How to evade color stripes - opengl

Here is a convertion from 32bit float per channel to "unsigned byte" per channel color normalization to save some pci-express bandwidth for other things. Sometimes there can be stripes of color and they look unnatural.
How can I avoid this? Especially on the edge of spheres.
Float color channels:
Unsigned byte channels:
Here, yellow edge on the blue sphere and blue edge on the red one should not exist.
Normalization I used(from opencl kernel) :
// multiplying with r doesnt help as picture color gets too bright and reddish.
float r=rsqrt(pixel0.x*pixel0.x+pixel0.y*pixel0.y+pixel0.z*pixel0.z+0.001f);
unsigned char rgb0=(unsigned char)(pixel0.x*255.0);
unsigned char rgb1=(unsigned char)(pixel0.y*255.0);
unsigned char rgb2=(unsigned char)(pixel0.z*255.0);
Binding to buffer:
GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, id);
GL11.glColorPointer(4, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 0);
using lwjgl(glfw context) in java environment.
As Andon M. said, I clamped before casting (I couldnt see when I nneded sleep heavily) and it solved.
Color quality is not great by the way but using smaller color buffer helped up the performance.

Your original data set contains floating-point values outside the normalized [0.0, 1.0] range, which after multiplying by 255.0 and casting to unsigned char produces overflow. The false coloring you experienced occurs in areas of the scene that are exceptionally bright in one or more color components.
It seems you knew to expect this overflow when you wrote rgb0>255?255:rgb0, but that logic will not work because when an unsigned char overflows it wraps around to 0 instead of a number larger than 255.
The minimal solution to this would be to clamp the floating-point colors into the range [0.0, 1.0]
before converting to fixed-point 0.8 (8-bit unsigned normalized) color, to avoid overflow.
However, if this is a frequent problem, you may be better off implementing an HDR to LDR post-process. You would identify the brightest pixel in some region (or all) of your scene and then normalize all of the colors into that range. You were sort of implementing this to begin with (with r = sqrt (...)), but it was only using the magnitude of the current pixel to normalize color.


How do I input color values in sRGB space?

I am learning about the sRGB color space in OpenGL.
One thing is colors from textures, but other - direct color values, let's say from graphics editor.
A color component of 0.5 means that the output on the screen will be a lighter color, 187.
What is the best practice here - do I have to decode colors before usage by calculating a root?
When the textures are specified with GL_SRGB8 or GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 internal formats then OpenGL handles sRGB to linear conversion for you as you sample the texture. For all other color values (uniforms, vertex attributes, clear colors, etc) you'll need to do the conversion manually.
The conversion from sRGB to linear is simple. You can look up the function on wikipedia and translate it to whatever language you'd like. For example in C:
float srgb_to_linear(float x) {
return x <= 0.04045f ? x / 12.92f : powf((x + 0.055f)/1.055f, 2.4f);
This converts one component of sRGB in [0,1] range to linear in [0,1] range. To convert from 8-bit sRGB as most graphic editors present you, divide each component by 255. and then apply the above function to each of them:
void srgb8_to_linear(uint8_t in[3], float out[3]) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
out[i] = srgb_to_linear(in[i]/255.f);
If performance matters, it might be beneficial to precompute a lookup table of all the 256 different values.
Notice that it is important to convert to linear sooner rather than later. E.g. if you pass those colors as interpolated vertex attributes, then you should store the linear values in the VBO or otherwise you'll get incorrect interpolation.

32bit (int) Buffer to Greyscale/Colour-mapped Image in OpenGL, Single Channel 32 bit Texture or TBO?

I have an int buffer of intensity values, I want to display this as a greyscale/colour-mapped image in OpenGL.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Standard Texture?
Can I do it via a standard glTexture, so something like:
gl.TexImage2D(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, OpenGL.GL_R32f, width, height, 0, OpenGL.GL_RED_INTEGER, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pixels);
In the shader I am under the impression I would use it the same as any other texture except I would use usampler2D instead of sampler2D, at which point I would get the true integer value (i.e. not 0-1 range).
Or would it be better to achieve with a TBO and do something like:
gl.TexBuffer(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, OpenGL.GL_R32F, bufferID);
In terms of the shader I am actually quite confused. I have seen things like g = texelFetch(u_tbo_tex, offset + 1).r.. So I am guessing I would have to translate the texture coordinates into an offset, something like:
int offset = tex_coord.s + (tex_coord.t * imageWidth);
but then texelFetch actually returns a vec4, so presumably I would use:
int intensity = texelFetch( buffer, offset).r
But then as tex_coord.s & t are in 0-1, that would imply the need to:
int offset = tex_coord.s*imageHeight + ((tex_coord.t * imageWidth) * imageWidth);
Other Buffer
I have very little experience with buffer objects I feel like really all I am doing is using a buffer in I do feel like I am over complicating it and I am missing the "penny drop".
Important Notes
Why Int? : In some cases I do some manipulation on the data before turning into a colour and would prefer to do this at 32 bit precision to avoid potential precision errors. Arguably it might not make a difference as it eventually becomes a screen color...
Data update frequency: the intensity data is updated occasionally by user events but certainly not multiple times per frame (so I am presuming STATIC is more appropriate then DYNAMIC in this case?)
Use: The data is mainly for GL so _DRAW There is the possibility that the application could make use of GL to compute some values for it but I would probably create a separate READ buffer in this case
The highest integer value I have seen so far is "90,000" so I know it goes out of the 16 bit integer range.
Note: I am doing this through SharpGL and I have been unable to test at the moment as it has no definition for GL_R32f, so I shall have to find the gl.h on my windows platform (always fun) and add the correct const number*
You can use a normal texture with integer/unsigned integer format:
gl.TexImage2D(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, OpenGL.GL_R32UI, width, height, 0, OpenGL.GL_RED_INTEGER, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pixels);
In the shader you can use a usampler2D, since the texture function has an overload for this you directly get the integer values:
uniform usampler myUTexture;
uint value = texture(myUTexture, texCoord).r;
Just for completness: texelFetch has also an overload for all types of 2d-sampler. The difference between texture and texelFetch is the coordinate system used ([0,1] for texture and pixel coordinates for texelFetch) and that texelFetch does not take any interpolation/mipmap into account.

Ray picking with depth buffer: horribly inaccurate?

I'm trying to implement a ray picking algorithm, for painting and selecting blocks (thus I need a fair amount of accuracy). Initially I went with a ray casting implementation, but I didn't feel it was accurate enough (although the fault may have been with my intersection testing). Regardless, I decided to try picking by using the depth buffer, and transforming the mouse coordinates to world coordinates. Implementation below:
glm::vec3 Renderer::getMouseLocation(glm::vec2 coordinates) {
float depth = deferredFBO->getDepth(coordinates);
// Calculate the width and height of the deferredFBO
float viewPortWidth = deferredArea.z - deferredArea.x;
float viewPortHeight = deferredArea.w - deferredArea.y;
// Calculate homogenous coordinates for mouse x and y
float windowX = (2.0f * coordinates.x) / viewPortWidth - 1.0f;
float windowY = 1.0f - (2.0f * coordinates.y) / viewPortHeight;
// cameraToClip = projection matrix
glm::vec4 cameraCoordinates = glm::inverse(cameraToClipMatrix)
* glm::vec4(windowX, windowY, depth, 1.0f);
// Normalize
cameraCoordinates /= cameraCoordinates.w;
glm::vec4 worldCoordinates = glm::inverse(worldToCameraMatrix)
* cameraCoordinates;
return glm::vec3(worldCoordinates);
The problem is that the values are easily ±3 units (blocks are 1 unit wide), only getting accurate enough when very close to the near clipping plane.
Does the inaccuracy stem from using single-precision floats, or maybe some step in my calculations? Would it help if I used double-precision values, and does OpenGL even support that for depth buffers?
And lastly, if this method doesn't work, am I best off using colour IDs to accurately identify which polygon was picked?
Colors are the way to go, the depth buffers accuracy depend on the plane distances, the resolution of the FBO texture, also on the normal or slope of the surface.The same precision problem happens during the standard shadowing.(Using colors is a bit easier because of with the depth intersection test one object have more "color", depth values. It's more accurate if one object has one color.)
Also, maybe its just me, but I like to avoid rather complex matrix calculations if they're not necessary. It's enough for the poor CPU to do the other stuffs.
For double precision values, that could drop performance badly. I've encountered this kind of performance drop, it was about 3x slower for me to use doubles rather than floats:
my post:
GLSL performance - function return value/type and an
article about this:
so yep, you can, use 64 bit floats (double):,
but you should not.
All in all use colored polys, I like colors khmm...
EDIT: more about double precision depth :, its a pretty good discussion

Generating a 3DLUT (.3dl file) for sRGB to CIELAB colorspace transformation

We already have a highly optimized class in our API to read 3D Lut(Nuke format) files and apply the transform to the image. So instead of iterating pixel-by-pixel and converting RGB values to Lab (RGB->XYZ->Lab) values using the complex formulae, I think it would be better if I generated a lookup table for RGB to LAB (or XYZ to LAB) transform. Is this possible?
I understood how the 3D Lut works for transformations from RGB to RGB, but I am confused about RGB to Lab as L, a and b have different ranges. Any hints ?
Can you please explain me how the Lut will work ?
Heres one explanation: link
e.g Below is my understanding for a 3D Lut for RGB->RGB transform:
a sample Nuke 3dl Lut file:
0 64 128 192 256 320 384 448 512 576 640 704 768 832 896 960 1023
R, G, B
0, 0, 0
0, 0, 64
0, 0, 128
0, 0, 192
0, 0, 256
0, 64, 0
0, 64, 64
0, 64, 128
Here instead of generating a 1024*1024*1024 table for the source 10-bit RGB values, each R,G and B range is quantized to 17 values generating a 4913 row table.
The first line gives the possible quantized values (I think here only the length and the max value matter ). Now suppose, if the source RGB value is (20, 20, 190 ), the output would be line # 4 (0, 0, 192) (using some interpolation techniques). Is that correct?
This one is for 10-bit source, you could generate a smiliar one for 8-bit by changing the range from 0 to 255?
Similarly, how would you proceed for sRGB->Lab conversion ?
An alternative approach makes use of graphics hardware, aka "general purpose GPU computing". There are some different tools for this, e.g. OpenGL GLSL, OpenCL, CUDA, ... You should gain an incredible speedup of about 100x and more compared to a CPU solution.
The most "compatible" solution is to use OpenGL with a special fragment shader with which you can perform computations. This means: upload your input image as a texture to the GPU, render it in a (target) framebuffer with a special shader program which converts your RGB data to Lab (or it can also make use of a lookup table, but most float computations on the GPU are faster than table / texture lookups, so we won't do this here).
First, port your RGB to Lab conversion function to GLSL. It should work on float numbers, so if you used integral values in your original conversion, get rid of them. OpenGL uses "clamp" values, i.e. float values between 0.0 and 1.0. It will look like this:
vec3 rgbToLab(vec3 rgb) {
vec3 lab = ...;
return lab;
Then, write the rest of the shader, which will fetch a pixel of the (RGB) texture, calls the conversion function and writes the pixel in the color output variable (don't forget the alpha channel):
uniform sampler2D texture;
varying vec2 texCoord;
void main() {
vec3 rgb = texture2D(texture, texCoord).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(lab, 1.0);
The corresponding vertex shader should write texCoord values of (0,0) in the bottom left and (1,1) in the top right of a target quad filling the whole screen (framebuffer).
Finally, use this shader program in your application by rendering on a framebuffer with the same size than your image. Render a quad which fills the whole region (without setting any transformations, just render a quad from the 2D vertices (-1,-1) to (1,1)). Set the uniform value texture to your RGB image which you uploaded as a texture. Then, read back the framebuffer from the device, which should hopefully contain your image in Lab color space.
Assuming your source colorspace is a triplet of bytes (RGB, 8 bits each) and both color spaces are stored in structs with the names SourceColor and TargetColor respectively, and you have a conversion function given like this:
TargetColor convert(SourceColor color) {
return ...
Then you can create a table like this:
TargetColor table[256][256][256]; // 16M * sizeof(TargetColor) => put on heap!
for (int r, r < 256; ++r)
for (int g, g < 256; ++g)
for (int b, b < 256; ++b)
table[r][g][b] = convert({r, g, b}); // (construct SourceColor from r,g,b)
Then, for the actual image conversion, use an alternative convert function (I'd suggest that you write a image conversion class which takes a function pointer / std::function in its constructor, so it's easily exchangeable):
TargetColor convertUsingTable(SourceColor source) {
return table[source.r][source.g][source.b];
Note that the space consumption is 16M * sizeof(TargetColor) (assuming 32 bit for Lab this will be 64MBytes), so the table should be heap-allocated (it can be stored in-class if your class is going to live on the heap, but better allocate it with new[] in the constructor and store it in a smart pointer).

How can I create a 3d texture with negative values and read it from a shader

I have written a volume rendering program that turns some 2d images into a 3d volume that can be rotated around by a user. I need to calculate a normal for each point in the 3d texture (for lighting) by taking the gradient in each direction around the point.
Calculating the normal requires six extra texture accesses within the fragment shader. The program is much faster without these extra texture access, so I am trying to precompute the gradients for each direction (x,y,z) in bytes and store it in the BGA channels of the original texture. My bytes seem to contain the right values when I test on the CPU, but when I get to the shader it comes out looking wrong. It's hard to tell why it fails from the shader, I think it is because some of the gradient values are negative. However, when I specify the texture type as GL_BYTE (as opposed to GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) it is still wrong, and that screws up how the original texture should look. I can't tell exactly what's going wrong just by rendering the data as colors. What is the right way to put negative values into a texture? How can I know that values are negative when I read from it in the fragment shader?
The following code shows how I run the operation to compute the gradients from a byte array (byte[] all) and then turn it into a byte buffer (byteBuffer bb) that is read in as a 3d texture. The function 'toLoc(x,y,z,w,h,l)' simply returns (x+w*(y+z*h))*4)--it converts 3d subscripts to a 1d index. The image is grayscale, so I discard gba and only use the r channel to hold the original value. The remaining channels (gba) store the gradient.
int pixelDiffxy=5;
int pixelDiffz=1;
int count=0;
Float r=0f;
byte t=r.byteValue();
for(int i=0;i<w;i++){
for(int j=0;j<h;j++){
for(int k=0;k<l;k++){
if(i<pixelDiffxy || i>=w-pixelDiffxy || j<pixelDiffxy || j>=h-pixelDiffxy || k<pixelDiffz || k>=l-pixelDiffz){
//set these all to zero since they are out of bounds
int ri=(int)all[toLoc(i,j,k,w,h,l)+0] & 0xff;
//find the values on the sides of this pixel in each direction (use red channel)
int xgrad1=(all[toLoc(i-pixelDiffxy,j,k,w,h,l)])& 0xff;
int xgrad2=(all[toLoc(i+pixelDiffxy,j,k,w,h,l)])& 0xff;
int ygrad1=(all[toLoc(i,j-pixelDiffxy,k,w,h,l)])& 0xff;
int ygrad2=(all[toLoc(i,j+pixelDiffxy,k,w,h,l)])& 0xff;
int zgrad1=(all[toLoc(i,j,k-pixelDiffz,w,h,l)])& 0xff;
int zgrad2=(all[toLoc(i,j,k+pixelDiffz,w,h,l)])& 0xff;
//find the difference between the values on each side and divide by the distance between them
int xgrad=(xgrad1-xgrad2)/(2*pixelDiffxy);
int ygrad=(ygrad1-ygrad2)/(2*pixelDiffxy);
int zgrad=(zgrad1-zgrad2)/(2*pixelDiffz);
Vec3f grad=new Vec3f(xgrad,ygrad,zgrad);
Integer xg=(int) (grad.x);
Integer yg=(int) (grad.y);
Integer zg=(int) (grad.z);
//System.out.println("gs are: "+xg +", "+yg+", "+zg);
byte gby= (byte) (xg.byteValue());//green channel
byte bby= (byte) (yg.byteValue());//blue channel
byte aby= (byte) (zg.byteValue());//alpha channel
//System.out.println("gba is: "+(int)gby +", "+(int)bby+", "+(int)aby);
ByteBuffer bb=ByteBuffer.wrap(all);
final GL gl = drawable.getGL();
final GL2 gl2 = gl.getGL2();
final int[] bindLocation = new int[1];
gl.glGenTextures(1, bindLocation, 0);
gl2.glBindTexture(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, bindLocation[0]);
gl2.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);//-byte alignment
gl2.glTexImage3D( GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,GL.GL_RGBA,
w, h, l, 0,
Is there a better way to get a large array of signed data into the shader?
gl2.glTexImage3D( GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,GL.GL_RGBA,
w, h, l, 0, GL.GL_RGBA, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bb );
Well, there are two ways to go about doing this, depending on how much work you want to do in the shader vs. what OpenGL version you want to limit things to.
The version that requires more shader work also requires a bit more out of your code. See, what you want to do is have your shader take unsigned bytes, then reinterpret them as signed bytes.
The way that this would typically be done is to pass unsigned normalized bytes (as you're doing), which produces floating-point values on the [0, 1] range, then simply expand that range by multiplying by 2 and subtracting 1, yielding numbers on the [-1, 1] range. This means that your uploading code needs to take it's [-128, 127] signed bytes and convert them into [0, 255] unsigned bytes by adding 128 to them.
I have no idea how to do this in Java, which does not appear to have an unsigned byte type at all. You can't just pass a 2's complement byte and expect it to work in the shader; that's not going to happen. The byte value -128 would map to the floating-point value 1, which isn't helpful.
If you can manage to convert the data properly as I described above, then your shader access would have to unpack from the [0, 1] range to the [-1, 1] range.
If you have access to GL 3.x, then you can do this quite easily, with no shader changes:
gl2.glTexImage3D( GL2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,GL.GL_RGBA8_SNORM,
w, h, l, 0, GL.GL_RGBA, GL.GL_BYTE, bb );
The _SNORM in the image format means that it is a signed, normalized format. So your bytes on the range [-128, 127] will be mapped to floats on the range [-1, 1]. Exactly what you want.