Setting the application icon for OSX in Qt Creator - c++

Followed the directions here for OSX:
stating that all I need to do is add ICON = myapp.icns to my project file.
I used one of the ICNS files I stole from Qt itself (in other words, it should work, its not a conversion problem) and when build after running qmake I get the error
make: *** No rule to make target '1.22/MyProject.icns', needed by ''
I regularly use make but have little experience with Qt so I have no idea what it's trying to tell me here (I don't even know where these file paths are coming from).
The .icns file has been added to the resources .qrc and is in the base directory of the project.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Ok, the space in the file path was preventing the build. It now compiles and runs but still does not have a dock icon.
Here is the output of the grep command, as requested by Simon Warta:
_Qt_5_1_1_clang_64bit-Debug/Makefile | grep -C 3 icns
444 :
445 #$(DEL_FILE)
446 #sed -e "s,#SHORT_VERSION#,1.22,g" -e "s,#TYPEINFO#,????,g" -e "s,#ICON#,myapp.icns,g" -e "s,#EXECUTABLE#,myapp,g" -e "s,#TYPEINFO#,????,g" ../myapp1.22/myapp.plist >
447 ../myapp1.22/myapp.icns
448 #test -d || mkdir -p
448 #test -d || mkdir -p
449 #$(DEL_FILE)
450 #$(COPY_FILE) ../myapp1.22/myapp.icns
451 dist:
452 #test -d .tmp/myapp1.22 || mkdir -p .tmp/myapp1.22
[[All my source files]]
477 compiler_rcc_clean:
478 -$(DEL_FILE) qrc_myapp.cpp
479 qrc_myapp.cpp: ../myapp1.22/myapp.qrc \
480 ../myapp1.22/myapp.icns \
481 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp2.png \
482 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp1.png \
483 ../myapp1.22/images/About.png \
481 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp2.png \
482 ../myapp1.22/images/splashmyapp1.png \
483 ../myapp1.22/images/About.png
486 /Users/EngMac/Qt5.1.1/5.1.1/clang_64/bin/rcc -name myapp ../myapp1.22/myapp.qrc -o qrc_myapp.cpp
ICON = myapp.icns
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = myapp.plist

QMAKE_INFO_PLIST must be called Info.plist. It might be placed in a custom sub-directory of your choice but the filename is fixed. That is because the OS X system will look for a file with that exact filename.
Further debugging tips (orderd by importance):
Post a current error message
Update the Makefile parts cat -n [...]_Qt_5_1_1_clang_64bit-Debug/Makefile | grep -C 4 icns
Search your source code for other places of QMAKE_INFO_PLIST: Call git grep QMAKE_INFO_PLIST in the root of your repository
Post the content of your Info.plist
Post the content of your .pro file

I had to add to
ICON = Project.icns
# Qt doesn't copy over the .icns file ?!
RESOURCE_FILES.path = Contents/Resources
and in Info.plist:
It seems that Qt doesn't set the project up to copy the .icns file into the bundle (at least with Qt 5.9), so having it in the .plist file is useless. The last three lines in the .pro file copy it manually.


gcloud command - set variable for project to run gcloud command on multiple project ids

I am very new to gcloud command line and new to scripting altogether. I'm cleaning up a GCP org with multiple stray projects. I am trying to run a gcloud command to find the creator of all my projects so I can reach out to each project creator and ask them to clean up a few things.
I found a command to search logs for a project and find the original project creator, provided the project isn't older than 400 days.
gcloud logging read --project [PROJECT] \
--order=asc --limit=1 \
--format='table(protoPayload.methodName, protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail)'
My problem is this: I have over 300 projects in my org currently. I have a .csv of all project names and IDs via (gcloud projects list).
Using the above command. How can I make [project] a variable and call/import the project name field from my .csv as the variable.
What I hope to accomplish is this: The gcloud command line provided the output for each project name in the .csv file and outputs it all to a another .csv file. I hope this all made sense.
I haven't tried anything yet. I don't want to run the same command for each of the 300 projects manually.
I have put together this bash script, however I've been unable to properly test as I don't currently have access to any GCP project, but hopefully it will work.
This is how the CSV file should look like
| ids |
| 1234 |
| 4567 |
| 7890 |
| 0987 |
Output: what the script will generate
| project_id | owner |
| 1234 | john |
| 4567 | doe |
| 7890 | test |
| 0987 | user |
#! /bin/bash
touch output.csv
echo "project_id, owner;" >>> output.csv
while IFS="," read -r data
echo "Fetching project creator for: $data"
creator=$(gcloud logging read --project ${data} --order=asc --limit=1 --format='table(protoPayload.methodName, protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail)')
echo "${data},${creator};" >>> output.csv
done < <(cut -d ";" -f1 input.csv | tail -n +2) not working on Ubuntu 17.10 (artful)

This works fine on ubuntu 16.04, but not on 17.10
+ curl -O
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
^M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0^M100 56093 100 56093 0 0 56093 0 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0:00:01 98929
+ chmod +x ./
+ ./ -n -c /etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf -r us-west-2
Step 1 of 5: Installing pip ...^[[0mlibyaml-dev does not exist in system ^[[0m^[[92mDONE^[[0m
Step 2 of 5: Downloading the latest CloudWatch Logs agent bits ... ^[[0mTraceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 1317, in <module>
File "./", line 1313, in main
File "./", line 858, in setup_artifacts
File "./", line 570, in install_awslogs_cli[AWSCLI_CMD, 'configure', 'set', 'plugins.cwlogs', 'cwlogs'], env=DEFAULT_ENV)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 168, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 390, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1025, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I noticed that earlier on in the process, in the AWS boilerplate it failed to install libyaml-dev but not sure if that's the only problem.
Always find the answer right after I post it...
Here's my modified CF template command:
command: !Sub
"/bin/bash -x\n
exec >>/var/log/cf_050_install_awslogs.log 2>&1 \n
echo 050_install_awslogs...\n
set -xe\n
# Get the CloudWatch Logs agent\n
mkdir /opt/awslogs\n
cd /opt/awslogs\n
# Needed for python3 in 17.10\n
apt-get install -y libyaml-dev python-dev \n
pip3 install awscli-cwlogs\n
# avoid it complaining about not having /var/awslogs/bin/aws binary\n
if [ ! -d /var/awslogs/bin ] ; then\n
mkdir -p /var/awslogs/bin\n
ln -s /usr/local/bin/aws /var/awslogs/bin/aws\n
curl -O\n
chmod +x ./\n
# Hack for python 3.6 & old\n
sed -i 's/3,6/3,7/'\n
./ -n -c /etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf -r ${AWS::Region}\n
echo 050_install_awslogs end\n
Not entirely sure about the need for the dir creation but I expect this is a temporary case that will get resolved soon as one still needs to fudge the python 3.6 compatibility check.
it may be installable using python 2.7 as well, but that felt like going backwards at this point as the my rationale for 17.10 was python 3.6.
Credit for the yaml package and dir creation idea to but I prefer to avoid easy_install.
I had similar issue on Ubuntu 18.04.
Instruction from AWS for standalone install worked for my case.
To download and run it standalone, use the following commands and follow the prompts:
curl -O
curl -O
tar xvf AgentDependencies.tar.gz -C /tmp/
sudo python ./ --region us-east-1 --dependency-path /tmp/AgentDependencies

scrapyd: curl error `unknown or corrupt egg`

I'am trying to update version of my spider, i wrote:
curl http://localhost:6800/addversion.json -d project=comicvn -d spider=comicvn2 -d version= 141667324 -d egg=14116674324.egg
It made error : {"status"": error,"message": "ValuesError: Unkow or corrupt egg"
What's egg paramerter ? and what should I set values for it ? Thank so much !
I created '14116674324.egg' by ussing command bdist_egg. After that, it made a 14116674324.egg file in path :C:\Python27\Scripts\eggs\comicvn2 , so i copy this file to root folder of my project like C:\Python27\Scripts\comicvn2.
curl http://localhost:6800/addversion.json -d project=comicvn -d spider=comicvn2 -d version= 141667324 -d egg=#14116674324.egg
you must be add '#'
see scrapy.cfg format at scrapy deploy doc page. change version entry to update the spider version
url =
username = john
password = secret
project = project1
version = 123

How to download latest version of software from same url using wget

I would like to download a latest source code of software (WRF) from some url and automate the installation process thereafter. A sample url like is given below:-
In the above url, the version number may change time to time after the developer release the new version. Now I would like to download the latest available version from the main script. I tried the following:-
wget -k -l 0 "" -O index.html ; cat index.html | grep -o 'http:[^"]*.gz' | grep 'WRFV'
With above code, I could pull all available version of the software. The output of the above code is below:-
However, I am unable to go further to filter out only later version from the link.
Usually, for processing the html-pages i recommendig some perl tools, but because this is an Directory Index output, (probably) can be done by bash tools like grep sed and such...
The following code is divided to several smaller bash functions, for easy changes
#getdata - should output html source of the page
getdata() {
#use wget with output to stdout or curl or fetch
curl -s ""
#cat index.html
#filer_rows - get the filename and the date columns
filter_rows() {
sed -n 's:<tr><td.*href="\([^"]*\)">.*>\([0-9].*\)</td>.*</td>.*</td></tr>:\2#\1:p' | grep "${1:-.}"
#sort_by_date - probably don't need comment... sorts the lines by date... ;)
sort_by_date() {
while IFS=# read -r date file
echo "$(date --date="$date" +%s)#$file"
done | sort -gr
file=$(getdata | filter_rows WRFV | sort_by_date | head -1 | cut -d# -f2)
echo "You want download: $file"
You want download: WRFV3-Chem-3.6.1.TAR.gz
What about adding a numeric sort and taking the top line:
wget -k -l 0 "" -O index.html ; cat index.html | grep -o 'http:[^"]*.gz' | grep 'WRFV[0-9]*[0-9]\.[0-9]' | sort -r -n | head -1

Unix CLI script to rename folders using their pre-existing names

I have a directory with folder structure as follows:
-- DATA -- ABD 1231345 -- 01-08-12 // date in mm-dd-yy format
-- 03-09-12
-- 06-11-12
-- DEF 4859480 -- 02-10-12
-- 05-10-12
-- 07-10-12
I would like to batch rename this DATA folder as follows
-- DATA -- ABD 1231345 -- 2012_01_08 // date in yyyy_mm_dd format with underscore
-- 2012_03_09
-- 2012_06_11
-- DEF 4859480 -- 2012_02_10
-- 2012_05_10
-- 2012_07_10
Do you have a suggestion on how to accomplish using command line on Mac OSX / unix?
You could use a for loop and awk, parsing each file-name into your specified format and then mv to rename the original to the new name:
for dir in DATA/*; do \
pushd "$dir"; # change directory \
for file in *; do \
path=`echo $file | awk -F- '{print "20"$3"_"$1"_"$2}'`; \
mv $file $path; # "rename" the file \
done; \
popd; # restore original directory \
This can be executed in folder above DATA. If you want to execute it directly in DATA, update the first loop to read for dir in *; do instead of DATA/*. It tells awk to use the - as the delimiter (instead of whitespace), and then reconstructs a string from "mm-dd-yy" to "20yy_mm_dd".
Using pushd and popd will enable the script to change the current directory to each subdirectory inside DATA (pushd) and then, after moving all necessary files will change back to the original (popd). Doing this will save you a lot of parsing-effort trying to save directory paths / etc.
You could use string manipulations and arrays to do that with bash only.
Something like:
for f in * ; do
parts=(${f//-/ })
mv "$f" "20${parts[2]}_${parts[1]}_${parts[0]}"
Search this site for various options to recurse into directories e.g.:
Shell script to traverse directories
Use the date command to convert the file name:
$ date -j -f %m-%d-%y 01-08-12 +%Y_%m_%d
Getting to the files is a little tricker. We'll just switch directories to avoid dealing with long file paths.
for d in DATA; do
pushd "$d"
for f in *; do
new_f=$(date -j -f %m-%d-%y $f +%Y_%m_%d)
mv "$f" "$new_f"
This site gives a good snippet
for i in *.avi; do j=`echo $i | sed 's/(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/20\3_\1_\2/g'`; mv "$i" "$j"; done