Allocate more memory for dynamically allocated array - c++

My C++ algorithm obtains data with unknown size (it detects particles on the image one by one, and I cannot know how many particles will be detected before this algorithm finishes its work).
So, first I want to allocate, say, array with 10000 elements, and during the processing, if necessary, allocate another 10000 elements several times.
Here is what I tried, it doesn't work:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n = 3;
int m = 3;
float *a = new float[3];
a[0] = 0;
a[1] = 1;
a[2] = 2;
float *b = a + 2;
b = new float[3];
b[0] = 4;
b[1] = 5;
cout << a[3] << endl;
As a result, I got minus infinity. Of course, I can handle this in different arrays, I can allocate a huge amount of memory once. I need to pass full array of detected data to the function after, so, as a result, I want to have one big array.
But still, is there a way to increase the size of your dynamically allocated way? What I want in a toy example is to increase number of elements in array a by 3, so it will have 6 elements.
In Matlab it is absolutely possible. What about C++?

You should just use std::vector instead of raw arrays. It is implemented to grow efficiently. You can change its size with resize, append to it with push_back or insert a range (or various other things) with insert to grow it.
Changing the size of a manually allocated array is not possible in C++. Using std::vector over raw arrays is a good idea in general, even if the size does not change. Some arguments are the automated, leak-proof memory management, the additional exception safety as well as the vector knowing its own size.

No, you can't increase the size of an array. If you want to use an array, you'll have to allocate a new block, large enough for the whole new array, and copy the existing elements across before deleting the old array. Or you could use a more complicated data structure that doesn't store its elements contiguously.
Luckily, the standard library has containers to handle this automatically; including vector, a resizable array.
std::vector<float> a(3);
a[0] = 0;
a[1] = 1;
a[2] = 2;
// you can resize it by specifying a new size
a[3] = 3;
// or by appending new elements

You should use a vector and then resize when necessary or let it grow by itself.
When you do:
float *b = a + 2;
b = new float[3];
the memory allocated will not be allocated contiguously to the first allocation even if you previously set the pointer to point at the end(it will be overwritten anyway). Therefore, when accessing a[3], you get out of bound.


When allocating a dynamic array, are the previous elements deleted?

Title says it all more or less. When I need an (for the sake of this example) integer array for an unknown amount of values I know I can change it's size using new *array = new int[size]. Now my question is: If I have an array of a certain size, but I need to make it bigger, can I just use the new operator to expand it and will it still have all previously stored elements or would it be smarter to create a whole new array with a dynamic size, copy all elements from the previous array into the new one and delete[] the old array. Basically just swapping between the two arrays, whenever I need a new size.
Specifically I am asking whether or not this piece of code would work in the way it's intended to work
for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++){
int *array = new int[i];
array[i-1] = i;
My assumption is that this array will first be the size of 1 and store the value 1 at index 0. Then it will reallocate its size to 2 and store the value to at index 1 and so on until i is 9.
I guess to rephrase my question a bit better: Does an array initialized with new have to be populated with elements or will it copy the elements it had from before using the operator?
You can't resize the array in this way. You need to make a new array and then copy the old array into it. You can also try std::vector, which does what you want automatically.
If you want to use pointers rather than std::vector to change the size of your array, you can do it in this way.
int n = 100; // This will be the number of elements.
int *array1; // Pointer
array1 = new int[n]; // This will allocate your array with size n, so you will have 100 elements. You can combine this with the previous in int *array1 = new int[n];
So fill up the this array however you please...
Then you decide you want a 200 element array instead? You will need to create a different array in the same way.
int *array2 = new int[200];
You can use the for loop to copy array 1 into array 2. The for loop should iterate as many times as there are elements in array 1 (100).
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
array2[i] = array[1];
At this stage array2 is exactly the same as array1, but with 100 uninitialized elements at your disposal from [100] to [199].
You won't need array1 anymore, so at some point, you should call
delete [] array1;
Your assumption, by the way would not work, because on the first cycle of your loop, you create (or try to create) an array of i=1 element. Arrays start counting at 0, so your only single element is [0]. When i is at 0, what is i-1?
If you try to access array[-1], you'll probably crash. But why should you want to create 10 different arrays? new keyword creates an unrelated object, not overwrites the one with the same name.
Does an array initialized with new have to be populated with elements or will it copy the elements it had from before using the operator?
new[] allocates new array, completely independent from previous.
I know 3 ways to "make the array bigger":
As #ravi mentioned, don't mess with poinsters, use modern std::vector.
Make new array in new pointer, std::move elements from old array to the new one, and then delete[] old array.
Get rid of new[] & delete[], use old realloc with malloc & free.
You have to allocate new array and copy old array's data into that. This is how vector is implemented. Had there been better way of doing it, C++ standard community would have considered that.

Dynamically allocating memory for changing array size starting with unknown size C++

How do I dynamically allocate an array where the size will be changing because the stuff stored in the array will be read from a file. There are lots of suggestions on using a vector, but I want to know how to do it the array way.
I know for memory allocation it is
int count;
int *n = new int[count];
Say the variable count is going to increment in a loop. How would I change the size of the array?
Also, what if we did it using malloc?
Don't try to make the array allocation exactly follow the continual changing size requirements of what you are going to store. Consider using the traditional 2*N multiple. When array is full, reallocate by growing by 2*N (allocate a new array twice as large), and copy items over. This amortizes the reallocation cost logarithmically.
Keep in mind that this logic you are setting out to implement with low level arrays is exactly why vector exists. You are not likely to implement your own as efficiently, or as bug free.
But if you are set on it, keep count a multiple of 2, starting with something realistic (or the nearest multiple of 2 rounded up)
You may keep two pointers, p and q(placeholder), when count changes, you need to do a fresh allocation for p, before that earlier allocations need to be deallocated, even before that the contents of earlier p should be transferred to new p as well.
int count, oldcount;
int *p = NULL;
int *q;
p = new int[count];
oldcount = count;
when you need to re-allocate:
q = new int[count];
memcpy(q, p, oldcount * sizeof(int)); // OR for (int i = 0; i < oldcount; i++) q[i] = p[i];
delete [] p;
p = q;
oldcount = count; // for use later
If you use malloc, calloc then you need to use as number of bytes to pass in malloc. but not needed with new and delete operators in C++
How would I change the size of the array?
Using new: You can't. The size of an object (here, an array object) can't change at runtime.
You would have to create a new array with the appropriate size, copy all elements from the old into the new array and destroy the old one.
To avoid many reallocations you should always allocate more than you need. Keep track of the size (the amount of elements currently in use) and the capacity (the actual size of the allocated array). Once you want to increase the size, check whether there is still some memory left (size<capacity) and use that if possible; otherwise, apply the aforementioned method.
And that's exactly what vector does for you: But with RAII and all the convenience possible.

how to allocate dynamic memory to int a[4][3] array

how to allocate run time memory to an array of size[4][3]?
i.e int a[4][3]
If need is to allocate memory to an array at run time than how to allocate memory to 2D array or 3D array.
Editing the answer based on comments. Allocate separately for each dimension. For a 2D array a 2 level allocation is required.
*a = (int**)malloc(numberOfRows*sizeof(int*));
for(int i=0; i<numberOfRows; i++)
(*arr)[i] = (int*)malloc(numberOfColumns*sizeof(int));
The simplest way to allocate dynamically an array of type int[4][3] is the following
int ( *a )[3] = new int[4][3];
// some stuff using the array
delete []a;
Another way is to allocate several arrays. For example
int **a = new int * [4];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) a[i] = new int[3];
// some stuff using the array
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) delete []a[i];
delete []a;
What have you tried. new int[4][3] is a perfectly valid
expression, and the results can be assigned to a variable with the
appropriate type:
int (*array2D)[3] = new int[4][3];
Having said that: I can't really think of a case where this
would be appropriate. Practically speaking, anytime you need
a 2 dimensional array, you should define a class which
implements it (using std::vector<int> for the actual memory).
A pure C approach is the following:
int (*size)[4][3];
size = malloc(sizeof *size);
/* Verify size is not NULL */
/* Example of access */
(*size)[1][2] = 89;
/* Do something useful */
/* Deallocate */
The benefit is that you consume less memory by not allocating intermediate pointers, you deal with a single block of memory and deallocation is simpler. This is especially important if you start to have more than 2 dimensions.
The drawback is that the access syntax is more complicated, as you need to dereference a pointer before being able to index.
Use calloc, i guess this will do.
int **p;
In C you can use pointer to pointer
AS #Lundin mentioned this is not 2D array. It is a lookup table using pointers to fragmented memory areas allocated all over the heap.
You need to allocate how many pointers you need and then allocate each pointer. you can allocate fixed size or varaible size depending on your requirement
//step-1: pointer to row
int **a = malloc(sizeof(int *) * MAX_NUMBER_OF_POINTERS);
//step-2: for each rows
for(i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_POINTERS; i++){
//if you want to allocate variable sizes read them here
a[i] = malloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_SIZE_FOR_EACH_POINTER); // where as if you use character pointer always allocate one byte extra for null character
Where as if you want to allocate char pointers avoid using sizeof(char) inside for loop. because sizeof(char) == 1 and do not cast malloc result.
see How to declare a 2d array in C++ using new
You could use std::vector<> since it is a templated container (meaning array elements can be whatever type you need). std::vector<> allows for dynamic memory usage (you can change the size of the vector<> whenever you need to..the memory is allocated and free'd automatically).
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; // saves you from having to write std:: in front of everthing
int main()
vector<int> vA;
vA.resize(4*3); // allocate memory for 12 elements
// Or, if you prefer working with arrays of arrays (vectors of vectors)
vector<vector<int> > vB;
for (int i = 0; i < vB.size(); ++i)
// Now you can access the elements the same as you would for an array
cout << "The last element is " << vB[3][2] << endl;
You can use malloc() in c or new in c++ for dynamic memory allocation.

Multi-dimensional array and pointers in C++?

int *x = new int[5]();
With the above mentality, how should the code be written for a 2-dimensional array - int[][]?
int **x = new int[5][5] () //cannot convert from 'int (*)[5]' to 'int **'
In the first statement I can use:
x[0]= 1;
But the second is more complex and I could not figure it out.
Should I use something like:
x[0][1] = 1;
Or, calculate the real position then get the value
for the fourth row and column 1
x[4*5+1] = 1;
I prefer doing it this way:
int *i = new int[5*5];
and then I just index the array by 5 * row + col.
You can do the initializations separately:
int **x = new int*[5];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x[i] = new int[5];
There is no new[][] operator in C++. You will first have to allocate an array of pointers to int:
int **x = new int*[5];
Then iterate over that array. For each element, allocate an array of ints:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
x[i] = new int[5];
Of course, this means you will have to do the inverse when deallocating: delete[] each element, then delete[] the larger array as a whole.
This is how you do it:
int (*x)[5] = new int[7][5] ;
I made the two dimensions different so that you can see which one you have to use on the lhs.
Ff the array has predefined size you can write simply:
int x[5][5];
It compiles
If not why not to use a vector?
There are several ways to accomplish this:
Using gcc's support for flat multidimensional arrays (TonyK's answer, the most relevant to the question IMO). Note that you must preserve the bounds in the array's type everywhere you use it (e.g. all the array sizes, except possibly the first one), and that includes functions that you call, because the produced code will assume a single array. The allocation of $ new int [7][5] $ causes a single array to be allocated in memory. indexed by the compiler (you can easily write a little program and print the addresses of the slots to convince yourself).
Using arrays of pointers to arrays. The problem with that approach is having to allocate all the inner arrays manually (in loops).
Some people will suggest using std::vector's of std::vectors, but this is inefficient, due to the memory allocation and copying that has to occur when the vectors resize.
Boost has a more efficient version of vectors of vectors in its multi_array lib.
In any case, this question is better answered here:
How do I use arrays in C++?

How to expand an array dynamically in C++? {like in vector }

Lets say, i have
int *p;
p = new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
Now I want to add a 6th element to the array. How do I do it?
You have to reallocate the array and copy the data:
int *p;
p = new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
// realloc
int* temp = new int[6];
std::copy(p, p + 5, temp); // Suggested by comments from Nick and Bojan
delete [] p;
p = temp;
You cannot. You must use a dynamic container, such as an STL vector, for this. Or else you can make another array that is larger, and then copy the data from your first array into it.
The reason is that an array represents a contiguous region in memory. For your example above, let us say that p points to address 0x1000, and the the five ints correspond to twenty bytes, so the array ends at the boundary of 0x1014. The compiler is free to place other variables in the memory starting at 0x1014; for example, int i might occupy 0x1014..0x1018. If you then extended the array so that it occupied four more bytes, what would happen?
If you allocate the initial buffer using malloc you can use realloc to resize the buffer. You shouldn't use realloc to resize a new-ed buffer.
int * array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * arrayLength);
array = (int*)realloc(array, sizeof(int) * newLength);
However, this is a C-ish way to do things. You should consider using vector.
Why don't you look in the sources how vector does that? You can see the implementation of this mechanism right in the folder your C++ include files reside!
Here's what it does on gcc 4.3.2:
Allocate a new contiguous chunk of memory with use of the vector's allocator (you remember that vector is vector<Type, Allocator = new_allocator>?). The default allocator calls operator new() (not just new!) to allocate this chunk, letting himself thereby not to mess with new[]/delete[] stuff;
Copy the contents of the existing array to the newly allocated one;
Dispose previously aligned chunk with the allocator; the default one uses operator delete().
(Note, that if you're going to write your own vector, your size should increase "M times", not "by fixed amount". This will let you achieve amortized constant time. For example, if, upon each excession of the size limit, your vector grows twice, each element will be copied on average once.)
Same as others are saying, but if you're resizing the array often, one strategy is to resize the array each time by doubling the size. There's an expense to constantly creating new and destroying old, so the doubling theory tries to mitigate this problem by ensuring that there's sufficient room for future elements as well.