Abstract Class/Interface C++ - c++

I'm having some difficulty understanding abstract classes/interfaces and I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me with my understanding.
It is my understanding that an interface is a means of defining the functionality of an object(how to use it) without defining its implementation.
So for instance, take a TV as an example.
Many manufacturers make TVs. If we were to define an interface for a TV, it may have methods such as :
RaiseVolume etc.....
So the interface is the human -> machine interface (buttons, knobs etc) and the implementation is the 'black box' internals we are interfacing with.
So then, if we wrote some classes that inherited from TV such as PhilipsTV, SonyTV etc which defined their own implementations of the methods defined in TV, then those specific manufacturer TV objects would override the TV interface methods and also provide an implementation.
Therefore, if we wanted to pass a TV object to a function but we didn't know which specific manufacturer made the TV until runtime, we could have a function such as :
void doSomethingWithTV(TV telly){
and call it like so :
void main()
SonyTV t = new SonyTV;
The internals of doSomethingWithTV would know what methods a TV has since it is inherits from TV interface, but we may pass in a SonyTV or a PhilipsTV etc at runtime and they would be treated the same.
Unfortunately I'm having great difficulty passing an interface type as a parameter as my compiler says :
cannot declare parameter 'telly' to be of abstract type 'TV' because the following virtual functions are pure within 'TV':
virtual void TV::changeVolume(int)
Please could someone tell me if I'm understanding the term 'interface' correctly and if so how should I direct my research in order that I can learn the nessesary skills to be able to implement a pattern such as I have outlined above.
Thanks in advance, Rick.

"Unfortunately I'm having great difficulty passing an interface type as a parameter as my compiler says : ..."
You cannot pass abstract interfaces by value, so you change
void doSomethingWithTV(TV telly){
to receive a reference or pointer parameter like this
void doSomethingWithTV(TV& telly);
void doSomethingWithTV(TV* telly);
The by value parameter requires you to have instances of TV.

Yeah, that's all right, except for two observations:
main must return int, not void
C++ isn't Java. You can't pass objects of by value around by their interface type and expect polymorphism to work. What you're trying to do is pass a fresh TV object into the function, but that can't work because an interface cannot be instantiated. If you instead pass a reference TV&, const TV& or pointer TV* then this is instead a handle to the original object and, when you use a handle, polymorphism can take hold.
Both of these points are explained in your C++ book, so simply continue to read it to the end.

Yes, you're understanding of what is an interface is pretty clear.
But :
You must use interface types (Tv here) with a pointer.
So in your exemple it would be:
void doSomethingWithTV(TV* telly){
void main()
TV* t = new SonyTV;
An interface is made to pass a kind of contract : if you want to inherit from me you must implement all the pure virtual functions that I contain.
It's not meant to be instantiated.
As you said, the function to call will be determined at runtime, so the compiler would not know which code to call at compile time.

This happens because your TV class has a pure virtual function. You can't instantiate a class with a pure virtual function.
Any class with a pure virtual function is an abstract class. These classes can't exist on their own, they need to be derived from by for example a SonyTV. If this SonyTV has defines the pure virtual function, then it would work.
You're doSomethingWithTV() asks for a TV, you're compiler errors because this function can never receive a TV. It can however receive references to a TV or classes derived from TV.
More information:


Delegate part of an interface to a subclass in C++? [duplicate]

Here is what I am talking about
// some guy wrote this, used as a Policy with templates
struct MyWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
// ...
In some existing code, the people did not use templates, but interfaces+type-erasure
class IWriter {
virtual ~IWriter() {}
virtual void write(std::vector<char> const& data) = 0;
Someone else wanted to be usable with both approaches and writes
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
// other stuff
MyOwnClass is implemented-in-terms-of MyWriter. Why doesn't MyOwnClass' inherited member functions implement the interface of IWriter automatically? Instead the user has to write forwarding functions that do nothing but call the base class versions, as in
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
I know that in Java when you have a class that implements an interface and derives from a class that happens to have suitable methods, that base class automatically implements the interface for the derived class.
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
This is multiple inheritance, and there are two inherited functions with the same signature, both of which have implementation. That's where C++ is different from Java.
Calling write on an expression whose static type is MyBigClass would therefore be ambiguous as to which of the inherited functions was desired.
If write is only called through base class pointers, then defining write in the derived class is NOT necessary, contrary to the claim in the question. Now that the question changed to include a pure specifier, implementing that function in the derived class is necessary to make the class concrete and instantiable.
MyWriter::write cannot be used for the virtual call mechanism of MyBigClass, because the virtual call mechanism requires a function that accepts an implicit IWriter* const this, and MyWriter::write accepts an implicit MyWriter* const this. A new function is required, which must take into account the address difference between the IWriter subobject and the MyWriter subobject.
It would be theoretically possible for the compiler to create this new function automatically, but it would be fragile, since a change in a base class could suddenly cause a new function to be chosen for forwarding. It's less fragile in Java, where only single inheritance is possible (there's only one choice for what function to forward to), but in C++, which supports full multiple inheritance, the choice is ambiguous, and we haven't even started on diamond inheritance or virtual inheritance yet.
Actually, this problem (difference between subobject addresses) is solved for virtual inheritance. But it requires additional overhead that's not necessary most of the time, and a C++ guiding principle is "you don't pay for what you don't use".
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
Actually, no, it is extremely unnatural thing to have.
Please note that my reasoning is based on my own understanding of "common sense" and can be fundamentally flawed as a result.
You see, you have two different methods, first one in MyWriter, which is non virtual and second one in IWriter which is virtual. They are completely different despite "looking" similar.
I suggest to check this question. The good thing about non-virtual methods is that no matter what you do, as long as they don't call virtual methods, their behavior will never change. I.e. somebody deriving from your class with non-virtual methods will not break existing method by masking them. Virtual methods are designed to be overriden. The price of that is that it is possible to break underlying logic by improperly overriding virtual method. And this is a root of your problem.
Let's say what you propose is allowed. (automatic conversion to virtual with multiple inheritance) There two possible solutions:
Solution #1
MyWriter becomes virtual. Consequences: All existing C++ code in the world becomes easy to break via typo or name clash. MyWriter method was not supposed to be overriden initially, so suddenly turning it into virtual will (murphy's law) break underlying logic of MyWriter class when somebody derives from MyOwnClass. Which means that suddenly making MyWriter::write virtual is a bad idea.
Soluion #2
MyWriter remains static BUUUT it is included temporarily as a virtual method into IWriter, until overriden. At first glance there's nothing to worry about, but let's think about it. IWriter implements some kind of concept you had in mind, and it is supposed to do something. MyWriter implements another concept. To assign MyWriter::write as IWriter::write method you need two guarantees:
Compiler must ensure that MyWriter::write does what IWriter::write() is supposed to do.
Compiler must ensure that calling MyWriter::write from IWriter will not break existing functionality in MyWriter code programmer expects to use elsewhere.
So, the thing is that compiler cannot guarantee that. Functions have similar name and argument list, but by Murphy's law that means that they're prbably doing completely different thing. (sinf and cosf have same argument list, for example), and it is unlikely that compiler will be able to predict the future and make sure that at no point in development will MyWriter be changed in such way that it will become incompatible with IWriter. So, since machine can't make reasonable decision (no AI for that) by itself, it has to ask YOU, programmer - "What is it you wish to do?". And you say "redirect virtual method into MyWriter::write(). It totally won't break anything. I think.".
And that's why you must specify which method you want to use manually....
Doing it automatically would be unintuitive and surprising. C++ does not assume that multiple base classes are related to each other, and protects the user against name collisions between their members by defining nested name specifiers for nonstatic members. Adding implicit declarations to MyOwnClass where signatures from IWriter and MyWriter collide would be antithetical to protecting names.
However, C++11 extensions do bring us closer. Consider this:
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) final = MyWriter::write;
This mechanism would be safe because it expresses that MyWriter doesn't expect any further overrides, and convenient because it names the function signature that will be "joined" but nothing more. Also, final would be ill-formed if the function weren't implicitly virtual, so it checks that the signature matches the virtual interface.
On one hand, most interfaces don't just happen to match up this way. Defining this feature to work only with identical signatures would be safe but rarely useful. Defining it as a shortcut to a delegating function body would be useful but fragile. So it might not really be a good feature
On the other hand, this is a good design pattern to provide functionality which isn't virtual when you don't need it to be. So given this idiom, we might use it to write good code, even if it doesn't match up well with current practices.
Why doesn't C++ do that?
I'm not sure what you're asking here. Could C++ be rewritten to allow this? Yes, but to what end?
Because MyWriter and IWriter are completely different classes, it is illegal in C++ to call a member of MyWriter through an instance of IWriter. The member pointers have completely different types. And just as a MyWriter* is not convertible to a IWriter*, neither is a void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) convertible to a void (IWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&).
The rules of C++ don't change just because there could be a third class that combines the two. Neither class is a direct parent/child relative of one another. Therefore, they are treated as entirely distinct classes.
Remember: member functions always take an additional parameter: a this pointer to the object that they point to. You cannot call void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) on an IWriter*. The third class can have a method that casts itself into the proper base class, but it must actually have this method. So either you or the C++ compiler must create it. The rules of C++ require this.
Consider what would have to happen to make this work without a derived-class method.
A function gets an IWriter*. The user calls the write member of it, using nothing more than the IWriter* pointer. So... exactly how can the compiler generate the code to call MyWriter::writer? Remember: MyWriter::writer needs a MyWriter instance. And there is no relationship between IWriter and MyWriter.
So how exactly could the compiler do the type coercion locally? The compiler would have to check the virtual function to see if the actual function to be called takes IWriter or some other type. If it takes another type, it would have to convert the pointer to its true type, then do another conversion to the type needed by the virtual function. After doing all of that, it would then be able to make the call.
All of this overhead would affect every virtual call. All of them would have to at least check to see if the actual function to be call. Every call will also have to generate the code to do the type conversions, just in case.
Every virtual function call would have a "get type" and conditional branch in it. Even if it is never possible to trigger that branch. So you would be paying for something regardless of whether you use it or not. That's not the C++ way.
Even worse, a straight v-table implementation of virtual calls is no longer possible. The fastest method of doing virtual dispatch would not be a conforming implementation. The C++ committee is not going to make any change that would make such implementations impossible.
Again, to what end? Just so that you don't have to write a simple forwarding function?
Just make MyWriter derive from IWriter, eliminate the IWriter derivation in MyOwnClass, and move on with life. This should resolve the problem and should not interfere with the template code.

Why does C++ not let baseclasses implement a derived class' inherited interface?

Here is what I am talking about
// some guy wrote this, used as a Policy with templates
struct MyWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
// ...
In some existing code, the people did not use templates, but interfaces+type-erasure
class IWriter {
virtual ~IWriter() {}
virtual void write(std::vector<char> const& data) = 0;
Someone else wanted to be usable with both approaches and writes
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
// other stuff
MyOwnClass is implemented-in-terms-of MyWriter. Why doesn't MyOwnClass' inherited member functions implement the interface of IWriter automatically? Instead the user has to write forwarding functions that do nothing but call the base class versions, as in
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
I know that in Java when you have a class that implements an interface and derives from a class that happens to have suitable methods, that base class automatically implements the interface for the derived class.
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
This is multiple inheritance, and there are two inherited functions with the same signature, both of which have implementation. That's where C++ is different from Java.
Calling write on an expression whose static type is MyBigClass would therefore be ambiguous as to which of the inherited functions was desired.
If write is only called through base class pointers, then defining write in the derived class is NOT necessary, contrary to the claim in the question. Now that the question changed to include a pure specifier, implementing that function in the derived class is necessary to make the class concrete and instantiable.
MyWriter::write cannot be used for the virtual call mechanism of MyBigClass, because the virtual call mechanism requires a function that accepts an implicit IWriter* const this, and MyWriter::write accepts an implicit MyWriter* const this. A new function is required, which must take into account the address difference between the IWriter subobject and the MyWriter subobject.
It would be theoretically possible for the compiler to create this new function automatically, but it would be fragile, since a change in a base class could suddenly cause a new function to be chosen for forwarding. It's less fragile in Java, where only single inheritance is possible (there's only one choice for what function to forward to), but in C++, which supports full multiple inheritance, the choice is ambiguous, and we haven't even started on diamond inheritance or virtual inheritance yet.
Actually, this problem (difference between subobject addresses) is solved for virtual inheritance. But it requires additional overhead that's not necessary most of the time, and a C++ guiding principle is "you don't pay for what you don't use".
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
Actually, no, it is extremely unnatural thing to have.
Please note that my reasoning is based on my own understanding of "common sense" and can be fundamentally flawed as a result.
You see, you have two different methods, first one in MyWriter, which is non virtual and second one in IWriter which is virtual. They are completely different despite "looking" similar.
I suggest to check this question. The good thing about non-virtual methods is that no matter what you do, as long as they don't call virtual methods, their behavior will never change. I.e. somebody deriving from your class with non-virtual methods will not break existing method by masking them. Virtual methods are designed to be overriden. The price of that is that it is possible to break underlying logic by improperly overriding virtual method. And this is a root of your problem.
Let's say what you propose is allowed. (automatic conversion to virtual with multiple inheritance) There two possible solutions:
Solution #1
MyWriter becomes virtual. Consequences: All existing C++ code in the world becomes easy to break via typo or name clash. MyWriter method was not supposed to be overriden initially, so suddenly turning it into virtual will (murphy's law) break underlying logic of MyWriter class when somebody derives from MyOwnClass. Which means that suddenly making MyWriter::write virtual is a bad idea.
Soluion #2
MyWriter remains static BUUUT it is included temporarily as a virtual method into IWriter, until overriden. At first glance there's nothing to worry about, but let's think about it. IWriter implements some kind of concept you had in mind, and it is supposed to do something. MyWriter implements another concept. To assign MyWriter::write as IWriter::write method you need two guarantees:
Compiler must ensure that MyWriter::write does what IWriter::write() is supposed to do.
Compiler must ensure that calling MyWriter::write from IWriter will not break existing functionality in MyWriter code programmer expects to use elsewhere.
So, the thing is that compiler cannot guarantee that. Functions have similar name and argument list, but by Murphy's law that means that they're prbably doing completely different thing. (sinf and cosf have same argument list, for example), and it is unlikely that compiler will be able to predict the future and make sure that at no point in development will MyWriter be changed in such way that it will become incompatible with IWriter. So, since machine can't make reasonable decision (no AI for that) by itself, it has to ask YOU, programmer - "What is it you wish to do?". And you say "redirect virtual method into MyWriter::write(). It totally won't break anything. I think.".
And that's why you must specify which method you want to use manually....
Doing it automatically would be unintuitive and surprising. C++ does not assume that multiple base classes are related to each other, and protects the user against name collisions between their members by defining nested name specifiers for nonstatic members. Adding implicit declarations to MyOwnClass where signatures from IWriter and MyWriter collide would be antithetical to protecting names.
However, C++11 extensions do bring us closer. Consider this:
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) final = MyWriter::write;
This mechanism would be safe because it expresses that MyWriter doesn't expect any further overrides, and convenient because it names the function signature that will be "joined" but nothing more. Also, final would be ill-formed if the function weren't implicitly virtual, so it checks that the signature matches the virtual interface.
On one hand, most interfaces don't just happen to match up this way. Defining this feature to work only with identical signatures would be safe but rarely useful. Defining it as a shortcut to a delegating function body would be useful but fragile. So it might not really be a good feature
On the other hand, this is a good design pattern to provide functionality which isn't virtual when you don't need it to be. So given this idiom, we might use it to write good code, even if it doesn't match up well with current practices.
Why doesn't C++ do that?
I'm not sure what you're asking here. Could C++ be rewritten to allow this? Yes, but to what end?
Because MyWriter and IWriter are completely different classes, it is illegal in C++ to call a member of MyWriter through an instance of IWriter. The member pointers have completely different types. And just as a MyWriter* is not convertible to a IWriter*, neither is a void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) convertible to a void (IWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&).
The rules of C++ don't change just because there could be a third class that combines the two. Neither class is a direct parent/child relative of one another. Therefore, they are treated as entirely distinct classes.
Remember: member functions always take an additional parameter: a this pointer to the object that they point to. You cannot call void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) on an IWriter*. The third class can have a method that casts itself into the proper base class, but it must actually have this method. So either you or the C++ compiler must create it. The rules of C++ require this.
Consider what would have to happen to make this work without a derived-class method.
A function gets an IWriter*. The user calls the write member of it, using nothing more than the IWriter* pointer. So... exactly how can the compiler generate the code to call MyWriter::writer? Remember: MyWriter::writer needs a MyWriter instance. And there is no relationship between IWriter and MyWriter.
So how exactly could the compiler do the type coercion locally? The compiler would have to check the virtual function to see if the actual function to be called takes IWriter or some other type. If it takes another type, it would have to convert the pointer to its true type, then do another conversion to the type needed by the virtual function. After doing all of that, it would then be able to make the call.
All of this overhead would affect every virtual call. All of them would have to at least check to see if the actual function to be call. Every call will also have to generate the code to do the type conversions, just in case.
Every virtual function call would have a "get type" and conditional branch in it. Even if it is never possible to trigger that branch. So you would be paying for something regardless of whether you use it or not. That's not the C++ way.
Even worse, a straight v-table implementation of virtual calls is no longer possible. The fastest method of doing virtual dispatch would not be a conforming implementation. The C++ committee is not going to make any change that would make such implementations impossible.
Again, to what end? Just so that you don't have to write a simple forwarding function?
Just make MyWriter derive from IWriter, eliminate the IWriter derivation in MyOwnClass, and move on with life. This should resolve the problem and should not interfere with the template code.

Are virtual methods for methods that are not created until runtime?

I have had a bit of trouble understanding the purpose of a virtual method in C++. Does a method have to be virtual if its object is not created at compile time? For example, if you had to pick a farm animal during run time, all of the animal's methods would need to be virtual because until the user picks one you don't know if it will be created or not. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
No, that's completely incorrect. A method has to be virtual if the method needs to be selected based on the object's type and the type isn't known at compile time. If your code looks like this:
Animal *x;
x = new Animal();
The compiler knows at run time that x's type is 'Animal'. So it knows which version of 'DoSomething' to call. But look at this code:
Animal *x;
if(y==1) x=new Zebra();
else if (y==2) x=GetSomeAnimal();
else x=new Giraffe();
Here, x's type is not known at compile time. It could be a Zebra, it could be a Giraffe, or it could be any type of Animal that the GetSomeAnimal function returns. There is no way to know whether the call of DoSomething should call Zebra::DoSomething, Giraffe::DoSomething or something else entirely. So Animal::DoSomething needs to be virtual.
And just to show it has nothing to do with what will be created, consider this:
void MyFunction(Animal &x)
void MyOtherFunction(int x)
Giraffe g;
Zebra z;
if(x==2) MyFunction(g);
else MyFunction(f);
Here it's perfectly clear that one Giraffe and one Zebra will be created. But if Animal::DoSomething is not virtual, MyFunction will call Animal::DoSomething both times rather than Giraffe::DoSomething on the Giraffe and Zebra::DoSomething on the Zebra. (Of course, if that's what you want, don't make the method virtual.)
Read about the purpose of virtual methods here. I'd also recommend you take a look at "Object Oriented Programming in ANSI C" book.
Well, virtual is the thing built into C++ to support OOD's polymorphism (specifically the run-time or dynamic one).
When you want different objects of same type (Animal) to behave differently (getProduceName() returns "pork" or "beef" or "egg" or ...) depending on context (whether Animal is actually Pig or Cow or Chicken or ...) you make that behavior/function virtual.
Usually a good OOD would have good interface/implementation separation. This, in C++, is realized using inheritance along with abstract classes/methods.
So actually when you make getProduceName() polymorphic/virtual you are actually trying to extract the interface (Animal) out of different implementations (Pig or Cow or Chicken or ...) to shield your client code from different implementations. This way if you have to support a new implementation, you don't have to change the client code as long as it adheres to the interface Animal.
So to answer the question: Does a method have to be virtual if its object is not created at compile time?
Whether the method is virtual or not doesn't depend on when the object is created (compile/run-time). It depends on how you wish to design your application. Making a function virtual helps you in extracting interface out of different implementations. If certain function (getOwnerName()) has same implementation across all implementing classes ({return ownerName;}) then it needn't be made virtual.
PS: IMHO polymorphism is a side product of a good OOD, you don't design your classes to implement "runtime polymorphism", then exhibit runtime polymorphism when you have a good OO design.
One of the grander purposes of virtual functions is to allow old code to call new code.
Consider this. A function takes as a parameter a Car object. Suppose it does things like test_drive(), refuel(), calculate_ability(), getStoppingDistance(), etc. All these methods depend on what car type you pass in.
But new cars come out every year. Now, in the real world, we would just import an XML file that contained the properties that make up all the cars. But suppose for the sake of argument we had to do this statically: Every time we found out about new cars, we'd have to rebuild our entire program. If our program was huge, this would be very inconvenient. In a way, we are calling the same functions, - but in a way we're not - since the object's type varies. Why should we have to recompile ?
Virtual functions to the rescue! When the car manufacturer releases a new car, they concurrently release a header file declaring the new type ( which inherits from a common base class with virtual functions ), and a library ( object files that define the specific methods ). So instead of recompiling our application, we just relink to this new library. Thus, old code ( our app ) is able to call new code ( the new library that comes with the car ).
Assuming you have this code:
Animal * a = new Pig();
The pointer a has a static type of Animal and a dynamic type of Pig.
Now let's say we're calling
If MakeASound is virtual then the MakeASound method of the dynamic type (Pig) is called.
If it is not, the MakeASound of the static type (Animal) is called, regardless whether Pig overwrites the MakeASound method or not.

Why bother with virtual functions in c++?

This is not a question about how they work and declared, this I think is pretty much clear to me. The question is about why to implement this?
I suppose the practical reason is to simplify bunch of other code to relate and declare their variables of base type, to handle objects and their specific methods from many other subclasses?
Could this be done by templating and typechecking, like I do it in Objective C? If so, what is more efficient? I find it confusing to declare object as one class and instantiate it as another, even if it is its child.
SOrry for stupid questions, but I havent done any real projects in C++ yet and since I am active Objective C developer (it is much smaller language thus relying heavily on SDK's functionalities, like OSX, iOS) I need to have clear view on any parallel ways of both cousins.
Yes, this can be done with templates, but then the caller must know what the actual type of the object is (the concrete class) and this increases coupling.
With virtual functions the caller doesn't need to know the actual class - it operates through a pointer to a base class, so you can compile the client once and the implementor can change the actual implementation as much as it wants and the client doesn't have to know about that as long as the interface is unchanged.
Virtual functions implement polymorphism. I don't know Obj-C, so I cannot compare both, but the motivating use case is that you can use derived objects in place of base objects and the code will work. If you have a compiled and working function foo that operates on a reference to base you need not modify it to have it work with an instance of derived.
You could do that (assuming that you had runtime type information) by obtaining the real type of the argument and then dispatching directly to the appropriate function with a switch of shorts, but that would require either manually modifying the switch for each new type (high maintenance cost) or having reflection (unavailable in C++) to obtain the method pointer. Even then, after obtaining a method pointer you would have to call it, which is as expensive as the virtual call.
As to the cost associated to a virtual call, basically (in all implementations with a virtual method table) a call to a virtual function foo applied on object o: o.foo() is translated to o.vptr[ 3 ](), where 3 is the position of foo in the virtual table, and that is a compile time constant. This basically is a double indirection:
From the object o obtain the pointer to the vtable, index that table to obtain the pointer to the function and then call. The extra cost compared with a direct non-polymorphic call is just the table lookup. (In fact there can be other hidden costs when using multiple inheritance, as the implicit this pointer might have to be shifted), but the cost of the virtual dispatch is very small.
I don't know the first thing about Objective-C, but here's why you want to "declare an object as one class and instantiate it as another": the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Since a PDF is a document, and an OpenOffice.org document is a document, and a Word Document is a document, it's quite natural to write
Document *d;
if (ends_with(filename, ".pdf"))
d = new PdfDocument(filename);
else if (ends_with(filename, ".doc"))
d = new WordDocument(filename);
// you get the point
Now, for this to work, print would have to be virtual, or be implemented using virtual functions, or be implemented using a crude hack that reinvents the virtual wheel. The program need to know at runtime which of various print methods to apply.
Templating solves a different problem, where you determine at compile time which of the various containers you're going to use (for example) when you want to store a bunch of elements. If you operate on those containers with template functions, then you don't need to rewrite them when you switch containers, or add another container to your program.
A virtual function is important in inheritance. Think of an example where you have a CMonster class and then a CRaidBoss and CBoss class that inherit from CMonster.
Both need to be drawn. A CMonster has a Draw() function, but the way a CRaidBoss and a CBoss are drawn is different. Thus, the implementation is left to them by utilizing the virtual function Draw.
Well, the idea is simply to allow the compiler to perform checks for you.
It's like a lot of features : ways to hide what you don't want to have to do yourself. That's abstraction.
Inheritance, interfaces, etc. allow you to provide an interface to the compiler for the implementation code to match.
If you didn't have the virtual function mecanism, you would have to write :
class A
void do_something();
class B : public A
void do_something(); // this one "hide" the A::do_something(), it replace it.
void DoSomething( A* object )
// calling object->do_something will ALWAYS call A::do_something()
// that's not what you want if object is B...
// so we have to check manually:
B* b_object = dynamic_cast<B*>( object );
if( b_object != NULL ) // ok it's a b object, call B::do_something();
object->do_something(); // that's a A, call A::do_something();
Here there are several problems :
you have to write this for each function redefined in a class hierarchy.
you have one additional if for each child class.
you have to touch this function again each time you add a definition to the whole hierarcy.
it's visible code, you can get it wrong easily, each time
So, marking functions virtual does this correctly in an implicit way, rerouting automatically, in a dynamic way, the function call to the correct implementation, depending on the final type of the object.
You dont' have to write any logic so you can't get errors in this code and have an additional thing to worry about.
It's the kind of thing you don't want to bother with as it can be done by the compiler/runtime.
The use of templates is also technically known as polymorphism from theorists. Yep, both are valid approach to the problem. The implementation technics employed will explain better or worse performance for them.
For example, Java implements templates, but through template erasure. This means that it is only apparently using templates, under the surface is plain old polymorphism.
C++ has very powerful templates. The use of templates makes code quicker, though each use of a template instantiates it for the given type. This means that, if you use an std::vector for ints, doubles and strings, you'll have three different vector classes: this means that the size of the executable will suffer.

Why can't we create objects for an abstract class in C++?

I know it is not allowed in C++, but why? What if it was allowed, what would the problems be?
Judging by your other question, it seems you don't understand how classes operate. Classes are a collection of functions which operate on data.
Functions themselves contain no memory in a class. The following class:
struct dumb_class
void foo(){}
void bar(){}
void baz(){}
// .. for all eternity
int i;
Has a size of int. No matter how many functions you have ever, this class will only take up the space it takes to operate on an int. When you call a function in this class, the compiler will pass you a pointer to the place where the data in the class is stored; this is the this pointer.
So, the function lie in memory somewhere, loaded once at the beginning of your program, and wait to be called with data to operate on.
Virtual functions are different. The C++ standard does not mandate how the behavior of the virtual functions should go about, only what that behavior should be. Typically, implementations use what's called a virtual table, or vtable for short. A vtable is a table of function pointers, which like normal functions, only get allocated once.
Take this class, and assume our implementor uses vtables:
struct base { virtual void foo(void); };
struct derived { virtual void foo(void); };
The compiler will need to make two vtables, one for base and one for derived. They will look something like this:
typedef /* some generic function pointer type */ func_ptr;
func_ptr __baseTable[] = {&base::foo};
func_ptr __derivedTable[] = {&derived::foo};
How does it use this table? When you create an instance of a class above, the compiler slips in a hidden pointer, which will point to the correct vtable. So when you say:
derived d;
base* b = &d;
Upon executing the last line, it goes to the correct table (__derivedTable in this case), goes to the correct index (0 in this case), and calls that function. As you can see, that will end up calling derived::foo, which is exactly what should happen.
Note, for later, this is the same as doing derived::foo(b), passing b as the this pointer.
So, when virtual methods are present, the class of the size will increase by one pointer (the pointer to the vtable.) Multiple inheritance changes this a bit, but it's mostly the same. You can get more details at C++-FAQ.
Now, to your question. I have:
struct base { virtual void foo(void) = 0; }; // notice the = 0
struct derived { virtual void foo(void); };
and base::foo has no implementation. This makes base::foo a pure abstract function. So, if I were to call it, like above:
derived d;
base* b = &d;
What behavior should we expect? Being a pure virtual method, base::foo doesn't even exist. The above code is undefined behavior, and could do anything from nothing to crashing, with anything in between. (Or worse.)
Think about what a pure abstract function represents. Remember, functions take no data, they only describe how to manipulate data. A pure abstract function says: "I want to call this method and have my data be manipulated. How you do this is up to you."
So when you say, "Well, let's call an abstract method", you're replying to the above with: "Up to me? No, you do it." to which it will reply "##^##^". It simply doesn't make sense to tell someone who's saying "do this", "no."
To answer your question directly:
"why we cannot create an object for an abstract class?"
Hopefully you see now, abstract classes only define the functionality the concrete class should be able to do. The abstract class itself is only a blue-print; you don't live in blue-prints, you live in houses that implement the blue-prints.
The problem is simply this:
what should the program do when an abstract method is called?
and even worse: what should be returned for a non-void function?
The application whould proabably have to crash or thow a runtime exception and thus this would cause trouble. You can't dummy-implement every abstract function.
A class can simply be declared abstract where it has no abstract methods. I guess that could be instantiated in theory but the class designer doesn't want you to. It may have unintended consequences.
Usually however abstract classes have abstract methods. They can't be instantiated for the simple reason that they're missing those methods.
Because logically it does not make any sense.
An abstract class is a description that is incomplete.
It indicates what things need to be filled out to make it complete but without those bits its not complete.
My first example was a chess game:
The game has lots of pieces of different type (King,Queen,Pawn ... etc).
But there are no actual objects of type piece, but all objects are instances of objects derived from piece. How can you have an object of something that is not fully defined. There is not point in creating an object of piece as the game does not know how it moves (that is the abstract part). It knows it can move but not how it does it.
Abstract classes are non-instantiable by definition. They require that there be derived, concrete classes. What else would an abstract class be if it didn't have pure virtual (unimplemented) functions?
It's the same class of question as why can't I change the value of a const variable, why can't I access private class members from other classes or why can't I override final methods.
Because that's the purpose of these keywords, to prevent you from doing so. Because the author of the code deemed doing so dangerous, undesired or simply impossible due to some abstract reasons like lack of essential functions that need to be added by specific child classes. It isn't really that you can't instantiate because a class is virtual. It's that inability to instantiate a class defines it as virtual (and if a class that can't be instantiated isn't virtual, it's an error. Same goes the other way, if instance of given class makes sense, it shouldn't be marked as virtual)
Why we cant create an object of an abstract class?
simply abstract class contains abstract methods(means the functions which are without the body) and we cannot give functionality to the abstract methods. And if we try to give functionality to the abstract methods then there will be no difference between abstract class and virtual class. So lastly if we create an object Of an abstrast class then there is no fun to call the useless functions or abstract methods as they are without the functionality..so thats why any language doesnt allow us to create an object of an abstract class..
Abstract classes instantiated would be pretty useless, because you would be seeing a lot more of "pure virtual function called". :)
It's like: we all know that a car would have 3 pedals and a steering wheel and a gear stick. Now, if that would be it, and there'd be an instance of 3 pedals and gear stick and a wheel, I'm not buying it, I want a car, like with seats, doors, AC etc. with pedals actually doing something apart from being in existence and that's what abstract class doesn't promise me, the ones implementing it do.
Basically creation of object is responsible for allocation of memory for member variables and member functions. but here, in pure virtual function we have declaration and defination in derived class.so creation of object generates error.