Get permutations of array with element fixed using next_permutation - c++

I am aware that next_permutations() in the STL library gives you ALL the possible permutations. However, how can I get specific permutations with a fixed position.
An Example:
Suppose I have the bit format XXXXX(where X is 1 or 0). Can I do something where I keep the second index 1, say (now being X1XXX), and want to find all other permutations for that specific case? Basically, I want the final result as the permutations of ALL other positions when the second index is 1.
Something like (2nd element is always fixed as 1):


How does this GolfScript code print 1000 digits of pi?

How does this code work?
It seem to use an array #* and a cycle {/**/}, but what is 6666? what is \/?
The first three characters; ;'', are unneeded for the program to function. They simply discard all input and replace it with an empty string, in case your compiler needs an input necessarily.
6666, prints out an array 6666 elements long, each of which are the numbers 0-6665.
-2% is a mapping function. It reverses the function and deletes every two elements. You now you have an array that is 3333 elements long, and it goes [6665 6663 6661 … 5 3 1]
{foo}* is a folding block call. For every element, do the following to the combination of elements. For example, 5,{+}* would add together the numbers 0-4.
So, let's see what we're doing in this folding block call.
2+ add two to the element.
. duplicate the element.
2/ halve it. Your sub-stack looks like this; (n+2),((n+2)/2)
# pulls the third element to the top.
This is the first function we cannot do, since our original stack is only two tall. We'll get back to this later.
*\/ will be skipped for now, we'll get back to it once we discuss folding more.
10.3?? Duplicate 10, then push a 3. [10 10 3]. ? is exponentiation, so we have [10 1000], then again gives us a 1 with 1000 zeroes afterwards.
2* Multiply it by two. So now we have a 2 with 1000 zeroes after.
+ Adds the rest of our math to 2e(1e3)
So, let's go back to that pesky #.
#*\/ will grab the third element and bring it to the top, then multiply it by the next top element ((n+2)/2), then we divide n by this number.
This is an expansion of the Leibniz Series.
\`1000< turns the int into a string, then throws a decimal after the 3.
~ dumps the string into a number again.
\; deleted the rest of the stack.
To answer your specific questions;
6666 was chosen, since half is 3333 (length of array), and we want more than pi times the number of digits of accuracy we want. We could make it smaller if we wanted, but 6666 is a cute number to use.
\/ Is the "inverse division" pair. Take a, take b, then calculate b/a. This is because the \ changes the order of the top two elements in the array, and / divides them.

Remove Multiple Elements in a Python List Once

(Using Python 3)
Given this list named numList: [1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4].
I want to remove exactly one instance of “1” and “3” from numList.
In other words, I want a function that will turn numList into: [1,2,2,3,3,4].
What function will let me remove an X number of elements from a Python list once per element I want to remove?
(The elements I want to remove are guaranteed to exist in the list)
For the sake of clarity, I will give more examples:
Remove 2 and 3
Remove 3
Remove 2, 3 and 4
I’ve tried doing this:
remList = [2,3,4]
for x in remList:
This turns numList to [1,2,3,4,4] which is what I want. However, this has a complexity of:
This is a problem because remList and numList can have a length of 10^5. The program will take a long time to run. Is there a built-in function that does what I want faster?
Also, I would prefer the optimum function which can do this job in terms of space and time because the program needs to run in less than a second and the size of the list is large.
Your approach:
for x in rem_list:
is intuitative and unless the lists are going to be very large I might do that because it is easy to read.
One alternative would be:
result = []
for x in num_list:
if x in rem_list:
This would be O(len(rem_list) ^ len(num_list)) and faster than the first solution if len(rem_list) < len(num_list).
If rem_list was guaranteed to not contain any duplicates (as per your examples) you could use a set instead and the complexity would be O(len(num_list)).

Any way to guarantee X amount of a specific number while generating random numbers in a 2D array

I need to fill up a 2D array of size n with random numbers, however I need about n(n-1)/2 * .2 or .4 or .8 of the generated random numbers to be -1 and I need them spread out. Is there any possible way to do this? I thought about while filling up the array every so often make it set that element as -1 and use a count to keep track however there is no way to be sure those -1 are spread apart across the array, is this possible?
The easiest way that I can think of to do this would be:
fill out the start of your array with the required amount of -1s
fill out the rest of the array with random numbers
shuffle the array, possibly using std::random_shuffle or something similar.
After doing this, you can be sure that you have the correct amount of -1s, and that they will be randomly distributed.
If setting up the array is a once-off operation (i.e., you're not continuously changing elements and expecting the proportion of -1 value to remain constant(1)), you can first just not populate the array with -1 values at all, something like (pseudo-code):
for index in 0 .. array.size():
value = -1
while value == -1:
value = yourRandomFunctionIncludingNegOne()
array[index] = value
Then, you simply change a given number of them to -1 after population:
for index in 0 .. array.size() / 5: # 20%
index = random(array.size())
index = random(array.size())
while array[index] == -1
array[index] = -1
(1) You can still use this method if the array is constantly changing, you just need to keep track of the negative-one and other-than-negative-one counts and adjust on the fly. It's a little more complicated but still doable.

wrong list.sort() with numbers with dots (decimals)

I am trying to sort a list of numbers, the list looks similar to:
although it has many more elements.
My problem is that when I sort this list, the first number is 0.000000000000
but the last number of the list is 9.something
While I know there are numbers above the 9 value. Then when I review the sorted list I observed that after the 0.9999999999 the 10.0000000000 was placed and then all the numbers from 10 to 20 before showing the 2.0000000000
Any idea why this is happening? Any advice or suggestion about what is wrong?

Given the life time of different elephants, find the period when maximum number of elephants lived

I came across an interview question:
"Given life times of different elephants. Find the period when maximum number of elephants were alive." For example:
Input: [5, 10], [6, 15], [2, 7]
Output: [6,7] (3 elephants)
I wonder if this problem can be related to the Longest substring problem for 'n' number of strings, such that each string represents the continuous range of a time period.
For e.g:
[5,10] <=> 5 6 7 8 9 10
If not, what can be a good solution to this problem ? I want to code it in C++.
Any help will be appreciated.
For each elephant, create two events: elephant born, elephant died. Sort the events by date. Now walk through the events and just keep a running count of how many elephants are alive; each time you reach a new maximum, record the starting date, and each time you go down from the maximum record the ending date.
This solution doesn't depend on the dates being integers.
If i were you at the interview i would create a std::array with maximum age of the elephant and then increment elements number for each elephant like:
[5,10] << increment all elements from index 5 to 10 in array.
Then i would sort and find where is the biggest number.
There is possibility to use std::map like map<int,int> ( 1st - period, 2nd - number of elephants). It will be sorted by default.
Im wondering if you know any better solution?
This is similar to a program that checks to see if parenthesis are missing. It is also related to date range overlap. This subject is beaten to death on StackOverflow and elsewhere. Here it is:
Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap
I have implemented this by placing all of the start/end ranged in one vector of structs (or classes) and then sorting them. Then you can run through the vector and detect transitions of the level of elephants. (Number of elephants -- funny way of stating the problem!)
From your Input I find that all the time period are overlapping then in that case the solution is simple
we have been given range as [start end]
so the answer will be maximum of all start and minimum of all end.
Just traverse over each time period and find the maximum of all start and mimumum of all end
Note : this solution is applicable when all the time periods over lap
In Your example
Maximum of all input = 6
Minimum of all output= 7
I will just make two arrays , one for the time elephants are born and one for the time elephants die . Sort both of the arrays.
Now keep a counter (initially at zero ) . Start traversing both the arrays and keep getting the smallest element from both of the arrays. If we get an element from start array then increment the counter , else decrement the counter. We can find the max value and the time easily by this method.