I'm a newbie to C++ and having an issue regarding std:map with function pointers.
I have created a map which has a string as the key and stored a function pointer as the value. I faced a complication when I tried to use insert() function to add a function pointer. However, it worked when I used [] operator. If you can, please explain this difference.
Here is a sample code I wrote.
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class OperatorFactory
static bool AddOperator(string sOperator, void* (*fSolvingFunction)(void*));
static bool RemoveOperator(string sOperator);
static void RemoveAllOperators();
static map<string , void* (*) (void*)> map_OperatorMap;
// Static member re-declaration
map<string, void* (*) (void*)> OperatorFactory::map_OperatorMap;
#include "OperatorFactory.h"
void OperatorFactory::RemoveAllOperators()
bool OperatorFactory::RemoveOperator(string sOperator)
return map_OperatorMap.erase(sOperator) != 0;
bool OperatorFactory::AddOperator(string sOperator, void* (*fSolvingFunction)(void*))
// This line works well.
map_OperatorMap[sOperator] = fSolvingFunction;
// But this line doesn't.
// map_OperatorMap.insert(sOperator, fSolvingFunction); // Error
return true;
The Error says :
error: no matching function for call to 'std::map<std::basic_string<char>, void* (*)(void*)>::insert(std::string&, void* (*&)(void*))'
Even though I got this working (compiled) with the [] operator, I would like to know why I got an error when using insert().
Thank you.
You insert elements into std::map using a std::pair of the key and value:
Alternatively you can emplace values in c++11:
The [] operator returns a reference to the value for the key passed in:
value_type &
And automatically constructs an element for that key if it doesn't already exist. Make sure you understand what the difference in behavior is between insert() and the [] operator before using them (the latter will replace existing values for a key for example).
See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/map for more information.
i have a priority queue that stores shared_ptr<obj>. in these obj's there is a method that returns a certain value e.g obj.method1() would return an int. I want to order the queue in ascending order of this value. I tried writing a compare class in the same file but when i add it in as the 3rd parameter it says use of undeclared identifier(I don't have access to the main function that actually runs the code) I also tried using std::greater<shared_ptr<Searchable>> as the 3rd parameter, but I'm not sure if that was the write solution. any help would be appreciated.
priority_queue<shared_ptr<obj>, vector<shared_ptr<obj>>, std::greater<shared_ptr<obj>> > Q;
That is what i have right now but i dont think its working like i wanted it to
Does this work for you?
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
class obj {
int method1() const { return 123; }
using obj_ptr = std::shared_ptr<obj>;
class obj_ptr_comparator {
int operator()(const obj_ptr& lhs, const obj_ptr& rhs)
return lhs.get()->method1() < rhs.get()->method1();
std::priority_queue<obj_ptr, std::vector<obj_ptr>, obj_ptr_comparator> my_queue;
To clarify: The item you'll get with a my_queue.pop() will be the one with the highest value of method1() (because we're essentially running std::less, the default comparator, on the method1() value instead of the shared pointer). See also the cppreference.com entry on std::priority_queue.
Being quite green with C++, I ran into behavior I don't quite understand, and haven't been able to find an explanation even with intense googling, so I was hoping someone could explain what exactly is wrong here.
// test.h
#include <unordered_map>
typedef std::unordered_map<int, int> test_type;
class test
static const test_type tmap;
// test.cpp
#include "test.h"
const test_type test::tmap = {
{ 1, 1 }
// main.cpp
#include "test.h"
int main()
// Attempt 1: access key via operator[]
std::cout << test::tmap[1];
// Attempt 2: access key via at()
std::cout << test::tmap.at(1);
return 0;
If I have Attempt 1 in my code, Visual Studio's compiler insists I'm using a binary [ operator that hasn't been defined, but that doesn't really make sense to me because as far as I know there is no binary [ operator, (braces are always unary, right?).
So, why doesn't Attempt 1 work?
The problem is std::unordered_map::operator[] is not const, because it inserts the specified key to the map if it doesn't already exist. Since it is not const you cannot use it with a const object. std::unordered_map::at does have a const overload so it compiles. You either need to make test non-const or just use the at() function.
I keep on getting error message while trying to pass a function inside a for_each loop.. I have a vector and i used for_each loop to go through the rows in that vector, Now I need a function to do something
Example this is what I am trying to achieve:
void DataPartitioning::doSomething()
for_each (label.begin(), label.end(), addToTemporaryVector());
void DataPartitioning::addToTemporaryVector()
But I get an error message saying: error: invalid use of void expression both of them are in same class.
Since it's a member function, you'll need to wrap it in a functor that calls it on an object; presumably the same object that doSomething was called on:
for_each(label.begin(), label.end(), [this](whatever const &){addToTemporaryVector();});
where whatever is the value type of the container.
It might be clearer as a regular for-loop:
for (whatever const & thing : label) {
This assumes you're not stuck with a pre-C++11 compiler. If you are, it requires rather more gibberish:
for_each(label.begin(), label.end(),
std::bind1st(std::mem_fun(&DataPartitioning::addToTemporaryVector), this));
I'm not entirely sure whether that will work with a function like yours that doesn't take an argument; but presumably your real code does take an argument to do something with each element.
You need to use a struct as here:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Operation
void operator()(string n) { cout<<"success"<<endl; }
int main() {
vector<string> vInts(10,"abc");
std::for_each(std::begin(vInts), std::end(vInts), Operation());
// your code goes here
return 0;
Note that the input of the operator has to be the same as the type in the vector. (string in this example, int in the link)
The addToTemporaryVector function does not use this. So you can declare it as static.
Also, it should take as argument the template type of label
static void addToTemporaryVector(const SomeType & item);
Then just do:
//No parentheses to the function pointer
for_each (label.begin(), label.end(), addToTemporaryVector);
I am building a C++ program that needs to store a map of strings to function pointers. However, every function may have different return types and parameters. The way I am attempting to solve this problem is by creating the functions as taking an array of void pointers and returning an array of void pointers, and then casting the arguments and return values as needed.
To figure out how this would work, I'm trying to build a simple dummy, but can't get it to compile. I've tried a number of things, but I keep getting different errors. here's an example:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
void** string2map(void** args){
//takes a string of the form "key:value;key:value;..." and returns a map<string,string>
string st = *((string**) args)[0];
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
//code doesnt matter
return (void*) &((void*) &result);
int main(){
string test = "hello:there;how:are you?";
map<string, string> result = *(map<string, string>**)string2map((void*) &((void*) &test))[0];
return 0;
when I try to compile, I get:
void.cpp: In function 'void** string2map(void**)':
void.cpp:12:34: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
void.cpp: In function 'int main()':
void.cpp:17:89: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
Obviously there are plenty of things wrong here, but I really just don't know where to start. Can anyone either show me what's wrong with the code above, or give me an alternative to the way I am currently doing it?
The reason I am returning a void** instead of just void* is that there might be a circumstance where I need to return multiple values of different types. An example would be if, above, I wanted to return both the resulting map AND the number of entries in the map. I haven't even gotten to the point of figuring out how to construct that array yet, though.
So based on the responses so far, it seems pretty clear that this is the wrong way of solving this problem. With that in mind, can anyone suggest a better one? I need to be able to store the various function in a single map, which means I need to be able to define a single data type to functions that take and return different types. And it IS important to be able to return multiple values.
You're converting a map<string,string> to a void**, returning it then converting it back to a map<string,string. Why not just return a map<string,string>? It's also called string2map which implies you will only ever call it with a string (backed up by the fact you pass in a string, which is converted to a void** then converted straight back). Unless you have a good reason to convert to and from void** all over the place this is probably what you need:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
map<string, string> string2map(string st){
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
//code doesnt matter
return result;
int main(){
string test = "hello:there;how:are you?";
map<string, string> result = string2map(test);
return 0;
I've just reread your question. You might want to look up Generalised Functors and look at Boost's std::function as possible solutions to this problem. It's possible to change the return type of a function via a wrapper class, something like:
template< class T >
class ReturnVoid
ReturnVoid( T (*functor)() ) : m_functor( functor ) {}
void operator() { Result = functor(); }
T (*m_functor)();
T Result;
// Specialise for void since you can't have a member of type 'void'
ReturnVoid< void >
ReturnVoid( T (*functor)() ) : m_functor( functor ) {}
void operator() { functor(); }
T (*m_functor)();
Using this as a wrapper might help you store functors with different return types in the same array.
Ignoring my own horror at the idea of blatantly throwing type safety to the wind, two things spring immediately to mind.
First, what exactly do you think will be pointed to when string2map goes out of scope?
Second is that you don't have to cast to void*. Void* gets special treatment in C++ in that anything can be cast to it.
If you insist on trying to push this, I'd start by changing the return type to void, and then take the void* as an input parameter to your function.
For example:
void string2map(void* args, void* returnedMap);
This way you'd have to instantiate your map in a scope that will actually have a map to point to.
$5.3.1/3 - "The result of the unary & operator is a pointer to its
operand. The operand shall be an lvalue or a qualifiedid."
$5.3.1/2 - "The result of each of the following unary operators is a
So, in effect you are trying to take the address of an rvalue which is not allowed.
Further, C++ does not allow to return an array.
So, you really want to start looking at what you want. Return the map by value instead is one definite option.
The way I am attempting to solve this problem is by creating the functions as taking an array of void pointers and returning an array of void pointers, and then casting the arguments and return values as needed.
That's (really really) bad. Have a look instead at std::function and std::bind - those should cover differences between function signatures and bound arguments in an elegant way.
The reason I am returning a void** instead of just void* is that there might be a circumstance where I need to return multiple values of different types.
Then return an object that contains the values. For generics have a look at std::tuple or boost::any.
Here's some code:
void function1(int, const char); // defined elsewhere
std::tuple<int,int> function2(std::string&); // defined elsewhere
std::map<std::string,std::function<void(void)>> functionmap;
functionmap.insert( std::make_pair("function1", std::bind(&function1, 2, 'c')) );
std::tuple<int,int> result;
functionmap.insert( std::make_pair("function2", [&result] {
result = function2("this is a test"); } );
// call function1
// call function2
functionmap["function2"](); // result will now contain the result
// of calling function2
Is this what you tried to do?
int Foo(int a) { return a; }
typedef int (*FooFunc)(int);
void Bar(){}
typedef std::map<std::string, void*> FunctionMap;
// you should use boost::any or something similar instead of void* here
FunctionMap CreateFunctionMap(const std::string& args)
FunctionMap result;
result["Foo"] = &Foo;
result["Bar"] = &Bar;
return result;
void Call(FunctionMap::const_reference functionInfo)
// #hansmaad The key will give information on the signatures.
// there are a few distinct options, so it will be a conditional
// with a couple of clauses.
if (functionInfo.first == "Foo")
auto f = static_cast<FooFunc>(functionInfo.second);
std::cout << f(42);
else if (functionInfo.first == "Bar")
/* */
int main()
auto functions = CreateFunctionMap("...");
std::for_each(begin(functions), end(functions), Call);
#hansmaad The key will give information on the signatures. there are a few distinct options, so it will be a conditional with a couple of clauses. – ewok 33 mins ago
In that case, the typical solution is like this:
typedef void (*func_ptr)();
std::map<std::string, func_ptr> func_map;
map<string,string> string2map(string arg){
//takes a string of the form "key:value;key:value;..." and returns a map<string,string>
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
return result;
// ...
// Add function to the map
func_map["map<string,string>(string)" = (func_ptr)string2map;
// Call function in the map
std::map<std::string, func_ptr>::iterator it = ...
if (it->first == "map<string,string>(string)")
map<string,string> (*func)(string) = (map<string,string>(*)(string))it->second;
map<string,string> result = func("key1;value1;key2;value2");
For brevity, I have used C-style casts of the function pointers. The correct C++ cast would be reinterpret_cast<>().
The function pointers are converted to a common type on insertion into the map and converted back to their correct type when invoking them.
I have a class Test with a peculiar data structure.
A member of class Test is a std::map where the key is a std::string and the mapped value is a struct defined as follows:
typedef struct {
void (Test::*f) (void) const;
} pmf_t;
Initialization of the map is OK. The problem is when I am trying to call the function pointed. I made up a toy example reproducing the problem. Here it is:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Test;
typedef void (Test::*F) (void) const;
typedef struct {
F f;
} pmf_t;
class Test
Test () {
pmf_t pmf = {
m["key"] = pmf;
void Func (void) const {
cout << "test" << endl;
void CallFunc (void) {
std::map<std::string, pmf_t>::iterator it = m.begin ();
((*it).second.*f) (); // offending line
std::map<std::string, pmf_t> m;
int main ()
Test t;
t.CallFunc ();
return 0;
Thanks in advance,
The name of the pmf_t type is f, so the first change is to remove the * to get second.f. That gives you a pointer-to-member value. To use a pointer-to-member, you need an instance. The only one you have available of the correct type is this, so use it with the ->* operator:
You need parentheses around the whole thing, or else the compiler thinks you're trying to call it->second.f() (which isn't allowed) and then applying the result to ->*.
The offending line is trying to call a member function without any object to call it on. If the intention is to call it for the this object, I believe the call should look like
( this->* ((*it).second.f) )();
Where this->* is the syntax for dereferencing a pointer-to-member for the current object. ((*it).second.f) is the pointer retrieved from the map, and () is the call operator for actually calling the function.
This is perhaps good as an exercise, but otherwise of limited use.
I think you might want to check out the C++ FAQ on this one. The syntax is apparently pretty tricky to get right (they actually recommend using a macro).
It might be too late for this question but, the seemingly complex synatax can be break down to two simple lines so it looks pretty clear:
void CallFunc (void)
pmf_t t = m["key"]; //1>get the data from key
(this->*t.f)(); //2>standard procedure to call pointer to member function
try this:
(this->*((*it).second.f)) ();