How do I unit test a helper that uses a service? - unit-testing

I'm trying to unit test a helper that uses a service.
This is how I inject the service:
export function initialize(container, application) {
application.inject('view', 'foobarService', 'service:foobar');
The helper:
export function someHelper(input) {
return this.foobarService.doSomeProcessing(input);
export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(someHelper);
Everything works until here.
The unit test doesn't know about the service and fails. I tried to:
test('it works', function(assert) {
var mockView = {
foobarService: {
doSomeProcessing: function(data) {
return "mock result";
// didn't work
var result =, 42);
The error:
Died on test #1 at http://localhost:4200/assets/dummy.js:498:9
at requireModule (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:79:29)
TypeError: undefined is not a function

Everything is correct, the only change needed was:
var result =, "42");


Sails.js: Unable to stub a helper for unit testing purposes

Node version: v12.18.3
Sails version (sails): 1.2.3
I am unable to stub a sails helper when performing unit tests. I have a helper that handles all the communication with a database. Moreover, I have an API, which uses this helper. In my tests, I am trying to stub the helper using sinon as such:
The API:
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
// Stuff done here
// I need to stub this helper
let result = await sails.helpers.arangoQuery.with({
requestId: REQUEST_ID,
query: query,
queryParams: params
My test:
describe('Get Organization', () => {
it('Server Error - Simulates a failure in fetching the data from ArangoDB', (done) => {
sinon.stub(sails.helpers, 'arangoQuery').returns(null, {status: "success"});
.end((error, response) => {
return done()
When I run the test, I get the following error:
error: Error: cannot GET /organization (500)
at Response.toError (/opt/designhubz/organization-service/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/response.js:94:15)
at ResponseBase._setStatusProperties (/opt/designhubz/organization-service/node_modules/superagent/lib/response-base.js:123:16)
at new Response (/opt/designhubz/organization-service/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/response.js:41:8)
at Test.Request._emitResponse (/opt/designhubz/organization-service/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/index.js:752:20)
at /opt/designhubz/organization-service/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/index.js:916:38
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/opt/designhubz/organization-service/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/parsers/json.js:19:7)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:327:22)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1220:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) {
status: 500,
text: '{}',
method: 'GET',
path: '/organization'
There are no documentations at all regarding this issue. Can anyone tell me how I can stub a helper?
Sails helpers uses machine, this makes stub making trickier.
AFAIK, the alternative to stub sails helpers is by stubbing the real fn function, because machine will call helper's fn function.
Update: change example that use supertest.
For example:
I create endpoint GET /hello using HelloController,
I use helpers format-welcome-message from helper's example,
I create test spec for endpoint GET /hello.
I run it using mocha without lifecycle.js but embed the lifecycle inside test spec (reference).
Endpoint GET /hello definition:
// File: HelloController.js
module.exports = {
hello: async function (req, res) {
// Dummy usage of helper with predefined input test.
const output = await sails.helpers.formatWelcomeMessage.with({ name: 'test' });
// Just send the output.
And do not forget to add route: 'GET /hello': 'HelloController.hello' at config/routes.js.
Test spec contains 3 cases (normal call, stub error, and stub success).
// File: hello.test.js
const sails = require('sails');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const supertest = require('supertest');
describe('Test', function () {
let fwm;
// Copy from example testing lifecycle.
before(function(done) {
hooks: { grunt: false },
log: { level: 'warn' },
}, function(err) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
// Require helper format welcome message here!
fwm = require('../api/helpers/format-welcome-message');
return done();
after(function(done) {
it('normal case', function (done) {
// Create spy to make sure that real helper fn get called.
const spy = sinon.spy(fwm, 'fn');
// Expect endpoint output default value.
.expect('Hello, test!')
.end(function() {
// Make sure spy is called.
// Restore spy.
it('case stub error', function (done) {
// Stub the real fn function inside custom helper.
const stubError = sinon.stub(fwm, 'fn');
stubError.callsFake(async function (input, exits) {
// Setup your error here.
exits.error(new Error('XXX'));
.end(function() {
// Make sure stub get called once.
// Restore stub.
it('case stub success', function (done) {
// Define fake result.
const fakeResult = 'test';
// Stub the real fn function inside custom helper.
const stubSuccess = sinon.stub(fwm, 'fn');
stubSuccess.callsFake(async function (input, exits) {
// Setup your success result here.
// Expect endpoint to output fake result.
.end(function() {
// Make sure stub get called once.
// Restore stub.
When I run it using mocha:
$ npx mocha test/hello.test.js
✓ normal case
error: Sending 500 ("Server Error") response:
Error: XXX
at Object.<anonymous> ...
✓ case stub error
✓ case stub success
3 passing (407ms)

Get the function arguments for unit testing in NativeScript

i'm kinda new to JS and NS but i'm trying to do some unit test with an nativescript app and my onTap function doesn't "start" when called. I think it may come from the arguments of my onTap but i tried to export it and it didn't work. Thanks for helping. (I'm using Jasmine)
My function looks like this :
function onTap(args) {
let a = 10;
exports.a = a;
exports.onTap = onTap;
And my test :
var varTest = require('../home/home-page.js');
describe("test_onTap", function() {
beforeAll(function() {
it("should return true", function() {

sinon stub error "attempted to wrap undefined property of job as function"

I am trying to use sinon stub to test my function that contains two variables called job and job1. How to give temporary values to them to avoid function values.
In one of the file myFunction.js I have functions like
function testFunction() {
var job = //test
var job1 = // test1
if(job === 'test' && job1 === 'test1') {
return true;
return false;
and I am trying to test testFunction using karma and I tried to stub two values with my values so it can override the function values
it('should test my function', function(done) {
var stub = sinon.stub('job','job1').values('test','test1');
myFunction.testFunction('test', function(err, decodedPayload) {
I am getting error "attemted to wrap undefined property of job as function"
First of all you could simplify your testFunction to the following.
function testFunction() {
return === 'test' && === 'test1';
There's nothing asynchronous going on here so in your test you don't need to use done().
Sinon's 'stub' documentation suggests you should be using the sandbox feature to stub non-function properties.
It's not clear from your question what your context of 'this' is so I'll assume your tests have instantiated whatever it is you're testing with the name 'myFunction' (which your test implies).
It's also unclear what 'win' and 'get' are so this will assume they are objects.
Don't forget to restore() the sandbox so you don't pollute subsequent tests.
it('should test my function', function() {
var sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
sandbox.stub(myFunction, 'win').value({
get: {
value1: 'test',
value2: 'test1',

Multiple Manual Mocks of CommonJS Modules with Jest

I saw the documentation for Jest's mocks using the mocks folder, but I want to be able to mock a module with one mock in one test and mock that same module with another mock in another test.
For example, with rewire and jasmine, you could do something like this:
module.exports = {
callFoo: function () {
describe("test1", function () {
var mock;
beforeEach(function () {
var rewire = require('rewire');
mock = jasmine.createSpyObj('mock', ['foo']);
it("should be mocked with type1", function () {"type1");
rewire('moduleToMock', mock);
var moduleUsingMockModule = require('module2');
describe("test2", function () {
it("should be mocked with type2", function () {"type2");
rewire('moduleToMock', mock);
var moduleUsingMockModule = require('module2');
Is this possible to do with Jest? The difference is I define the mock within the test, not in some external folder that is used for all tests.
Yes, your mock will look like this:
module.exports = {
foo: jest.genMockFunction();
Then you will be able to configure a custom behaviour in your test cases:
var moduleToMock = require('moduleToMock');
describe('...', function() {
it('... 1', function() {'type1')
it('... 2', function() {'type2')

How do you spy on AngularJS's $timeout with Jasmine?

I am trying to spy on $timeout so that I can verify that it has not been called. Specifically, my production code (see below) calls $timeout as a function, not an object:
$timeout(function() { ... })
and not
$timeout.cancel() // for instance
Jasmine, however, requires an object to be spied upon, like this:
spyOn(someObject, '$timeout')
I don't know what 'someObject' would be though.
I am using Angular mocks, if that makes any difference.
Edit: The relevant production code I'm trying to test looks like this:
EventHandler.prototype._updateDurationInOneSecondOn = function (call) {
var _this = this;
var _updateDurationPromise = this._$timeout(function () {
call.duration = new Date().getTime() - call.startTime;
}, 1000);
// ... more irrelevant code
In the specific test scenario I am trying to assert that $timeout was never called.
Edit 2: Specified clearly that I am using $timeout as a function, not an object.
Ran into the same problem and ended up decorating the $timeout service with a spy.
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$timeout', function($delegate) {
return sinon.spy($delegate);
Wrote more about why this works here.
In angular $timeout is a service that executes/calls a function. The request to "spy" $timeout is a bit odd being the case that what it is doing is executing X function in Y given time. What I would do to spy this services is to "mock" the timeout function and inject it in your controller something like:
it('shouldvalidate time',inject(function($window, $timeout){
function timeout(fn, delay, invokeApply) {
console.log('spy timeout invocation here');
//instead of injecting $timeout in the controller you can inject the mock version timeout
// inside your controller|service|directive everything stays the same
/* $timeout(function(){
console.log('hello world');
x = true;
},100); */
var x = false; //some variable or action to wait for
return x;
This code works for me
var element, scope, rootScope, mock = {
timeout : function(callback, lapse){
setTimeout(callback, lapse);
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$timeout', function($delegate) {
return function(callback, lapse){
mock.timeout(callback, lapse);
return $delegate.apply(this, arguments);
describe("when showing alert message", function(){
it("should be able to show message", function(){
rootScope.modalHtml = undefined;
spyOn(mock, 'timeout').and.callFake(function(callback){