Is it possible to start eclipse debug session from a script - c++

I have a script, in which I run a C++ application.
Is it possible to start eclipse debug session from a script?
I use gdb 7.4


Where do the debug results go in VSCODE?

I am trying to debug a python code inside a docker environment, using a python interpreter defined in a conda environment.
I can succesfully "run Python file in terminal"
But when I try to debug (F5) nothing happens in the terminal, nor the variables are loaded in the debug panel.
There are tabs in the same section where you opened your terminal. Check that out

How can we remotely Debug C++ applications running on Linux Server?

In Java
java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n <other arguments>
allows us to
Start an application and suspends it
opens up a socket (dt_socket) using Java Debug Wire Protocol - Allows to debug remotely
Hosted on 8000 port
We can run this on a remote Linux Server and yet debug it on our own Desktop (even Windows) environment using either Netbeans or IntelliJ or other feature rich IDEs.
Is something of the sorts possible in C++ with visual studio community/code ? If so how.
PS: I know of ddd (data display debugger) & gdb
Yes, you can (using gdb).
Follow the manual.
There may be some IDE using gdb as backend.

Analyze core dump from CentOS using convenient IDE like QtCreator or Eclipse

I have a program written in C++. It's built on my dev machine with Ubuntu, and also on dev CentOS. Then binary from dev CentOS runs on live server. Where it crashed and now I have core dump. I'm able to get the dump on my dev CentOS and examine it using GDB. But it's complicated to use console on dev CentOS. I want to use QtCreator or Eclipse to examine the dump.
I think it's possible to do it using gdbserver, but I failed. Could you give me some advices?

Webstorm node.js cli debugging in windows 7

A noob needs a favour from you. I am writing a node.js cli application that has to run in a windows 7 cmd.exe. I can not figure out how to set up a debugging workflow that I am comfortable with. When I use the standard node.js debugging config, it debugs in the Webstorm console (ie. in the ide, which does not seem to accept input from stdin - and yes, stdin has been resumed). What I would like to achieve is to have it run the application in an external cmd.exe (which is what the app will be run in), and still be able set breakpoints etc in the ide. I do not want to run the app in the Webstorm internal console.
I am using Webstorm 11 and node 4.2.1.
Many thanks
To enable stdin in WebStorm debugger console, in the Console tab uncheck "Use Console Input" —
You can also run your application in cmd console with --debug=<port for debugging> or --debug-brk=<port for debugging> options and attach to it using Remote Node.js Debug configuration. See

Remote debugging w/ Eclipse CDT gdbserver: stdin/stdout

OK, this seems pretty basic, but no luck. I'm using Eclipse Helios w/ CDT. Both host & target are linux boxes. I've been starting my application on the target machine with:
gdbserver :port my_app
and successfully attaching from eclipse using a "C/C++ Attach to Application" debug configuration. My application's stdout is displayed on the target system, but stdin doesn't go to my app. In eclipse, I have a console for gdb (commands) and gdb trace, but no application console like when debugging locally. The debug configuration "Allocate Console" check-box just controls whether or not I get a gdb command console.
I tried starting the application separately and attaching (using gdbserver --multi). This was worse: eclipse/gdb didn't see all running threads and stdin on the target tty resulted in
Child terminated with signal = 0x5 (SIGTRAP)
Trace/breakpoint trap
Any help would be appreciated.
Application std in/out will go to the terminal you used to start the gdbserver (and application) from. Eclipse cannot redirect those.