I am not able to figure out the root cause for the problem, why the forEach loop is not working,
<bpel:forEach name="eachMarket" parallel="no" counterName="marketCounter">
<bpel:copy ignoreMissingFromData="yes" insertMissingToData="yes">
<bpel:copy ignoreMissingFromData="yes" insertMissingToData="yes">
<bpel:copy ignoreMissingFromData="yes" insertMissingToData="yes">
<bpel:forEach name="eachParameter" parallel="no" counterName="parameterCounter">
<bpel:scope name="parameterScope">
<bpel:copy ignoreMissingFromData="yes" insertMissingToData="yes">
<bpel:copy ignoreMissingFromData="yes" insertMissingToData="yes">
Input will contain multiple Ids,
Error message:
faultExplanation={http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable}selectionFailure: No results for expression: '$OrderParameterPLRequest.parameters/ns:DCTResponse/ns:DCTIDs/ns:DCTID[round($marketCounter)]/ns:DEFTYPE' against '
This question is probably not relevant for the original poster anymore, but I wanted to include an answer in case anybody else has the same problem.
If you want to get the DEFTYPE of the DCTID at position $Counter, use the following XPath:
($input.payload/tns:DCTResponse/tns:DCTIDs/tns:DCTID)[position() = $Counter]/tns:DEFTYPE
Two things are important here:
Put parentheses around the entire expression up to DTCID. For the reason why, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/8336922/5986352
While [1], [2], etc. will work, [$Counter] will not work. Instead, use [position() = $Counter]. You can also use position() to perform some more complex queries, e.g., [position() < 3] in order to select the first two nodes from a certain set.
How can I exclude a method from code coverage reporting using coverlet and reportgenerator. Excluding entire namespaces in .runsettings works as expected but using [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] attribute excludes the entire file instead of only the targeted method. See Comments below for what I've tried in .runsettings.
relevant .runsettings lines:
<!-- excluded namespaces -->
<!-- excludes entire file from coverage -->
<ExcludeByAttribute>Obsolete, GeneratedCodeAttribute, CompilerGeneratedAttribute,ExcludeFromCodeCoverage</ExcludeByAttribute>
<!-- included & reported as uncovered -->
<ExcludeByAttribute> ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute </ExcludeByAttribute>
<!-- included and reported as uncovered -->
<Attribute> ^System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute$</Attribute>
UPDATE: It seems to have been a recently resolved issue with coverlet. Updating resolved the issue. https://github.com/coverlet-coverage/coverlet/issues/809
Just apply [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] on the method instead of the class.
Using wso2bps-3.5.1
The count() of nodes in my Assign activity is assigned to an Integer typed element (verifyTerminationRequest/connections):
<bpel:from expressionLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0">
<bpel:to part="parameters" variable="verifyTerminationRequest">
<bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[wvete:verifyTerminationRequestMessage[1]/wvete:connections]]></bpel:query>
For some reason the resulting message looks like this:
<verifyTerminationRequest xmlns="http://seb.se/ops/ica/vete/wsdl">
<ax2410:verifyTerminationRequestMessage xmlns:ax2410="http://seb.se/ops/ica/vete/wsdl">
And verifyTerminationRequestMessage/connections = 2.0 throws an exception:
Fault Name {http://seb.se/ops/ica/vete/wsdl}UnknownFault
Fault Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><message>
<faultstring>java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2.0"</faultstring>
Error Line 356
I've tried with round(count(...)) with no success.
try number function - number(count()) it works for me.
I am trying to use mapforce to generate an xslt 2.0 file. The mapping is adding 2 dayTimeDuration elements, doing so results in the following error;
No match for core.add(xs:dayTimeDuration, xs:dayTimeDuration). Check argument types.
Supported: +(xs:double, xs:double) -> xs:double
I thought that xslt 2.0 supported adding 2 dayTimeDurations. Is there a way of doing this using mapforce?
Had almost the same problem, first tried to add functx-library but saw it creates absolute path in the generated xslt2-code, which isn't very good.
Well, turns out you can implement that function, but first you have to do some modifications...
Find your Mapforce installation directory, and MapForceLibraries -subdirectory. From that open the "core.mff", and find
<group name="math functions">
<component name="add" growable="true" growablebasename="value">
<datapoint name="value1" type="xs:decimal"/>
<datapoint name="value2" type="xs:decimal"/>
<datapoint name="result" type="xs:decimal"/>
As you can seem the "sources" and "targets" elements seems to define the in- and out data types. As it is, they have only implemented "add"-function for "xs:decimal". You can copy/paste this component, then rename it and give new in- out- data types, in your case they are both "xs:dayTimeDuration". Note that there are implementations for each supported language, but you can omit those that are not needed. Here's
what should work:
<component name="addDayTimeDuration" growable="true" growablebasename="value">
<datapoint name="value1" type="xs:dayTimeDuration"/>
<datapoint name="value2" type="xs:dayTimeDuration"/>
<datapoint name="result" type="xs:dayTimeDuration"/>
<implementation language="xslt">
<operator value="+"/>
<implementation language="xslt2">
<operator value="+"/>
<implementation language="builtin">
<function name="Core_Add"/>
<short>result = value1 + value2</short>
<long>Result is the dayTimeDuration value of adding value1 and value2.</long>
Your new function should now appear in the "math functions" and should be good to use.
After contacting Altova (the makers of MapForce);
While XPath 2 does offer a subtract-dayTimeDurations operation, this is not presently offered as a function inside MapForce.
My Input Request is:
<p:UpdateEntID xmlns:p="http://tempuri.org/">
<!--1 or more occurrences-->
<xs:OldID xmlns:xs="http://tempuri.org/">GenreID_002</xs:OldID>
<xs:OldID xmlns:xs="http://tempuri.org/">GenreID_0021</xs:OldID>
<!--Exactly 1 occurrence-->
<xs:NewID xmlns:xs="http://tempuri.org/">GenreID_001</xs:NewID>
How to assign both the input values i.e OldID to wsdl's Input variable EquivalentEntPLRequest?
My assign is:
<bpel:assign validate="no" name="AssignInputForUpdateID">
<ns0:UpdateEntID xmlns:ns0="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><ns0:newid>ns0:newid</ns0:newid>
<bpel:to variable="EquivalentEntPLRequest" part="parameters"></bpel:to>
<bpel:from part="parameters" variable="clientRequest6">
<bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[tns:NewID]]></bpel:query>
<bpel:to part="parameters" variable="EquivalentEntPLRequest">
<bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0">
<bpel:from part="parameters" variable="clientRequest6">
<bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[tns:OldID[1]]]></bpel:query>
<bpel:to part="parameters" variable="EquivalentEntPLRequest">
<bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[ns3:oldid[1]]]></bpel:query>
By the above assign i am able to map single value of request to single value of response.So how can i map multiple inputs of bpel input to multiple input of wsdl input?Thanks in advance
I am building a BPEL process in Netbeans 6.8 and I invoke a Web Service that returns a list of ints.
<xs:complexType name="getHotelsResponse">
<xs:element name="return" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"></xs:element>
I want (if possible - not sure anymore...) to iterate through all those ints and invoke a different Web Service for each one of them.
I tried using a ForEach activity, but I can't figure out the usage for my case.
It requires a Start Value and an End Value (if I could somehow get how many ints I got back) but even then inside the ForEach activity if say I put an Assign activity how do I get the current element of the list in each loop?
I used following BPEL snippet to concat the content of a list in to a comma separated string.
You can use the same code with an invoke to call external service.
<bpel:forEach parallel="no" counterName="Counter" name="ForEach">
<bpel:assign validate="no" name="AppendItem">
<![CDATA[concat($Response, $input.payload/tns:return[round($Counter)], ", ")]]>
<bpel:to variable="Response"></bpel:to>
You can get the count of elements from the following XPath
You can access value of the i th element using the following XPath
You may get rid of the round() function, but I had to use to get rid of an issue in Apache ODE.