AWS Elastic Beanstalk GUI: Query failed to deserialize response - amazon-web-services

after running AWS Elastic Beanstalk application for few weeks suddenly I can't open my application. Page simply displays an error which doesn't provide much information how to fix it.
A problem occurred while loading your page: AWS Query failed to deserialize response
(and there is no more information, Googling also haven't found any answer)
So before updating my subscription and starting paying to Amazon not insignificant amount of money for being able to contact their technical support I thought I will ask here first if someone here encountered this issue.
Thanks for any suggestions.

After receiving this generic error, I was able to dig into the actual error message by using the EB CLI. In my case the CLI threw "ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980".


Amazon Connect - cannot debug error in Get Customer Input Stage

I am just new to Amazon Connect and Lex and have just starting creating simple projects. I already have created an entire contact flow which uses Lex and Lambda for routing. Problem is in the "Get Customer Input" stage, it seems to always go to the error output and I could not figure out why. I tried to check if there's any way I can find logs for each stages in the contact flow but could not find any.
Can anyone help me solve this issue? I need to see logs to find out the cause of the error.
EDIT: I got the contact flow logs from cloudwatch. See below. I can't find any significant error from it.
"Results": "Error",
"ContactId": "<contact-id>",
"ContactFlowId": "<the contact flow id>",
"ContactFlowModuleType": "GetUserInput",
"Timestamp": "2019-07-08T08:27:01.185Z"
You might be getting error because you are getting error from your Lex and that is why the flow is going in error.
You can check the logs for connect and Lex in Amazon service - Amazon CloudWatch.
You can also provide details from logs/screenshot what exactly error you are getting, so that I can help.
This might be due to language settings mismatch.
If you're using LexV2 make sure you set the proper Language Attribute as well. Easiest way is using the set Voice block in your Contact Flow, on the very bottom of the block you can enable "set language attribute".
Original answer:

Authentication with Cognito - where to find logs

We have 2 React Native app are using AWS Cognito for authentication. We use library react-native-aws-cognito-js in our code. The apps are working fine until these 2 days. Apps are experiencing intermittent "Internal Server Error".
How can I find more information about this error? Any tool can help us pinpoint the cause?
From CloudTrail, each API call has an event "CreateNetworkInterface". Many of such API calls have error code "Client.NetworkInterfaceLimitExceeded". What is the cause and solution to this?
According to this AWS Doc (in Chinese), CloudWatch will not write to log when error is due to insufficient IP/ENI. That explains the increase in error number but no logs in CloudWatch.
Upate 2
We have found a scheduled Lambda job which may exhausted IP addresses. We stopped the batch job. But still can't have too many user login to server due to "Client.NetworkInterfaceLimitExceeded" error. I realized that there are many "CreateNetworkInterface" event and few "DeleteNetworkInterface" event. How can I "clean up / reset" all network interface in VPC?
Short answer: Cloud Trail.
Long answer with a suggestion
Assuming your application code is fine, most likely the cause of your 500 error is based on Cognito's initial limitations (e.g., number of calls per user):
AWS suggests to use Cloud Trail, for logging Api calls.
However I would suggest, to prove the limitations first, add some logs around the api call yourself, and in development you could call your app/api with a high number of calls; and most likely you will see the 500 error due to the limitations.
You could do the following in the terminal:
for i in `seq 1 1000`; do curl --cookie SecureCookie=TokenValueFromAWS http://localhost:desirablePort/SecuredPath; done

App Engine Flexible: Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy

I'm trying several times to deploy a new version of a service on my app engine flexible instance using the sdk and the command gcloud app deploy, but all i get is this error
"ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for
the app infrastructure to become healthy."
I Couldn't found any answer about it on the issue tracker of gcp.
On this question, he got the same problem, but no one could answered it.
Any guidance will be very helpfull.
According to the gcp team, this particular error was caused because we reached the "In-use IP addresses" quota limit.
They also said that are working on improve the error messages.
"The engineering team has just created a fix for better quota error
details. There is no ETA for when the fix will be released, but I
would guess it would be in the next version of gcloud."
Over half a year later after Loneck's answer I've got the same error. I guessed it could be anything. This is why I've choosen to delete the project, create a new one in a new zone and deployed it there. Then it worked for me. It might have been any other limitation in the zone that I've choosen at the beginning.
I ran into this and solved it by retrying the deploy 3 times.

AWS Lambda cloudwatch logs throw "Failed to load events" error

I have a lambda function with the following permissions
whenever the lambda function is triggered, I see a log file being added to the logstream in cloudwatch.
When I try to open any of the logs, it throws Failed to load events
Unexpected error loading events error. Please help with fixing the issue.
I had the same error. The issue was: my 'Authorization' header has been modified. In my case — I added it using chrome extension for the testing purposes
For what it's worth, I saw the same error using Firefox but got the expected results using Chrome. So use Chrome to view CloudWatch.
This just happened to me. I suspect it had something to do with AWS's recent DNS issues. I had to go into my router's settings and change from dynamic DNS to static DNS. I used servers and Hope this helps someone!

How to remove RequestTimeTooSkewed check from Amazon?

I have a Java 7 "agent" program running on several client machines (mostly Windows XP). My "agent" uploads client files to Amazon S3 and often I get this error:
I know this is because the client's computer system time difference is too large compared to Amazon's. Here's my problem: I can't control the client's computer (system) time! So, I don't want Amazon to care about time differences.
I heard about jets3t, but I'm hoping not having to resort to yet another tool (agent footprint must remain small).
Any ideas how to remove this check and get rid of this pesky error?
Error detail:
Status Code: 403, AWS Service: Amazon S3, AWS Request ID: 59C9614D15006F23, AWS Error Code: RequestTimeTooSkewed, AWS Error Message: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large., S3 Extended Request ID: v1pGBm3ed2J9dZ3sG/3aDrG3DUGSlt3Ac+9nduK2slih2wyaAnc1n5Jrt5TkRzlV
The error is coming from the S3 service, not from the client, so there really isn't anything you can do other than correct the clock on the client. That check is being done on the service to help detect and prevent replay attacks so it's an important part of the overall security of the service.
Trying a different client-side SDK won't help.