why putting \n alters the order of execution - c++

while I am trying to code in c for zombie process simulation ,I am getting alteration in output due to putting of \n in printf statements:
int id;
printf("Parent will sleep");//pf1//
//system("ps -u");
printf("I am child");//pf2//
I am childParent will sleep
but while putting \n in pf1 or pf2 the order of execution of statements changes.what is the reason behind \n altering the order ?

stdout is line-buffered.
When you printf something to stdout, the library buffers this content up until a newline character is observed. At that point, the buffer is flushed, and will finally be displayed on your console. If you don't print a newline character, the data may stay in the buffer indefinitely, and you won't see it until the next time you print a newline character, or the process exits.
To ensure that your prints are always visible immediately, you can do one of these things:
fprintf(stderr, ...) instead. stderr is not buffered; data written to it will be visible immediately.
fflush(stdout) - Manually force the stream to be flushed immediately.
Update: Note that none of this actually matters, because of the inherent race condition involved. You have no control over whether the parent or child process executes first, and which one's data will be written to the console first. You could even possibly see the output interleaved as they both try to print at the same time. (Thanks to jschultz410 for pointing out my foolishness.)


Interprocess communication, reading from multiple children stdout

I'm trying to write a custom shell-like program, where multiple commands can be executed concurrently. For a single command this is not much complicated. However, when I try to concurrently execute multiple commands (each one in a separate child) and capture their stdout I'm having a problem.
What I tried so far is this under my shell application I have two functions to run the commands concurrently, execute() takes multiple commands and for each of the commands it fork() a child process to execute the command, subprocess() takes 1 cmd and executes it.
void execute(std::vector<std::string> cmds) {
int fds[2];
std::pair<pid_t, int> sp;
for (int i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++) {
std::pair<pid_t, int> sp = this->subprocess(cmds[i], fds);
// wait for all children
while (wait(NULL) > 0);
std::pair<pid_t, int> subprocess(std::string &cmd, int *fds) {
std::pair<pid_t, int> process = std::make_pair(fork(), fds[0]);
if (process.first == 0) {
close(fds[0]); // no reading
dup2(fds[1], STDIN_FILENO);
char *argv[] = {"/bin/sh", "-c", cmd.data(), NULL};
execvp(argv[0], argv);
close(fds[1]); // only reading
return process;
The problem here is, when I execute multiple commands on my custom shell (not diving into spesifics here, but it will call execute() at some point.) if I use STDIN_FILENO as above to capture child process stdout, it keeps writing to shell's stdin forever what the captured output is, for example
if the input commands are
echo im done, yet?
echo nope
echo maybe
then, in writing to STDIN_FILENO case, the output is like (where >>> ) is my marker for user input.
im done, yet?
>>> nope
im done, yet?
>>> im done, yet?
in writing to STDOUT_FILENO case, it seems it's ignoring one of the commands (probably the first child), I'm not sure why?
>>> maybe
>>> nope
>>> maybe
>>> nope
So, potential things I thought are in my shell I'm using std::cin >> ... for user input in a while loop ofc, this may somehow conflict with stdin case. On the other hand, in the main process (parent) I'm waiting for all children to exit, so children somehow is not exiting, but child should die off after execvp, right ? Moreover, I close the reading end in the main process close(sp.second). At this point, I'm not sure why this case happens ?
Should I not use pipe() for a process like this ? If I use a temp file to redirect stdout of child process, would everything be fine ? and if so, can you please explain why ?
There are multiple, fundamental, conceptual problems in the shown code.
std::pair<pid_t, int> sp;
This declares a new std::pair object. So far so good.
std::pair<pid_t, int> sp = this->subprocess(cmds[i], fds);
This declares a new std::pair object inside the for loop. It just happens to have the same name as the sp object at the function scope. But it's a different object that has nothing to do, whatsoever, with it. That's how C++ works: when you declare an object inside an inner scope, inside an if statement, a for loop, or anything that's stuffed inside another pair of { ... } you end up declaring a new object. Whether its name happens to be the same as another name that's been declared in a larger scope, it's immaterial. It's a new object.
// wait for all children
while (wait(NULL) > 0);
There are two separate problems here.
For starters, if we've been paying attention: this sp object has not been initialized to anything.
If the goal here is to read from the children, that part is completely missing, and that should be done before waiting for the child processes to exit. If, as the described goal is here, the child processes are going to be writing to this pipe the pipe should be read from. Otherwise if nothing is being read from the pipe: the pipe's internal buffer is limited, and if the child processes fill up the pipe they'll be blocked, waiting for the pipe to be read from. But the parent process is waiting for the child processes to exist, so everything will hang.
Finally, it is also unclear why the pipe's file descriptor is getting passed to the same function, only to return a std::pair with the same file descriptor. The std::pair serves no useful purpose in the shown code, so it's likely that there's also more code that's not shown here, where this is put to use.
At least all of the above problems must be fixed in order for the shown code to work correctly. If there's other code that's not shown, it may or may not have additional issues, as well.

Writing to file in real time before closing it

I write my output results which are emitted by Solver() function (a function in caffe third library), in a file with these command:
if(std::freopen("redir.txt", "w", stdout)) {
std::printf("stdout is redirected to a file\n"); // this is written to redir.txt
but since the Solve() function emits outputs continuously, but the redir.txt will not be updated until the ‍std::fclose(stdout); is executed. So I can't see the results real time.
How can I update my file in real time?
Use std::flush at regular intervals to flush the written (buffered) data to the file.
Don't flush too often though or performance will be impacted.
Commonly std::flush maybe works.

C++ unexpected hangtime

I am trying to write a function in my program that loads a huge text-file of 216,555 words and put them as strings into a set. This works properly, but as expected, it will hang for a few micro seconds while looping through the file. But there is something funky going on with my loop, and it's not behaving properly. Please take the time to read, I am sure there's a valid reason for this, but I have no idea what to search for.
The code, which is working by the way, is this:
ifstream dictionary;
cout<<"Could not find Dictionary.txt. Exiting."<<endl;
int i = 0;
int progress = 216555/50;
cout<<"Loading dictionary..."<<endl;
cout<<"< >"<<endl;
for(string line; getline(dictionary, line);)
usleep(1); //Explanation below (not the hangtime)
if(i%progress == 0)
The for-loop gets every string from the file, and inserts them in the map.
This is a console-application, and I want the user to see the progress. It's not much of a delay, but I wanted to do it anyway. If you don't understand the code, I'll try to explain.
When the program starts, it first prints out "Loading Dictionary...", and then a "<" and a ">" separated by 50 spaces. Then on the next line: "<" followed by a "=" for every 433 word it loops through (216555/50). The purpose of this is so the user can see the progress. The wanted output half way through the loop would be like this:
Loading dictionary...
< >
My problem is:
The correct output is shown, but not at the expected time. It prints out the full progress bar, but that only after it has hanged and are done with the loop. How is that possible? The correct number of '=' are shown, but they all pop out at the same time, AFTER it hangs for some microseconds. I added the usleep(1) to make the hangtime a bit longer, but the same thing happened. The if-statement clearly works, or the '=' would've never showed at all, but it feels like my program is stacking the cout-calls for after the entire loop.
The weirdest thing of all, is that the last cout<<"<"; before the for-loop starts, is also shown at the same time as the rest of its line; after the loop is finished. Why and how?
You never flush the stream, so the output just goes into a buffer.
Change cout<<"="; to cout<<"="<<std::flush;
You need to flush the output stream.
cout << "=" << std::flush;
The program is "stacking the cout-calls". It's called output buffering, and every major operating system does it.
When in interactive mode (as your program is intended to be used), output is buffered by line; that is, it will be forced to the terminal when a newline is seen. You can also have block-buffered (fixed number of bytes between forced outputs; used when piping output) and unbuffered.
C++ provides the std::flush stream modifier to force an output at any point. It can be used like this:
cout << "=" << std::flush;
This will slow down your program a bit; the point of buffering is for efficiency. As you'll only be doing it about 51 times, though, the slowdown should be negligible.

istream_iterator ignoring EOF (Ctrl+D) when reading chars

I'm trying to use istream_iterator for reading characters from cin. I've read that pressing Ctrl+D sends an EOF character which ends the input stream. Unfortunately, something is going wrong with it. Here's my code:
#include <iterator>
int main()
using namespace std;
istream_iterator<char> it(cin), eos;
while (it != eos) clog << *(it++);
I'm running it and typing: as df, then pressing Ctrl+D.
It outputs only asd without the last f and then hangs waiting for input. When I type gh and press Ctrl+D again, it prints the remaining f at last, and the g from next input, but again without the last h. And when I finally press Ctrl+D without typing anything, it prints the remaining h and exits.
I expected it to read asdf and exit, since I already pressed Ctrl+D at the end of this first sequence.
Why is it still waiting for input after getting EOF?
Why it doesn't print the last character read before EOF?
And why it exits only when I press Ctrl+D without typing anything before?
How does this loop need to change to make it behave in the way I expect? (i.e. stop reading immediately after getting Ctrl+D sequence in the input, no matter I typed anything before or not, and reading all characters up to the EOF).
Input iterators require special care. Rewrite your loop this way and the behavior will become similar to any other character input loop:
while (it != eos)
clog << *it;
That will take care of "Why it doesn't print the last character"
PS: as for EOF in the middle of the line, it is the POSIX-mandated behavior:
When received, all the bytes waiting to be read are immediately passed to the process without waiting for a newline, and the EOF is discarded. Thus, if there are no bytes waiting (that is, the EOF occurred at the beginning of a line), a byte count of zero shall be returned from the read(), representing an end-of-file indication.
On Unix-like systems, typing Ctrl+D triggers an end-of-file condition only at the beginning of a line (i.e., immediately after typing Enter. To trigger an end-of-file condition in the middle of a line, type Ctrl+D twice.

Scanf with Signals

I have a signal that blocks SIGINT and basically says "Sorry, you can't quit.\n"
The issue is this can occur during a scanf.
When this occurs during a scanf, scanf takes in the printf as input.
How can I do a printf that will cause scanf to basically hit the enter key automatically. I don't care that I am getting bad input. I just want to programatically finish that scanf with a printf or something else.
scanf("get stuff")
-> User is able to enter stuff in.
-> SIGINT occurs and goes to my handler.
-> Handler says "Blah blah blah" to stdout.
-> Scanf has taken this blah blah blah and is waiting for more input.
How do I make it so that when I return scanf is finished (don't care what it has gathered I just want it to continue without user help).
EDIT: if I send two signals then the scanf terminates. I want to emulate the ending of the scanf somehow programatically.
Your question suggests you are confused - or perhaps English is not your native language.
I have a signal that blocks SIGINT and basically says "Sorry, you can't quit.\n"
What you might have is a signal handler that is set to respond to SIGINT. Further, you might be using the 'signal()' function to set the handler - but you should be aiming to use the POSIX standard 'sigaction()' function to set the handler instead.
The issue is this can occur during a scanf.
In context, 'this' is presumably an interrupt signal, typed by the user who wishes to stop your program. Be cautious about stopping people exiting a program with an interrupt signal; if you don't let them do that, they will be more brutal. That might mean they'll generate SIGQUIT (and perhaps a core dump) instead; if you block that too, there are a number of other tricks they can try until they get to the ultimate 'kill -9 pid' which your program will get no chance to react to.
When this occurs during a scanf, scanf takes in the printf as input.
This is confused...you are presumably implying that the output from a 'printf()' statement (presumably the one that says "You can't quit") is then being seen as input to the 'scanf()'? Which seems pretty improbable... It would require a very, very weird setup on the I/O of the process, and I'm still not convinced it can happen.
How can I do a printf that will cause scanf to basically hit the enter key automatically. I don't care that I am getting bad input. I just want to programatically finish that scanf with a printf or something else.
There are several possibilities - it depends in part on the O/S you are using (even if it is POSIX.) I don't use 'scanf()'; I find it too difficult to control. If your system resumes the reads after the interrupt handler returns, then you will have a difficult time. Sometimes, though, 'scanf()' will stop short and return the number of items it has processed. If the 'scanf()' you have does not terminate, then you will need to think about interposing a 'sigsetjmp()' in a function that simply calls 'setjmp()' and then invokes your function that calls 'scanf()'. Then your signal handler can use 'siglongjmp()' to return to that intermediate function:
sigjmp_buf trap;
int intermediary(int argument)
if (sigsetjmp(trap) == 0)
return 0; // Success
// Report failure
return -1;
Your description continues:
scanf("get stuff") -> User is able to enter stuff in.
-> SIGINT occurs and goes to my handler.
-> Handler says "Blah blah blah" to stdout.
-> Scanf has taken this blah blah blah and is waiting for more input.
How do you know that scanf has read the 'blah blah blah'? It seems very, very improbable to me.
How do I make it so that when I return scanf is finished (don't care what it has gathered I just want it to continue without user help).
Use sigsetjmp().
EDIT: if I send two signals then the scanf terminates. I want to emulate the ending of the scanf somehow programmatically.
This is what indicates that you are using 'signal()' to set your signal handler and not 'sigaction()'. With 'signal()', when the interrupt occurs, the signal handler is set back to the default. With 'sigaction()', you have to request that behaviour; by default, the received signal (SIGINT) is blocked for the duraction and the signal handler remains in effect. If a second interrupt occurs while the first is running, the second is held up until the first handler returns (at which point the handler will be re-entered).
Don't use scanf as its buffering or retry code may get in the way. If you use a read(2) call it should return -1 with an errno of EINTR. Scanf may see that error and retry the read. You can always sscanf the data from the raw read.
This is assuming that QNX is POSIX compliant for read and you don't have the source for scanf for inspection.