SAS - Keeping only observations with all variables - sas

I have a dataset of membership information, and I want to keep only the people who have been continuously enrolled for the entire year. There are 12 variables for each person, one for each month of the year with how many days during that month they were enrolled. Is there a way to make a subset of the data for just those with a value >1 for each of the month variables?

SAS has various summary functions that might well be what you're looking for. See min() (minimum) in particular, as it will allow you to find the minimum of several variables. You may also want to consider nmiss() (number of missing values) and n() (number of non-missing values) if you have to deal with missing values in your data.
Summary functions can be passed lists of variables like this (in a data step):
minimum = min(var1, var2, var3);
However, that can become long winded if you need to use a lot of variables. Fortunately, SAS provides several ways to reference lists of variables to make things neater. You can read about these variable lists here. To use them in a summary function use the of qualifier:
minimum = min(of var1-var12);
maximum = max(of var:);
blanks = nmiss(of _NUMERIC_);
Finally you will want to use your new found data to decide whether what data to include. To do this in a data step look at the output statement (user guide):
if min(of var:) > 1 then output;
Or if you feel like learning a bit more about SAS's syntax you could try using an implicit output by reading through the last link.
In general it's preferred to ask specific questions and show your current work on SO, and I'd advise using google to answer your basic questions while you're learning the fundamentals. There is plenty of great documentation available to help you out there.


Pooled OLS with industry specific effects (reghdfe)

I have a panel dataset for multiple firms throughout 8 years and I'm trying to use a pooled OLS with industry-specific effects with the `reghdfe' command to control for a categorical variable (NAICS Industry Code). I typed
reghdfe DV IV control variables i.year, absorb(NAICS Industry Code)
Is this the correct way to use the command? Is it correct to use i.year within the variables or should I add it to the absorbed variables?
In addition I'm using a Fixed Effect Panel Regression and control for clustered standard errors. Do I have to control for clustered standard errors in the reghdfe as well or is it sufficient to just do it within the fixed effect panel regression?
You should include your variable year in the absorb() option to catch the intended use of reghdfe:
reghdfe y x, absorb(naics year)
Alternatively, you can also use reg y x i.naics i.year.
I assume NAICS codes to be numeric; otherwise, you might need to transform the variable to numeric, e.g. using egen num_naics= group(naics).
Note: The R-squared rests on different assumptions and might differ between the two commands.
Note_2: If your question is specifically about coding, everyone is better off when you provide example data. Statistical questions might be better suited for Cross Validated.

I need help in designing my C++ Console application

I have a task to complete.
There are two types of csv files 4000+ both related to each other.
2 types are:
1. Country2.csv
2. Security_Name.csv
Contents of Country2.csv:
Company Name;Security Name;;;;Final NOS;Final FFR
Contents of Security_Name.csv:
Date;Close Price;Volume
There are multiple countries and for each country multiple security files
Now I need to READ them do some CALCULATION and then WRITE the output in another files
Read both the file Country 2.csv and Security.csv and extract all the data from them.
For example :
Read France 2.csv, extract Security_Name, Final NOS, Final FFR
Then Read Security.csv(which matches the Security_Name) and extract Date, Close Price, Volume
Calculations are basically finding Median of the values extracted which is quite simple.
For Example:
Monthly Median Traded Values
Daily Traded Value of a Security ... and so on
Based on the month I need to sort the output in two different file with following formats:
If Month % 3 = 0
Save It as MONTH_NAME.csv in following format:
Security name; 12-month indicator; 3-month indicator; FOT
Save It as MONTH_NAME.csv in following format:
Security Name; Monthly Median Traded Value Ratio; Number of days Volume > 0
My question is how do I design my application in such a way that it is maintainable and the flow of data throughout the execution is seamless?
So first thing. Based on the kind of data you are looking to generate, I would probably be looking at moving this data to a SQL db if at all possible. This is "one SQL query" kind of stuff. And far more maintainable than C++ that generates CSV files from CSV files.
Barring that, I would probably look at using datamash and/or perl. On a Windows platform, you could do this through Cygwin or WSL. Probably less maintainable, but so much easier it's not too much of an issue.
That said, if you're looking for something moderately maintainable, C++ could work. The first thing I would do is design my input classes. Data-centric, but it can work. It sounds like you could have a Country class, a Security class, and a SecurityClose class...or something along those lines. You can think about whether a Security class should contain a collection of SecurityClosees (data), or whether the data should just be "loose" and reference the Security it belongs to. Same with the Country->Security relationship.
Once you've decided how all that's going to look, you want something (likely a function) that can tokenize a CSV line. So "1,2,3" gets turned into a vector<string> with the contents "1" "2" "3". Then, each of your input classes should have a constructor or initializer that takes a vector<string> and populates itself. You might need to pass higher level data along too. Like the filename if you want the security data to know which security it belongs to..
That's basically most of the battle there. Once you've pulled your data into sensibly organized classes, the rest should come more easily. And if you run into bumps, hopefully you can ask specific design or implementation questions from there.

What are the steps of preprocessing anonymized data for predictive analysis?

Suppose we have a large dataset of anonymized data. Dataset consist if certain number of variables and observations. All we can learn about data is a type(numeric, char, date, etc.) of variable. We can do it by looking to data manually.
What are the best practise steps of pre-proccessing dataset for the further analysis?
Just for instance, let this data set be just one table, so we don't need to check any relations between tables.
This link gives the complete set of validations currently in practice. Still, to start with:
wherever possible, have your data written in such a way that you can parse it as fast and as easily as possible, using your preferred programming language's methods/constructors;
you can verify if all the data types match correctly - like int fields do not contain string data etc;
you can verify that your values are in acceptable range;
check if a non-nullable field has null values;
check if dates are in expected ranges;
check if data follows correct set-membership constraints wherever applicable;
if you have pattern following data like phone numbers, make sure they are in (XXX) XXX-XXXX design, if you prefer them that way;
are the zip codes at correct accuracy level (in US you may have 5 or 9 digits of accuracy);
if your data is time-series, is it complete (i.e. you have values for all dates)?
is there any unwanted duplication?
Hope this is good enough to get you started...

SAS Do-Loop and IF Statement to compare Current and previous row values

I’m pretty new with do loops in SAS and I know that I am trying to make this loop work like a MATLAB script. I haven’t found many helpful tips online as most of the do-loop examples are just for calculations, not actually checking to see if the row before the current one has the same value.
Here is my issue that I need to solve:
I want to look at each policy numbers below and see if the one before is the same, if it is, I want to flag it.
I would consider i=1 to be the first policy(26X0118907) and i=2 to be the second policy (26X0375309).
In this case according to the code (that doesn't work) below this increment would be flagged as ‘B’. Do you know how to properly code a situation like this?
data AF_Inforce_&thestate.;
set AF_Inforce_&thestate.;
by Rating_St;
if first.Rating_St then counter=0;
do i=2 to counter;
if P1(i)=P2(i) then flag='A';
else flag='B';
The first thing you need to learn coming from MATLAB or a similar language is that SAS is different. In particular, the DATA step is its own DO loop, looping over records.
Second, it's a bit complicated to access data accross rows. However, there are a few tricks.
Vasja showed you one (lag, which doesn't actually go to a previous record, but sort of acts like it does). dif does the same thing except it compares, so if your policynum had been numeric, Vasja's code could be rewritten as dif(policy)=0 instead of policy=lag(policy)(though this is only for numerics).
A better trick in my opinion in your case is to use by group processing. Normally this works with sorted fields, but here it doesn't matter if it's sorted: you just want to know if two consecutive rows are identical, right?
data want;
set have;
by rating_st policy notsorted;
if first.policy and last.policy then recflag='A';
else if first.rating_st then recflag='A';
else recflag='B';
I don't know that I understand your rules entirely, but they're probably going to be some form of this. I put the two possibilities there, you might just want the second one (ie, you don't care if it's singular or just the first). The first would flag only singular policies.
Try looking at LAG function (it "remembers" the values of a variable in a queue)
Your code should go like this:
data AF_Inforce_&thestate.;
set AF_Inforce_&thestate.;
by Rating_St;
if first.Rating_St = 0 and Policy=LAG(Policy) then flag='A';
else flag='B';

Stata. How to transform a dataset into pure panel data?

I have done this many times with Excel and Java... This time I need to do it using Stata because it is more convenient to preserve variables' labels. How can I restructure dataset_1 into dataset_2 below?
I need to transform the following dataset_1:
into dataset_2:
I know one way, which is a little awkward... I mean, I could expand all the observations, then create variable obsNo, and then, rename there any better way?
Stata is wonderful at this sort of thing, it's a simple reshape. Your data is a little awkward, as the reshape command was designed to work with variables where the common part of the variable name (in your case, Wage) comes first. In the documentation for reshape, "Wage" would be the stub. The part following Wage is required to be numeric. If you first sort your variable names by
rename (raceWhiteWage raceBlackWage raceAsianWage) (Wage1 Wage2 Wage3)
Then you can do:
reshape long Wage, i(state year) j(race)
That should give you the output your are looking for. You will have a column labeled "race", with values of 1 for White, 2 for Black, and 3 for Asian.