F#: Detecting errors in regex patterns - regex

I am new to programming and F# is my first .NET language.
As a beginner's project, I would like to write an application asking the user to enter a regex pattern and then flagging any errors.
I have looked through the Regex API on MSDN but there doesn't seem to be any methods that would automatically detect any errors in regex patterns. Will more experienced programmers kindly share with me how they would go about accomplishing this?
Thank you in advance for your help.

If you need to check if a regex compiles or not, simply use try-with block. If you need to check if a regex pattern matches your input string, use IsMatch() or .Success. That is quite enough.
An example with code taken from another SO post, but with an error in regex pattern where I replaced (http:\/\/\S+) with (http:\/\/\S+:
let testString = "http://www.bob.com http://www.b.com http://www.bob.com http://www.bill.com"
let matches input =
Regex.Matches(input, "(http:\/\/\S+")
|> Seq.cast<Match>
|> Seq.groupBy (fun m -> m.Value)
|> Seq.map (fun (value, groups) -> value, (groups |> Seq.length))
| :? System.Exception as ex -> printfn "Exception! %s " (ex.Message); None
More on F# exception raising can be found here or here.


Why is my regex failing on on certain strings that otherwise succeed?

I have code written in F# that iterates over an array of strings using regex to extract part of those strings. The problem is that the regex appears to randomly successfully match on some, but fail on others, even on an exact duplicates from the same list where it previously succeeded. What am I missing? Is this some sort of regex issue that I am not aware of?
Regex Pattern:
F# code:
let ApiPattern = #"(?i)/(.*?/v\d/.*?((?=\?)|(?=\d)|(?=\n)))"
let parseOutEndpoints (inputs : (int * string) array) =
let regEx = new Regex(ApiPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled)
inputs |> Array.map (fun (id, path) -> [|id.ToString(); path|]) |> Array.collect (fun x -> x)
|> writeRawPathsToFile
|> Array.map(fun (x) ->
let m = regEx.Match(x)
if m.Success
let endpoint = Domain.Endpoint(m.Value)
let line = $"{x}"
File.AppendAllLines(FailedRegexMatches, [line], Encoding.UTF8)
Sample string array Data:
All of these should return a match, but don't. In comparison to this original list, a significantly reduced list of successful matches will be returned.
This one helped to resolve your issue:
The reason behind problem: probably \r (windows carriage return), whitespaces and also end of string (noted as $ in regex).
Here's your regex and input in regexstorm, a .net Rex tester:
regex storm
I'd have made this a comment but RS's share urls contain the full Rex and input so it's too long for a comment (and SO doesn't allow url shorteners in comments)
So, my question is; does this look right to you? Are all the highlighted matches what you're expecting to match? If so, as RS's engine is .net based, I don't think there is a problem with the regex part of your code..

Programmatically build an F# regular expression with the FsVerbalExpressions library

I've been using the library FsVerbalExpressions to write some functions. I'm having a hard time trying to build a regEx programmatically.
For example, if I have a string "Int. Bus. Mach", I can remove periods and whitespaces and end up with the array
let splitString = [|"Int"; "Bus"; "Mach"|]
What I'd like to do is build a regular expression from splitString so that its result is:
let hardCoded =
|> startOfLine
|> then' "Int"
|> anything
|> whiteSpace
|> then' "Bus"
|> anything
|> whiteSpace
|> then' "Mach"
val it : VerbEx =
^(Int)(.*)\s(Bus)(.*)\s(Mach) {MatchTimeout = -00:00:00.0010000;
Regex = ^(Int)(.*)\s(Bus)(.*)\s(Mach);
RegexOptions = None;
RightToLeft = false;}
My problem is that I don't know how to build this programmatically so that, if the original string is "This is a much bigger string", the entire regEx is built from code rather than hard coded. I can create individual regular expressions with
let test =
|> Array.map (fun thing -> VerbEx()
|> then' thing)
|> Array.toList
but this is a list of VerbEx() rather than a single VerbEx() above.
Does anyone know how I could build a regEx with FsVerbalExpressions programmatically?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Think about it like this: you need to start with some initial value, VerbEx() |> startOfLine, and then apply to it repeating patterns that have the general shape of anything |> whitespace |> then' word.
You can also think about it in inductive terms: you're producing a series of values, where each value is expressed as previousValue |> anything |> whitespace |> then' word - that is, each next value in the series is previous value with some change applied to it. The very last element of such series is your final answer.
Such operation - producing a series of values, where each value is expressed as a modification of the previous one, - is traditionally called fold. And sure enough, F# has standard library functions for performing this operation:
let applyChange previousValue word =
previousValue |> anything |> whitespace |> then' word
let initialValue = VerbEx() |> startOfLine
let finalAnswer = splitString |> Array.fold applyChange initialValue
Or you can roll that all together:
let finalAnswer =
|> Array.fold
(fun previousValue word -> previousValue |> anything |> whitespace |> then' word)
(VerbEx() |> startOfLine)

F#: Try-with block for checking whether a regex pattern is valid [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
F#: Detecting errors in regex patterns
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am new to programming and F# is my first .NET language.
As a beginner's project, I would like to create a regex query tool that would determine whether a regex pattern entered by the user is valid. I have been advised that I can do so with a try-with block to see whether the regex pattern compiles, but as I am still extremely unfamiliar with programming in general, I have trouble using this method, as I have no idea what to specify as the second parameter.
Am I looking at the correct method?
Can a more experienced programmer show me how to write a function that does the task I just described?
Thank you.
EDIT: Here is the code I have so far:
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let askUserForFilePath() =
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the file (extension: .txt) from which to read all lines: ")
let filePath = Console.ReadLine()
let askUserForRegexPattern() =
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a regular expression: ")
let regExp = Console.ReadLine()
let getLinesFromFile (filePath: string) =
let linesFromFile = File.ReadAllLines filePath
|> Array.reduce (+)
|> string
let matchTextAgainstRegex (text: string) (regExp: string) =
Regex.IsMatch(text, regExp)
if Regex.IsMatch(text, regExp) then
let matchResults = Regex.Match(text, regExp)
let stringsFound = []
for eachGroup in matchResults.Groups do
eachGroup.Value :: stringsFound |> ignore
|> List.rev
|> List.iter (fun eachString -> printfn "%s" eachString)
My issue is not knowing how to complete the try-with block. The 'else' block is currently unfinished, but I will get to it later. Thank you for your help.
You don't actually have to test the regular expression against a string to see if it's valid. I mean if you want to check if the pattern is valid (not the string). You can simply instantiate a new Regex object and catch the exception.
type MatchResult =
| Ok
| Error of string
let matchTextAgainstRegex (regExp: string) (opt : RegexOptions) =
let r = Regex(regExp, opt);
| e -> Error(e.Message)
Note that I introduced a type MatchResult so you can match against it when it will be returned from matchTextAgainstRegex function. I've also changed the signature a little bit
So when you call it with an invalid pattern, here is the output :
matchTextAgainstRegex #"^[" RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;;
val it : MatchResult = Error "parsing "^[" - Unterminated [] set."

F# Mapping Regular Expression Matches with Active Patterns

I found this useful article on using Active Patterns with Regular Expressions:
The original code snippet used in the article was this:
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|Match|_|) pattern input =
let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern) in
if m.Success then Some (List.tl [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ]) else None
let ContainsUrl value =
match value with
| Match "(http:\/\/\S+)" result -> Some(result.Head)
| _ -> None
Which would let you know if at least one url was found and what that url was (if I understood the snippet correctly)
Then in the comment section Joel suggested this modification:
Alternative, since a given group may
or may not be a successful match:
List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> if g.Success then Some g.Value else None ]
Or maybe you give labels to your
groups and you want to access them by
|> Seq.map (fun n -> (n, m.Groups.[n]))
|> Seq.filter (fun (n, g) -> g.Success)
|> Seq.map (fun (n, g) -> (n, g.Value))
|> Map.ofSeq)
After trying to combine all of this I came up with the following code:
let testString = "http://www.bob.com http://www.b.com http://www.bob.com http://www.bill.com"
let (|Match|_|) pattern input =
let re = new Regex(pattern)
let m = re.Match(input) in
if m.Success then Some ((re.GetGroupNames()
|> Seq.map (fun n -> (n, m.Groups.[n]))
|> Seq.filter (fun (n, g) -> g.Success)
|> Seq.map (fun (n, g) -> (n, g.Value))
|> Map.ofSeq)) else None
let GroupMatches stringToSearch =
match stringToSearch with
| Match "(http:\/\/\S+)" result -> printfn "%A" result
| _ -> ()
GroupMatches testString;;
When I run my code in an interactive session this is what is output:
map [("0", "http://www.bob.com"); ("1", "http://www.bob.com")]
The result I am trying to achieve would look something like this:
map [("http://www.bob.com", 2); ("http://www.b.com", 1); ("http://www.bill.com", 1);]
Basically a mapping of each unique match found followed by the count of the number of times that specific matching string was found in the text.
If you think I'm going down the wrong path here please feel free to suggest a completely different approach. I'm somewhat new to both Active Patterns and Regular Expressions so I have no idea where to even begin in trying to fix this.
I also came up with this which is basically what I would do in C# translated to F#.
let testString = "http://www.bob.com http://www.b.com http://www.bob.com http://www.bill.com"
let matches =
let matchDictionary = new Dictionary<string,int>()
for mtch in (Regex.Matches(testString, "(http:\/\/\S+)")) do
for m in mtch.Captures do
if(matchDictionary.ContainsKey(m.Value)) then
matchDictionary.Item(m.Value) <- matchDictionary.Item(m.Value) + 1
matchDictionary.Add(m.Value, 1)
Which returns this when run:
val matches : Dictionary = dict [("http://www.bob.com", 2); ("http://www.b.com", 1); ("http://www.bill.com", 1)]
This is basically the result I am looking for, but I'm trying to learn the functional way to do this, and I think that should include active patterns. Feel free to try to "functionalize" this if it makes more sense than my first attempt.
Thanks in advance,
Interesting stuff, I think everything you are exploring here is valid. (Partial) active patterns for regular expression matching work very well indeed. Especially when you have a string which you want to match against multiple alternative cases. The only thing I'd suggest with the more complex regex active patterns is that you give them more descriptive names, possibly building up a collection of different regex active patterns with differing purposes.
As for your C# to F# example, you can have functional solution just fine without active patterns, e.g.
let testString = "http://www.bob.com http://www.b.com http://www.bob.com http://www.bill.com"
let matches input =
Regex.Matches(input, "(http:\/\/\S+)")
|> Seq.cast<Match>
|> Seq.groupBy (fun m -> m.Value)
|> Seq.map (fun (value, groups) -> value, (groups |> Seq.length))
//FSI output:
> matches testString;;
val it : seq<string * int> =
[("http://www.bob.com", 2); ("http://www.b.com", 1);
("http://www.bill.com", 1)]
The reason why this particular example works fine without active patterns is because 1) you are only testing one pattern, 2) you are dynamically processing the matches.
For a real world example of active patterns, let's consider a case where 1) we are testing multiple regexes, 2) we are testing for one regex match with multiple groups. For these scenarios, I use the following two active patterns, which are a bit more general than the first Match active pattern you showed (I do not discard first group in the match, and I return a list of the Group objects, not just their values -- one uses the compiled regex option for static regex patterns, one uses the interpreted regex option for dynamic regex patterns). Because the .NET regex API is so feature filled, what you return from your active pattern is really up to what you find useful. But returning a list of something is good, because then you can pattern match on that list.
let (|InterpretedMatch|_|) pattern input =
if input = null then None
let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
if m.Success then Some [for x in m.Groups -> x]
else None
///Match the pattern using a cached compiled Regex
let (|CompiledMatch|_|) pattern input =
if input = null then None
let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled)
if m.Success then Some [for x in m.Groups -> x]
else None
Notice also how these active patterns consider null a non-match, instead of throwing an exception.
OK, so let's say we want to parse names. We have the following requirements:
Must have first and last name
May have middle name
First, optional middle, and last name are separated by a single blank space in that order
Each part of the name may consist of any combination of at least one or more letters or numbers
Input may be malformed
First we'll define the following record:
type Name = {First:string; Middle:option<string>; Last:string}
Then we can use our regex active pattern quite effectively in a function for parsing a name:
let parseName name =
match name with
| CompiledMatch #"^(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)$" [_; first; middle; last] ->
Some({First=first.Value; Middle=Some(middle.Value); Last=last.Value})
| CompiledMatch #"^(\w+) (\w+)$" [_; first; last] ->
Some({First=first.Value; Middle=None; Last=last.Value})
| _ ->
Notice one of the key advantages we gain here, which is the case with pattern matching in general, is that we are able to simultaneously test that an input matches the regex pattern, and decompose the returned list of groups if it does.

How to do Erlang pattern matching using regular expressions?

When I write Erlang programs which do text parsing, I frequently run into situations where I would love to do a pattern match using a regular expression.
For example, I wish I could do something like this, where ~ is a "made up" regular expression matching operator:
my_function(String ~ ["^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*$"]) ->
I know about the regular expression module (re) but AFAIK you cannot call functions when pattern matching or in guards.
Also, I wish matching strings could be done in a case-insensitive way. This is handy, for example, when parsing HTTP headers, I would love to do something like this where "Str ~ {Pattern, Options}" means "Match Str against pattern Pattern using options Options":
handle_accept_language_header(Header ~ {"Accept-Language", [case_insensitive]}) ->
Two questions:
How do you typically handle this using just standard Erlang? Is there some mechanism / coding style which comes close to this in terms of conciseness and easiness to read?
Is there any work (an EEP?) going on in Erlang to address this?
You really don't have much choice other than to run your regexps in advance and then pattern match on the results. Here's a very simple example that approaches what I think you're after, but it does suffer from the flaw that you need to repeat the regexps twice. You could make this less painful by using a macro to define each regexp in one place.
multire([],_) ->
multire([RE|RegExps],String) ->
case re:run(String,RE,[{capture,none}]) of
match ->
nomatch ->
test(Foo) ->
test2("^Hello",Foo) ->
io:format("~p matched the hello pattern~n",[Foo]);
test2("world$",Foo) ->
io:format("~p matched the world pattern~n",[Foo]);
test2("^....$",Foo) ->
io:format("~p matched the four chars pattern~n",[Foo]);
test2(nomatch,Foo) ->
io:format("~p failed to match~n",[Foo]).
A possibility could be to use Erlang Web-style annotations (macros) combined with the re Erlang module. An example is probably the best way to illustrate this.
This is how your final code will look like:
?MATCH({Regexp, Options}).
foo(_Args) ->
The MATCH macro would be executed just before your foo function. The flow of execution will fail if the regexp pattern is not matched.
Your match function will be declared as follows:
match({Regexp, Options}, TgtMod, TgtFun, TgtFunArgs) ->
String = proplists:get_value(string, TgtArgs),
case re:run(String, Regexp, Options) of
nomatch ->
{error, {TgtMod, match_error, []}};
{match, _Captured} ->
{proceed, TgtFunArgs}
Please note that:
The BEFORE says that macro will be executed before your target function (AFTER macro is also available).
The match_error is your error handler, specified in your module, and contains the code you want to execute if you fail a match (maybe nothing, just block the execution flow)
This approach has the advantage of keeping the regexp syntax and options uniform with the re module (avoid confusion).
More information about the Erlang Web annotations here:
and here:
The software is open source, so you might want to reuse their annotation engine.
You can use the re module:
re:run(String, "^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*$").
re:run(String, "^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*$", [caseless]).
match(String, Regexps) ->
case lists:dropwhile(
fun({Regexp, Opts}) -> re:run(String, Regexp, Opts) =:= nomatch;
(Regexp) -> re:run(String, Regexp) =:= nomatch end,
Regexps) of
[R|_] -> R;
_ -> nomatch
example(String) ->
Regexps = ["$RE1^", {"$RE2^", [caseless]}, "$RE3"]
case match(String, Regexps) of
nomatch -> handle_error();
Regexp -> handle_regexp(String, Regexp)
For string, you could use the 're' module : afterwards, you iterate over the result set. I am afraid there isn't another way to do it AFAIK: that's why there are regexes.
For the HTTP headers, since there can be many, I would consider iterating over the result set to be a better option instead of writing a very long expression (potentially).
EEP work : I do not know.
Erlang does not handle regular expressions in patterns.
You can't pattern match on regular expressions, sorry. So you have to do
my_function(String) -> Matches = re:run(String, "^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*$"),