Proper way of evaluating symbols in clojure macros - clojure

I have a file which contains some trusted clojure source code:
((+ a b) (* a b) (- a b))
For each of the items in the list I want to generate an anonymous function:
(fn [a b] (+ a b))
(fn [a b] (* a b))
(fn [a b] (- a b))
If I call the following marco
(defmacro create-fn
[args exprs]
`(fn ~args ~exprs))
directly with some clojure code it works perfectly:
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(create-fn [a b] (* a b)))
(clojure.core/fn [a b] (* a b))
But when I bind the context of the file to a local and try to map my macro it will not work. On access of the first generated function I get the error message "java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: a in this context"
(Please note that I had to put an extra eval into the macro to get the value of the symbol e which is used in the anonymous function used by map)
(defmacro create-fn
[args exprs]
`(let [e# (eval ~exprs)]
(fn ~args
(let [exprs (read-string "((+ a b) (* a b) (- a b))")
fns (map
(fn [e] (create-fn [a b] e))
(first fns))
Any help is very much appreciated!

Let's look at the whole code after macro expansion. This code:
(let [exprs (read-string "((+ a b) (* a b) (- a b))")
fns (map
(fn [e] (create-fn [a b] e))
(first fns))
Expands to this, where e__900__auto__ is the symbol generated by e#:
(let [exprs (read-string "((+ a b) (* a b) (- a b))")
fns (map
(fn [e] (let [e__900__auto__ (eval e)]
(fn [a b] e__900__auto__))
(first fns))
Why doesn't this work? Well, one reason is that a and b aren't even in the scope of (eval e). You might be tempted to try this next:
(defmacro create-fn [args exprs] `(fn ~args (eval ~exprs)))
After expansion, the generated function looks like this:
(let [exprs (read-string "((+ a b) (* a b) (- a b))")
fns (map
(fn [e] (fn [a b] (eval e)))
(first fns))
This looks good, but it won't work because eval evaluates in an empty lexical environment. In other words, eval won't see a and b even with this code.
You could ditch the macro and just manually mangle the code into something you can eval, like this:
(fn [e] (eval (concat '(fn [a b]) (list e))))
Alternatively, you could declare the variables a and b as dynamic and then use binding to set them before evaluating the expressions.
(declare ^:dynamic a ^:dynamic b)
(let [exprs (read-string "((+ a b) (* a b) (- a b))")
fns (map
(fn [e] (fn [a1 b1] (binding [a a1 b b1] (eval e))))
(first fns))
If you do not want to have a and b in your namespace, you could set up another namespace and evaluate the code there.
My suggested solutions do not use macros. They're not useful here, because macros are expanded at compile time, but the expressions are read at runtime. If you really do want to use macros here, you'll need to move the read-string and file handling code inside the defmacro.


fn and let inside clojure macro

I'm running into some limitations of Clojure macros. I wonder how to optimize the following code?
(defmacro ssplit-7-inefficient [x]
(let [t 7]
;; Duplicated computation here!
`(do [(first (split-with #(not (= '~t %)) '~x))
(drop 1 (second (split-with #(not (= '~t %)) '~x)))])))
(ssplit-7-inefficient (foo 7 bar baz))
;; Returns: [(foo) (bar baz)]
Here are some approaches that don't work:
(defmacro ssplit-7-fails [x]
(let [t 7]
`(do ((fn [[a b]] [a (drop 1 b)]) (split-with #(not (= '~t %)) '~x)))))
(ssplit-7-fails (foo 7 bar baz))
;; Error: Call to clojure.core/fn did not conform to spec.
(defmacro ssplit-7-fails-again [x]
(let [t 7]
(let [data (split-with #(not (= '~t %)) '~x)]
((fn [[a b]] [a (drop 1 b)]) data)))))
(ssplit-7-fails-again (foo 7 bar baz))
;; Error: Call to clojure.core/let did not conform to spec.
Note that split-with splits only once. You can use some destructuring to get what you want:
(defmacro split-by-7 [arg]
`((fn [[x# [_# & z#]]] [x# z#]) (split-with (complement #{7}) '~arg)))
(split-by-7 (foo 7 bar baz))
=> [(foo) (bar baz)]
In other use cases, partition-by can be also useful:
(defmacro split-by-7 [arg]
`(->> (partition-by #{7} '~arg)
(remove #{[7]})))
(split-by-7 (foo 7 bar baz))
=> ((foo) (bar baz))
It is not so easy to reason about macros in Clojure - (in my view macroexpand-1 alienates the code a lot - in contrast to Common Lisp's macroexpand-1 ...).
My way was first to build a helper function.
(defn %split-7 [x]
(let [y 7]
(let [[a b] (split-with #(not= y %) x)]
[a (drop 1 b)])))
This function uses destructuring so that the split-with is "efficient".
It does nearly exactly what the macro should do. Just that one has to quote
the argument - so that it works.
(%split-7 '(a 7 b c))
;;=> [(a) (b c)]
From this step to the macro is not difficult.
The macro should just automatically quote the argument when inserting into the helper function's call.
(defmacro split-7 [x]
`(%split-7 '~x))
So that we can call:
(split-7 (a 7 b c))
;; => [(a) (b c)]
Using this trick, even generalize the function to:
(defn %split-by [x y]able like this
(let [[a b] (split-with #(not= y %) x)]
[a (drop 1 b)]))
(defmacro split-by [x y]
`(%split-by '~x ~y))
(split-by (a 7 b c) 7)
;; => [(a) (b c)]
(split-by (a 7 b c 9 d e) 9)
;; => [(a 7 b c) (d e)]
The use of (helper) functions in the macro body - and even other macros - or recursive functions or recursive macros - macros which call other macros - shows how powerful lisp macros are. Because it shows that you can use the entirety of lisp when formulating/defining macros. Something what most language's macros usually aren't able to do.

Run length encoding of sequences

So I am trying to solve this problem, and this is the code I have come up with:
First I have a pack function, receives a list and groups same elements into a vector.
(defn pack [lst]
(def a [])
(def vect [])
(empty? lst)
(loop [i 0]
(def r (get lst i))
(def t (get lst (+ i 1)))
(if (= r t)
(def vect (conj vect r))
(if (not= r t)
(and (def vect (conj vect r)) (and (def a (conj a vect)) (def vect [])))
(if (= i (- (count lst) 1))
(recur (inc i))
for example if I have this vector:
(def tes '[a a a a b c c a a d e e e e])
pack function will return this:
[[a a a a] [b] [c c] [a a] [d] [e e e e]]
Then I tried doing the "encode" part of the problem with this code:
(def v1 [])
(def v2 [])
(conj v2 (conj v1 (count (get (pack tes) 0)) (get (get (pack tes) 0) 0)))
And it returned what I wanted, a vector "v2" with a vector "v1" that has the "encoded" item.
[[4 a]]
So now I try to make the function:
(defn encode [lst]
(loop [index 0 limit (count (pack lst)) v1 [] v2[]]
(if (= index limit)
(conj v2 (conj v1 (count (get (pack tes) index)) (get (get (pack tes) index) index)))
(recur (inc index) limit v1 v2)
(encode tes)
but I get this error:
2021/03/07 00:00:21 got exception from server /usr/local/bin/lein: line 152:
28 Killed "$LEIN_JAVA_CMD" "${BOOTCLASSPATH[#]}" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.easy=false -Dmaven.wagon.rto=10000 $LEIN_JVM_OPTS
-Dleiningen.original.pwd="$ORIGINAL_PWD" -Dleiningen.script="$0" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" clojure.main -m leiningen.core.main "$#"
2021/03/07 01:42:20 error reading from server EOF
Any way to fix my code or to solve the problem more efficiently but still return a vector?
juxt can be used in the pack function:
(defn pack [xs]
(map (juxt count first) (partition-by identity xs)))
(defn unpack [xs]
(mapcat #(apply repeat %) xs))
Don't use def inside function, because it creates global
variable. Use let instead.
Don't use multiple if in row, there is cond.
Format your code better- for example, put all parentheses on the end together on one line.
Here is more efficient solution:
(defn pack [lst]
(letfn [(pack-help [lst]
(if (empty? lst) '()
(let [elem (first lst)]
(cons (vec (take-while #(= % elem) lst))
(pack-help (drop-while #(= % elem) lst))))))]
(vec (pack-help lst))))
(defn pack-with-count [lst]
(mapv #(vector (count %) (first %))
(pack lst)))
(defn unpack [packed-lst]
(into [] (apply concat packed-lst)))
(pack '[a a a a b c c a a d e e e e])
(pack-with-count '[a a a a b c c a a d e e e e])
(unpack '[[a a a a] [b] [c c] [a a] [d] [e e e e]])
As a rule, whenever you reach for loop/recur, there are some pieces of the standard library which will allow you to get the desired effect using higher-order functions. You avoid needing to implement the wiring and can just concentrate on your intent.
(def tes '[a a a a b c c a a d e e e e])
(partition-by identity tes)
; => ((a a a a) (b) (c c) (a a) (d) (e e e e))
(map (juxt count first) *1)
; => ([4 a] [1 b] [2 c] [2 a] [1 d] [4 e])
(mapcat #(apply repeat %) *1)
; => (a a a a b c c a a d e e e e)
Here *1 is just the REPL shorthand for "previous result" - if you need to compose these into functions, this will be replaced with your argument.
If you really need vectors rather than sequences for the outer collection at each stage, you can wrap with vec (to convert the lazy sequence to a vector), or use mapv instead of map.
Finally - the error message you are getting from lein is a syntax error rather than a logic or code problem. Clojure generally flags an unexpected EOF if there aren't enough closing parens.
(println "because we left them open like this -"
Consider working inside a REPL within an IDE, or if that isn't possible then using a text editor that matches parens for you.

Nesting macros in Clojure

Consider this pseudo code:
(defrc name
[a :A]
[:div a])
Where defrc would be a macro, that would expand to the following
(let [a (rum/react (atom :A))]
(rum/defc name < rum/reactive []
[:div a]))
Where rum/defc is itself a macro. I came up with the code below:
(defmacro defrc
[name subj bindings & body]
(let [map-bindings# (apply array-map bindings)
keys# (keys map-bindings#)
vals# (vals map-bindings#)
atomised-vals# (atom-map vals#)]
`(let ~(vec (interleave keys# (map (fn [v] (list 'rum/react v)) (vals atomised-vals#))))
(rum/defc ~name < rum/reactive [] ~#body))))
Which almost works:
(macroexpand-all '(defrc aname
#_=> "string"
#_=> [a :A]
#_=> [:div a]))
(let* [a (rum/react #object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x727ed2e6 {:status :ready, :val nil}])] (rum/defc aname clojure.core/< rum/reactive [] [:div a]))
However when used it results in a syntax error:
ERROR: Syntax error at (clojure.core/< rum.core/reactive [] [:div a])
Is this because the inner macro is not being expanded?
Turns out the macro was working correctly but the problem occurred because < was inside the syntax quote it got expanded to clojure.core/<, and Rum simply looks for a quoted <, relevant snippet from Rum's source:
(and (empty? res) (symbol? x))
(recur {:name x} next nil)
(fn-body? xs) (assoc res :bodies (list xs))
(every? fn-body? xs) (assoc res :bodies xs)
(string? x) (recur (assoc res :doc x) next nil)
(= '< x) (recur res next :mixins)
(= mode :mixins)
(recur (update-in res [:mixins] (fnil conj []) x) next :mixins)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Syntax error at " xs))))...

Why does this function not work as expected?

Why does this function not work as expected?
(defn my-juxt
[& fns]
(if (= 1 (count fns))
(fn [& a] (list (apply (first fns) a)))
(fn [& a]
(cons (apply (first fns) a) ((my-juxt (rest fns)) a)))))
Note: This works -
(defn new-juxt
[& fns]
(fn [& a]
(map #(apply % a) fns)))
The problem is in how varargs are used. my-juxt has params [& fns] while it's given [fns] in the last string. The same is with the function it returns as a result: it expects [& a] while provided [a].
The code below will work (please note two extra apply's there)
(defn my-juxt
[& fns]
(if (= 1 (count fns))
(fn [& a] (list (apply (first fns) a)))
(fn [& a]
(cons (apply (first fns) a)
(apply (apply my-juxt (rest fns)) a)))))

Clojure local-variables

I want to create a function (thunk) that will return successive elements in a list. What is the best way to do this? I wrote this code based on an apparently flawed understanding of how local variables in clojure work:
(defn reader-for [commands]
[stream commands]
(fn []
[r (var-get stream)]
(if (empty? r)
[cur (first r)
_ (var-set stream (rest r))]
In this code I get:
#<CompilerException java.lang.IllegalStateException: Var null/null is unbound. (Chapel.clj:1)>
which seems to suggest that with-local-vars is dynamically scoped. Is that true? Is there any lexically scoped alternative? Thanks for any help.
If you require mutable state, use one of the clojure reference types:
user=> (defn reader-for [coll]
(let [a (atom coll)]
(fn []
(let [x (first #a)]
(swap! a next)
user=> (def f (reader-for [1 2 3]))
user=> (f)
user=> (f)
user=> (f)
user=> (f)
Also, let is for lexical scoping, binding is for dynamic scoping.
Edit: the thread-safe version as pointed out by Alan.
(defn reader-for [coll]
(let [r (ref coll)]
(let [x (first #r)]
(alter r next)
And just for fun, a thread-safe version with atoms (don't do this):
(defn reader-for [coll]
(let [a (atom coll)]
(fn []
(let [ret (atom nil)]
(swap! a (fn [[x & xs]]
(compare-and-set! ret nil x)