Create Web.API Layer over existing .asmx web services? - web-services

We have a number of existing asmx web services that are used by many, if not all of our clients. These are not going to be re-written en-masse any time soon.
My simple question is therefore whether it makes sense to create a new web.api layer that underneath call the existing web services where required (until they are rewritten) and new methods could do without the "legacy" soap services. What this would ultimately mean is that until the time the existing web services are re-written / ported to web.api then we'll effectively have two interfaces.
I know that things are generally heading in the REST direction, and so for future projects, interacting with web.api nay be a good way to go. Scott Hanselman has previously said that "if In doubt add another layer of abstraction", but I'm not convinced he was serious :)

The problem here is that the methods of your SOAP-based API are unlikely to map onto the more resource-orienmtated design of a REST API.
Also, from a performance point of view you'll wind up with something pretty clunky if you place a web service facade over a web service.
REST is increasingly popular, but it's not true to suppose that everything is moving in that direction. IMHO there are times when the structured exchange defined by a SOAP contract can make for a very useful API.
I certainly wouldn't bother wrapping an existing SOAP interface to create faux REST.


REST services, separation of UI and services

I am trying to learn about RESTful services. In this tutorial I am watching, the instructor states the following:
REST services keeps things very defined between what is UI vs what is Services.
In general, what is the author implying here?
The services used within the UI are easy to spot vs. the rest of the UI?
Would the rest of the UI be CSS, HTML, and maybe some data stored in the local application?
Why does there need to be clear distinctions between the UI and services?
Do you know of an existing example of this I could take a look at to better visually understand?
It's probably impossible to explain exactly what a single sentence from a larger extract means without the context within which its embedded. But I'll have a go anyway. I suspect there was an element of hype involved - there's no guarantee that a Restful API is any more well-designed than a non-restful API and so there's really no guarantee that it will better enforce the separation between UI logic and business logic which we'd all love to see.
However, Rest's document centrism, its focus on statelessness, and its use of a uniform API do help in creating a clean layer between the UI (webapp or mobile app) and the server.
Other forms of service oriented architecture, such as RMI or SOAP, tend to be more focussed on providing a means of accessing a remote API as if it was local - in essence hiding the fact that a load of networking-stuff is happening to get that. The result is often a very fine-grained, although quite powerful, API which requires complex logic (business logic) embedded in the client application to use properly. These protocols can be quite chatty and network-inefficient because the focus is rarely on that data travelling over the network.
Restful APIs, which are centered around documents, tend to push UI designers in the direction of editing those documents - focussing the UIs on presentation and leaving logic either to the user or the backend service.
The uniform interface of Rest helps focus the API on working on documents - every resource is accessed in the same way, there's little leeway to add a custom response code which can be 'interpreted' in some way by the client. HTTP is a good protocol on which to build a Restful API for this reason - the major verbs are GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.
Similarly, the statelessness of Rest pushes the UI to focus on the data it has and how it should be, rather than on providing any kind of intermediate translation or caching layer to the user. The UI doesn't have any more information than the documents it has to present to the user - nice and simple.
The real core of your question, I guess, is "why should it be like that"? And the answer to that is that it keeps things simple and flexible. Presentation logic (e.g. what language or timezone or number format does the user care about) should not be mixed up with business logic (how many 'foo' widgets has the user bought in the past, do they really want a 'bar' widget now, because lots of people who bought 'foo' widgets want 'bar' ones too). Those two types of things have very different reasons to change and different types of people who are good at working with the underlying code.

Is DAO microservice good approach in microservices architecture?

I'm creating a web-application and decided to use micro-services approach. Would you please tell me what is the best approach or at least common to organize access to the database from all web-services (login, comments and etc. web-services). Is it well to create DAO web-service and use only it to to read/write values in the database of the application. Or each web-service should have its own dao layer.
Each microservice should be a full-fledged application with all necessary layers (which doesn't mean there cannot be shared code between microservices, but they have to run in separate processes).
Besides, it is often recommended that each microservice have its own database. See Therefore, I don't really see the point of a web service that would only act as a data access facade.
Microservices are great, but it is not good to start with too many microservices right away. If you have doubt about how to define the boundaries between microservices in your application, start by a monolith (all the time keeping the code clean and a good object-oriented with well designed layers and interfaces). When you get to a more mature state of the application, you will more easily see the right places to split to independently deployable services.
The key is to keep together things that should really be coupled. When we try to decouple everything from everything, we end up creating too many layers of interfaces, and this slows us down.
I think it's not a good approach.
DB operation is critical in any process, so it must be in the DAO layer inside de microservice. Why you don't what to implement inside.
Using a service, you loose control, and if you have to change the process logic you have to change DAO service (Affecting to all the services).
In my opinion it is not good idea.
I think that using Services to expose data from a database is ideal due to the flexibility it provides. Development of a REST service to expose some or all of your data as a service provides flexibility to consume the data directly to the UI via AJAX or by other services which can process the data and generate new information. These consumers do not need to implement a DAO and can be in any language. While a REST Service of your entire database is probably not a Micro-Service, a case could be made for breaking this down as Read only for Students, Professors and Classes for exposing on the School Web site(s), with different services for Create, Update and Delete (CUD) available only to the Registrars office desktop applications.
For example building a Service to exposes a statistical value on data will protect the data from examination by a user/program who only needs a statistical value without the requirement of having the service implement an entire DAO for the components of that statistic. Full function databases like SQL Server or Oracle provide a lot of functionality that application developers can use, including complex queries(using indexes), statistics the application of set operations on data.
Having a database service is a completely valid pattern. In fact, this is one of the key examples of where to start to export aspects of a monolith to a micro service in the Building Microservices book.
How to organize your code around such idea is a different issue. Yes, from the db client programmer's stand point, having the same DAO layer on each DB client makes a lot of sense.
The DAO pattern may be suitable to bind your DB to one programming language that you use. But then you need to ask yourself why you are exposing your database as a web service if all access to it will be mediated by the same DAO infrastructure. Or are you going to create one DAO pattern for each client programming language binding?
If all database clients are going to be written on the same programming language, then are you sure you really need to wrap your DB as a microservice? After all, the DB is usually already a remote service with a well-defined network protocol optimized to transfer data fast and reliably. Why adding HTTP on top of it? What are you expecting to gain from adding such complexity?
Another problem with using the DAO pattern is that the DAO structure does not necessarily follow the evolution of the web service. The web service may evolve in a way that does not make old clients incompatible. You may have different clients using different features of the micro service. In this case you are not sharing the same DAO layer structure on each client.
Make sure you are not using RPC-style programming over web services, which does not make much sense. You will be basically throwing away one of the key advantages of micro services, which is the decoupling between service and client.

GWT Rich Internet Application (RIA) and REST HATEOAS - how compatible are they?

I am in the process of developing a rich internet web application that communicates to a (Java) back-end via web services. I have prototyped a user interface in both Flex/Flash and GWT/Javascript and have noticed that these RIA platforms tend to favor an RPC-style method of back-end communication (AMF for Flex and GWT-RPC for GWT).
In my case, the server also needs to provide web services other clients that I do not author. Because of this, I am leaning towards standards-based web services (e.g. SOAP and REST). I am convinced that the RIA must use the same web service we provide for others. I "get" SOAP because it models the RPC style I am familiar with from experience. I am new to REST, but have prototyped a REST back-end using CXF/Jackson. At this time, however, my REST API still feels like an RPC-style API and I realize it's because I am having trouble getting my head around the idea of HATEOAS.
I have read Roy T. Fieldings helpful blog post about 10 times and I think I am beginning to see the light. For example, it is clear to me that if I were to include links to various state transitions along with my resource I could really reduce the amount of coupling between my client and server. My client could just render buttons that provide the user with access to the legal operations that can be performed on the displayed entity at that time.
But does loose coupling between a RIA and its server application matter?
By their very nature, RIAs are pretty tightly coupled with the server data model. Out of the box they presuppose many things. I am guessing that is why they also prefer an RPC-style application protocol...because loose coupling is not a design goal. But I am beginning to realize that if we took HATEOAS seriously, we could write a much more generic RIA client that would make VERY few assumptions about the data model and operations that can be performed. That could reduce the amount of effort to maintain the client through changes in the back-end, but does this make sense? does the benefit outweigh the cost?
p.s. - Two more details -- This application has an extremely complex, deeply nested data model. Also, I could not care less if somebody tells me we are not a 100% pure REST web-app.
It's an excellent philosophical question. My general response is some coupling should be expected.
Let me explain more. While it's possible to conceive of a fully generic application interface that just exposes the model in a human-usable way, it's actually incredibly difficult to write such a piece of software except for truly miniscule domains (e.g., filling a record that will be used to populate a DB where all the fields are picked from finite simple enumerations). If your application doesn't fit that model, you're going to have to have something in there that is specific to the app. If you do that in a “generic” way, you'll be downloading a complex description of what your generic client app is supposed to do, and that description will itself start to feel more and more like a programming language. Now you're back to square one, except with a (probably badly-designed) new domain-specific language in the mix as well. You might as well cut to the chase and accept that going wholly generic isn't worthwhile.
But that's not to say that you shouldn't take care to think carefully about what resources you expose, what verbs apply to those operations, and how users' software will discover those resources. Following REST and HATEOAS there will help a lot (and it helps if you've got a clear idea about what the application's underlying abstract model is; you should aim to expose that in a natural way).
Given that the GWT app is served by HTTP, having it tightly coupled with the server is not violating HATEOAS. It's" code on demand".
Google, Twitter and Facebook all use specific APIs for their app, different from the one exposed to third parties (Twitter has recently moved to using their public API for their web app, but it wasn't originally the case). Google said they had no plan to move G+ over to its public API, because it allows them to experiment and make breaking changes without breaking third parties.

Web Service vs Form posting

I have 2 websites( and, both sites are in ASP.NET with SQL server as backend ) and i want to pass data from one site to another.Now i am confused whether to use a web service or a form posting (from mysite1 to a page in myweb2)
Can any one tell me the Pros and Cons of both ?
By web service I assume you mean SOAP based web service?
Anyway both are equal with few advantages. Posting is more lightweight, while SOAP is standardized (sort of). I would go with more restful approach, because I think SOAP is too much overhead for simple tasks while not giving much of advantage.
Webservices are SOAP messages (the SOAP protocol uses XML to pass messages back and forth), so your server on both ends must understand SOAP and whatever extensions you want to talk about between them, and they probably (but don't have to) be able to grok WMDL files (that "explains" the various services endpoints and remote functionality available). Usually we call this the SOAP / WS-* stack, with emphasis on 'stack' as there's a few bits of software that needs to be available, and the more complex the SOAP calls, the more of this stack needs to be available and maintained.
Using POST, on the other hand, is mostly associated with RESTful behaviours, and as an example of a protocol of such, look to HTTP. Inside the POST you can of course post complex XML, but people tend to use plain POST to simplify the calling, and use HTTP responses as replies. You don't need any extra software, probably, as most if not all webkits has got HTTP support. My own bias leans towards REST, in case you wonder. Through using HATEOAS you can create really good infrastructure for self-aware systems that can modify themselves with load and availability in real-time as opposed to the SOAP way, and this lies at the centre of the argument for it; HTTP was designed for large distributed networks in mind, dealing with performance and stability. SOAP tends to be a one-stop if-it-breaks-you're-stuffed kinda thing. (Again, remeber my bias. I've written about this a lot on my blog, especially the architecture side and the impact of SOA vs. ROA. :)
There's a great debate as to which is "better", to which I can only say "it depends completely on what you want to do, how you prefer to do it, what you need it to do, your environment, your experience, the position of the sun and the moon(s), and the mood my cat is in." Eh, meaning, a lot.
I'm all for a healthy debate about this, but I tend to think that SOAP is a reinvention; SOAP is an envelope with a header and body, and if that sounds familiar, it is exactly how HTML was designed, a fact very few people tend to see. HTTP as just a protocol for shifting stuff around is well understood and extremely well supported, and SOAP uses it to shift their XML envelopes around. Is there a real difference between shifting SOAP and HTML around? Well, yes, the big difference is that SOAP reinvents all the niceties of HTTP (caching, addressability, state, scaling), and then use HTTP only for delivering the message and nothing else and let the stack itself have to deal with those niceities mentioned earlier. So, a lot of the goodness of HTTP is ignored and recreated in another layer (hence, you need a SOAP stack to deal with it), which to me seems wasteful, ignorant and adding complexity.
Next up is what you want to do. For really complex things, there's lots in the webservices stack of standards (I think it's about 1200 pages combined these days) that could help you out, but if your needs are more modest (ie. not that crazy about seriously complex security, for example) a simple POST (or GET) of a request and an envelope back with results might be good enough. Results in HTTP is, as you probably know, HTTP content-type, so lots is already supported but you can create your own, for example application/xml+myformat (or more correctly, application/x-xml+myformat if I remember correctly). Get the request, if it's a response code 200, and parse.
Both will work. One is heavy (WS-* stack) depending on what your needs are, the other is more lightweight and already supported. The rest is glue, as they say.
I would say the webservice is definitely the best choice. A few pro's:
If in the future you need to add another website, your infrastructure (the webservice) is already there
Cross-site form posting might give you problems when using cookies or
might trigger browser privacy restrictions
If you use form posting you have to
write the same code over and over
again, while with using the
webservice you write the code once,
then use it at multiple locations.
Easier to maintain, less code to
Maintainability (this is related to
the above point) ofcourse, all the
code relevant to exchanging data is
all at one location (your webservice)
There's probably even more. Like design time support/code completion.
From my little experience I'd say that you'd be best using a web service since you can see the methods and structure of the service in your code, once you've created it at the recieving end that is.
Also using the form posting methos would eman you have to fake form submissions which isn't as neat as making a web service call.
Your third way would be to get the databases talking, though I'm guessing they're disparate and can't 'see' each other?
I would suggest a web service (or WCF). As Beanie said, with a service you are able to see the methods and types of the service (that you expose), which would make for much easier and cleaner moving of data.
I agree with AlexanderJohannesen that it is debatable whether SOAP webservices or RESTful apis are better, however if both sites are under your control and done with, definitely go with SOAP webservices. The tools that Visual Studio provides for creating and consuming webservices are just great, it won't take you more than a few minutes to create the link between the two sites.
In the site you want to receive communication create the web service by selecting add item in VS. Select web service and name it appropriately. Then just create a method with the logic you want to implement and add the attribute [WebMethod], eg.
public void AddComment(int UserId, string Comment) {
// do stuff
Deploy this on your test server, say
Now on the consuming side (, select Add Web Reference, point the url to the address of the webservice we just created, give it a name and click Add refence. You have a proxy class that you can call just like a local class. Easy as pie.

Why would one use REST instead of SOAP based services? [closed]

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Attended an interesting demo on REST today, however, I couldn't think of a single reason (nor was one presented) why REST is in anyway better or simpler to use and implement than a SOAP based Services stack.
What are some of the reasons Why anyone in the "real world" use REST instead of the SOAP based Services?
Less overhead (no SOAP envelope to wrap every call in)
Less duplication (HTTP already represents operations like DELETE, PUT, GET, etc. that have to otherwise be represented in a SOAP envelope).
More standardized - HTTP operations are well understood and operate consistently. Some SOAP implementations can get finicky.
More human readable and testable (harder to test SOAP with just a browser).
Don't need to use XML (well you kind of don't have to for SOAP either but it hardly makes sense since you're already doing parsing of the envelope).
Libraries have made SOAP (kind of) easy. But you are abstracting away a lot of redundancy underneath as I have noted. yes in theory SOAP can go over other transports so as to avoid riding atop a layer doing similar things, but in reality just about all SOAP work you'll ever do is over HTTP.
RESTful services are much simpler to consume than SOAP based (regular) services. The reason for this is that REST is based on normal HTTP requests which enables intent to be inferred from the type of request being made (GET = retrive, POST = write, DELETE = remove, etc...) and is completely stateless. On the other hand you could argue that it is less flexible as it does away with the concept of a message envelope that contains request context.
In my experience SOAP has been preferred for services within the enterprise and REST has been preferred for services that are exposed as public APIs.
With tools like WCF in the .NET framework it is very trivial to implement a service as REST or SOAP.
Some relevant reading:
Amazon Web Services Blog: REST vs SOAP
Dare Obasanjo writes often about REST
I'll assume that when you say "web services" you mean SOAP and the WS-* set of standards. (Otherwise, I could argue that REST services are "web services".)
The canonical argument is that REST services are a closer match to the design of the web - that is, the design of HTTP and associated infrastructure. Thus, using a REST service will be more compatible with existing web tools and techniques.
Of course, once you drill into specifics, you find out that both approaches have strengths in different scenarios. Is it those specifics that you're interested in?
The overhead isn't that important as good architecture.
REST isn't a protocol it is an architecture that encourage good scalable design.
It is often chosen because too much freedom in RPC can easily lead to a poor design.
The other reason is predictable cost of RESTful protocols over HTTP because it can leverage existing technologies (mainly proxies).
RPC initial cost is quite low but it tend to increase significantly with load intensification.
REST is implementation-agnostic and much more transparent, and this makes it great for public APIs, especially for big websites like Flickr, Amazon or Digg that are using their APIs as marketing tools and really want people to consume their data. They don't want to be hand-holding 1000s of novice developers who are trying to debug their scripting language of choice's buggy SOAP library.
Versus SOAP and WSDL, which are better for internal applications, where you have drop-in libraries and known clueful people on both ends. (And you maybe don't have to care about things like Internet-scale load-balancing, HTTP caching etc.) Then you get APIs that are self-documented, preserve types etc. with zero work.
Got to read Roy Fielding's most excellent dissertation on the topic. He makes an excellent case and was definitely WAY ahead of his time when he wrote it (2000).
Steve Vinoski's blog and his latest articles are definitely worth perusing. He's a former CORBA guru, who wrote probably the best book on the subject with Michi Henning, "Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++". However, he has since seen the error of his client/server ways, and now swears by REST.
REST allows your non-mutating operations (that generally use the GET verb) to be cached. That is, cached by the client and/or cached by proxies. This can be a huge win!
REST is basically just a way to implement web services. It is just a way to use HTTP correctly to query the web services you are trying to hit.
It is super simple and slim. You could do it with browser via http verb: GET.
I haven't find a browser can manually do generic http POST request easily
Here's one data point: Amazon offers its APIs in both REST and SOAP formats and 85% of the usage is REST.
REST is easier to implement, easier to understand and higher performance.