changing language on microsoft visual c++ 2010 express [duplicate] - c++

recently i have installed MS Visual Studio 2010 Professional as an upgrade from 2005.
I wanted to use the english version but after installation it's german(2005 was english if that matters).
I tried to change it via Extras/Options/Environment/International Settings to "Same as Microsoft Windows"(what is english) and restarted IDE (and system) but the change was not applied at all. There are only two options: german and same as windows.
MS Visual Studio 2010 professional(upgrade from 2005 Professional) german
OS is Windows XP(english)
german is default input language(control-panel/regional.../languages/details), changed but without any effect
Did i miss something in the setup of the installation or do i have to install a language-pack?
i have tried Rob's suggestion to deinstall Visual Studio and all of its components, install the english .net 4.0 framework and reinstall Visual Studio, but unfortunately without the desired result. It is german again with no chance to switch to english. The installation routine seems to overwrite the framework and replaces it with the DEU-languagepack.
Is it really impossible to change the IDE language-settings without installing an english version first? Is it at least possible to get english error-messages from the framework?
By the way, am i the only person that wonders why i need an english version first to be able to switch languages? Why should i then order any other language than EN at all?
Thank you in advance.

It's possible.
Install your version (German). Once the installation is finished you can install the English trial version: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Trial - Web Installer
Once the trial installation is finished you are able to switch languages in
Tools -> Options... -> Environment -> International Settings
You can even uninstall the german version through appwiz.cpl. Look for Visual Studio components with de or DEU endings.
It seems that the license is language independent.

You could try and do the following
Try to remove the VS2010 installation and the .NET framework installation. Then download the english version here. Install the English .NET framework and then install VS2010.
If that doesn't work then maybe the
two blogposts below will help. There
are tricks with startup parameters to
be able to use a certain language.
Blog 1 about how to use the LCID
Blog 2 with a list of available
language codes
Two other interresting blog posts from the same writer can be found here and here.

Install the English language pack over it and then open the file location where you have installed the visual studio and delete the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - DE folder leaving only Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU folder.


X Visual Studio is missing necessary components. Please re-run the Visual Studio installer for the "Desktop development with C++" [duplicate]

My Flutter Doctor is saying:
Visual Studio - develop for Windows
X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development.
Download at
Please install the "Desktop development with C++" workload, including all
of its default components.
How can I fix this problem?
It's basically saying that if you want to develop your Flutter application for Windows you will need to install Visual Studio 2022 and while installing Visual Studio 2022 you will need to download this: Desktop development with C++
Also, you have to install the third link in this: Visual-studio
You could also get desktop development with the C++ tool after installing Visual Studio and then navigating to tool → Get tools and features → Desktop development with C++.
The error means install Visual Studio, and this is different from Visual Studio Code. It's an IDE from Microsoft.
For those who may be using a weak computer and can't afford to install the full Visual Studio, you only need to install a few components from Visual Studio to get Flutter to run on your computer without errors. These components are:
MSVC v142 - Visual Studio 2022 C++ x64/86 build tools.
Windows 10 SDK (for Windows 10 users)
C++ CMake tools for Windows.
In total, they should occupy around 8 GB or so.
As it states, you need to download Visual Studio (which is different from Visual Studio Code).
When installing it, remember to select the required package Desktop development with C++:
This will not prevent you from developing Mobile apps, but it's a requirement only for Windows Development.
Is unnecessary to install the "Desktop development with C++" if you don't want to develop desktop applications for Windows using Flutter.
If you only want to develop mobile apps using Flutter, you can run
flutter config --no-enable-windows-desktop
to disable the desktop support for your Flutter projects. After that, when you run the flutter doctor command again, you will no longer see the warning.
Read more at:
Only two steps are required.
Install Visual Studio 2022 (Link:
Install Visual Studio Code (Link:
Your code will run smoothly.
My solution was a bit simpler. Uninstall everything all build system's from VS. Then reinstall Visual Studio Community 2022, restart then try again. Might get a warning about nuget but it should fix the issue.
With the newest android installer "android-studio-2022.1.1.19-windows" there would be a jbr and jre folder existing, hence creating a link from jre to jbr would not work.
What you can do is copy the contents of the items in jbr into the jre folder and this would resolve the error.
Make sure to install Visual Studio Code.
Open the Visual Studio download page:

Visual Studio 2015 Thinks Windows 10 is Pre-Windows XP

Today I installed Visual Studio 2015 on my laptop, though I just realised I didn't make the custom install option and I cannot write code in c++ . I tried installing the c++ redistriputable , but there was an error that said I should be using windows XP or newer (although I use windows 10?!?) . I can see the c++ redistriputable pack on my computer programs though. Please help, I need visual studio for a college project! Thank you!
You will either need to re-run setup and select the required options or alternatively, navigate to the New Project window in the IDE and look for the 'Install Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++" template. Running it should install the required libraries.
Please reference the following MS guide -

Installing Qt 5.5 on Windows 7

I would like to install latest version of Qt (5.5) on Windows 7 for C/C++ application development, and have a few questions:
Can I use Microsoft "Visual Studio Community" edition (2015) as the compiler?
I assume I need to install Visual studio first and then Qt?
I am going to install Qt from here, after downloading and installation do I need to build Qt? Or it is ready to go?
Is there a tutorial that explains all the required steps in details. I have done Google search and found bits and pieces here and there not not a good complete step-by-step reference.
Thanks for the help.
You need the compiler, which is integrated in visual studio. I don't think you can get the newer ones without Visual Studio (From official sources). However, you can use Qt on windows without msvc. You can build with the minGw compiler - but I personally like msvc more.
Regarding VS2015: It won't work without extra configuration. Qt 5.5 supports msvc2013 only (the next release, 5.6, will support the msvc2015 compiler). But Visual Studio 2013 will work. The order of installation doesn't matter.
After you installed Qt, all you need to do is launch Qt-Creator and start coding ;) If you wan't to use Visual Studio instead, there is a Plugin on the bottom of the download page ("Other downloads"). Visual Studio 2015 isn't supported here too, but 2013 is.

Visual Studio 2015: Can't create a new empty project c++

I recently got the new version of Visual Studio and I can't seem to find how to create an empty project for C++. The options seem to be only C# and Basic.
The default (typical) installation of Visual Studio 2015 no longer contains the C++ compiler and tools. This was a very popular ask from the community as many developers do not want the footprint C++ brings.
If you go and try to uninstall Visual Studio 2015, the installer screen will pop up and you'll see a button named "Modify". This will change your current installation. Do a custom install and pick the C++ features / libraries that you require.
As far as I know, most editions have C++ support, including Express for Windows, Express for Desktop and the popular Community edition.
Try to open VS with Admin's rights. I tried it, and it works!

Cannot compile .msi project in MFC application in visual studio 2008. Expect conflict between english and Japanese version of Visual Studio

I am trying to compile a massive C++ MFC application. It compiles perfectly in the Japanese version of VS 2008 Professional on a different PC. When I try to compile it on a PC with the English version of VS 2008 Professional, all of the projects in the solution compile no problem. The problem comes when trying to install the .msi (setup) project. I am not very familiar with MFC applications, but I am pretty experienced (informally) with programming. I hope someone has an idea for this. It seems to be related to VS rather than a programming problem.
I get these warnings that seem to predicate the build errors for the shortcuts for the projects:
WARNING: Could not match culture 'ja-JP' for item 'Visual C++ Runtime LIbraries (x86)'. Using culture 'en' instead
WARNING: Could not match culture 'ja-JP' for item 'Windows Installer 3.1'. Using culture 'en' instead
I have tried downloading and installing the Japanese Runtime Libraries and Windows Installer 3.1 but I still get these warnings
The PC is running Windows 7 Ultimate with English and Japanese language packs installed. Is there some way to correct these warnings?