OCMock and AVCaptureDeviceInput - unit-testing

I'm in the process of updating our test suite from OCMock 2 to OCMock 3 and am running into a few issues.
One of the issue is that we're trying to mock AVCaptureDeviceInput.
For one of the test we want to return a mocked instance AVCaptureDeviceInput when a class method is called on AVCaptureDeviceInput.
in our setup method:
self.mockAVCaptureDeviceInputClass = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[AVCaptureDeviceInput class]];
in our test:
id deviceInput = [OCMockObject mockForClass: [AVCaptureDeviceInput class]];
[[[[self.mockAVCaptureDeviceInputClass stub] classMethod] andReturn:deviceInput]
deviceInputWithDevice:mockDevice error:((NSError __autoreleasing **)[OCMArg setTo:nil])];
The issue seems to be that deviceInput overwrites the self.mockAVCaptureDeviceInputClass so that when the classMethod is stubbed, it does not do anything.
An alternative I tried to work around this was to create a mock for an instance of AVCaptureDeviceInput, but that just hangs:
[OCMockObject partialMockForObject: [AVCaptureDeviceInput new]];
with the following stack trace:
0x000000010938a219 in _object_set_associative_reference ()
0x0000000108aed5c3 in OCMSetAssociatedMockForClass at /Users/otusweb/Desktop/dfsa/Pods/OCMock/Source/OCMock/OCMFunctions.m:226
0x00000001144ecce2 in -[OCClassMockObject prepareClassForClassMethodMocking] at /Users/otusweb/Desktop/dfsa/Pods/OCMock/Source/OCMock/OCClassMockObject.m:89
0x00000001144ec934 in -[OCClassMockObject initWithClass:] at /Users/otusweb/Desktop/dfsa/Pods/OCMock/Source/OCMock/OCClassMockObject.m:31
0x00000001144f47f6 in -[OCPartialMockObject initWithObject:] at /Users/otusweb/Desktop/dfsa/Pods/OCMock/Source/OCMock/OCPartialMockObject.m:33
0x00000001144f1cdd in +[OCMockObject partialMockForObject:] at /Users/otusweb/Desktop/dfsa/Pods/OCMock/Source/OCMock/OCMockObject.m:58
0x00000001144e9abe in -[dfsaTests testExample] at /Users/otusweb/Desktop/dfsa/dfsaTests/dfsaTests.m:33

You are running into a common issue: only one mock object can mock class methods for a given class. This is is documented in the limitations section (http://ocmock.org/reference/#limitations). Currently the last mock created "wins".
What happens in your case is that you set up the first mock in your setup method (self.mockAVCaptureDeviceInputClass) but then you create a second mock for the same class in your test (deviceInput). At this point only the latter one can stub class methods on AVCaptureDeviceInput.
This problem is getting so common that I have decided to add a warning to OCMock. I'm thinking about the mock object printing a warning in cases where it has active stubs when it gets deactivated for class method stubbing. FWIW, there is some investigation under way to see whether it's possible to have more than one mock object mock class methods on the same class (https://github.com/erikdoe/ocmock/issues/173), but that's not trivial.


How to mock constructor with mockito?

I am struggling to create a unit test that successfully mocks this line:
WarehouseId warehouseId = new WarehouseId(currentState.getBuilding().getCode());
The issue is that an object is being created in the parameter. Any iteration of attempting to mock the constructor is met with a null pointer exception. The object in my test case is not being initialized. I know this because I am able to mock the function call successfully:
I have read PowerMockito and MockConstruction are two options, however I am unable to add powerMockito, and we are using an earlier version of Mockito. Are there any other ways of doing this?

Mocks vs Stubs in PHPUnit

I know stubs verify state and the mocks verify behavior.
How can I make a mock in PHPUnit to verify the behavior of the methods? PHPUnit does not have verification methods (verify()), And I do not know how to make a mock in PHPUnit.
In the documentation, to create a stub is well explained:
// Create a stub for the SomeClass class.
$stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class);
// Configure the stub.
// Calling $stub->doSomething() will now return 'foo'.
$this->assertEquals('foo', $stub->doSomething());
But in this case, I am verifying status, saying that return an answer.
How would be the example to create a mock and verify behavior?
PHPUnit used to support two ways of creating test doubles out of the box. Next to the legacy PHPUnit mocking framework we could choose prophecy as well.
Prophecy support was removed in PHPUnit 9, but it can be added back by installing phpspec/prophecy-phpunit.
PHPUnit Mocking Framework
The createMock method is used to create three mostly known test doubles. It's how you configure the object makes it a dummy, a stub, or a mock.
You can also create test stubs with the mock builder (getMockBuilder returns the mock builder). It's just another way of doing the same thing that lets you to tweak some additional mock options with a fluent interface (see the documentation for more).
Dummy is passed around, but never actually called, or if it's called it responds with a default answer (mostly null). It mainly exists to satisfy a list of arguments.
$dummy = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class);
// SUT - System Under Test
Stubs are used with query like methods - methods that return things, but it's not important if they're actually called.
$stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class);
Mocks are used with command like methods - it's important that they're called, and we don't care much about their return value (command methods don't usually return any value).
$mock = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class);
Expectations will be verified automatically after your test method finished executing. In the example above, the test will fail if the method doSomething wasn't called on SomeClass, or it was called with arguments different to the ones you configured.
Not supported.
Prophecy is now supported by PHPUnit out of the box, so you can use it as an alternative to the legacy mocking framework. Again, it's the way you configure the object makes it becomes a specific type of a test double.
$dummy = $this->prophesize(SomeClass::class);
$stub = $this->prophesize(SomeClass::class);
$mock = $this->prophesize(SomeClass::class);
$spy = $this->prophesize(SomeClass::class);
// execute the action on system under test
// verify expectations after
First, look at dummies. A dummy object is both what I look like if you ask me to remember where I left the car keys... and also the object you get if you add an argument with a type-hint in phpspec to get a test double... then do absolutely nothing with it. So if we get a test double and add no behavior and make no assertions on its methods, it's called a "dummy object".
Oh, and inside of their documentation, you'll see things like $prophecy->reveal(). That's a detail that we don't need to worry about because phpspec takes care of that for us. Score!
As soon as you start controlling even one return value of even one method... boom! This object is suddenly known as a stub. From the docs: "a stub is an object double" - all of these things are known as test doubles, or object doubles - that when put in a specific environment, behaves in a specific way. That's a fancy way of saying: as soon as we add one of these willReturn() things, it becomes a stub.
And actually, most of the documentation is spent talking about stubs and the different ways to control exactly how it behaves, including the Argument wildcarding that we saw earlier.
If you keep reading down, the next thing you'll find are "mocks". An object becomes a mock when you call shouldBeCalled(). So, if you want to add an assertion that a method is called a certain number of times and you want to put that assertion before the actual code - using shouldBeCalledTimes() or shouldBeCalled() - congratulations! Your object is now known as a mock.
And finally, at the bottom, we have spies. A spy is the exact same thing as a mock, except it's when you add the expectation after the code - like with shouldHaveBeenCalledTimes().

How to unit test Service Fabric Actor with State

I've started writing unit tests for new actor with state. The state is initialised in the OnActivateAsync method which is called by Service Fabric when the Actor is activated.
When unit testing, I'm creating the Actor myself and as the method is protected I don't have access from my unit test to call this method myself.
I'm wondering on the usual approach for this kind of testing. I could mock the Actor and mock the state, but for the code I want to test call the original. Am wondering if there is another approach I've not come across.
Another approach would be to move the State initialisation to somewhere else like a public method or in the constructor but the template for an Actor has the code there so it may be a best practice.
Use the latest version of ServiceFabric.Mocks NuGet package. It contains special extension to invoke OnActivateAsync protected method and the whole tool set for ServiceFabric unit testing.
var svc = MockActorServiceFactory.CreateActorServiceForActor<MyActor>();
var actor = svc.Activate(new ActorId(Guid.NewGuid()));
I like to use the InternalsVisibleTo attribute and an internal method on the actor, which calls the OnActivateAsync method.
In the target Actor project, AssemblyInfo.cs add a line like this:
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyActor.Test")]
Where "MyActor.Test" is the name of the test project you want to grant access to your internal members.
In the target Actor class add a method something like this:
internal Task InvokeOnActivateAsync()
return OnActivateAsync();
This way you can invoke the OnActivateAsync method from your test project something like this:
var actor = CreateNewActor(id);
I appreciate this is not ideal, but you can use reflection to call the OnActivateAsync() method.
For example,
var method = typeof(ActorBase).GetMethod("OnActivateAsync", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
await (Task)method.Invoke(actor, null);
This way you'll be testing the actual method you want to test and also won't be exposing methods you don't really want to expose.
You may find it useful to group the creation of the actor and the manual call to OnActivateAsync() in a single method so that it's used across your test suite and it mimics the original Service Fabric behaviour.

PHPUnit: mock non-existing classes

Is it possible to create a mock of non-existing class in PHPUnit?
Let's assume I have some class that creates instance of another class, for example:
class TaskRunner
public function runTasks()
// Run through some loop to get tasks and store each in $taskName
// Get task instance by given task name
$task = $this->getTaskInstance($taskName);
if ($task instanceof AbstractTask) {
protected function getTaskInstance($taskName)
// Just an example
return new $taskName();
I would like to run unit test for runTasks method to check if created task instace extends some abstract class.
Is there any possibility to NOT to create sample class in a filesystem to check the inheritance constraint?
Thanks for all!
Yes, it is possible to stub/mock classes that do not exist with PHPUnit. Simply do
to create an object of non-existant class NameOfClass that provides one method, foo(), that can be configured using the API as usual.
Since PHPUnit 9, you shall replace :
'NameOfClass' by \stdClass::class
setMethods by addMethods
The accepted answer is perfect, except that since PHPUnit 9 there is an issue, if you need to mock a class that is required to be of a certain instance. In that case \stdclass::class cannot be used.
And using
will result in Class UnexistentClass does not exist, because addMethod checks the given methods against the given class methods.
In case anybody else is having the same issue, luckly setMethods still works, so this still works in PHPUnit 9
Note though that setMethods will be removed in PHPUnit 10
Hopefully at that time there will be a fix for this issue. Like for example checking if allowMockingUnknownTypes is set to true. If that check is implemented this will then work too:

Unit testing code that uses a Singleton

I have code that uses a Singleton (this happens to be for a website, so the Singleton has the scope of just that one Request; each Request will have their own singleton).
My code (which happens to be in an HttpModule) does the following:
1 - Checks if the Singleton object is null and, if so, initializes it.
2 - Updates a property on this singleton object along the lines of:
SingletonHolder.Current.X = Y;
SingletonHolder.Current.X = Z;
I then want to have some unit tests around this method to check that logic is correct. Let's say for argument's sake that we want the following 4 tests:
These tests all work perfectly when run one-at-a-time, but when run in VS2013 with the NUnit test runner then we get some failures because each test is run in parallel and the method under test is updating the same singleton object's property with different values.
Any advice on a pattern that would solve this?
You probably just need to provide a method within your test fixture decorated with the SetUpAttribute method to perform initial setup before each test method is run and another method decorated with the TearDownAttribute that runs after each test method. The documentation for the nUnit SetUpAttribute is found here.
This will allow you to (in your SetUp method) initialize your Singleton object, and then (in your TearDown method) to set your Singleton object to null so that SetUp can re-instantiate/initialize the object for the next test.