ember-cli-blanket not working - ember.js

I have installed the plugin for 'ember-cli-blanket', using command:
ember install:addon ember-cli-blanket0
But when I run the tests using "http://localhost:4200/tests", nothing is loading I am getting just a blank page, no error in console also.
When I referred in some online tutorials, they asked to pass "data-cover" with the <script></script> tag. But no progress.
If i uninstall the plugin and run the tests it is working fine.
Can anyone tell what am I doing wrong or any more settings needs to be done?


Running Ember Tests in the terminal: Console log not working

I am working on an ember 2.8 project and I am a newbie. On top of this, we are using a docker container to run in pc because we don't have a mac. So I running the qunit tests and am unable to go to /tests to see the tests in the browser. Because of Docker they break.
I must run 'ember test' in the terminal and view the output.
However I am finding it quite difficult to debug, the console.logs and qUnit.logs do not output to the terminal and I can't get the ms code debugger to work.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you

Karma debug showing empty screen

When running tests for angular2 using Karma, when I click the debug button I'm not getting the on screen info that Im expecting, letting me know if the tests have passed etc.
They are passing ok in the console window.
I'm new to all this so would greatly appreciate some help!
I do not exactly know your setup and what you expect to see. But I had a similar problem with the angular starter project from https://github.com/AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter.
The solution for me was to add "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^0.2.2" as dev dependency in package.json and 'kjhtml' as reporter in config/karma.conf.js. After running npm install and npm run watch:test Chrome starts and the tests are executed but the Chrome window keeps open. When I click on "Debug", it shows the tests (an empty list for the starter project). I hope this helps.

How to configure and run the ember-cli-code-coverage package?

The documentation for the ember-cli-code-coverage project on Github does not clearly state how exactly to configure and run coverage reports.
The documentation hints that, after installing the addon, you just need to set an environment variable named COVERAGE to true. I interpret that to mean an environment variable in config/environment.js. After running the CLI command ember test I expect to find something saved in a coverage folder at the root of the project, but nothing appears to be generated. My tests run okay without any errors, and with all passing tests.
There are a few statements on Stackoverflow (here, here, and here) that suggest the package works okay. Searching for clear examples or how-to articles appears to be a dead end at the present moment.
I'm trying to get this working using versions:
Ember.js 2.6.0
ember-cli-code-coverage 0.2.2
Windows 10
You need to set the environment variable in the command line environment, not the Ember environment. Run COVERAGE=true ember test.
Side-note: this does seem like a weird choice, requiring a command line environment variable instead of making it configurable in other ways the way ember-cli-blanket does.

New Ember app gives blank screen

I'm new to ember and doing a introductory tutorial to build a simple app. When I create a new app and start server, I try visiting the localhost page (http://localhost:4200/) in my browser but the page is blank. The browser window title is of my app name but there is no "Welcome to Ember" text as their should be. Also the ember inspector says "Ember application not detected!" although the little ember icon appears in the address bar of Firefox indicating that there is an ember app.
I have tried to restart the tutorial 3 times now and come up with same results. I have followed all set-up steps provided here. The only thing I did different or in addition to the turorial is I had to run sudo chown -R $USER /usr/localbecause of permissions issues.
All I have done so far is install node, npm, bower, ember-cli 2.2.0-beta.2., and then run these few commands:
ember new ember2-blog
cd ember2-blog
ember server
The terminal gives me a "Build successful - 7016ms." message but I go to http://localhost:4200/ and see the blank page... The inspector says "no ember app detected". Seems like I'm missing something simple but can't figure it out. Is it something to do with permissions? Please and thank you for your help.
This is a bug due to a new version of jQuery. For now you can change the following line in your bower.json file. Then run bower install and it should work.
"jquery": "^1.11.3",
"jquery": "1.11.3",
A new version of ember.js is imminent which should fix this.

Ember-cli server does not start, no error message

I'm unsure why my ember does not start. When I type ember server, I see
PS C:\Users\lzc\Ember-Prototype> ember s
version: 0.2.3
A new version of ember-cli is available (0.2.7). To install it, type ember update.
Livereload server on port 35729
Serving on http://localhost:4200/
PS C:\Users\lzc\Ember-Prototype>
I'm pretty sure its not the outdated CLI, because it was working very well for the pas week. When I type ember build, it instantly reads 'Building...` then finishes. Normally my builds are 60 to 80 seconds. I can't identify whether this is a compile issue or settings flaw. Shouldn't Ember-CLI give an error message if something went wrong like this?
Has anyone experienced this before?
Can't run `--verbose', no command in CLI. Issue was when liquid modal tried to register transitions, one of the path strings was incorrect. No error messages given.