regex - match exactly to a string portion in awk - regex

I have a file where one column contains strings that are composed of characters separated by ,
a123456, a54321, a12312
I need to find lines that contain a specific number in the comma separated list.
example: I want to find all lines that contain only a12345.
I tried to use the following:
awk ' $1~/a12345/ {print}'
but this prints out the line containing:
a123456, a54321, a12312
because the regex is matching the first 6 characters in a123456, I guess.
My question is, how can I make an regex that will only print out the lines that contain only an exact match?

$ awk '/(^|[^[:alnum:]])a12345([^[:alnum:]]|$)/' file
$ awk '/(^|[^[:alnum:]])a123456([^[:alnum:]]|$)/' file
a123456, a54321, a12312
With GNU awk you could use word-delimiters:
$ awk '/\<a12345\>/' file
$ awk '/\<a123456\>/' file
a123456, a54321, a12312

Try using word match of grep like below:
grep -w a123456 myfile.txt
if you need in field that just starts, then use something like:
egrep -w ^a123456 myfile.txt

With awk:
awk -F ',\\s*' '$1 == "a12345"' filename
To split the line along commas (optionally followed by whitespace) and select only those lines whose first field is exactly "a12345". This will work even if the field contains characters after "a12345" that count as a word boundary, which is to say that, bar, baz
is filtered out.
If more than a single field is to be tested, then you'll have to test all fields:
awk -F ',\\s*' 'function check() { for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { if($i == "a12345") return 1; } return 0 } check()' filename


awk Regular Expression (REGEX) get phone number from file

The following is what I have written that would allow me to display only the phone numbers
in the file. I have posted the sample data below as well.
As I understand (read from left to right):
Using awk command delimited by "," if the first char is an Int and then an int preceded by [-,:] and then an int preceded by [-,:]. Show the 3rd column.
I used "" to validate my expression. I want to learn more and an explanation would be great not just the answer.
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
awk -F "," '/^(\d)+([-,:*]\d+)+([-,:*]\d+)*$/ {print $3}' bashuser.csv
Jordon,New York,630-150,7234
Jaremy,New York,630-250-7768
Jordon,New York,630*150*7745
Jaremy,New York,630-150-7432
Jordon,New York,630-230,7790
Expected Output:
You could just remove all non int
awk '{gsub(/[^[:digit:]]/, "")}1' file.csv
gsub remove all match
[^[:digit:]] the ^ everything but what is next to it, which is an int [[:digit:]], if you remove the ^ the reverse will happen.
"" means remove or delete in awk inside the gsub statement.
1 means print all, a shortcut for print
In sed
sed 's/[^[:digit:]]*//g' file.csv
Since your desired output always appears to start on field #3, you can simplify your regrex considerably using the following:
awk -F '[*,-]' '{print $3$4$5}'
Proof of concept
$ awk -F '[*,-]' '{print $3$4$5}' < ./bashuser.csv
-F '[*,-]': Use a character class to set the field separators to * OR , OR -.
print $3$4$5: Concatenate the 3rd through 5th fields.
awk is not very suitable because the comma occurs not only as a separator of records, better results will give sed:
sed 's/[^,]\+,[^,]\+,//;s/[^0-9]//g;' bashuser.csv
first part s/[^,]\+,[^,]\+,// removes first two records
second part //;s/[^0-9]//g removes all remaining non-numeric characters

Regex: find elements regardless of order

If I have the string:
(In reality the string is more complicated and has more fields.)
And I want to extract the "geo" value and the "host" value, I am facing a problem when the order of the keys change, as in the following:, geo:FR
I tried this line:
sed 's/.\*geo:\([^ ]*\).\*host:\([^ ]*\).*/\1,\2/'
But it only works on the first string.
Is there a way to do it in a single regex, and if not, what's the best approach?
I suggest extracting each text you need with a separate sed command:
host="$(sed -n 's/.*host:\([^[:space:],]*\).*/\1/p' <<< "$s")"
geo="$(sed -n 's/.*geo:\([^[:space:],]*\).*/\1/p' <<< "$s")"
See the online demo, echo "$host and $geo" prints and FR
for both inputs.
-n suppresses line output and p prints the matches
.* - matches any 0+ chars up the last...
host: - host: substring and then
\([^[:space:],]*\) - captures into Group 1 any 0 or more chars other than whitespace and a comma
.* - the rest of the line.
The result is just the contents of Group 1 (see \1 in the replacement pattern).
Whenever you have tag/name to value pairs in your input I find it best (clearest, simplest, most robust,, easiest to enhance, etc.) to first create an array that contains that mapping (f[] below) and then you can simply access the values by their tags:
$ cat file
geo:FR,, geo:FR
foo:bar,, stuff:nonsense, badgeo:uhoh, geo:FR, nastygeo:wahwahwah
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=":|, *"; OFS="," }
for (i=1; i<=NF; i+=2) {
f[$i] = $(i+1)
print f["geo"], f["host"]
$ awk -f tst.awk file
The above will work using any awk in any shell on every UNIX box.
Here I've used GNU Awk to convert your delimited key:value pairs to valid shell assignment. With Bash, you can load these assignments into your current shell using <(process substitution):
# source the file descriptor generated by proc sub
. < <(
# use comma-space as field separator, literal apostrophe as variable q
awk -F', ' -vq=\' '
# change every foo:bar in line to foo='bar' on its own line
{for(f=1;f<=NF;f++) print gensub(/:(.*)/, "=" q "\\1" q, 1, $f)}
# use here-string to load text; remove everything but first quote to use standard input
' <<< ', geo:FR'

get the last word in body of text

Given a body of text than can span a varying number of lines, I need to use a grep, sed or awk solution to search through many files for the same pattern and get the last word in the body.
A file can include formats such as these where the word I want can be named anything
call function1(input1,
input2, #comment
input3) #comment
returning randomname1,
call function1(input1,
returning randomname3,
call function1(input1,
returning anothername3,
randomname2, anothername3
I need to print out results as
Also I need some the filename and line information about each .
I've tried
pcregrep -M 'function1.*(\s*.*){6}(\w+)$' filename.txt
which is too greedy and I still need to print out just the specific grouped value and not the whole pattern. The words function1 and returning in my sample code will always be named as this and can be hard coded within my expression.
Last word of code blocks
Split file in blocks using awk's record separator RS. A record will be defined as a block of text, records are separated by double newlines.
A record consists of fields, each two consecutive fields are separated by white space or a single newline.
Now all we have to do is print the last field for each record, resulting in following code:
awk 'BEGIN{ FS="[\n\t ]"; RS="\n\n"} { print $NF }' file
FS this is the field separator and is set to either a newline, a tab or a space: [\n\t ].
RS this is the record separator and is set to a doulbe newline: \n\n
print $NF this will print the field $ with index NF, which is a variable containing the number of fields. Hence this prints the last field.
Note: To capture all paragraphs the file should end in double newline, this can easily be achieved by pre processing the file using: $ echo -e '\n\n' >> file.
Alternate solution based on comments
A more elegant ans simple solution is as follows:
awk -v RS='' '{ print $NF }' file
How about the following awk solution:
awk 'NF == 0 {if(last) print last; last=""} NF > 0 {last=$NF} END {print last}' file
the $NF is getting the value of the last "word" where NF stands for number of fields. Then the last variable always stores the last word on a line and prints it if it encounters an empty line, representing the end of a paragraph.
New version with matches function1 condition.
awk 'NF == 0 {if(last && hasF) print last; last=hasF=""}
NF > 0 {last=$NF; if(/function1/)hasF=1}
END {if(hasF) print last}' filename.txt
This will produce the output you show from the input file you posted:
$ awk -v RS= '{print $NF}' file
If you want to print FILENAME and line number like you mention then this may be what you want:
$ cat tst.awk
NF { nr=NR; last=$NF; next }
{ prt() }
END { prt() }
function prt() { if (nr) print FILENAME, nr, last; nr=0 }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
file 6 success3
file 13 randomname3
file 20 anothername3
If that doesn't do what you want, edit your question to provide clearer, more truly representative and accurate sample input and expected output.
This is the perl version of Shellfish's awk solution (plus the keywords):
perl -00 -nE '/function1/ and /returning/ and say ((split)[-1])' file
or, with one regex:
perl -00 -nE '/^(?=.*function1)(?=.*returning).*?(\S+)\s*$/s and say $1' file
But the key is the -00 option which reads the file a paragraph at a time.

Regex match as many of strings as possible

I don't know if this is possible or makes sense, but what I'm trying to do is grep or awk a file matching for multiple strings, but only showing the match that matches the most strings.
So I would have a file like:
I want to match a single line that includes the most of these strings: cat|dog|table|key|wall. Not necessarily having to include all of them, but whatever line matches the most, print it.
So for example, I would want it to display this output:
Since it is the line that includes most of the strings that are being searched for.
I've tried using:
cat filename \
|egrep -iE 'cat' \
|egrep -iE 'dog' \
|egrep -iE 'table' \
|egrep -iE 'key' \
|egrep -iE 'wall'
But it will only display lines that show ALL strings, I have also tried:
egrep -iE 'cat|dog|table|key|wall' filename
But that shows any line that matches any one of those strings.
Is regex possible of doing something like this?
Use awk, and increment a counter for each word that matches. If the counter is higher than the highest count, save this line.
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0}
{ count=0;
if (/\bcat\b/) count++;
if (/\bdog\b/) count++;
if (count > max) { saved = $0; max = count; }
END { print saved; }'
$ awk -F, -v r='^(cat|dog|table|key|wall)$' '{c=0;for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)if ($i~r)c++; if (c>max){max=c;most=$0}} END{print most}' file
How it works
This sets the field separator to a comma.
-v r='^(cat|dog|table|key|wall)$'
This sets the variable r to a regex matching your words of interest. The regex begins with ^ and ends with $. This assures that only whole words are matched.
c=0;for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)if ($i~r)c++
This sets the variable c to the number of matches on the current line.
if (c>max){max=c;most=$0}
If the number of matches on the current line, c, exceeds the previous maximum, max, then update max and set most to the current line.
END{print most}
When we are done reading the file, print the line with the most matches.
To make the problem more interesting I created two input files:
InFile1 ...
InFile2 ...
cat,wall phone,key,bark,nut
Note that InFile2 differs from the original post
in that it contains two lines each with three matches.
Hence, there is a "tie" for first place and both are
This code ...
awk -F, '{if (NR==FNR) r=$0; else {count=0
for (j=1;j<=NF;j++) if ($j ~ r) count++
a[FNR]=count" matching words in "$0
if (max<count) max=count}}
END{for (j=1;j<=FNR;j++) if (1==index(a[j],max)) print a[j]}' \
$InFile1 $InFile2 >$OutFile
... produced this OutFile ...
3 matching words in cat,dog,key
3 matching words in table,key,dog,banana
Daniel B. Martin

how to replace the next string after match (every) two blank lines?

is there a way to do this kind of substitution in Awk, sed, ...?
I have a text file with sections divived into two blank lines;
I would to replace every "section_name_x" by "#section_name_x", this is, how to replace the next string after match (every) two blank lines?
awk '
(NR==1 || blank==2) && $1 ~ /^section/ {sub(/section/, "#&")}
if (length)
blank = 0
blank ++
' file
Given your example data why not just
sed 's/^section[0-9]*_name.*/#/' file > newFile && mv newFile file
some seds support sed -i OR sed -i"" to overwrite the existing file, avoiding the && mv ... shown above.
The reg ex says, section must be at the beginning of the line, and can optionally contain a number or NO number at all.
In gawk you can use the RT builtin variable:
gawk '{$1="#"$1; print $0 RT}' RS='\n\n' file
* Update *
Thanks to #EdMorton I realized that my first version was incorrect.
What happens:
Assigning to $1 causes the record to be rebuildt, which is not good in this cases since any sequence of white space is replaced by a single space between fields, and by the null string in the beginning and at the end of the record.
Using print adds an additional newline to the output.
The correct version:
gawk '{printf "%s", "#" $0 RT}' RS='\n\n\n' file