Detect keyboard events without hooks to determine user idle time - c++

I need to determine if the user is idle in this particular way.
For complicated reasons i cant use functions like GetCursorPos or any mouse related thing. Also i cant use LowLevelKeyboardProc with all the hooking and the GetMessage / TranslateMessage / DispachMessage loop running in the main function. These two options are off my choices, not for my decision.
GetLastInputInfo seemed perfect, but it cant filter only keyboard events, by default it detects both mouse and keyboard events.
Is there a simliar funcion that i can use for detecting only keyboard events?
i dont need and i dont want to know which keys are pressed, all i need to know is if the user pressed any of the keys. I will then loop and check that every half second until it returns false, then its done.
A better way would be to have in return the last time a keyboard event occurred. like GetLastInputInfo does. :(
This is hard to explain, and those are not excuses, i must avoid using hooks, and just detect if a keyboard event occurred.
Thanks for any help.


Efficient Perpetual Numlock Keystate Check

I bought a really nice keyboard (logitech G915) that for whatever inane reason doesn't have a numlock indicator. Thus, I'm using Logitech's lighting SDK to make the functionality myself using the key's rgb backlight.
I have an extremely simple console proof of concept that works:
while (true)
if (GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x1)
LogiLedSetLightingForKeyWithKeyName(LogiLed::KeyName::NUM_LOCK, 0, 100, 100);
LogiLedSetLightingForKeyWithKeyName(LogiLed::KeyName::NUM_LOCK, 0, 0, 0);
But I don't think it's good to eat up cpu cycles with a perpetual while loop for such a tiny feature. Should I just have it sleep for time (length suggested?) or is there a way to sleep until the system gets a numlock state change or am I simply going about this wrong?
Additionally, I haven't looked into it yet, but I want to make this a background process or a tray application (doesn't matter, just hidden away) so I guess answers should have that limitation in mind if it is one.
At app startup, use GetAsyncKeyState() instead of GetKeyState() to get the key's current state and update the light accordingly.
Then, use SetWindowsHookEx() to install a global WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook to detect whenever the key is pressed afterwards. On each callback event, use the state information provided by the hook, or start an asynchronous task to get the current key state immediately after your hook callback exits (as GetAsyncKeyState() has not been updated yet when the callback is called), and then update the light accordingly.
Alternatively, use the Raw Input API to monitor the keyboard and receive WM_INPUT window messages on each key press. And then get the key's current state and update the light accordingly.

How to intercept mouse and keyboard events and send custom ones in C++?

Alright, I want to write a program that intercepts mouse and keyboard events before they are reported to the active window/application, whatever that may be. Based on my program logic I want to be able to send custom key events.
For example: When the mouse button is held down, for any key press, send the next alphabetical letter. So if I hold down the right mouse button and hit 'a', the application sees it as a 'b' keypress.
I have briefly researched hooks and methods of intercepting WinAPI messages, and I'm unclear as to whether this is the solution I am looking for or not. According to what I've read, some of these solutions require you to inject a DLL into the desired application; my program needs to work for any running application.
Also, I have noticed that most of these solutions are in C#. As a matter of personal preference I would like to use C++ to write this program. Is there any reason why I would need to use C#?
Any pointers or advice is appreciated.

How to get notified of mouse/keyboard activity without a global hook?

I have a transparent window (WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) floating topmost.
Whenever there is a mouse move (anywhere on the screen) or keyboard stroke, it needs to display the related info (e.g. mouse position).
Is it possible to capture mouse/keyboard activities without using a global hook? Anti-virus software almost always triggers false alarms for the use of global
Any idea greatly appreciated.
I guess, GetAsyncKeyState and GetCursorPos might help. You probably can have a thread calling these functions every 300-500 msec, and posting a message to your main thread.
You could register for receiving raw input messages via RegisterRawInputDevices. Have a look over here, there are some links in the accepted answer of RRUZ, one points to a C# implementation. This works with window messages, no hooks involved.
(With this method you also get information about the specific device the input came from, so you could distinguish between multiple keyboards. That's where most questions having "use RegisterRawInputDevices" as answer are heading. But you can also use it to just capture the input, not caring about the source.)
You can get notified of keyboard/mouse activity (GetLastInputInfo), and I am fairly certain you can get the cursor position (GetMouseMovePointsEx). If you do not need the actual keyboard strokes, then that should do it. If you do, I do not think it can be done...
UInt32 lastInputTick = lastInputInfo.dwTime;
return Environment.TickCount - (Int32)lastInputInfo.dwTime
This code (C#) return the inactivity time (keyboard and mouse both). So you can have the time since the user is inactive.

Change speed of keystroke C++

Basically, when one types, a keydown event happens. If the key is held for more than a certain time (~1 sec) then the key is repeatedly pressed until keyup hapens. I would like to change the time it takes for the key to be automatically repressed in my c++ application. How can this be done?
The speed at which a keypress becomes automatically recurring is controlled by Windows.
If you want to manipulate automatic recurrences of key-presses, it might be more advantageous to poll for the state of the key rather than waiting for the keydown event. It depends on how responsive you need your application to be.
This article may help you in figuring out how to query for key states: link
You can use the SystemParametersInfo function to change the keyboard delay and refresh rate, as described in this newsgroup thread.
A simple way to handle this is to establish a buffer of time around the OnKeyDown event. Setup a timer that determines whether control passes to a secondary event handler. If the timer has expired, then it is OK to pass control. If the timer hasn't expired, then you should return and leave the event unhandled. Start the timer right before passing control to your secondary event handler.
void KeyDownHandler(...)
// ...
if (TimeLeft() <= 0)
A timer is better than counting duplicate events because you can't assume that a given system will have the same repeat rate set as yours.
I agree with Stuart that polling for the state of the key might work better. It depends upon what you are trying to accomplish.
Also note that this type of behavior might be highly annoying to your user - why do you need to ignore duplicates?
You might be able to tap into a Windows API but this might be controlled by the OS. Not sure...
You might need to manually draw a command such as to simulate a key press multiple times after a set number of seconds after the key has been pressed.
Use SetKeySpeed api (Kernel)

KeyboardProc returning TRUE causes performance drops

I'm developing an interface for an add-on to a game. I can't use the game API (for several reasons including the fact that the code must be game-agnostic) and I need to get keyboard input from the user so I've decided to use a keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD) to process user input when certain conditions are met.
The problem is that while I can receive and process the input correctly, when my hook returns TRUE instead of CallNextHookEx the system seems to take up a lot of time (well over 800ms) before letting things go on as expected and that's not acceptable because it doesn't even allow for a fluid typing experience.
What I have to achieve is preventing the key press message to reach the WndProc, so the question is: what can I do to achieve my target without hurting the game performance so much that the result will be unacceptable?
EDIT: due to specific requirements (games using anticheats which might create problems with my code despite it's not cheating-related) subclassing the active wndproc is not an option.
First you need your DLL to be injected into the target process, either by hooks, or by any other way.
Find the window handle of interest.
Obtain the current window procedure of that window, by calling GetWindowLongPtr(wnd, GWLP_WNDPROC), and save it.
Sub-class the window, by calling SetWindowLongPtr( wnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, &NewWndProc ) where NewWndProc is your DLL-implemented message procedure.
Inside NewWndProc you'll want to process keyboard messages (there're a dozen of them, type "keyboard input" in MSDN index, I can't post more then 1 link). For the rest of windows messages call the original window procedure you've saved during (3), and return the value it returned. Don't call it directly, use CallWindowProc instead.
This way is not very reliable, some antivirus and anti-bot (e.g. "warden client") software might not like it, and debugging may be challenging.
However it should work.
A keyboard hook should not make things that slow. There's probably something else going on that causes the 800ms delay. Is it still slow if your hook does nothing and simply returns TRUE?
If you want to prevent from message to arrive to the WndProc then you need to subclass using SetWindowLong, this way you will be able to catch all messages and decide if to continue their route.
As much as I don't like answering my own question I've found the cause of the delay. The message pump of the games I've tested my code against was implemented with a while(PeekMessage) { GetMessage... } and removing the keyboard input message somehow caused GetMessage to block for sometime. Using PostMessage and WM_NULL helped preventing GetMessage from blocking.