OpenGL: Post-Processing + Multisampling =? - opengl

I'm fairly new to OpenGL and trying to figure out how to add a post-processing stage to my scene rendering. What I believe I know so far is that I create an FBO, render the scene to that, and then I can render to the back buffer using my post-processing shader with the texture from the FBO as the input.
But where this goes beyond my knowledge is when multisampling gets thrown in. The FBO must be multisampled. That leaves two possibilities: 1. the post-process shader operates 1:1 on subsamples to generate the final multisampled screen output, or 2. the shader must resolve the multiple samples and output a single screen fragment for each screen pixel. How can these be done?

Well, option 1 is supported in the GL via the features braught in via GL_ARB_texture_multisample (in core since GL 3.2). Basically, this brings new multisample texture types, and the corresponding samplers like sampler2DMS, where you explicitely can fetch from a particular sample index. If this approach can be efficiently used to implement your post-processing effect, I don't know.
Option 2 is a little bit different than what you describe. Not the shader will do the multisample resolve. You can render into a multisample FBO (don't need a texture for that, a renderbuffer will do as well) and do the resolve explicitely using glBlitFramebuffer, into another, non-multisampled FBO (this time, with a texture). This non-multisamples texture can then be used as input for the post-processing. And neither the post-processing nor the default framebuffer need to be aware of multisampling at all.


Copy entire cubemap texture from framebuffer

glFramebufferTexture allows one to bind an entire cubemap as a color attachment for layered rendering. In turn, glReadBuffer then allows one to bind said entire cubemap as a read buffer.
I want to render a scene to the non-zero mip levels of a cubemap texture. I'm using layered rendering to render not to one face, but to the entire thing in one go. However, the shader used for this uses the 0th mip level of that same texture. Since I don't think I can expose the texture to a shader and to a framebuffer attachment at the same time, I'm rendering to a different texture and copying the contents of that texture to my original texture's desired mip level.
Right now I'm doing this with a pass-through shader, which is pretty slow since it's layered rendering thus uses a geometry shader, and it would be better to use an API function. However, glCopyTexSubImage2D only allows cubemap faces, and neither it nor glCopyTexSubImage3D seem to accept cubemaps as input. Apart from 4.5-specific functions such as glCopyTextureSubImage3D, is there any way to retrieve an entire cubemap from the framebuffer into a cubemap texture ? I'm also aware that glCopyImageSubData exists, but something at the feature level of glFramebufferTexture is preferrable (so 3.2).

Custom blending equations (shader) for OpenGL

I am trying to experiment with different alpha blending equations for transparent objects using OpenGL but it looks like fragment shaders operate on the color of fragments on single objects and cant take into account the scene behind the object.
On the other hand there doesn't seem to be a way to intercept the blending stage with arbitrary GLSL code, for example I can't think of a way to reproduce soft light blend mode with the current OpenGL primitives.
Is there a way to reconcile these?
There are a couple relatively well-supported extensions:
KHR_blend_equation_advanced - implements common blending modes (including soft light).
EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch - provides destination color from the framebuffer for fully custom blending in the shader.
Blending is still one of those few parts of the fragment pipeline that's a hardwired circuit on the GPU. Hence it's not programmable. Your best bet is rendering to a texture and do a blending postprocessing pass.
copy render target, and draw your object with it as texture.
if there is many small object, you can only copy part of your render target.
first pass: draw object with render target as texture to texture_2;
second pass: draw object to render target with texture_2;

How to render color and depth in multisample texture?

In order to implement "depth-peeling", I render my OpenGL scene in to a series of framebuffers each equipped with a rgba color texture and depth texture. This works fine if I don't care about anti-aliasing. If I do, then it seems the correct thing to do is enable GL_MULTISAMPLING and use a GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE instead of GL_TEXTURE_2D. But I'm confused about which other calls need to be replaced.
In particular, how should I adapt my framebuffer construction to use glTexImage2DMultisample instead of glTexImage2D?
Do I need to change the calls to glFramebufferTexture2D beyond using GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE instead of GL_TEXTURE_2D?
If I'm rendering both color and depth into textures, do I need to make a call to glRenderbufferStorageMultisample?
Finally, is there some glBlit* that I need to do in addition to setting up textures for the framebuffer to render into?
There are many related questions on this topic, but none of the solutions I found seem to point to a canonical tutorial or clear example putting all these together.
While I have only used multisampled FBO rendering with renderbuffers, not textures, the following is my understanding.
Do I need to change the calls to glFramebufferTexture2D beyond using GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE instead of GL_TEXTURE_2D?
No, that's all you need. You create the texture with glTexImage2DMultisample(), and then attach it using GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE as the 3rd argument to glFramebufferTexture2D(). The only constraint is that the level (5th argument) has to be 0.
If I'm rendering both color and depth into textures, do I need to make a call to glRenderbufferStorageMultisample?
Yes. If you attach a depth buffer to the same FBO, you need to use a multisampled renderbuffer, with the same number of samples as the color buffer. So you create your depth renderbuffer with glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(), passing in the same sample count you used for the color buffer.
Finally, is there some glBlit* that I need to do in addition to setting up textures for the framebuffer to render into?
Not for rendering into the framebuffer. Once you're done rendering, you have a couple of options:
You can downsample (resolve) the multisample texture to a regular texture, and then use the regular texture for your subsequent rendering. For resolving the multisample texture, you can use glBlitFramebuffer(), where the multisample texture is attached to the GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, and the regular texture to the GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER.
You can use the multisample texture for your subsequent rendering. You will need to use the sampler2DMS type for the samplers in your shader code, with the corresponding sampling functions.
For option 1, I don't really see a good reason to use a multisample texture. You might just as well use a multisample renderbuffer, which is slightly easier to use, and should be at least as efficient. For this, you create a renderbuffer for the color attachment, and allocate it with glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(), very much like what you need for the depth buffer.

Blend FBO onto default framebuffer

To clarify, when I say 'default framebuffer' I mean the one provided by the windowing system and what ends up on your monitor.
To improve my rendering speeds for a CAD app, I've managed to separate out the 3D elements from the Qt-handled 2D ones, and they now each render into their own FBO. When the time comes to get them onto the screen, I blit the 3D FBO onto the default FB, and then I want to blend my 2D FBO on top of it.
I've gotten to the blitting part fine, but I can't see how to blend my 2D FBO onto it? Both FBOs are identical in size and format, and they are both the same as the default FB.
I'm sure it's a simple operation, but I can't find anything on the net - presumably I'm missing the right term for what I am trying to do. Although I'm using Qt, I can use native OpenGL commands without issue.
A blit operation is ultimately a pixel copy operation. If you want to layer one image on top of another, you can't blit it. You must instead render a full-screen quad as a texture and use the proper blending parameters for your blending operation.
You can use GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit to blit contents of the framebuffer object to the application framebuffer (or to any other). Although, as the spec states, it is not possible to use blending:
The pixel copy bypasses the fragment pipeline. The only fragment
operations which affect the blit are the pixel ownership test and
the scissor test.
So any blending means to use fragment shader as suggested. One fullscreen pass with blending should be pretty cheap, I believe there is nothing to worry about.
use shader to read back from frame buffer. this is OpenGL ES extension, not support by all hardware.

Applying a shader to framebuffer object to get fisheye affect

Lets say i have an application ( the details of the application should be irrelevent for solving the problem ). Instead of rendering to the screen, i am somehow able to force the application to render to a framebuffer object instead of rendering to the screen ( messing with glew or intercepting a call in a dll ).
Once the application has rendered its content to the FBO is it possible to apply a shader to the contents of the FB? My knowledge is limited here, so from what i understand at this stage all information about vertices is no longer available and all the necessary tests have been applied, so whats left in the buffer is just pixel data. Is this correct?
If it is possible to apply a shader to the FBO, is is possible to get a fisheye affect? ( like this for example: )
The technique used in the linke above is to create 6 different viewports and render each viewport to a cubemap face and then apply the texture to a mesh.
A framebuffer object encapsulates several other buffers, specifically those that are implicitly indexed by fragment location. So a single framebuffer object may bundle together a colour buffer, a depth buffer, a stencil buffer and a bunch of others. The individual buffers are known as renderbuffers.
You're right — there's no geometry in there. For the purposes of reading back the scene you get only final fragment values, which if you're highjacking an existing app will probably be a 2d pixel image of the frame and some other things that you don't care about.
If your GPU has render-to-texture support (originally an extension circa OpenGL 1.3 but you'd be hard pressed to find a GPU without it nowadays, even in mobile phones) then you can link a texture as a renderbuffer within a framebuffer. So the rendering code is exactly as it would be normally but ends up writing the results to a texture that you can then use as a source for drawing.
Fragment shaders can programmatically decide which location of a texture map to sample in order to create their output. So you can write a fragment shader that applies a fisheye lens, though you're restricted to the field of view rendered in the original texture, obviously. Which would probably be what you'd get in your Quake example if you had just one of the sides of the cube available rather than six.
In summary: the answer is 'yes' to all of your questions. There's a brief introduction to framebuffer objects here.
Look here for some relevant info:
The short, simple explanation is that a FBO is the 3D equivalent of a software frame buffer. You have direct access to individual pixels, instead of having to modify a texture and upload it. You can get shaders to point to an FBO. The link above gives an overview of the procedure.