VBA debugger precision - c++

I had a single which I believe the C++ equivalent is float in VBA in an Excel workbook module. Anyways, the value I originally assigned (876.34497) is rounded off to 876.345 in the Immediate Window, and Watch, and hover tooltip when I set a breakpoint on the VBA. However, if I pass this Single to a C++ DLL C++ reports it as the original value 876.34497.
So, is it actually stored in memory as the original value? Is this some limitation of the debugger? Unsure what is going on here. Makes it difficult to test if what I'm passing is what I'm getting on the C++ side.
I tried:
VBA isn't very straightforward, so at some level it must be stored as 876.34497 in memory. Otherwise, I don't think CDbl would be correct like it is.

VBA variables of type "single" are stored as "32-bit hardware implementation of IEEE 754[-]1985 [sic]." [see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee177324.aspx].
What this means in English is, "single" precision numbers are converted to binary then truncated to fit in a 4 byte (32-bit) sequence. The exact process is very well described in Wikipedia under http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-precision_floating-point_format . The upshot is that all single precision numbers are expressed as
(1) a 23 bit "fraction" between 0 and 1, *times*
(2) an 8-bit exponent which represents a multiplier between 2^(-127) and 2^128, *times*
(3) one more bit for positive or negative.
The process of converting numbers to binary and back causes two types of rounding errors:
(1) Significant Digits -- as you have noticed, there is a limit on significant digits. A 22 bit integer can only have 8,388,607 unique values. Stated another way, no number can be expressed with greater than +/- 0.000012% precision. Reaching back to high school science, you may recall that that is another way of saying you cannot count on more than six significant digits (well, decimal digits, at least ... of course you have 22 significant binary digits). So any representation of a number with more than six significant digits will get rounded off. However, it won't get rounded off to the nearest decimal digit ... it will get rounded off to the nearest binary digit. This often causes some unexpected results (like yours).
(2) Binary conversion -- The other type of error is even more pernicious. There are some numbers with significantly less than six (decimal) digits that will get rounded off. For example, 1/5 in decimal is 0.2000000. It never gets "rounded off." But the same number in binary is 0.00110011001100110011.... repeating forever. (That sequence is equivalent to 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/16*(1/8+1/16) + 1/256*(1/8+1/16) ... ) If you used an arbitrary number of binary digits to represent 0.20, then converted it back to decimal, you will NEVER get exactly 0.20. For example, if you used eight bits, you would have 0.00110011 in binary which is:
+ 0.00390625
No matter how many binary digits you use, you will never get exactly 0.20, because 0.20 cannot be expressed as the sum of powers of two.
That in a nutshell explains what's going on. When you assign 876.34497 to "test," it gets converted internally to:
1 10001000 0110110001011000010011
136 5,969,427
Which is (+1) * 2^(136-127) * (5,969,427)/(2^23)
Excel is automatically truncating the display of your single-precision number to show only six significant digits, because it knows that the seventh digit might be wrong. I can't tell you what the number is exactly because my excel doesn't display enough significant digits! But you get the point.
When you coerce the value into double precision, it uses the entire binary string and then adds another 4 bytes worth of zeroes to the end. It now allows you to display twice as many significant figures because it is double precision, but as you can see, the conversion from 8 decimal digits to 23 binary digits and then appending another long string of zeros has introduced some errors. Not really errors, if you understand what it's doing; just artifacts. After all, it's doing exactly what you told it to do ... you just didn't know what you were telling it to do!


C++ Type of variables - value

I am the beginner, but I think same important thinks I should learn as soon as it possible.
So I have a code:
float fl=8.28888888888888888888883E-5;
cout<<"The value = "<<fl<<endl;
But my .exe file after run show:
I suspected the numbers to limit of the type and rest will be the zero, but I saw digits, which are random. Maybe it gives digits from memory after varible?
Could you explain me how it does works?
I suspected the numbers to limit of the type and rest will be the zero
Yes, this is exactly what happens, but it happens in binary. This program will show it by using the hexadecimal printing format %a:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int c, char *v[]) {
float fl = 8.28888888888888888888883E-5;
printf("%a\n%a\n", 8.28888888888888888888883E-5, fl);
It shows:
In these results, 0x1.5ba94449649e2p-14 is the hexadecimal representation of the double closest to 8.28888888888888888888883*10-5, and 0x1.5ba944p-14
is the representation of the conversion to float of that number. As you can see, the conversion simply truncated the last digits (in this case. The conversion is done according to the rounding mode, and when the rounding goes up instead of down, it changes one or more of the last digits).
When you observe what happens in decimal, the fact that float and double are binary floating-point formats on your computer means that there are extra digits in the representation of the value.
I suspected the numbers to limit of the type and rest will be the zero
That is what happens internally. Excess bits beyond what the type can store are lost.
But that's in the binary representation. When you convert it to decimal, you can get trailing non-zero digits.
0b0.00100 is 0.125 in decimal
What you're seeing is a result of the fact that you cannot exactly represent a floating-point number in memory. Because of this, floats will be stored as the nearest value that can be stored in memory. A float usually has 24 bits used to represent the mantissa, which translates to about 6 decimal places (this is implementation defined though, so you shouldn't rely on this). When printing more than 6 decimal digits, you'll notice your value isn't stored in memory as the value you intended, and you'll see random digits.
So to recap, the problem you encountered is caused by the fact that base-10 decimal numbers cannot be represented in memory, instead the closest number to it is stored and this number will then be used.
each data type has range after this range all number is from memory or rubbish so you have to know this ranges and deal with it when you write code.
you can know this ranges from here or here

How can 8 bytes hold 302 decimal digits? (Euler challenge 16)

c++ pow(2,1000) is normaly to big for double, but it's working. why?
So I've been learning C++ for couple weeks but the datatypes are still confusing me.
One small minor thing first: the code that 0xbadc0de posted in the other thread is not working for me.
First of all pow(2,1000) gives me this more than once instance of overloaded function "pow" matches the argument list.
I fixed it by changing pow(2,1000) -> pow(2.0,1000)
Seems fine, i run it and get this:
Instead of
it is missing a lot of the values, what might be cause that?
But now for the real problem.
I'm wondering how can 302 digits long number fit a double (8 bytes)?
0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = 18446744073709551616 so how can the number be larger than that?
I think it has something to do with the floating point number encoding stuff.
Also what is the largest number that can possibly be stored in 8 bytes if it's not 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?
Eight bytes contain 64 bits of information, so you can store 2^64 ~ 10^20 unique items using those bits. Those items can easily be interpreted as the integers from 0 to 2^64 - 1. So you cannot store 302 decimal digits in 8 bytes; most numbers between 0 and 10^303 - 1 cannot be so represented.
Floating point numbers can hold approximations to numbers with 302 decimal digits; this is because they store the mantissa and exponent separately. Numbers in this representation store a certain number of significant digits (15-16 for doubles, if I recall correctly) and an exponent (which can go into the hundreds, of memory serves). However, if a decimal is X bytes long, then it can only distinguish between 2^(8X) different values... unlikely enough for exactly representing integers with 302 decimal digits.
To represent such numbers, you must use many more bits: about 1000, actually, or 125 bytes.
It's called 'floating point' for a reason. The datatype contains a number in the standard sense, and an exponent which says where the decimal point belongs. That's why pow(2.0, 1000) works, and it's why you see a lot of zeroes. A floating point (or double, which is just a bigger floating point) number contains a fixed number of digits of precision. All the remaining digits end up being zero. Try pow(2.0, -1000) and you'll see the same situation in reverse.
The number of decimal digits of precision in a float (32 bits) is about 7, and for a double (64 bits) it's about 16 decimal digits.
Most systems nowadays use IEEE floating point, and I just linked to a really good description of it. Also, the article on the specific standard IEEE 754-1985 gives a detailed description of the bit layouts of various sizes of floating point number.
2.0 ^ 1000 mathematically will have a decimal (non-floating) output. IEEE floating point numbers, and in your case doubles (as the pow function takes in doubles and outputs a double) have 52 bits of the 64 bit representation allocated to the mantissa. If you do the math, 2^52 = 4,503,599,627,370,496. Because a floating point number can represent positive and negative numbers, really the integer representation will be ~ 2^51 = 2,251,799,813,685,248. Notice there are 16 digits. there are 16 quality (non-zero) digits in the output you see.
Essentially the pow function is going to perform the exponentiation, but once the exponentiation moves past ~2^51, it is going to begin losing precision. Ultimately it will hold precision for the top ~16 decimal digits, but all other digits right will be un-guaranteed.
Thus it is a floating point precision / rounding problem.
If you were strictly in unsigned integer land, the number would overflow after (2^64 - 1) = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. What overflowing means, is that you would never actually see the number go ANY HIGHER than the one provided, infact I beleive the answer would be 0 from this operation. Once the answer goes beyond 2^64, the result register would be zero, and any multiply afterwords would be 0 * 2, which would always result in 0. I would have to try it.
The exact answer (as you show) can be obtained using a standard computer using a multi-precision libary. What these do is to emulate a larger bit computer by concatenating multiple of the smaller data types, and use algorithms to convert and print on the fly. Mathematica is one example of a math engine that implements an arbitrary precision math calculation library.
Floating point types can cover a much larger range than integer types of the same size, but with less precision.
They represent a number as:
a sign bit s to indicate positive or negative;
a mantissa m, a value between 1 and 2, giving a certain number of bits of precision;
an exponent e to indicate the scale of the number.
The value itself is calculated as m * pow(2,e), negated if the sign bit is set.
A standard double has a 53-bit mantissa, which gives about 16 decimal digits of precision.
So, if you need to represent an integer with more than (say) 64 bits of precision, then neither a 64-bit integer nor a 64-bit floating-point type will work. You will need either a large integer type, with as many bits as necessary to represent the values you're using, or (depending on the problem you're solving) some other representation such as a prime factorisation. No such type is available in standard C++, so you'll need to make your own.
If you want to calculate the range of the digits that can be hold by some bytes, it should be (2^(64bits - 1bit)) to (2^(64bits - 1bit) - 1).
Because the left most digit of the variable is for representing sign (+ and -).
So the range for negative side of the number should be : (2^(64bits - 1bit))
and the range for positive side of the number should be : (2^(64bits - 1bit) - 1)
there is -1 for the positive range because of 0(to avoid reputation of counting 0 for each side).
For example if we are calculating 64bits, the range should be ==> approximately [-9.223372e+18] to [9.223372e+18]

How to convert float to double(both stored in IEEE-754 representation) without losing precision?

I mean, for example, I have the following number encoded in IEEE-754 single precision:
"0100 0001 1011 1110 1100 1100 1100 1100" (approximately 23.85 in decimal)
The binary number above is stored in literal string.
The question is, how can I convert this string into IEEE-754 double precision representation(somewhat like the following one, but the value is not the same), WITHOUT losing precision?
"0100 0000 0011 0111 1101 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1010"
which is the same number encoded in IEEE-754 double precision.
I have tried using the following algorithm to convert the first string back to decimal number first, but it loses precision.
num in decimal = (sign) * (1 + frac * 2^(-23)) * 2^(exp - 127)
I'm using Qt C++ Framework on Windows platform.
EDIT: I must apologize maybe I didn't get the question clearly expressed.
What I mean is that I don't know the true value 23.85, I only got the first string and I want to convert it to double precision representation without precision loss.
Well: keep the sign bit, rewrite the exponent (minus old bias, plus new bias), and pad the mantissa with zeros on the right...
(As #Mark says, you have to treat some special cases separately, namely when the biased exponent is either zero or max.)
IEEE-754 (and floating point in general) cannot represent periodic binary decimals with full precision. Not even when they, in fact, are rational numbers with relatively small integer numerator and denominator. Some languages provide a rational type that may do it (they are the languages that also support unbounded precision integers).
As a consequence those two numbers you posted are NOT the same number.
They in fact are:
10111.11011001100110011000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ...
10111.11011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101000000000 ...
where ... represent an infinite sequence of 0s.
Stephen Canon in a comment above gives you the corresponding decimal values (did not check them, but I have no reason to doubt he got them right).
Therefore the conversion you want to do cannot be done as the single precision number does not have the information you would need (you have NO WAY to know if the number is in fact periodic or simply looks like being because there happens to be a repetition).
First of all, +1 for identifying the input in binary.
Second, that number does not represent 23.85, but slightly less. If you flip its last binary digit from 0 to 1, the number will still not accurately represent 23.85, but slightly more. Those differences cannot be adequately captured in a float, but they can be approximately captured in a double.
Third, what you think you are losing is called accuracy, not precision. The precision of the number always grows by conversion from single precision to double precision, while the accuracy can never improve by a conversion (your inaccurate number remains inaccurate, but the additional precision makes it more obvious).
I recommend converting to a float or rounding or adding a very small value just before displaying (or logging) the number, because visual appearance is what you really lost by increasing the precision.
Resist the temptation to round right after the cast and to use the rounded value in subsequent computation - this is especially risky in loops. While this might appear to correct the issue in the debugger, the accummulated additional inaccuracies could distort the end result even more.
It might be easiest to convert the string into an actual float, convert that to a double, and convert it back to a string.
Binary floating points cannot, in general, represent decimal fraction values exactly. The conversion from a decimal fractional value to a binary floating point (see "Bellerophon" in "How to Read Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by William D.Clinger) and from a binary floating point back to a decimal value (see "Dragon4" in "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by Guy L.Steele Jr. and Jon L.White) yield the expected results because one converts a decimal number to the closest representable binary floating point and the other controls the error to know which decimal value it came from (both algorithms are improved on and made more practical in David Gay's dtoa.c. The algorithms are the basis for restoring std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 decimal digits (except, potentially, trailing zeros) from a floating point value stored in type T.
Unfortunately, expanding a float to a double wrecks havoc on the value: Trying to format the new number will in many cases not yield the decimal original because the float padded with zeros is different from the closest double Bellerophon would create and, thus, Dragon4 expects. There are basically two approaches which work reasonably well, however:
As someone suggested convert the float to a string and this string into a double. This isn't particularly efficient but can be proven to produce the correct results (assuming a correct implementation of the not entirely trivial algorithms, of course).
Assuming your value is in a reasonable range, you can multiply it by a power of 10 such that the least significant decimal digit is non-zero, convert this number to an integer, this integer to a double, and finally divide the resulting double by the original power of 10. I don't have a proof that this yields the correct number but for the range of value I'm interested in and which I want to store accurately in a float, this works.
One reasonable approach to avoid this entirely issue is to use decimal floating point values as described for C++ in the Decimal TR in the first place. Unfortunately, these are not, yet, part of the standard but I have submitted a proposal to the C++ standardization committee to get this changed.

floating point issue

I have a floating value as 0.1 entering from UI.
But, while converting that string to float i am getting as 0.10...01. The problem is the appending of non zero digit. How do i tackle with this problem.
You need to do some background reading on floating point representations: http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html.
Given computers are on-off switches, they're storing a rounded answer, and they work in base two not the base ten we humans seem to like.
Your options are to:
display it back with less digits so you round back to base 10 (checkout the Standard library's <iomanip> header, and setprecision)
store the number in some actual decimal-capable object - you'll find plenty of C++ classes to do this via google, but none are provided in the Standard, nor in boost last I looked
convert the input from a string directly to an integral number of some smaller unit (like thousandths), avoiding the rounding.
0.1 (decimal) = 0.00011001100110011... (binary)
So, in general, a number you can represent with a finite number of decimal digits may not be representable with a finite number of bits. But floating point numbers only store the most N significant bits. So, conversions between a decimal string and a "binary" float usually involves rounding.
However a lossless roundtrip conversion decimal string -> double -> decimal string is possible if you restrict yourself to decimal strings with at most 15 significant digits (assuming IEEE 754 64 bit floats). This includes the last conversion. You need to produce a string from the double with at most 15 significant digits.
It is also possible to make the roundtrip double -> string -> double lossless. But here you may need decimal strings with 17 decimal digits to make it work (again assuming IEEE-754 64bit floats).
The best site I've ever seen that explains why some numbers can't be represented exactly is Harald Schmidt's IEEE754 Converter site.
It's an online tool for showing representations of IEEE754 single precision values and I liked it so much, I wrote my own Java app to do it (and double precision as well).
Bottom line, there are only about four billion different 32-bit values you can have but there are an infinite number of real values between any two different values. So you have a problem with precision. That's something you'll have to get used to.
If you want more precision and/or better type for decimal values, you can either:
switch to a higher number of bits.
use a decimal type
use a big-number library like GMP (although I refuse to use this in production code since I discovered it doesn't handle memory shortages elegantly).
Alternatively, you can use the inaccurate values (their error rates are very low, something like one part per hundred million for floats, from memory) and just print them out with less precision. Printing out 0.10000000145 to two decimal places will get you 0.10.
You would have to do millions and millions of additions for the error to accumulate noticeably. Less of other operations of course but still a lot.
As to why you're getting that value, 0.1 is stored in IEEE754 single precision format as follows (sign, exponent and mantissa):
s eeeeeeee mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1/n
0 01111011 10011001100110011001101
||||||||||||||||||||||+- 8388608
|||||||||||||||||||||+-- 4194304
||||||||||||||||||||+--- 2097152
|||||||||||||||||||+---- 1048576
||||||||||||||||||+----- 524288
|||||||||||||||||+------ 262144
||||||||||||||||+------- 131072
|||||||||||||||+-------- 65536
||||||||||||||+--------- 32768
|||||||||||||+---------- 16384
||||||||||||+----------- 8192
|||||||||||+------------ 4096
||||||||||+------------- 2048
|||||||||+-------------- 1024
||||||||+--------------- 512
|||||||+---------------- 256
||||||+----------------- 128
|||||+------------------ 64
||||+------------------- 32
|||+-------------------- 16
||+--------------------- 8
|+---------------------- 4
+----------------------- 2
The sign is positive, that's pretty easy.
The exponent is 64+32+16+8+2+1 = 123 - 127 bias = -4, so the multiplier is 2-4 or 1/16.
The mantissa is chunky. It consists of 1 (the implicit base) plus (for all those bits with each being worth 1/(2n) as n starts at 1 and increases to the right), {1/2, 1/16, 1/32, 1/256, 1/512, 1/4096, 1/8192, 1/65536, 1/131072, 1/1048576, 1/2097152, 1/8388608}.
When you add all these up, you get 1.60000002384185791015625.
When you multiply that by the multiplier, you get 0.100000001490116119384765625, matching the double precision value on Harald's site as far as it's printed:
0.10000000149011612 (out by 0.00000000149011612)
And when you turn off the least significant (rightmost) bit, which is the smallest downward movement you can make, you get:
0.09999999403953552 (out by 0.00000000596046448)
Putting those two together:
0.10000000149011612 (out by 0.00000000149011612)
0.09999999403953552 (out by 0.00000000596046448)
you can see that the first one is a closer match, by about a factor of four (14.9:59.6). So that's the closest value you can get to 0.1.
Since floats get stored in binary, the fractional portion is effectively in base-two... and one-tenth is a repeating decimal in base two, same as one-ninth is in base ten.
The most common ways to deal with this are to store your values as appropriately-scaled integers, as in the C# or SQL currency types, or to round off floating-point numbers when you display them.

Setprecision() for a float number in C++?

In C++,
What are the random digits that are displayed after giving setprecision() for a floating point number?
Note: After setting the fixed flag.
float f1=3.14;
cout < < fixed<<setprecision(10)<<f1<<endl;
we get random numbers for the remaining 7 digits? But it is not the same case in double.
Two things to be aware of:
floats are stored in binary.
float has a maximum of 24 significant bits. This is equivalent to 7.22 significant digits.
So, to your computer, there's no such number as 3.14. The closest you can get using float is 3.1400001049041748046875.
double has 53 significant bits (~15.95 significant digits), so you get a more accurate approximation, 3.140000000000000124344978758017532527446746826171875. The "noise" digits don't show up with setprecision(10), but would with setprecision(17) or higher.
They're not really "random" -- they're the (best available) decimal representation of that binary fraction (will be exact only for fractions whose denominator is a power of two, e.g., 3.125 would display exactly).
Of course that changes depending on the number of bits available to represent the binary fraction that best approaches the decimal one you originally entered as a literal, i.e., single vs double precision floats.
Not really a C++ specific issue (applies to all languages using binary floats, typically to exploit the machine's underlying HW, i.e., most languages). For a very bare-bone tutorial, I recommend reading this.