matrix A with b. Is there a way to avoid performing these dot products? The only way I see that could do it, would involve row extraction, which is inefficient with the column-major matrix format.
This can be understood from original post on this (my first on SO)
. The rest of the discussion applies to 4x4 matrices.
Here are two methods to do do matrix times vector (v = Mu where v and u are column vectors)
method 1) v1 = dot(row1, u), v2 = dot(row2, u), v3 = dot(row3, u), v4 = dot(row4, u)
method 2) v = u1*col1 + u2*col2 + u3*col3 + u4*col4.
The first method is more familiar from math class while the second is more efficient for a SIMD computer. The second method uses vectorized math (like numpy) e.g.
u1*col1 = (u1x*col1x, u1y*col1y, u1z*col1z, u1w*col1w).
Now let's look at vector times matrix (v = uM where v and u are row vectors)
method 1) v1 = dot(col1, u), v2 = dot(col2, u), v3 = dot(col3, u), v4 = dot(col4, u)
method 2) v = u1*row1 + u2*row2 + u3*row3 + u4*row4.
Now the roles of columns and rows have swapped but method 2 is still the efficient method to use on a SIMD computer.
To do matrix times vector efficiently on a SIMD computer the matrix should be stored in column-major order. To do vector times matrix efficient on a SIMD computer the matrix should be stored in row-major order.
As far as I understand OpenGL uses column major ordering and does matrix times vector and DirectX uses row-major ordering and does vector times matrix.
If you have three matrix transformations that you do in order M1 first then M2 then M3 with matrix times vector you write it as
v = M3*M2*M1*u //u and v are column vectors - OpenGL form
With vector times matrix you write
v = u*M1*M2*M3 //u and v are row vectors - DirectX form
Neither form is better than the other in terms of efficiency. It's just a question of notation (and causing confusion which is useful when you have competition).
It's important to note that for matrix*matrix row-major versus column-major storage is irrelevant.
If you want to know why the vertical SIMD instructions are faster than the horizontal ones that's a separate question which should be asked but in short the horizontal ones really act in serial rather than parallel and are broken up into several micro-ops (which is why ironically dppd is faster than dpps).