find all unique triplet in given array with sum zero with in minimum execution time [duplicate] - c++

This question already has an answer here:
Finding three elements that sum to K
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've got all unique triplets from code below but I want to reduce its time
complexity. It consists of three for loops. So my question is: Is it possible to do in minimum number of loops that it decreases its time complexity?
Thanks in advance. Let me know.
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void Triplet(int[], int, int);
void Triplet(int array[], int n, int sum)
// Fix the first element and find other two
for (int i = 0; i < n-2; i++)
// Fix the second element and find one
for (int j = i+1; j < n-1; j++)
// Fix the third element
for (int k = j+1; k < n; k++)
if (array[i] + array[j] + array[k] == sum)
cout << "Result :\t" << array[i] << " + " << array[j] << " + " << array[k]<<" = " << sum << endl;
int main()
int A[] = {-10,-20,30,-5,25,15,-2,12};
int sum = 0;
int arr_size = sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]);
cout<<"********************O(N^3) Time Complexity*****************************"<<endl;
return 0;

I'm not a wiz at algorithms but a way I can see making your program better is to do a binary search on your third loop for the value that will give you your sum in conjunction with the 2 previous values. This however requires your data to be sorted beforehand to make it work properly (which obviously has some overhead depending on your sorting algorithm (std::sort has an average time complexity of O (n log n))) .
You can always if you want to make use of parallel programming and make your program run off multiple threads but this can get very messy.
Aside from those suggestions, it is hard to think of a better way.

You can get a slightly better complexity of O(n^2*logn) easily enough if you first sort the list and then do a binary search for the third value. The sort takes O(nlogn) and the triplets search takes O(n^2) to ennumerate all the possible pairs that exist times O(logn) for the binary search of the thrid value for a total of O(nlogn + n^2logn) or simply O(n^2*logn).
There might be some other fancy things with binary search you can do to reduce that, but I can't see easily (at 4:00 am) anything better than that.

When a triplet sums to zero, the third number is completely determined by the two first. Thus, you're only free to choose two of the numbers in each triple. With n possible numbers this yields maximum n2 triplets.
I suspect, but I'm not sure, that that's the best complexity you can do. It's not clear to me whether the number of sum-to-zero triplets, for a random sequence of signed integers, will necessarily be on the order of n2. If it's less (not likely, but if) then it might be possible to do better.
Anyway, a simple way to do this with complexity on the order of n2 is to first scan through the numbers, storing them in a data structure with constant time lookup (the C++ standard library provides such). Then scan through the array as your posted code does, except vary only on the first and second number of the triple. For the third number, look it up in the constant time look-up data structure already established: if it's there then you have a potential new triple, otherwise not.
For each zero-sum triple thus found, put it also in a constant time look-up structure.
This ensures the uniqueness criterion at no extra complexity.

In the worst case, there are C(n, 3) triplets with sum zero in an array of size n. C(n, 3) is in Θ(n³), it takes Θ(n³) time just to print the triplets. In general, you cannot get better than cubic complexity.


Lower time complexity of two for loop and optimize this to become 1 for loop [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to optimize this loop. Its time complexity is n2. I want something like n or log(n).
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j <= n; j++) {
if (a[i] != a[j] && a[a[i]] == a[a[j]]) {
x = 1;
The a[i] satisfy 1 <= a[i] <= n.
This is what I will try :
Let us call B the image by a[], i.e. the set {a[i]}: B = {b[k]; k = 1..K, such that i exists, a[i] = b[k]}
For each b[k] value, k = 1..K, determine the set Ck = {i; a[i] = b[k]}.
Determinate of B and the Ck could be done in linear time.
Then let us examine the sets Ck one by one.
If Card(Ck} = 1 : k++
If Card(Ck) > 1 : if two elements of Ck are elements of B, then x = 1 ; else k++
I will use a table (std::vector<bool>) to memorize if an element of 1..N belongs to B or not.
I hope not having made a mistake. No time to write a programme just now. I could do it later on, but I guess you will be able to do it easily.
Note: I discovered after sending this answer that #Mike Borkland proposed something similar already in a comment...
Since sometimes you need to see a solution to learn, I'm providing you with a small function that does the job you want. I hope it helps.
#define MIN 1
#define MAX 100000 // 10^5
int seek (int *arr, int arr_size)
if(arr_size > MAX || arr_size < MIN || MIN < 1)
return 0;
unsigned char seen[arr_size];
unsigned char indices[arr_size];
memset(seen, 0, arr_size);
memset(indices, 0, arr_size);
for(int i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
if (arr[i] <= MAX && arr[i] >= MIN && !indices[arr[i]] && seen[arr[arr[i]]])
return 1;
seen[arr[arr[i]]] = 1;
indices[arr[i]] = 1;
return 0;
Ok, how and why this works? First, let's take a look at the problem the one the original algorithm is trying to solve; they say half of the solution is a well-stated problem. The problem is to find if in a given integer array A of size n whose elements are bound between one and n ([1,n]) there exist two elements in A, x and y such that x != y and Ax = Ay (the array at the index x and y, respectively). Furthermore, we are seeking for an algorithm with good time complexity so that for n = 10000 the implementation runs within one second.
To begin with, let's start analyzing the problem. In the worst case scenario, the array needs to be completely scanned at least one time to decide if such pair of elements exist within the array. So, we can't do better than O(n). But, how would you do that? One possible way is to scan the array and record if a given index has appeared, this can be done in another array B (of size n); likewise, record if a given number that corresponds to A at the index of the scanned element has appeared, this can also be done in another array C. If while scanning the current element of the array has not appeared as an index and it has appeared as an element, then return yes. I have to say that this is a "classical trick" of using hash-table-like data structures.
The original tasks were: i) to reduce the time complexity (from O(n^2)), and ii) to make sure the implementation runs within a second for an array of size 10000. The proposed algorithm runs in O(n) time and space complexity. I tested with random arrays and it seems the implementation does its job much faster than required.
Edit: My original answer wasn't very useful, thanks for pointing that out. After checking the comments, I figured the code could help a bit.
Edit 2: I also added the explanation on how it works so it might be useful. I hope it helps :)
I want to optimize this loop. Its time complexity is n2. I want something like n or log(n).
Well, the easiest thing is to sort the array first. That's O(n log(n)), and then a linear scan looking for two adjacent elements is also O(n), so the dominant complexity is unchanged at O(n log(n)).
You know how to use std::sort, right? And you know the complexity is O(n log(n))?
And you can figure out how to call std::adjacent_find, and you can see that the complexity must be linear?
The best possible complexity is linear time. This only allows us to make a constant number of linear traversals of the array. That means, if we need some lookup to determine for each element, whether we saw that value before - it needs to be constant time.
Do you know any data structures with constant time insertion and lookups? If so, can you write a simple one-pass loop?
Hint: std::unordered_set is the general solution for constant-time membership tests, and Damien's suggestion of std::vector<bool> is potentially more efficient for your particular case.

How to convert a simple computer algorithm into a mathematical function in order to determine the big o notation?

In my University we are learning Big O Notation. However, one question that I have in light of big o notation is, how do you convert a simple computer algorithm, say for example, a linear searching algorithm, into a mathematical function, say for example 2n^2 + 1?
Here is a simple and non-robust linear searching algorithm that I have written in c++11. Note: I have disregarded all header files (iostream) and function parameters just for simplicity. I will just be using basic operators, loops, and data types in order to show the algorithm.
int array[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
// Variable to hold the value we are searching for
int searchValue;
// Ask the user to enter a search value
cout << "Enter a search value: ";
cin >> searchValue;
// Create a loop to traverse through each element of the array and find
// the search value
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (searchValue == array[i])
cout << "Search Value Found!" << endl;
// If S.V. not found then print out a message
cout << "Sorry... Search Value not found" << endl;
In conclusion, how do you translate an algorithm into a mathematical function so that we can analyze how efficient an algorithm really is using big o notation? Thanks world.
First, be aware that it's not always possible to analyze the time complexity of an algorithm, there are some where we do not know their complexity, so we have to rely on experimental data.
All of the methods imply to count the number of operations done. So first, we have to define the cost of basic operations like assignation, memory allocation, control structures (if, else, for, ...). Some values I will use (working with different models can provide different values):
Assignation takes constant time (ex: int i = 0;)
Basic operations take constant time (+ - * ∕)
Memory allocation is proportional to the memory allocated: allocating an array of n elements takes linear time.
Conditions take constant time (if, else, else if)
Loops take time proportional to the number of time the code is ran.
Basic analysis
The basic analysis of a piece of code is: count the number of operations for each line. Sum those cost. Done.
int i = 1;
i = i*2;
For this, there is one operation on line 1, one on line 2 and one on line 3. Those operations are constant: This is O(1).
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
For a loop, count the number of operations inside the loop and multiply by the number of times the loop is ran. There is one operation on the inside which takes constant time. This is ran n times -> Complexity is n * 1 -> O(n).
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < N; j++) {
This one is more tricky because the second loop starts its iteration based on i. Line 3 does 2 operations (addition + print) which take constant time, so it takes constant time. Now, how much time line 3 is ran depends on the value of i. Enumerate the cases:
When i = 0, j goes from 0 to N so line 3 is ran N times.
When i = 1, j goes from 1 to N so line 3 is ran N-1 times.
Now, summing all this we have to evaluate N + N-1 + N-2 + ... + 2 + 1. The result of the sum is N*(N+1)/2 which is quadratic, so complexity is O(n^2).
And that's how it works for many cases: count the number of operations, sum all of them, get the result.
Amortized time
An important notion in complexity theory is amortized time. Let's take this example: running operation() n times:
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
If one says that operation takes amortized constant time, it means that running n operations took linear time, even though one particular operation may have taken linear time.
Imagine you have an empty array of 1000 elements. Now, insert 1000 elements into it. Easy as pie, every insertion took constant time. And now, insert another element. For that, you have to create a new array (bigger), copy the data from the old array into the new one, and insert the element 1001. The 1000 first insertions took constant time, the last one took linear time. In this case, we say that all insertions took amortized constant time because the cost of that last insertion was amortized by the others.
Make assumptions
In some other cases, getting the number of operations require to make hypothesises. A perfect example for this is insertion sort, because it is simple and it's running time depends of how is the data ordered.
First, we have to make some more assumptions. Sorting involves two elementary operations, that is comparing two elements and swapping two elements. Here I will consider both of them to take constant time. Here is the algorithm where we want to sort array a:
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
int j = i;
while (j > 0 && a[j] < a[j-1]) {
swap(a, i, j);
First loop is easy. No matter what happens inside, it will run n times. So the running time of the algorithm is at least linear. Now, to evaluate the second loop we have to make assumptions about how the array is ordered. Usually, we try to define the best-case, worst-case and average case running time.
Best-case: We do never enter the while loop. Is this possible ? Yes. If a is a sorted array, then a[j] > a[j-1] no matter what j is. Thus, we never enter the second loop. So, what operations are done in this case is the assignation on line 2 and the evaluation of the condition on line 3. Both take constant time. Because of the first loop, those operations are ran n times. Then in the best case, insertion sort is linear.
Worst-case: We leave the while loop only when we reach the beginning of the array. That is, we swap every element all the way to the 0 index, for every element in the array. It corresponds to an array sorted in reverse order. In this case, we end up with the first element being swapped 0 times, element 2 is swapped 1 times, element 3 is swapped 2 times, etc up to element n being swapped n-1 times. We already know the result of this: worst-case insertion is quadratic.
Average case: For the average case, we assume the items are randomly distributed inside the array. If you're interested in the maths, it involves probabilities and you can find the proof in many places. Result is quadratic.
Those were basics about analyzing the time complexity of an algorithm. The cases were easy, but there are some algorithms which aren't as nice. For example, you can look at the complexity of the pairing heap data structure which is much more complex.

Non-standard sorting algorithm for random unique integers

I have an array of at least 2000 random unique integers, each in range 0 < n < 65000.
I have to sort it and then get the index of a random value in the array. Each of these operations have to be as fast as possible. For searching the binary-search seems to serve well.
For sorting I used the standard quick sorting algorithm (qsort), but I was told that with the given information the standard sorting algorithms will not be the most efficient. So the question is simple - what would be the most efficient way to sort the array, with the given information? Totally puzzled by this.
I don't know why the person who told you that would be so peversely cryptic, but indeed qsort is not the most efficient way to sort integers (or generally anything) in C++. Use std::sort instead.
It's possible that you can improve on your implementation's std::sort for the stated special case (2000 distinct random integers in the range 0-65k), but you're unlikely to do a lot better and it almost certainly won't be worth the effort. The things I can think of that might help:
use a quicksort, but with a different pivot selection or a different threshold for switching to insertion sort from what your implementation of sort uses. This is basically tinkering.
use a parallel sort of some kind. 2000 elements is so small that I suspect the time to create additional threads will immediately kill any hope of a performance improvement. But if you're doing a lot of sorts then you can average the cost of creating the threads across all of them, and only worry about the overhead of thread synchronization rather than thread creation.
That said, if you generate and sort the array, then look up just one value in it, and then generate a new array, you would be wasting effort by sorting the whole array each time. You can just run across the array counting the number of values smaller than your target value: this count is the index it would have. Use std::count_if or a short loop.
Each of these operations have to be as fast as possible.
That is not a legitimate software engineering criterion. Almost anything can be made a minuscule bit faster with enough months or years of engineering effort -- nothing complex is ever "as fast as possible", and even if it was you wouldn't be able to prove that it cannot be faster, and even if you could there would be new hardware out there somewhere or soon to be invented for which the fastest solution is different and better. Unless you intend to spend your whole life on this task and ultimately fail, get a more realistic goal ;-)
For sorting uniformly distributed random integers Radix Sort is typically the fastest algorithm, it can be faster than quicksort by a factor of 2 or more. However, it may be hard to find an optimized implementation of that, quick sort is much more ubiquitous. Both Radix Sort and Quick Sort may have very bad worst case performance, like O(N^2), so if worst case performance is important you have to look elsewhere, maybe you pick introsort, which is similar to std::sort in C++.
For array look up a hash table is by far the fasted method. If you don't want yet another data structure, you can always pick binary search. If you have uniformly distributed numbers interpolation search is probably the most effective method (best average performance).
Quicksort's complexity is O(n*log(n)), where n = 2000 in your case. log(2000) = 10.965784.
You can sort in O(n) using one of these algorithms:
Counting sort
Radix sort
Bucket sort
I've compared std::sort() to counting sort for N = 100000000:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void countSort(int t[], int o[], int c[], int n, int k)
// Count the number of each number in t[] and place that value into c[].
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Place the number of elements less than each value at i into c[].
for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++)
c[i] += c[i - 1];
// Place each element of t[] into its correct sorted position in the output o[].
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
o[c[t[i]] - 1] = t[i];
void init(int t[], int n, int max)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
t[i] = rand() % max;
double getSeconds(clock_t start)
return (double) (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
void print(int t[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << t[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
const int N = 100000000;
const int MAX = 65000;
int *t = new int[N];
init(t, N, MAX);
//print(t, N);
clock_t start = clock();
sort(t, t + N);
cout << "std::sort " << getSeconds(start) << endl;
//print(t, N);
init(t, N, MAX);
//print(t, N);
// o[] holds the sorted output.
int *o = new int[N];
// c[] holds counters.
int *c = new int[MAX + 1];
// Set counters to zero.
memset(c, 0, (MAX + 1) * sizeof(*c));
start = clock();
countSort(t, o, c, N, MAX);
cout << "countSort " << getSeconds(start) << endl;
//print(o, N);
delete[] t;
delete[] o;
delete[] c;
return 0;
Results (in seconds):
std::sort 28.6
countSort 10.97
For N = 2000 both algorithms give 0 time.
Standard sorting algorithms, as well as standard nearly anything, are very good general purpose solution. If you know nothing about your data, if it truly consists of "random unique integers", then you might as well go with one of the standard implementations.
On the other hand, most programming problems appear in a context that tells something about data, and the additional info usually leads to more efficient problem-specific solutions.
For example, does your data appear all at once or in chunks? If it comes piecemeal you may speed things up by interleaving incremental sorting, such as dual-pivot quicksort, with data acquisition.
Since the domain of your numbers is so small, you can create an array of 65000 entries, set the index of the numbers you see to one, and then collect all numbers that are set to one as your sorted array. This will be exactly 67000 (assuming initialization of array is without cost) iterations in total.
Since the lists contain 2000 entries, O(n*log(n)) will probably be faster. I can think of no other O(n) algorithm for this, so I suppose you are better off with a general purpose algorithm.

How can I find number of consecutive sequences of various lengths satisfy a particular property?

I am given a array A[] having N elements which are positive integers
.I have to find the number of sequences of lengths 1,2,3,..,N that satisfy a particular property?
I have built an interval tree with O(nlogn) complexity.Now I want to count the number of sequences that satisfy a certain property ?
All the properties required for the problem are related to sum of the sequences
Note an array will have N*(N+1)/2 sequences. How can I iterate over all of them in O(nlogn) or O(n) ?
If we let k be the moving index from 0 to N(elements), we will run an algorithm that is essentially looking for the MIN R that satisfies the condition (lets say I), then every other subset for L = k also is satisfied for R >= I (this is your short circuit). After you find I, simply return an output for (L=k, R>=I). This of course assumes that all numerics in your set are >= 0.
To find I, for every k, begin at element k + (N-k)/2. Figure out if this defined subset from (L=k, R=k+(N-k)/2) satisfies your condition. If it does, then decrement R until your condition is NOT met, then R=1 is your MIN (your could choose to print these results as you go, but they results in these cases would be essentially printed backwards). If (L=k, R=k+(N-k)/2) does not satisfy your condition, then INCREMENT R until it does, and this becomes your MIN for that L=k. This degrades your search space for each L=k by a factor of 2. As k increases and approaches N, your search space continuously decreases.
// This declaration wont work unless N is either a constant or MACRO defined above
unsigned int myVals[N];
unsigned int Ndiv2 = N / 2;
unsigned int R;
for(unsigned int k; k < N; k++){
if(TRUE == TESTVALS(myVals, k, Ndiv2)){ // It Passes
for(I = NDiv2; I>=k; I--){
if(FALSE == TESTVALS(myVals, k, I)){
}else{ // It Didnt Pass
for(I = NDiv2; I>=k; I++){
if(TRUE == TESTVALS(myVals, k, I)){
// PRINT ALL PAIRS from L=k, from R=I to R=N-1
if((k & 0x00000001) == 0) Ndiv2++;
} // END --> for(unsigned int k; k < N; k++)
The complexity of the algorithm above is O(N^2). This is because for each k in N(i.e. N iterations / tests) there is no greater than N/2 values for each that need testing. Big O notation isnt concerned about the N/2 nor the fact that truly N gets smaller as k grows, it is concerned with really only the gross magnitude. Thus it would say N tests for every N values thus O(N^2)
There is an Alternative approach which would be FASTER. That approach would be to whenever you wish to move within the secondary (inner) for loops, you could perform a move have the distance algorithm. This would get you to your O(nlogn) set of steps. For each k in N (which would all have to be tested), you run this half distance approach to find your MIN R value in logN time. As an example, lets say you have a 1000 element array. when k = 0, we essentially begin the search for MIN R at index 500. If the test passes, instead of linearly moving downward from 500 to 0, we test 250. Lets say the actual MIN R for k = 0 is 300. Then the tests to find MIN R would look as follows:
While this is oversimplified, your are most likely going to have to optimize, and test 301 as well 299 to make sure youre in the sweet spot. Another not is to be careful when dividing by 2 when you have to move in the same direction more than once in a row.
#user1907531: First of all , if you are participating in an online contest of such importance at national level , you should refrain from doing this cheap tricks and methodologies to get ahead of other deserving guys. Second, a cheater like you is always a cheater but all this hampers the hard work of those who have put in making the questions and the competitors who are unlike you. Thirdly, if #trumetlicks asks you why haven't you tagged the ques as homework , you tell another lie there.And finally, I don't know how could so many people answer this question this cheater asked without knowing the origin/website/source of this question. This surely can't be given by a teacher for homework in any Indian school. To tell everyone this cheater has asked you the complete solution of a running collegiate contest in India 6 hours before the contest ended and he has surely got a lot of direct helps and top of that invited 100's others to cheat from the answers given here. So, good luck to all these cheaters .

Big O calculation

int maxValue = m[0][0];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
if ( m[i][j] >maxValue )
maxValue = m[i][j];
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
sum = sum + m[i][j];
cout<< sum <<endl;
For the above mentioned code I got O(n2) as the execution time growth
They way I got it was by:
MAX [O(1) , O(n2), O(1) , O(1) , O(n2), O(1)]
both O(n2) is for for loops. Is this calculation correct?
If I change this code as:
int maxValue = m[0][0];
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
if ( m[i][j] > maxValue )
maxValue = m[i][j];
sum += m[i][j];
cout<< sum <<endl;
Still Big O would be O(n2) right?
So does that mean Big O just an indication on how time will grow according to the input data size? and not how algorithm written?
This feels a bit like a homework question to me, but...
Big-Oh is about the algorithm, and specifically how the number of steps performed (or the amount of memory used) by the algorithm grows as the size of the input data grows.
In your case, you are taking N to be the size of the input, and it's confusing because you have a two-dimensional array, NxN. So really, since your algorithm only makes one or two passes over this data, you could call it O(n), where in this case n is the size of your two-dimensional input.
But to answer the heart of your question, your first code makes two passes over the data, and your second code does the same work in a single pass. However, the idea of Big-Oh is that it should give you the order of growth, which means independent of exactly how fast a particular computer runs. So, it might be that my computer is twice as fast as yours, so I can run your first code in about the same time as you run the second code. So we want to ignore those kinds of differences and say that both algorithms make a fixed number of passes over the data, so for the purposes of "order of growth", one pass, two passes, three passes, it doesn't matter. It's all about the same as one pass.
It's probably easier to think about this without thinking about the NxN input. Just think about a single list of N numbers, and say you want to do something to it, like find the max value, or sort the list. If you have 100 items in your list, you can find the max in 100 steps, and if you have 1000 items, you can do it in 1000 steps. So the order of growth is linear with the size of the input: O(n). On the other hand, if you want to sort it, you might write an algorithm that makes roughly a full pass over the data each time it finds the next item to be inserted, and it has to do that roughly once for each element in the list, so that's making n passes over your list of length n, so that's O(n^2). If you have 100 items in your list, that's roughly 10^4 steps, and if you have 1000 items in your list that's roughly 10^6 steps. So the idea is that those numbers grow really fast in comparison to the size of your input, so even if I have a much faster computer (e.g., a model 10 years better than yours), I might be able to to beat you in the max problem even with a list 2 or 10 or even 100 or 1000 times as long. But for the sorting problem with a O(n^2) algorithm, I won't be able to beat you when I try to take on a list that's 100 or 1000 times as long, even with a computer 10 or 20 years better than yours. That's the idea of Big-Oh, to factor out those "relatively unimportant" speed differences and be able to see what amount of work, in a more general/theoretical sense, a given algorithm does on a given input size.
Of course, in real life, it may make a huge difference to you that one computer is 100 times faster than another. If you are trying to solve a particular problem with a fixed maximum input size, and your code is running at 1/10 the speed that your boss is demanding, and you get a new computer that runs 10 times faster, your problem is solved without needing to write a better algorithm. But the point is that if you ever wanted to handle larger (much larger) data sets, you couldn't just wait for a faster computer.
The big O notation is an upper bound to the maximum amount of time taken to execute the algorithm based on the input size. So basically two algorithms can have slightly varying maximum running time but same big O notation.
what you need to understand is that for a running time function that is linear based on input size will have big o notation as o(n) and a quadratic function will always have big o notation as o(n^2).
so if your running time is just n, that is one linear pass, big o notation stays o(n) and if your running time is 6n+c that is 6 linear passes and a constant time c it still is o(n).
Now in the above case the second code is more optimized as the number of times you need to make the skip to memory locations for the loop is less. and hence this will give a better execution. but both the code would still have the asymptotic running time as o(n^2).
Yes, it's O(N^2) in both cases. Of course O() time complexity depends on how you have written your algorithm, but both the versions above are O(N^2). However, note that actually N^2 is the size of your input data (it's an N x N matrix), so this would be better characterized as a linear time algorithm O(n) where n is the size of the input, i.e. n = N x N.