C++ legacy application trying to find which part is accumulating memory - c++

i have large legacy app that is written in c++ , some part in the application is
accumulating memory in same part or parts in the app . when i triger event in the app
i can't step in debug this part . there are many a sync in process calls and its
very hard to follow the flow of the app.
i need to find where are the containers that keeping the data and not getting free
every time i trigger this event .
what are the recommended tools or methods to help me find the leak ?
i tried to use:
visual leak detector and c++ Memory validator but it is very hard to find where the problem is.

To paraphrase, all well-engineered programs are alike; each ancient thrice-ported piece of legacy code is awful in its own way.
Your major tools in the tool chest, which are broadly independent of your development environment are:
Simplify: strip out or replace with NOPs or mock up with trivial implementations as many parts of the code as you can, while retaining the bad behaviour. This will help to remove confounding details.
Instrument: check your heap state before and after every call; write debugging info from the constructors and destructors of objects, spitting out their locations, to see where the leaked resources are being allocated; etc.
Contracts: implement pre- and post-condition checks on methods, that check for correct resource usage state.
Binary search: use a function which checks an invariant that reflects correct resource usage, and use binary subdivision within the problematic section of code to find where it is being violated.
What works in your case is of course hugely dependent upon the details of the code.


How do C++ developers capture programmatic errors in release builds?

I have a C++ application that crashes with segfault with some unknown customer data. Customer refuses to share his input data. Is it possible to figure out where did error happen?
When Java application crashes on end-user side it usually produces a stack trace that can help developer to figure out where is the error in program and what program invariants where broken.
But what should C++ developer do in this case? Should I recompile application with some compiler option so it provides some diagnostics when error happens?
If you don't have the input data required to recreate the problem (for whatever reason...including difficult customers) and you don't have core/minidumps, there is not much you can do. I've been in many situations such as this. My recourse was to recreate what I thought was the execution path based on interviewing the customer and then just do a meticulous code review to find possibilities of error conditions. I would test every candidate condition and eventually find the problem. This is painful, time consuming, and the main prerequisite is that you are able to read code nearly like you're reading your native language.
Begin Story Time
I worked somewhere that had a crash bug randomly manifest in a multi-tenant system. No amount of logging, core dumps, etc. would help us find it. Finally I reviewed the code (line. by. line. for multiple thousands of lines) and noticed that the developer was constructing a std::string instance from a char* sequence passed to the ctor. It was DEEP down in the parts of the code that hardly ever changed, so correlating the issue to recent changes was just a set of false leads. I asked the developer, "Are all your char arrays null terminated?" Answer: "No." Me: "Well we are then randomly reading memory until it finds a null, and apparently sometimes the heap has a lot of contiguous non-zero memory." Handling the char array bounds differently resulted in fixing the problem.
End Story Time
While you can't find a single way to find all bugs, there is a defensive design you can apply that is quite simple. Most people put it in the code once they get burned by this type of situation. The approach is to add support for different levels of logging verbosity and essentially instrument your code with log outputs that don't execute unless the code is set to use the correct level of verbosity. Turning the verbosity level up until the bug is recreated gives you at least some idea of where it is happening. Often customers will not have a problem sharing redacted log data (assuming there is sensitive data in the logs). Load the logs in Splunk or something similar (if the customer doesn't already aggregate their logs in an analysis tool) and you'll have an easier time reviewing the data.
Unfortunately with C++ you don't get nice stack traces and post-mortem data for free (in general). You have to add these post-mortem troubleshooting capabilities into your design up front. Most of the design gets driven from the expected deployment environment and user personas of your code, so add "difficult customer" as a persona and start coding. :)

Embedded Lua - timing out rogue scripts (e.g. infinite loop) - an example anyone?

I have embedded Lua in a C++ application. I need to be able to kill rogue (i.e. badly written scripts) from hogging resources.
I know I will not be able to cater for EVERY type of condition that causes a script to run indefinitely, so for now, I am only looking at the straightforward Lua side (i.e. scripting side problems).
I also know that this question has been asked (in various guises) here on SO. Probably the reason why it is constantly being re-asked is that as yet, no one has provided a few lines of code to show how the timeout (for the simple cases like the one I described above), may actually be implemented in working code - rather than talking in generalities, about how it may be implemented.
If anyone has actually implemented this type of functionality in a C++ with embedded Lua application, I (as well as many other people - I'm sure), will be very grateful for a little snippet that shows:
How a timeout can be set (in the C++ side) before running a Lua script
How to raise the timeout event/error (C++ /Lua?)
How to handle the error event/exception (C++ side)
Such a snippet (even pseudocode) would be VERY, VERY useful indeed
You need to address this with a combination of techniques. First, you need to establish a suitable sandbox for the untrusted scripts, with an environment that provides only those global variables and functions that are safe and needed. Second, you need to provide for limitations on memory and CPU usage. Third, you need to explicitly refuse to load pre-compiled bytecode from untrusted sources.
The first point is straightforward to address. There is a fair amount of discussion of sandboxing Lua available at the Lua users wiki, on the mailing list, and here at SO. You are almost certainly already doing this part if you are aware that some scripts are more trusted than others.
The second point is question you are asking. I'll come back to that in a moment.
The third point has been discussed at the mailing list, but may not have been made very clearly in other media. It has turned out that there are a number of vulnerabilities in the Lua core that are difficult or impossible to address, but which depend on "incorrect" bytecode to exercise. That is, they cannot be exercised from Lua source code, only from pre-compiled and carefully patched byte code. It is straightforward to write a loader that refuses to load any binary bytecode at all.
With those points out of the way, that leaves the question of a denial of service attack either through CPU consumption, memory consumption, or both. First, the bad news. There are no perfect techniques to prevent this. That said, one of the most reliable approaches is to push the Lua interpreter into a separate process and use your platform's security and quota features to limit the capabilities of that process. In the worst case, the run-away process can be killed, with no harm done to the main application. That technique is used by recent versions of Firefox to contain the side-effects of bugs in plugins, so it isn't necessarily as crazy an idea as it sounds.
One interesting complete example is the Lua Live Demo. This is a web page where you can enter Lua sample code, execute it on the server, and see the results. Since the scripts can be entered anonymously from anywhere, they are clearly untrusted. This web application appears to be as secure as can be asked for. Its source kit is available for download from one of the authors of Lua.
Snippet is not a proper use of terminology for what an implementation of this functionality would entail, and that is why you have not seen one. You could use debug hooks to provide callbacks during execution of Lua code. However, interrupting that process after a timeout is non-trivial and dependent upon your specific architecture.
You could consider using a longjmp to a jump buffer set just prior to the lua_call or lua_pcall after catching a time out in a luaHook. Then close that Lua context and handle the exception. The timeout could be implemented numerous ways and you likely already have something in mind that is used elsewhere in your project.
The best way to accomplish this task is to run the interpreter in a separate process. Then use the provided operating system facilities to control the child process. Please refer to RBerteig's excellent answer for more information on that approach.
A very naive and simple, but all-lua, method of doing it, is
-- Limit may be in the millions range depending on your needs
pcall (function() debug.sethook(
function() error ("Timeout!") end,"", limit)
I expect you can achieve the same through the C API.
However, there's a good number of problems with this method. Set the limit too low, and it can't do its job. Too high, and it's not really effective. (Can the chunk get run repeatedly?) Allow the code to call a function that blocks for a significant amount of time, and the above is meaningless. Allow it to do any kind of pcall, and it can trap the error on its own. And whatever other problems I haven't thought of yet. Here I'm also plain ignoring the warnings against using the debug library for anything (besides debugging).
Thus, if you want it reliable, you should probably go with RB's solution.
I expect it will work quite well against accidental infinite loops, the kind that beginning lua programmers are so fond of :P
For memory overuse, you could do the same with a function checking for increases in collectgarbage("count") at far smaller intervals; you'd have to merge them to get both.

Any standard techniques, mechanisms,tools for generating exceptions for use with test code to thoroughly test C++?

With Symbian's version of C++ it is possible to precisely control simulation of low memory conditions and thus deterministically generate a leave (a leave is Symbian C++'s equivalent to a throw) for all possible combinations of execution paths through your code based on allocation failure.
This is incredibly useful for testing purposes, as the vast majority of leaves/exceptions within Symbian (i.e. on a constrained device) are as a consequence of low memory, it effectively means you can thoroughly test your code for exception safety. This invariably reveals many, many defects, including many not related to exception handling.
For those of you who have a copy of Exceptional C++ to hand, refer to item 18 - imagine being able to generate conditions quite easily to test all 23 paths of execution through that code and the consequent benefit that has.
So my question is, are there any mechanisms or techniques or tools that will enable you within test code to generate exceptions to thoroughly test the exception handling of code?
Suppose you had to white box test the code in item 18 of Exceptional C++ (and please lets not get into discussions saying the code should be re-written, suppose it can't be) how could you test it to ensure all 23 paths of execution are being executed within test code?
This question is not about Symbian, I use use it to provide some context to illustrate from experience the incredible benefit of being able to deterministically control the generation of exceptions for testing purposes, and thus wondering how to achieve the same in standard C++.
You can replace global operator new, so any allocation that goes through that now goes through your code. Then in that code, do whatever it is you want to control when allocation fails and an exception is thrown. The only strategy I've actually used is a simple counter in the allocator. First run the code such that the first allocation it makes will fail, then re-run with the second allocation failing, etc until the code under test completes without the counter reaching the value that would trigger the manufactured failure. At each step, check for memory leaks and do any other tests you have for the consistency of structures.

Tool for model checking large, distributed C++ projects such as KDE?

Is there a tool which can handle model checking large, real-world, mostly-C++, distributed systems, such as KDE?
(KDE is a distributed system in the sense that it uses IPC, although typically all of the processes are on the same machine. Yes, by the way, this is a valid usage of "distributed system" - check Wikipedia.)
The tool would need to be able to deal with intraprocess events and inter-process messages.
(Let's assume that if the tool supports C++, but doesn't support other stuff that KDE uses such as moc, we can hack something together to workaround that.)
I will happily accept less general (e.g. static analysers specialised for finding specific classes of bugs) or more general static analysis alternatives, in lieu of actual model checkers. But I am only interested in tools that can actually handle projects of the size and complexity of KDE.
You're obviously looking for a static analysis tool that can
parse C++ on scale
locate code fragments of interest
extract a model
pass that model to a model checker
report that result to you
A significant problem is that everybody has a different idea about what model they'd like to check.
That alone likely kills your chance of finding exactly what you want, because each model extraction tool
has generally made a choice as to what it wants to capture as a model, and the chances that it matches
what you want precisely are IMHO close to zero.
You aren't clear on what specifically you want to model, but I presume you want to find the communication
primitives and model the process interactions to check for something like deadlock?
The commercial static analysis tool vendors seem like a logical place to look, but I don't think they are there, yet. Coverity would seem like the best bet, but it appears they only have some kind of dynamic analysis for Java threading issues.
This paper claims to do this, but I have not looked at in any detail: Compositional analysis of C/C++ programs
with VeriSoft. Related is [PDF] Computer-Assisted Assume/Guarantee Reasoning with VeriSoft. It appears you have to hand-annotate
the source code to indicate the modelling elements of interest. The Verifysoft tool itself appears to be proprietary to Bell Labs and is likely hard to obtain.
Similarly this one: Distributed Verification of Multi-threaded C++ Programs .
This paper also makes interesting claims, but doesn't process C++ in spite of the title:
Runtime Model Checking of Multithreaded C/C++ Programs.
While all the parts of this are difficult, an issue they all share is parsing C++ (as exemplified by
the previously quoted paper) and finding the code patterns that provide the raw information for the model.
You also need to parse the specific dialect of C++ you are using; its not nice that the C++ compilers all accept different languages. And, as you have observed, processing large C++ codes is necessary. Model checkers (SPIN and friends) are relatively easy to find.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit provides for general purpose parsing, with customizable pattern matching and fact extraction, and has a robust C++ Front End that handles many dialects of C++ (EDIT Feb 2019: including C++17 in Ansi, GCC and MS flavors). It could likely be configured to find and extract the facts that correspond to the model you care about. But it doesn't do this this off the shelf.
DMS with its C front end have been used to process extremely large C applications (19,000 compilation units!). The C++ front end has been used in anger on a variety of large-scale C++ projects (EDIT Feb 2019: including large scale refactoring of APIs across 3000+ compilation units). Given DMS's general capability, I think it likely capable of handling fairly big chunks of code. YMMV.
Static code analyzers when used against large code base first time usually produce so many warnings and alerts that you won't be able to analyze all of them in reasonable amount of time. It is hard to single out real problems from code that just look suspicious to a tool.
You can try to use automatic invariant discovery tools like "Daikon" that capture perceived invariants at run time. You can validate later if discovered invariants (equivalence of variables "a == b+1" for example) make sense and then insert permanent asserts into your code. This way when invariant is violated as result of your change you will get a warning that perhaps you broke something by your change. This method helps to avoid restructuring or changing your code to add tests and mocks.
The usual way of applying formal techniques to large systems is to modularise them and write specifications for the interfaces of each module. Then you can verify each module independently (while verifying a module, you import the specifications - but not the code - of the other modules it calls). This approach makes verification scalable.

Self Testing Systems

I had an idea I was mulling over with some colleagues. None of us knew whether or not it exists currently.
The Basic Premise is to have a system that has 100% uptime but can become more efficient dynamically.
Here is the scenario: * So we hash out a system quickly to a
specified set of interfaces, it has
zero optimizations, yet we are
confident that it is 100% stable
though (dubious, but for the sake of
this scenario please play
along) * We then profile
the original classes, and start to
program replacements for the
* The original and the replacement are initiated simultaneously and
* An original is allowed to run to completion: if a replacement hasnĀ“t
completed it is vetoed by the system
as a replacement for the
* A replacement must always return the same value as the original, for a
specified number of times, and for a
specific range of values, before it is
adopted as a replacement for the
* If exception occurs after a replacement is adopted, the system
automatically tries the same operation
with a class which was superseded by
Have you seen a similar concept in practise? Critique Please ...
Below are comments written after the initial question in regards to
* The system demonstrates a Darwinian approach to system evolution.
* The original and replacement would run in parallel not in series.
* Race-conditions are an inherent issue to multi-threaded apps and I
acknowledge them.
I believe this idea to be an interesting theoretical debate, but not very practical for the following reasons:
To make sure the new version of the code works well, you need to have superb automatic tests, which is a goal that is very hard to achieve and one that many companies fail to develop. You can only go on with implementing the system after such automatic tests are in place.
The whole point of this system is performance tuning, that is - a specific version of the code is replaced by a version that supersedes it in performance. For most applications today, performance is of minor importance. Meaning, the overall performance of most applications is adequate - just think about it, you probably rarely find yourself complaining that "this application is excruciatingly slow", instead you usually find yourself complaining on the lack of specific feature, stability issues, UI issues etc. Even when you do complain about slowness, it's usually an overall slowness of your system and not just a specific applications (there are exceptions, of course).
For applications or modules where performance is a big issue, the way to improve them is usually to identify the bottlenecks, write a new version and test is independently of the system first, using some kind of benchmarking. Benchmarking the new version of the entire application might also be necessary of course, but in general I think this process would only take place a very small number of times (following the 20%-80% rule). Doing this process "manually" in these cases is probably easier and more cost-effective than the described system.
What happens when you add features, fix non-performance related bugs etc.? You don't get any benefit from the system.
Running the two versions in conjunction to compare their performance has far more problems than you might think - not only you might have race conditions, but if the input is not an appropriate benchmark, you might get the wrong result (e.g. if you get loads of small data packets and that is in 90% of the time the input is large data packets). Furthermore, it might just be impossible (for example, if the actual code changes the data, you can't run them in conjunction).
The only "environment" where this sounds useful and actually "a must" is a "genetic" system that generates new versions of the code by itself, but that's a whole different story and not really widely applicable...
A system that runs performance benchmarks while operating is going to be slower than one that doesn't. If the goal is to optimise speed, why wouldn't you benchmark independently and import the fastest routines once they are proven to be faster?
And your idea of starting routines simultaneously could introduce race conditions.
Also, if a goal is to ensure 100% uptime you would not want to introduce untested routines since they might generate uncatchable exceptions.
Perhaps your ideas have merit as a harness for benchmarking rather than an operational system?
Have I seen a similar concept in practice? No. But I'll propose an approach anyway.
It seems like most of your objectives would be meet by some sort of super source control system, which could be implemented with CruiseControl.
CruiseControl can run unit tests to ensure correctness of the new version.
You'd have to write a CruiseControl builder pluggin that would execute the new version of your system against a series of existing benchmarks to ensure that the new version is an improvement.
If the CruiseControl build loop passes, then the new version would be accepted. Such a process would take considerable effort to implement, but I think it feasible. The unit tests and benchmark builder would have to be pretty slick.
I think an Inversion of Control Container like OSGi or Spring could do most of what you are talking about. (dynamic loading by name)
You could build on top of their stuff. Then implement your code to
divide work units into discrete modules / classes (strategy pattern)
identify each module by unique name and associate a capability with it
when a module is requested it is requested by capability and at random one of the modules with that capability is used.
keep performance stats (get system tick before and after execution and store the result)
if an exception occurs mark that module as do not use and log the exception.
If the modules do their work by message passing you can store the message until the operation completes successfully and redo with another module if an exception occurs.
For design ideas for high availability systems, check out Erlang.
I don't think code will learn to be better, by itself. However, some runtime parameters can easily adjust onto optimal values, but that would be just regular programming, right?
About the on-the-fly change, I've shared the wondering and would be building it on top of Lua, or similar dynamic language. One could have parts that are loaded, and if they are replaced, reloaded into use. No rocket science in that, either. If the "old code" is still running, it's perfectly all right, since unlike with DLL's, the file is needed only when reading it in, not while executing code that came from there.
Usefulness? Naa...