mingw64 (win8.1) how to let him see boost libs? - c++

I've installed at my win8.1 mingw and I would like to compile my program.
When I use command:
g++ -o test test.cpp -lboost_unit_test_framework-mt
I got an error:
no such file od directory:
"#include boost/test/unit_test.hpp" // in "<>" ofc.
when I use my msVS it works fine.

You also must use the -L and the -I option to specify the directories where the boost libraries and headers are located:
g++ -I<path_to_headers> -o test test.cpp -L<path_to_library> -lboost_unit_test_framework-mt
Note for the headers path that should be the path containing the boost directory.


Is there a way to link SFML libraries in VSCode Mac?

Is there a reasonably easy to follow way to link SFML libraries with VSCode in macOS?
My case:
Using Mac
Using Clang with VSCode
Have Xcode installed
Am an amateur
Note : I am using clang and Mac
See my question and answer here: Manually link and compile C++ program with SFML (macOS)
In a nutshell:
download sfml for mac
copy include directory from extracted folder to your project directory
copy the dynamic library files to your project also, folder lib
in terminal type the g++ command and link to the dynamic libs
It will be something like this:
g++ main.cpp -o main -I include -L lib -l sfml-system -l sfml-window -l sfml-graphics -l sfml-audio -l sfml-network -Wl,-rpath ./lib
here's a boiler plate to link sfml in vs code:
If you have Macbook M1, the other answers won't work. The reason is because sfml from the website is compiled in x86_64, and you can't compile the libraries directly to arm64. So, you need sfml and pkg-config to be installed on Homebrew.
g++ main.cpp $(pkg-config --libs --cflags sfml-window sfml-system sfml-graphics) -o main
More detailed solution here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53510642/16264548
If you don't wan to use pkg-config, then you can manually type in the locations:
main.cpp -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/sfml/2.5.1_1/include -L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/sfml/2.5.1_1/lib -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -lsfml-graphics -o main
To enable the editor features, you can add library include files to C/C++ configurations:
Open Command Palette (⇧⌘P by default)
Type and select "C/C++: Edit Configurations (UI)"
In section "Include path" add a line: /your/path/to/sfml/include/*
In my case, the path is /usr/local/Cellar/sfml/2.5.1_1/include/*

Failing to compile GTest with Cygwin

I'm new to C++, I am trying to compile gtest with Cygwin. I have installed the GNU g++ compiler which works fine. I ran the following command on Cygwin:
g++ -I /cygdrive/c/devel/cpp/gtest/include -I /cygdrive/c/devel/cpp/gtest -pthread -c /cygdrive/c/devel/cpp/gtest/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc
/cygdrive/c/devel/cpp/gtest/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc:39:25: fatal error: gtest/gtest.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
All the files seem to be in place, however the error does not go, any ideas why?
It looks like you have provided space between -I and path.
There should not be any space between -I and corresponding path.
It should be like
g++ -I/cygdrive/c/devel/cpp/gtest/include -I/cygdrive/c/devel/cpp/gtes..
Check it.

libxml/parser.h: in c++ ubuntu

Even though I have installed libxml++2.6-2 libxml++2.6-doc etc in my ubuntu 12.04 version again I am getting the below error
fatal error: libxml/parser.h: No such file or directory
I am using make for building the project
Kindly suggest any other libxml libraries which I need to install
libxml/parser.h is a part o libxml library, not libxml++
For any given library, you need development packages (the ones with names ending in -dev) in order to build applications using that library.
You need to pass additional flags to your compiler: xml2-config --cflags and to linker xml2-config --libs.
I don't have access to an Ubuntu system now, but: Maybe you need to install the libxml developer package? Maybe you only have the library but not the include file(s)?
Check in /usr/include, /usr/local/include, ... for the directory libxml and the file parser.h.
If you find the file, you may need to adapt your makefile so that the parent-directory is in the list of include paths, e.g.:
INC = -I/usr/local/include
g++ $(INC) ...
If you did not find the file: Check the available libxml packages for a developer package and install that.
Before Posting the answer THANKS to the people who have answered, but those answers were not worked for me
I have just copied libxml folder from the directory usr/lib/libxml2 and pasted in usr/lib directory and compiled my code it is not giving any error. It is working fine now.
Please read #el.pescado answer before reading this. I wanted to comment on that answer but felt the need to format my code better.
gcc -c <files to compile> `xml2-config --cflags` -o <object files>
gcc <object files> -L<libxml2 lib location> `xml2-config --libs` -o <binary file>
Assuming we have a file names xmltest.c that have code that included libxml2 header like #include <libxml/parser.h>, standard location of libxml2 shared library i.e. /usr/lib64/libxml2, the above code will evaluate like this:
gcc -c xmltest.c -I/usr/include/libxml2 -o xmltest.o
gcc xmltest.o -L/usr/lib64/libxml2 -lxml2 -lz -lm -o xmltest
A better idea is to put together a Makefile that does this automatically.

G++ linking batch PATH

I have 2 different g++ compilers on my computer:
one in the standard directory (C:\MinGW),
and one is a portable distribution.
Now I'm trying to link a c++ project.
The problem is, it is linked against boost libraries
compiled with the portable distribution of g++. The standard
installation directory is ofcourse included in the PATH environment
variable. So when I try to compile my project it will produce linker errors.
I tried to create a batch file which added the portable version's directory at the beginning of the PATH variable. With no luck. Maybe some one can help me out?
#echo off
set PATH=%~dp0..\c++\compiler\bin;%PATH%
REM cd /d "%~dp0"
..\c++\compiler\bin\g++ main.cpp ^
-std=c++0x -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ ^
-I"../c++/include" ^
-L"../c++/lib" ^
-l"boost_serialization-mgw46-mt-1_52" ^
-l"boost_system-mgw46-mt-1_52" ^
-o output.exe -W -O2
Note: I used "..\c++\compiler\bin\" befor the g++ command because I wanted to be sure it it used the right path, but ofcourse it doesn't work the way I expected.
Solved it by recompiling boost with the installed version of GCC.

compiling Boost linked libraries (Ubuntu)

I installed Boost via sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev on the most recent version of Ubuntu. Now I want to compile a project that uses the Boost.Serialization library, which needs to be linked.
I've tried many variants of the following, without success:
gcc -I /usr/lib code.cpp -o compiled /usr/lib/libboost_serialization.a
gcc -I /usr/lib code.cpp -o compiled -l libboost_serialization
The error message is:
error: ‘split_member’ is not a member of ‘boost::serialization
What am I missing?
You are having troubles with compiling your code, not linking. On that stage it has nothing to do with libraries. At that point the fact that you have to link against something is irrelevant.
Make sure you are including boost/serialization/split_member.hpp directly or indirectly and get your code compiled first.
On a side note, -I flag is used to specify path to include files and not libraries. For libraries, use -L. But if you have installed Boost from apt, then it should already be in the path and so no additional -I or -L should be required. And when you specify -l, you have to emit lib from the beginning of library name and not put a space between a flag and its argument. Assuming working code, something like this should do:
g++ code.cpp -o compiled -lboost_serialization
I'd also recommend you pass -Wall flag to make compiler be more verbose and warn you about possible mistakes in your code.
split member is a problem with compiling where boost is assuming there are split calls for serialize and deserialize.