packagingExcludes and maven property variable - regex

I have a folder structure as shown below under src/main/webapp/
I have a maven property ${sencha.env} that can be either of development | testing or production. I want to exclude the others from the build directory while making WAR. I am trying the below but its not working. Please guide -
Please notice :
%regex[build/(?!${sencha.env})] in packagingExcludes

You are very close; you need to have %regex[build/(?!${sencha.env}/).*]. Notice the .* which means that you are excluding every path below build/(?!${sencha.env}/.


Disable escaping replacement values in build-helper:regex-property

I want to replace a property in Maven based on a regex. For that I am using the regex-property plugin. Property will contain space-separated entries and I need to create a xml "node" from each of them.
"C:\some\entry D:\another\entry"
(processing here ... below is the content of variable after processing)
<fileset dir="C:\some\entry" includes="*.myext" />
<fileset dir="D:\another\entry" includes="*.myext" />
The replaced property then should be later used to copy given artifacts:
<id>copy files</id>
<copy todir="${project.basedir}/somedir">
${processedPaths} <!-- THIS WILL EXPAND TO <fileset ... /> -->
I have something that almost works:
<replacement><fileset dir="$1" includes="*.myext" /></replacement>
But the problem here is that the replacement is escaped somewhere along the way. So the resulting property would contain <fileset dir\="C\:\\some\\entry" includes\="*.myext" />, which is not desired.
This approach does seem hackish, but I could not find any other way that would allow me to copy files from directories specified in a property.
I did not mention an important thing - this project is being created from an archetype. Generating a project from an archetype means one can use Velocity syntax. This simplifies my particular usecase quite a bit. The working exerpt of pom.xml looks like this:
<id>copy files</id>
<copy todir="${project.basedir}/${somedir}">
#foreach( $file in $filesPath.split(",") )
<fileset dir="$file.trim()" includes="*.myext"/>
The #foreach directive will be picked up by Velocity and will print out a <fileset ... line for each comma-separated entry in the $filesPath property.
And in archetype-metadata.xml is declared:
<requiredProperty key="filesPath"/>
Calling mvn archetype:generate ... "-DfilesPath=/some/path/, /other/path" will then generate the correct nodes:
<copy todir="${project.basedir}/${somedir}">
<fileset dir="/some/path" includes="*.myext"/>
<fileset dir="/other/path" includes="*.myext"/>

nar-maven-plugin eclipse API Incompatibility

I'm using eclipse to compile/run my projects. I tried to use maven on c++ projects with nar-maven-plugin to build them. It works well as i launch maven goals in command line.
But when i import my maven project in eclipse, i have the following errors :
Execution default-nar-compile of goal
com.github.maven-nar:nar-maven-plugin:3.2.3:nar-compile failed: An API
incompatibility was encountered while executing
----------------------------------------------------- realm = plugin>com.github.maven-nar:nar-maven-plugin:3.2.3 strategy =
Moreover, eclipse seems to manage my project as a Java project instead of a C project.
Note : i'm using
Eclipse 4.3.1
M2E 1.4.0
CDT 8.3.0
My pom.xml
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
If someone is using nar-maven-plugin with eclipse can help me :). I would really like to use it on eclipse.

Could cxf maven plugin generate classes for a directory of wsdl files?

I use cxf-codgen-plugin in maven to generate classes for web services. Here is a part of my pom.xml
The problem is every time I want to add a new WSDL I had to add a line in the pom.xml like this:
What I want to do is to specify a directory and cxf will generate classes for all the WSDL files in this directory.
Is there a way to do this?
I found the way to do this:

maven-ear-plugin unpack, filter and repack jarModule

a jarModule that is packaged in my ear file contains a persistence.xml file that I need to remove as part of the package phase. The best I can do is with:
<unpack>true</unpack> -->
but I need the jar to be repacked before the packaging the ear.
Any suggestions?
You can use the TrueZIP Maven PLugin to remove files from an archive:
Archives (*.jar, *.war, ...) can be used like directories with TrueZIP. As shown on the usage page you can move or copy files in archives easily.

Unable to exclude folders from war file using regex

I'm attempting to exclude all of the js/backbone directories with the exception of the libs directory from my war file. My pom file entry is as follows:
Unfortunately, no directories are being excluded. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Try to use a negative lookahead (?!..) to exclude the lib directory:
(?!libs/) means not followed by libs/