2 QOpenGLWidget shared context causing crash - c++

I would like to solve problem that I still deal with.. thats render 2 QOpenGLWidgets at same time in different top level windows with shared shader programs etc.
My first attempt was to use one context, wasnt working.
Is it even possible currently with QOpenGLWidget? Or I have to go to older QGLWidget? Or use something else?
testAttribute for Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts returns true so there is not problem with sharing
even QOpenGLContext::areSharing returns true. So there is something I missing or I dont know. Not using threads.
Debug output:
MapExplorer true true true QOpenGLShaderProgram::bind: program is not
valid in the current context. MapExlorer paintGL ends MapExplorer true
true true QOpenGLShaderProgram::bind: program is not valid in the
current context. MapExlorer paintGL ends
QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bind() called from incompatible context
QOpenGLShaderProgram::bind: program is not valid in the current
context. QOpenGLShaderProgram::bind: program is not valid in the
current context. QOpenGLShaderProgram::bind: program is not valid in
the current context. QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bind() called from
incompatible context QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bind() called from
incompatible context
MapView initializeGL:
void MapView::initializeGL()
// Initialize World
world->initialize(this->context(), size(), worldCoords);
// Initialize camera shader
// Enable depth testing
glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // just testing new depth func
glClearColor(0.65f, 0.77f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
MapView paintGL:
void MapView::paintGL()
MapExplorer initializeGL:
void MapExplorer::initializeGL()
QOpenGLContext* _context = _mapView->context();
// Enable depth testing
glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // just testing new depth func
glClearColor(0.65f, 0.77f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
MapExplorer paintGL:
void MapExplorer::paintGL()
qDebug() << "MapExplorer" << QOpenGLContext::areSharing(this->context(), _mapView->context()) << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext() == this->context());
QOpenGLShaderProgram* shader = world->getTerrainShader();
qDebug() << shader->create();
shader->bind(); // debug error "QOpenGLShaderProgram::bind: program is not valid in the current context."
// We need the viewport size to calculate tessellation levels and the geometry shader also needs the viewport matrix
shader->setUniformValue("viewportSize", viewportSize);
shader->setUniformValue("viewportMatrix", viewportMatrix);
qDebug() << "MapExlorer paintGL ends";

Hi I've been hacking this for 2 days, and finally got something to work.
The main reference is qt's threadrenderer example.
Basically I have a QOpenglWidget with its own context, and a background thread drawing to the context shared from QOpenglWidget. The framebuffer drawn by the background thread can be directly used by the QOpenglWidget.
Here's the steps to make things work:
I have the QOpenglWidget RenderEngine and the background thread RenderWorker
// the worker is a thread
class RenderWorker : public QThread, protected QOpenGLFunctions
// the background thread's context and surface
QOffscreenSurface *surface = nullptr;
QOpenGLContext *context = nullptr;
context = new QOpenGLContext();
surface = new QOffscreenSurface();
// the engine is a QOpenglWidget
class RenderEngine : public QOpenGLWidget, protected QOpenGLFunctions
// overwrite
void initializeGL() override;
void resizeGL(int w, int h) override;
void paintGL() override;
// the engine has a background worker
RenderWorker *m_worker = nullptr;
Create and setup the background thread in QOpenglWidget's initializeGL()
void RenderEngine::initializeGL()
// done with current (QOpenglWidget's) context
QOpenGLContext *current = context();
// create the background thread
m_worker = new RenderWorker();
// the background thread's context is shared from current
QOpenGLContext *shared = m_worker->context;
// must move the shared context to the background thread
// setup the background thread's surface
// must be created here in the main thread
QOffscreenSurface *surface = m_worker->surface;
// worker signal
connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(started()), m_worker, SLOT(initializeGL()));
// must move the thread to itself
// the worker can finally start
The background thread have to initialize the shared context in its own thread
void RenderWorker::initializeGL()
Now any framebuffer drawn in the background thread can be directly used (as texture, etc.) by the QOpenglWidget, e.g. in the paintGL() function.
As far as I know, an opengl context is kind of binded to a thread. Shared context and the corresponding surface must be created and setup in the main thread, moved to another thread and initialized in it, before it can be finally used.

In your code I don't see where you link your shader program. You should:
Remove shader->create() form paintGL, create it once in initializeGL function of one the views and share it among other views.
link it in paintGL functions this way before binding it:
if (!shader->isLinked())
The link status of a shader program is context dependant (see OpenGL and take a look at QOpenGLShaderProgram::link() source code).
In the MapExplorer::initializeGL() remove _context (it's not used at all...). remove also this->context()->create (this is done by QOpenGLWidget).
In your main function put this at first line (or before QApplication instanciation) :
I do like this in a multi-QOpenGLWidget app and it works fine.

One reason why your context is giving you grief is because you are trying to create your own in MapExplorer::initializeGL. QOpenGLWidget already creates its own context in its private initialize function. You need to use the one it creates. Its own context is also made current before each of initializeGL, paintGL and resizeGL. Making your own current is probably causing errors and is not how that widget is designed to be used.
Context sharing between widgets needs to be done with context.globalShareContext(). There is a static member of QOpenGLContext that gets initialized when QGuiApplication is created. That static member and the defaulFormat is what the QOpenGLWidgets context is initialized by automatically.


how to delete texture object under different thread with share qopenglcontext, on ubuntu20.04 with mesa driver

I have an class object called "ShowVideo", which inherits from QOpenGLWidget and QOpenGLFunctions.
In the "initializeGL() " function, i create a work thread and a sub renderer object, within the sub renderer object, i create a QOpenGLContext object, which calls setShareContext with the QOpenGLWidget context for texture sharing.
under the "ShowVideo" class, there is a member function called "onSceneSwitch"(need to be called many times), in which i will first release all the sub renderer's opengl resource (QOpenGLFramebufferObject, textures, etc)(by calling glDeleteTextures), and then recreate the opengl resource (for example, using the glGenTextures).
on Windows system with nvidia graphic card, it works fine(the opengl resources is successfully released, the texture object name is ok for re-use after "glDeteleTextures", even though the share opengl context not destroyed ).
however on ubuntu20.04 with mesa graphics driver, the opengl resources can not be released . (if i use glGenTextures to gen texture object, i would get new texture object id every time i call the "onSceneSwitch", and thus results in quickly exceeding the "GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS")
The Code example is as follows:
class ShowVideo : public QOpenGLWidget,protected QOpenGLFunctions
void initializeGL()
m_mainRendererContext = new QOpenGLContext();
QSurfaceFormat format;
format.setVersion(2, 0);
m_mainRenderThread = new QThread;
m_mainRenderer = new MainRenderer();
void onSceneSwitch()
emit m_mainRenderer->releaseGLResourceSignal();
emit m_mainRenderer->reCreateGLResourceSignal();
class MainRenderer : public QObject, protected QOpenGLFunctions
GLuint m_texUnit;
QOpenGLFramebufferObject *m_Fbo = nullptr;
QOpenGLContext *mContext;
QOffscreenSurface *mSurface
void setGLContext(QOpenGLContext *context)
m_Context = context;
void releaseGLResource()
glDeleteTextures(1, &m_texUnit);
delete m_Fbo;
m_Fbo = 0;
void reCreateGLResource()
glGenTextures(1, &m_texUnit);
qDebug() << "the m_texUnit is : " << m_texUnit;
m_Fbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject (size, format);
for example, if the "m_texUnit" is 3 on initialize after glGenTextures, on windows system, i could get 3 after glGenTextures each time in the "onSceneSwitch"; but in ubuntu system, because the two openGLcontext object is shared, the texture object name is unable to release.
By the way, the reason i set the two openglContext shared, is that in the class "ShowVideo" member function "paintGL", i use the texture id generated in "MainRenderer" for rendering.
"if i use glGenTextures to gen texture object, i would get new texture object id every time" - as far as I know, this is correct behaviour of an OpenGL implementation. It is not guaranteed that glGenTexture will ever return ids that were previously deleted. The correct way is to reuse texture objects rather than frequently create and destroy them (note that is texture is not equal to texture data; you can change what a texture contains at any time).
Btw, GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS is irrelevant here - it is not the number of textures you can create (this is only limited by technical stuff like sizeof(GLuint), available memory, or implementation-specific limitations), but the number of active texture units (see glActiveTexture), i.e. roughly the maximum number of textures that can be simultaneously used by a shader program.

QOpenGLWidget just works correctly in the first paint

I developed a simple Point Cloud Data viewer (just for learning) and I am using Qt Library. My first implementation used QOpenGLWindow but now I want to use a QOpenGLWidget to uses it such as dynamic library.
Regarding QOpenGLWidget, it just works in the first "painting" (call to PaintGL when I create the widget) and nothing happens on successive paintGL() calls. This problem does not appear in QOpenGLWindow, it works perfectly.
My PaintGL() paint using the next method of my class:
void AEOpenGLViewer::renderGL() {
// Clear
shader_program->setUniformValue(u_worldToCamera, camera.toMatrix());
shader_program->setUniformValue(u_cameraToView, projection);
for (size_t globjects_index = 0; globjects_index < objects.size(); ++globjects_index) {
shader_program->setUniformValue(u_modelToWorld, objects.at(globjects_index).transform.toMatrix());
glDrawArrays(objects.at(globjects_index).primitive_type, 0, objects.at(globjects_index).vertices.size());
where "objects" is a std::vector of a local struct that define an OpenGL's object in my applicacion:
typedef struct {
QOpenGLBuffer *vbo;
QOpenGLVertexArrayObject *vao;
GLenum primitive_type;
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
Transform3D transform;
} GLObject;
The slot "update()" is called using input events (KeyPressEvent, MouseMoveEvent..) just in order to reduce the GPU load.
In case someone is interested, the vbo is allocated as follow:
void AEOpenGLViewer::prepareObjectInGPU(GLObject globject) {
// Create Buffer (Do not release until VAO is created) (vbo)
globject.vbo->allocate(globject.vertices.data(), globject.vertices.size() * sizeof(Vertex));
// Create Vertex Array Object (vao)
shader_program->setAttributeBuffer(0, GL_FLOAT, Vertex::positionOffset(), Vertex::PositionTupleSize, Vertex::stride());
shader_program->setAttributeBuffer(1, GL_FLOAT, Vertex::colorOffset(), Vertex::ColorTupleSize, Vertex::stride());
// Release (unbind) all
The problem is solved, It happened because I have to make the corresponding context current during the allocation of the object in the GPU (my prepareObjectInGPU() method). So, the problem is solved as follow:
void AEOpenGLViewer::prepareObjectInGPU(GLObject globject) {
In the QOpenGLWindow, it was not necessary but I recommended to do it as good practices. Remember, during the PaintGL() It is not necessary to call the makeCurrent() because it is called automatically before invoking paintGL().
However, if someone want to answer me then you are welcome.

How to set a uniform variable on user input only?

I have a RenderWidget class inherited from QOpenGLWidget, which has the following two methods, among others:
RenderWidget : public QOpenGLWidget, protected QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core {
// ...
public slots:
void setSmthEnabled(bool enabled) {
float val = (enabled == true) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
shader.setUniformValue("uniformUserInput", val);
void paintGL() {
// ...
shader.setUniformValue("uniform1", value1);
shader.setUniformValue("uniform2", value2);
// ...
paintGL is being called 100 times/second, while setSmthEnabled is only called when a user toggles a checkbox in the UI, which happens occasionally. uniformUserInput uniform does not need to be set every frame, so I try to set it only in user input slot, but it does not work. The uniform preserves it's value, which was set on initialization.
I guess this happens because rendering is asynchronous, and uniform cannot be updated while the pipeline is busy. That's why I tried to call glFinish() before setting uniformUserInput in setSmthEnabled slot, but it didn't help. The only solution I found is to rewrite the class in the following manner:
RenderWidget : public QOpenGLWidget, protected QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core {
// ...
float val = 1.0f;
public slots:
void setSmthEnabled(bool enabled) {
val = (enabled == true) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
void paintGL() {
// ...
shader.setUniformValue("uniform1", value1);
shader.setUniformValue("uniform2", value2);
// ...
shader.setUniformValue("uniformUserInput", val);
Real-world code contains much more user-input uniforms, so I wouldn't like to update all of them each frame and keep redundant member variables for that purpose. How do I update uniforms on user input only?
shader.setUniformValue in the core above only calls QOpenGLShaderProgram::setUniformValue on a relevant QOpenGLShaderProgram object and returns.
so I try to set it only in user input slot, but it does not work
Which is to be expected. OpenGL is a statefull API and the state is encapsulated in a context. There may be any number of contexts used in a single program, which must be bound and can be unbound. for the sake of clarity in Qt's programming model the a OpenGL context is only bound in very specific circumstances, namely when inside initializeGL, paintGL and resizeGL. Also you can make a context current with QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent.
Only when a OpenGL context is bound current you can do things with it. Like setting uniform values.
I guess this happens because rendering is asynchronous, and uniform cannot be updated while the pipeline is busy.
That's not the reason. Also OpenGL is perfectly capable, in fact it is specified, that you can make any call at any time and everything gets queued up. You can even replace texture images (even through a PBO) even while the GPU is still using the texture object for rendering (the driver has to keep track of these changes and defer the execution until all affected resources are free to use).

Use OpenGL context in an external class in Qt

I have a window in Qt that inherits from QGLViewer. If I create any shader program in that class, QGLShaderProgram myShader everything runs fine.
However I start moving some rendering calls to classes outside the class that has the draw()call and things are broken.
The application compiles fine without errors, but when executing it I received an error The program has unexpectedly finished.
I found around that from Qt4 to Qt5 the shader class changed, being QOpenGLShaderProgram the one used in Qt5. I gave it a try and the same problem occur, nevertheless I got a different error message QOpenGLFunctions created with a non-current context.
Which makes me think that when calling OpenGL functions from a class that has no direct relation to the class that actually does the drawing the OpenGL context is "lost".
How can I make the context visible across all the classes? In general my code looks like
class MyViewer : public QGLViewer
MyViewer(const QGLFormat format);
// Clear color buffer and depth buffer
// Do stuff
Cube m_cube;
class Cube
m_shaderProgram.addShaderFromSourceFile(QGLShader::Vertex, ":/vertex.glsl");
m_shaderProgram.addShaderFromSourceFile(QGLShader::Fragment, ":/fragment.glsl");
//Initialize VAO and VBOs
void render(){ // render OpenGL calls }
QGLShaderProgram m_shaderProgram;
Open gl contexts are global but you can explicit share a context between 2 Viewers like so
QGLViewer ( QGLContext * context,
QWidget * parent = 0,
const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0,
Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0
Acoording to ducumentation
Same as QGLViewer(), but a QGLContext can be provided so that viewers
share GL contexts, even with QGLContext sub-classes (use shareWidget
So first check the order in witch you classes are created. Because the Cube could be calling opengl functions whilest your vieuwer is still incomplete
If you call opengl functions before the QGLviewer has created a context you get an error.
if so a quick work around would be to create a new Qglcontext in your construtor of cube and pass it back to they viewer.
Else do this
Cube() {}; // empty cube constructor
void InitShaders()
m_shaderProgram.addShaderFromSourceFile(QGLShader::Vertex, ":/vertex.glsl");
m_shaderProgram.addShaderFromSourceFile(QGLShader::Fragment, ":/fragment.glsl");
//Initialize VAO and VBOs
and in the constructor of my viewer do
MyViewer(const QGLFormat format){
I have not tested this code but it should alter the order of initialization.

QGLWidget paintEvent: where to initialize openGL?

It seems that the paintEvent method of the QGLWidget is called before initializeGL, so where am I supposed to put my openGL initialization code?
I'm putting it into the paintEvent method like this:
void MyGLWidget::paintEvent(...)
..save modelview and projection matrices..
// This is initialization code
GLenum init = glewInit();
if (GLEW_OK != init)
/* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */
qWarning() << glewGetErrorString(init);
// Dark blue background
glClearColor(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
// Enable depth test
// End initialization code
... drawing code
QPainter painter(this);
I really don't like the idea of having my glew library initialization function called every time a paintEvent is raised... although that's working.
Any suggestion?
You have to initialize OpenGL in initializeGL(), there is no other option.
But you also have to draw inside paintGL, not inside paintEvent, so that is where your mistake is.
Override initializeGL() function of QGLWidget. It is Created right for the purposes you want
From it's documentation:
This virtual function is called once before the first call to
paintGL() or resizeGL(), and then once whenever the widget has been
assigned a new QGLContext. Reimplement it in a subclass.
link to documentation: http://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.7/qglwidget.html#initializeGL