Difference between write(*,*) and write(6,*) in Fortran - fortran

I know this may sound like a stupid question: is there any difference between
I am running a complicated code on the supercomputer in my institute which outputs a data file via a unit number different than 6, and apparently the Fortran code compiled with the ONLY difference being the above code gives me a different data file (i.e., data do not match).
I know the (*,*) format goes to standard output, while the (6,*) renders on screen, however I am really confused by why this has any effect on my actual data. Any ideas about how this works would be appreciated!

The unit denoted by * is the "standard output" (not a true Fortran standard term). It is usually pre-connected as unit number 6, but it can be connected to a different one - compiler options control that. You can check this using the constant OUTPUT_UNIT in the module iso_fortran_env
Identifies the preconnected unit identified by the asterisk (*) in WRITE statement.
(from gfortran documentation)
Most often the results can be expected to be the same for both. If it is not your case, you have to show as what the differences look like.
If you use some other unit number and you opened it yourself in your own code, anything can happen. You must check the options you used when opening the file, i.e. the open statement and the compiler options in place.


FFTW in Fortran result contains only zeros

I have been trying to write a simple program to perform an fft on a 1D input array using fftw3. Here I am using a seismogram as an input. The output array is, however, coming out to contain only zeroes.
I know that the input is correct as I have tried doing the fft of the same input file in MATLAB as well, which gives correct results. There is no compilation error. I am using f95 to compile this, however, gfortran was also giving pretty much the same results. Here is the code that I wrote:-
program fft
use functions
implicit none
include 'fftw3.f90'
integer nl,row,col
double precision, allocatable :: data(:,:),time(:),amplitude(:)
double complex, allocatable :: out(:)
integer*8 plan
do row = 1,nl
read(1,*,end=101) data(row,1),data(row,2)
end do
101 close(1)
call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(plan,nl,amplitude,out,FFTW_R2HC,FFTW_PATIENT)
call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan, amplitude, out)
call dfftw_destroy_plan(plan)
do row=1,(nl/2+1)
print *,out(row)
end do
end program fft
The nlines() function is a function which is used to calculate the number of lines in a file, and it works correctly. It is defined in the module called functions.
This program pretty much tries to follow the example at http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Fortran-Examples.html
There might just be a very simple logical error that I am making, but I am seriously unable to figure out what is going wrong here. Any pointers would be very helpful.
This is pretty much how the whole output looks like:-
My doubt is directly regarding fftw, since there is a tag for fftw on SO, so I hope this question is not off topic
As explained in the comments first by #roygvib and #Ross, the plan subroutines overwrite the input arrays because they try the transform many times with different parameters. I will add some practical use considerations.
You claim you do care about performance. Then there are two possibilities:
You do the transform only once as you show in your code. Then there is no point to use FFTW_MEASURE. The planning subroutine is many times slower than actual plan execute subroutine. Use FFTW_ESTIMATE and it will be much faster.
FFTW_MEASURE tells FFTW to find an optimized plan by actually
computing several FFTs and measuring their execution time. Depending
on your machine, this can take some time (often a few seconds).
FFTW_MEASURE is the default planning option.
FFTW_ESTIMATE specifies that, instead of actual measurements of
different algorithms, a simple heuristic is used to pick a (probably
sub-optimal) plan quickly. With this flag, the input/output arrays are
not overwritten during planning.
You do the same transform many times for different data. Then you must do the planning only once before the first transform and than re-use the plan. Just make the plan first and only then you fill the array with the first input data. Making the plan before every transport would make the program extremely slow.

Why on Fortran code, one should use units bigger than 10? [duplicate]

I have a read/write operation going on in the Fortran code snippet as follows
I know that by default the unit number 5 is used for input from the keyboard and unit number 6 is used to display on the screen. Also I can use *.
But in the above-mentioned Fortran code unit number is 5 and a file name "WKDAT.dat" is given. So this means that the data is being read from "WKDAT.dat" file. Also there is code unit number 6 and a file name "WKLST.dat" is given. So this means that the data is being written to "WKLST.dat" file.
Is my understanding correct?
As per my basic knowledge:
Unit number 5 is only used to take input from keyboard & unit number 6 is only used to print to console so no files should be involved. But in the code snippet it has both unit number 5, 6 as well as file name.
So both are contradicting :(
In this link http://www.oc.nps.edu/~bird/oc3030_online/fortran/io/io.html they have mentioned the following "When I/O is to a file you must ASSOCIATE a UNIT number (which you choose) with the FILENAME. Use any unit number other than 5 and 6. On some computers, some unit numbers are reserved for use by the computer operating system."
Fortran has no magic unit numbers. The Fortran standard says nothing about 5, 6 or any other valid unit number being used for a special purpose. As such you are free to use the open statement to associate any valid unit number with a file. However traditionally for reasons that pre-date me 5 and 6 have been pre-associated with the keyboard and screen, as you say. Now still you can change the association by use of the open statement and that is fine save for the confusion it can cause, so most people I know recommend avoiding this and using unit numbers of 10 and upwards. Also because 5 and 6 are not guaranteed to be associated with the default input and output devices I would recommend against their use, preferring * or, in more modern code, the named constants input_unit, output_unit and error_unit from the iso_fortran_env intrinsic module.
So in summary you've got the right idea, and I'm not surprised you're confused.
Nothing in the standard says units 5 and 6 have any special meaning although in practice standard input and standard output are often pre-connected to 5 and 6.
Module iso_fortran_env from Fortran 2008 contains constants
with the unit numbers where standard input, standard output and standard error are connected. These are allowed to be different than 5 and 6.
Opening a file in unit that is in use causes the unit to be associated with the new file.
For example the Cray Fortran manual says:
Unit numbers 100, 101, and 102 are permanently associated with the
standard input, standard output, and standard error files,
That means if you open some other file as unit 5 or 6 standard input and standard output still have some other unit where they are pre-connected and they will not be closed.

Trying to use netlib code (QUADPACK). What is xerror?

I'm trying to figure out how to use quadpack.
In a single folder, I located the contents of "qag.f plus dependencies" and the code blow as qag_test.f:
(maybe this code itself is not very important. This is in fact just a snippet from the quadpack document)
A = 0.0E0
B = 1.0E0
EPSABS = 0.0E0
EPSREL = 1.0E-3
KEY = 6
LIMIT = 100
F = 2.0E0/(2.0E0+SIN(31.41592653589793E0*X))
Using gfortran *.f (installed as MinGW 64bit), I got:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\ccIQwFEt.o:qag.f:(.text+0x1e0): undefined re
ference to `xerror_'
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\cc6XR3D0.o:qage.f:(.text+0x83): undefined re
ference to `r1mach_'
(and a lot more of the same r1mach_ error)
It seems r1mach is a part of BLAS (and I don't know why it's not packaged in here but obtained as "auxiliary"), but what is xerror?
How do I properly compile this snippet in my environment, Win7 64bit (hopefully without Cygwin)?
Your help is very much appreciated.
xerror is an error reporting routine. Looking at the way it is called, it appears to use Hollerith constants (the ones where "foo" is written as 3hfoo).
if(ier.ne.0) call xerror(26habnormal return from qag ,
* 26,ier,lvl)
xerror in turn calls xerrwv, passing along the arguments (plus a few more).
This was definitely written before Fortran 77 became widespread.
Your best bet would be to use a compiler which still supports Hollerith constants, pull in all the dependencies (xeerwv has a few more, I don't know why you didn't get them from netlib) and run it through the compiler of your choice. Most compilers, including gfortran, support Hollerith; just ignore the warnings :-)
You will possibly need to modify one routine, that is xerprt. With gfortran, you could write this one as
subroutine xerprt(c,n)
character(len=1), dimension(n) :: c
write (*,'(500A)') c
end subroutine xerprt
and put this one into a separate file so that the compiler doesn't catch the rank violation (I know, I know...)

fortran77 to fortran90 differences in output

I have downloaded the following fortran program dragon.f at http://www.iamg.org/documents/oldftp/VOL32/v32-10-11.zip
I need to do a minor modification to the program which requires the program to be translated to fortran90 (see below to confirm if this is truly needed).
I have managed to do this (translation only) by three different methods:
replacing comment line indicators (c for !) and line continuation
indicators (* in column 6 for & at the end of last line)
using convert.f90 (see https ://wwwasdoc.web.cern.ch/wwwasdoc/WWW/f90/convert.f90)
using f2f.pl (see https :// bitbucket.org/lemonlab/f2f/downloads)
Both 1) and 3) worked (i.e. managed to compile program) while 2) didn't work straight away.
However, after testing the program I found that the results are different.
With the fortran77 program, I get the "expected" results for the example provided with the program (the program comes with an example data "grdata.txt", and its example output "flm.txt" and "check.txt"). However, after running the translated (fortran90) program the results I get are different.
I suspect there are some issues with the way some variables are declared.
Can you give me recommendations in how to properly translate this program so I get the exact same results?
The reason I need to do it in fortran90 is because I need to input the parameters via a text file instead of modifying the program. This shouldnt be an issue for most of the parameters involved, except for the declaration of the last one, in which the size is determined from parameters that the program does not know a priori (see below):
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
dimension f(0:imax,0:jmax),coe(imax,jmax,4),coew(4),fw(4)
So for example, I will read lmax, imax, jmax, dcta, dfai, thetaa, thetab, phaia, and phaib and the program needs to declare f and coe but as far as I read after googling this issue, they cannot be declared with an unknown size in fortran77.
Edit: This was my attempt to do this modification:
character fname1*100
call getarg(1,fname1)
So the program will read these constants from a file (e.g. params.txt), where the name of the file is supplied as an argument when invoking the program. The problem when I do this is that I do not know how to modify the line
dimension f(0:imax,0:jmax)...
in order to declare this array when the values imax and jmax are not known when compiling the program (they depend on the size of the data that the user will use).
As has been pointed out in the comments above, parameters cannot be read from file since they are set at compile time. Read them in as integer, declare the arrays as allocatable, and then allocate.
integer imax,jmax
real(8), allocatable :: f(:,:),coe(:,:,:)
read(10,*) imax,jmax
I found out that the differences in the results were attributed to using different compilers.
PS I ended up adding a lot more code than I intended at the beginning to allow reading data from netcdf files. This program in particular is really helpful for spherical harmonic expansion. [tag:spherical harmonics]

Fortran 95: inline evaluation of if-conditions

Here a small snippet of code that returns epsilon() for a real value:
program epstest
real :: eps=1.0, d
if (d==1.0) then
end if
end do
write(*,*) eps, epsilon(d)
end program
Now, when I replace the if condition by
if (1.0+eps==1.0) then
the program should have the same in return but it unfortunately does not! I tested it with the latest (snapshot) release of g95 on Linux and Windows.
Can someone explain that issue to me?
Floating point arithmetic has many subtle issues. One form of source code can generate different machine instructions than another seemingly almost identical source code. For example, "d" might get stored to a memory location, while "1.0 + eps" might be evaluated solely with registers ... this can cause different precision.
More generally, why not use the intrinsic functions provided for Fortran 95 that disclose the characteristics of a particular precision of reals?