Why does the preprocessor distinguish between number and character tokens? - c++

According to the language specification, the lexical elements are defined like this:
each non-white-space character that cannot be one of the above
Why is there a distinction between a number and a character on the preprocessing token level, whereas on the token level, there are only constants? I don't see the benefit in this distinction.

The names of the non-terminals in the C grammars are not normative; they simply exist for purpose of description. It is only important that the behaviour be correctly described. The grammar itself is not sufficient to describe the language; it needs to be read along with the text, which imposes further restrictions on well-formed programs.
There is not a one-to-one relationship between preprocessor tokens and program tokens. There is overlap: a preprocessor identifier might be a keywords or it might be one of the various definable symbol types (including some constants and typedef-names). A pp-number might be an integer or floating constant, but it might also be invalid. The lexical productions are not all mutually exclusive, and the actual application of lexical category to a substring of the program requires procedures described in the standard text, and not in the formal grammar.
Character constants pass directly from the preprocessor into the program syntax without modification (although they are then subsumed into the constant category). If there is a single comment about preprocessor numbers (such as the fact that they must be convertible into a real numeric constant literal if they survive the preprocessor) is a sufficient reason to have the category.
Also, what would it add to include character-constant in the definition of pp-number? You still need both productions in order to describe the language.


Rules & Actions for Parser Generator, and

I am trying to wrap my head around an assignment question, therefore I would very highly appreciate any help in the right direction (and not necessarily a complete answer). I am being asked to write the grammar specification for this parser. The specification for the grammar that I must implement can be found here:
Although the documentation is there, I do not understand a few things, such as how to write (in my .y file) things such as
{ identifier },+
I understand that this would mean a comma-separated list of 1 (or more) occurrences of an identifier, however when I write it as such, the compiler displays an error of unrecognized symbols '+' and ',', being mistaken as whitespace. I tried '{' identifier "},+", but I haven't the slightest clue whether that is correct or not.
I have written the lexical analyzer portion (as it was from the previous segment of the assignment) which returns tokens (T_ID, T_PLUS, etc.) accordingly, however there is this new notion that I must assign 'yylval' to be the value of the token itself. To my understanding, this is only necessary if I am in need of the actual value of the token, therefore I would need the value of an identifier token T_ID, but not necessarily the value of T_PLUS, being '+'. This is done by creating a %union in the parser generator file, which I have done, and have provided the tokens that I currently believe would require the literal token value with the proper yylval assignment.
Here is my lexical analysis code (I could not get it to format properly, I apologize): https://pastebin.com/XMZwvWCK
Here is my parser file decafast.y: https://pastebin.com/2jvaBFQh
And here is the final piece of code supplied to me, the C++ code to build an abstract syntax tree at the end:
To finalize my question, I do not know if I am creating my grammar rules correctly. I have tried my best to follow the specification in the above website, but I can't help but feel that what I am writing is completely wrong. My compiler is spitting out nothing but "warning: rule useless in grammar" for almost every (if not every) rule.
If anyone could help me out and point me in the right direction on how to make any progress, I would highly, highly appreciate it.
The decaf specification is written in (an) Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF), which includes a number of convenience operators for repetition, optionality and grouping. These are not part of the bison/yacc syntax, which is pretty well limited to BNF. (Bison/yacc do allow the alternation operator |, but since there is no way to group subpatterns, alteration can only be used at the top-level, to combine two productions for the same non-terminal.)
The short section at the beginning of the specification which describes EBNF includes a grammar for the particular variety of EBNF that is being used. (Since this grammar is itself recursively written in the same EBNF, there is a need to apply a bit of inductive reasoning.) When it says, for example,
CommaList = "{" Expression "}+," .
it is not saying that "}+," is the peculiar spelling of a comma-repetition operator. What it is saying is that when you see something in the Decaf grammar surrounded by { and }+,, that should be interpreted as describing a comma-separated list.
For example, the Decaf grammar includes:
FieldDecl = var { identifier }+, Type ";" .
That means that a FieldDecl can be (amongst other possibilities) the token var followed by a comma-separated list of identifier tokens and then followed by a Type and finally a semicolon.
As I said, bison/yacc don't implement the EBNF operators, so you have to find an equivalent yourself. Since BNF doesn't allow any form of grouping -- and a list is a grouped subexpression -- we need to rewrite the subexpression of a production as a new non-terminal. Also, I suppose we need to use the tokens defined in spec (although bison allows a more readable syntax).
So to yacc-ify this EBNF production, we first introducing the new non-terminal and replace the token names:
FieldDecl: T_VAR IdentifierList Type T_SEMICOLON
Which leaves the definition of IdentifierList. Repetition in BNF is always produced with recursion, following a very simple model which uses two productions:
the base, which is the simplest possible repetition (usually either nothing or a single list item), and
the recursion, which describes a longer possibility by extending a shorter one.
In this case, the list must have at least one item, and we extend by adding a comma and another item:
: T_ID /* base case */
| IdentifierList T_COMMA T_ID /* Recursive extension */
The point of this exercise is to develop your skills in thinking grammatically: that is, factoring out the syntax and semantics of the language. So you should try to understand the grammars presented, both for Decaf and for the author's version of EBNF, and avoid blindly copying code (including grammars). Good luck!

Is it correct to say that there is no implied ordering in the presentation of grammar options in the C++ Standard?

I'll try to explain my question with an example. Consider the following grammar production in the C++ standard:
Once the parser identifies a literal as an integer-literal, I always thought that the parser would just stop there. But I was told that this is not true. The parser will continue parsing to verify whether the literal could also be matched with a user-defined-literal, for example.
Is this correct?
I decided to include this edit as my interpretation of the Standard, in response to #rici's excellent answer below, although with a result that is the opposite of the one advocated by the OP.
One can read the following in [stmt.ambig]/1 and /3 (emphases are mine):
There is an ambiguity in the grammar involving
expression-statements and declarations: An expression-statement with a
function-style explicit type conversion as its leftmost subexpression
can be indistinguishable from a declaration where the first declarator
starts with a (. In those cases the statement is a declaration.
That is, this paragraph states how ambiguities in the grammar should be treated. There are several other ambiguities mentioned in the C++ Standard, but only three that I know are ambiguities related to the grammar, [stmt.ambig], [dcl.ambig.res]/1, a direct consequence of [stmt.ambig] and [expr.unary.op]/10, which explicitly states the term ambiguity in the grammar.
The disambiguation is purely syntactic; that is, the meaning of the
names occurring in such a statement, beyond whether they are
type-names or not, is not generally used in or changed by the
disambiguation. Class templates are instantiated as necessary to
determine if a qualified name is a type-name. Disambiguation
precedes parsing, and a statement disambiguated as a declaration may
be an ill-formed declaration. If, during parsing, a name in a template
parameter is bound differently than it would be bound during a trial
parse, the program is ill-formed. No diagnostic is required. [ Note:
This can occur only when the name is declared earlier in the
declaration. — end note ]
Well, if disambiguation precedes parsing there is nothing that could prevent a decent compiler to optimize parsing by just considering that the alternatives present in each definition of the grammar are indeed ordered. With that in mind, the first sentence in [lex.ext]/1 below could be eliminated.
If a token matches both user-defined-literal and another literal kind,
it is treated as the latter. [ Example: 123_­km is a
user-defined-literal, but 12LL is an integer-literal. — end example ]
The syntactic non-terminal preceding the ud-suffix in a
user-defined-literal is taken to be the longest sequence of characters
that could match that non-terminal.
Note also that this paragraph doesn't mention ambiguity in the grammar, which for me at least, is an indication that the ambiguity doesn't exist.
There is no implicit ordering of productions in the C++ presentation grammar.
There are ambiguities in that grammar, which are dealt with on a case-by-case basis by text in the standard. Note that the text of the the standard is normative; the grammar does not stand alone, and it does not override the text. The two need to be read together.
The standard itself points out that the grammar as resumed in Appendix A:
… is not an exact statement of the language. In particular, the grammar described here accepts a superset of valid C++ constructs. Disambiguation rules (8.9, 9.2, 11.8) must be applied to distinguish expressions from declarations. Further, access control, ambiguity, and type rules must be used to weed out syntactically valid but meaningless constructs. (Appendix A, paragraph 1)
That's not a complete list of the ambiguities resolved in the text of the standard, because there are also rules about lexical ambiguities. (See below.)
Almost all of these ambiguity resolution clauses are of the form "if both P and Q applies, choose Q", and thus would be unnecessary were there an implicit ordering of grammar alternatives, since the correct parse could be guaranteed simply by putting the alternatives in the correct order. So the fact that the standard feels the need to dedicate a number of clauses to ambiguity resolution is prima facie evidence that alternatives are not implicitly ordered. [Note 1]
The C++ standard does not explicitly name the grammar formalism being used, but it does credit the antecedents which allows us to construct a historical argument. The formalism used by the C++ standard was inherited from the C standard and the description in Kernighan & Ritchie's original book on the (then newly-minted) C language. K&R wrote their grammar using the Yacc parser generator, and the original C grammar is basically a Yacc grammar file. Yacc uses the LALR(1) algorithm to construct a parser from a context-free grammar (CFG), and its grammar files are a concrete representation of that grammar written in what has come to be known as BNF (although there is some historical ambiguity about what the letters in BNF actually stand for). BNF does not have any implicit ordering of rules, and the formalism does not allow any way to write an explicit ordering or any other disambiguation rule. (A BNF grammar must be unambiguous in order to be mechanically parsed; if it is ambiguous, the LALR(1) algorithm will fail to generate a parser.)
Yacc does go a bit outside of the box. It has some automatic disambiguation rules, and one mechanism to provide explicit disambiguation (operator precedence). But Yacc's disambiguation has nothing to do with the ordering of alternatives either.
In short, ordered alternatives were not really a feature of any grammar formalism until 2002 when Bryan Ford proposed packrat parsing, and subsequently formalised a class of grammars which he called "Parsing Expression Grammars" (PEGs). The PEG algorithm does implicitly order alternatives, by insisting that the right-hand alternative in an alternation only be attempted if the left-hand alternative failed to match. For this reason, the PEG alternation operator (or "ordered alternation" operator) is generally written as / instead of |, avoiding confusion with the traditional unordered alternation syntax.
A key feature of the PEG algorithm is that it is always deterministic. Every PEG grammar can be deterministically applied to a source text without ambiguity. (That doesn't mean that the grammar will give you the parse you wanted, of course. It just means that it will never give you a list of parses and let you select the one you want.) So grammars written in PEG cannot be accompanied by textual rules which disambiguate, because there are no ambiguities.
I mention this because the existence and popularity of PEG have to some extent altered the perception of the meaning of the alternation operator. Before PEG, we probably wouldn't be having this kind of discussion at all. But using PEG as a guide to interpreting the C++ grammar formalism is ahistoric and unjustifiable; the roots of the C++ grammar go back to at least 1978, at least a quarter of a century before PEG.
Lexical ambiguities, and the clauses which resolve them
[lex.pptoken] (§5.4) paragraph 3 lays down the fundamental rules for token recognition, which is a little more complicated than the traditional "maximal munch" principle which always recognises the longest possible token starting immediately after the previously recognised token. It includes two exceptions:
The sequence <:: is treated as starting with the token < rather than the longer token <: unless it is the start of <::> (treated as <:, :>) or <::: (treated as <:, ::). That might all make more sense if you mentally replace <: with [ and :> with ], which is the intended syntactic equivalence.
A raw string literal is terminated by the first matching delimiter sequence. This rule could in theory be written in a context-free grammar only because there is an explicit limit on the length of termination sequences, which means that the theoretical CFG would have on the order of 8816 rules, one for each possible delimiter sequence. In practice, this rule cannot be written as such, and it is described textually, along with the 16-character limit on the length of the d-char-sequence.
[lex-header] (§5.8) avoids the ambiguity between header-names and string-literals (as well as certain token sequences starting with <) by requiring header-name to only be recognised in certain contexts, including an #include preprocessing directive. (The section does not actually say that the string-literal should not be recognised, but I think that the implication is clear.)
[lex.ext] (§5.13.8) paragraph 1 resolves the ambiguities involved with user-defined-literals, by requiring that:
the user-defined-literal rule is only recognised if the token cannot be recognised as some other kind of literal, and
the decomposition of the user-defined-literal into a literal followed by a ud-suffix follows the longest-token rule, described above.
Note that this rule is not really a tokenisation rule, because it is applied after the source text has been divided into tokens. Tokenisation is done in translation phase 3, after which the tokens are passed through the preprocessing directives (phase 4), rewriting of escape sequences and UCNs (phase 5), and concatenation of string literals (phase 6). Each token which emerges from phase 6 must then be reinterpreted as a token in the syntactic grammar, and it is at that point that literal tokens will be classified. So it's not necessary that §5.13.8 clarify what the extent of the token being categorised is; the extent is already known and the converted token must use exactly all of the characters in the preprocessing token. Thus it's quite different from the other ambiguities in this list, but I left it here because it is so present in the original question and in the various comment threads.
Curiously, in almost all of the ambiguity resolution clauses, the preferred alternative is the one which appears later in the list of alternatives. For example, §8.9 explicitly prefers declarations to expressions, but the grammar for statement lists expression-statement long before declaration-statement. Having said that, correctly parsing C++ requires a more sophisticated algorithm than just "try to parse a declaration and if that fails, then try to parse as an expression," because there are programs which must be parsed as a declaration with a syntax error (see the example at [stmt.ambig]/3).
No ordering is either implied or necessary.
All seven kinds of literal are distinct. No token that meets the definition of any of them can meet the definition of any other. For example, 42 is an integer-literal and cannot be a floating-point-literal.
How a compiler determines what a token is is an implementation detail that the standard doesn't address, and doesn't need to.
If there were an ambiguity, so that for example the same token could be either an integer-literal or a user-defined-literal, either the language would have to have a rule to disambiguate it, or it would be a bug in the grammar.
UPDATE: There is in fact such an ambiguity. As discussed in comments, 42ULL satisfies the syntax of either an integer-literal or a user-defined-literal. This ambiguity is resolved, not by the ordering of the grammar productions, but by an explicit statement:
If a token matches both user-defined-literal and another literal kind, it is treated as the latter.
The section on syntactic notation in the standard only says this about what it means:
In the syntax notation used in this document, syntactic categories are indicated by italic type, and literal words and characters in constant width type. Alternatives are listed on separate lines except in a few cases where a long set of alternatives is marked by the phrase “one of”. If the text of an alternative is too long to fit on a line, the text is continued on subsequent lines indented from the first one. An optional terminal or non-terminal symbol is indicated by the subscript “opt”, so
{ expressionopt }
indicates an optional expression enclosed in braces.
Note that the statement considers the terms in grammars to be "alternatives", rather than a list or even an ordered list. There is no statement about ordering of the "alternatives" at all.
As such, this strongly suggests that there is no ordering at all.
Indeed, the presence throughout the standard of specific rules to disambiguate cases where multiple terms match also suggests that the alternatives are not written as a prioritized list. If the alternatives were some kind of ordered list, this statement would be redundant:
If a token matches both user-defined-literal and another literal kind, it is treated as the latter.

What are the definitions for valid and invalid pp-tokens?

I want to extensively use the ##-operator and enum magic to handle a huge bunch of similar access-operations, error handling and data flow.
If applying the ## and # preprocessor operators results in an invalid pp-token, the behavior is undefined in C.
The order of preprocessor operation in general is not defined (*) in C90 (see The token pasting operator). Now in some cases it happens (said so in different sources, including the MISRA Committee, and the referenced page) that the order of multiple ##/#-Operators influences the occurrence of undefined behavior. But I have a really hard time to understand the examples of these sources and pin down the common rule.
So my questions are:
What are the rules for valid pp-tokens?
Are there difference between the different C and C++ Standards?
My current problem: Is the following legal with all 2 operator orders?(**)
#define test(A) test_## A ## _THING
int test(0001) = 2;
(*) I don't use "is undefined" because this has nothing to do with undefined behavior yet IMHO, but rather unspecified behavior. More than one ## or # operator being applied do not in general render the program to be erroneous. There is obviously an order — we just can't predict which — so the order is unspecified.
(**) This is no actual application for the numbering. But the pattern is equivalent.
What are the rules for valid pp-tokens?
These are spelled out in the respective standards; C11 §6.4 and C++11 §2.4. In both cases, they correspond to the production preprocessing-token. Aside from pp-number, they shouldn't be too surprising. The remaining possibilities are identifiers (including keywords), "punctuators" (in C++, preprocessing-op-or-punc), string and character literals, and any single non-whitespace character which doesn't match any other production.
With a few exceptions, any sequence of characters can be decomposed into a sequence of valid preprocessing-tokens. (One exception is unmatched quotes and apostrophes: a single quote or apostrophe is not a valid preprocessing-token, so a text including an unterminated string or character literal cannot be tokenised.)
In the context of the ## operator, though, the result of the concatenation must be a single preprocessing-token. So an invalid concatenation is a concatenation whose result is a sequence of characters which comprise multiple preprocessing-tokens.
Are there differences between C and C++?
Yes, there are slight differences:
C++ has user defined string and character literals, and allows "raw" string literals. These literals will be tokenized differently in C, so they might be multiple preprocessing-tokens or (in the case of raw string literals) even invalid preprocessing-tokens.
C++ includes the symbols ::, .* and ->*, all of which would be tokenised as two punctuator tokens in C. Also, in C++, some things which look like keywords (eg. new, delete) are part of preprocessing-op-or-punc (although these symbols are valid preprocessing-tokens in both languages.)
C allows hexadecimal floating point literals (eg. 1.1p-3), which are not valid preprocessing-tokens in C++.
C++ allows apostrophes to be used in integer literals as separators (1'000'000'000). In C, this would probably result in unmatched apostrophes.
There are minor differences in the handling of universal character names (eg. \u0234).
In C++, <:: will be tokenised as <, :: unless it is followed by : or >. (<::: and <::> are tokenised normally, using the longest-match rule.) In C, there are no exceptions to the longest-match rule; <:: is always tokenised using the longest-match rule, so the first token will always be <:.
Is it legal to concatenate test_, 0001, and _THING, even though concatenation order is unspecified?
Yes, that is legal in both languages.
test_ ## 0001 => test_0001 (identifier)
test_0001 ## _THING => test_0001_THING (identifier)
0001 ## _THING => 0001_THING (pp-number)
test_ ## 0001_THING => test_0001_THING (identifier)
What are examples of invalid token concatenation?
Suppose we have
#define concat3(a, b, c) a ## b ## c
Now, the following are invalid regardless of concatenation order:
concat3(., ., .)
.. is not a token even though ... is. But the concatenation must proceed in some order, and .. would be a necessary intermediate value; since that is not a single token, the concatenation would be invalid.
Here, -7 is two tokens, so it cannot be concatenated.
And here is a case in which concatenation order matters:
concat3(27e, -, 7)
If this is concatenated left-to-right, it will result in 27e- ## 7, which is the concatenation of two pp-numbers. But - cannot be concatenated with 7, because (as above) -7 is not a single token.
What exactly is a pp-number?
In general terms, a pp-number is a superset of tokens which might be converted into (single) numeric literals or might be invalid. The definition is intentionally broad, partly in order to allow (some) token concatenations, and partly to insulate the preprocessor from the periodic changes in numeric formats. The precise definition can be found in the respective standards, but informally a token is a pp-number if:
It starts with a decimal digit or a period (.) followed by a decimal digit.
The rest of the token is letters, numbers and periods, possibly including sign characters (+, -) if preceded by an exponent symbol. The exponent symbol can be E or e in both languages; and also P and p in C since C99.
In C++, a pp-number can also include (but not start with) an apostrophe followed by a letter or digit.
Note: Above, letter includes underscore. Also, universal character names can be used (except following an apostrophe in C++).
Once preprocessing is terminated, all pp-numbers will be converted to numeric literals if possible. If the conversion is not possible (because the token doesn't correspond to the syntax for any numeric literal), the program is invalid.
#define test(A) test_## A ## _THING
int test(0001) = 2;
This is legal with both LTR and RTL evaluation, since both test_0001 and 0001_THING are valid preprocessor-tokens. The former is an identifier, while the latter is a pp-number; pp-numbers are not checked for suffix correctness until a later stage of compilation; think e.g. 0001u an unsigned octal literal.
A few examples to show that the order of evaluation does matter:
#define paste2(a,b) a##b
#define paste(a,b) paste2(a,b)
#if defined(LTR)
#define paste3(a,b,c) paste(paste(a,b),c)
#elif defined(RTL)
#define paste3(a,b,c) paste(a,paste(b,c))
#define paste3(a,b,c) a##b##c
double a = paste3(1,.,e3), b = paste3(1e,+,3); // OK LTR, invalid RTL
#define stringify2(x) #x
#define stringify(x) stringify2(x)
#define stringify_paste3(a,b,c) stringify(paste3(a,b,c))
char s[] = stringify_paste3(%:,%,:); // invalid LTR, OK RTL
If your compiler uses a consistent order of evaluation (either LTR or RTL) and presents an error on generation of an invalid pp-token, then precisely one of these lines will generate an error. Naturally, a lax compiler could well allow both, while a strict compiler might allow neither.
The second example is rather contrived; because of the way the grammar is constructed it's very difficult to find a pp-token that is valid when build RTL but not when built LTR.
There are no significant differences between C and C++ in this regard; the two standards have identical language (up to section headers) describing the process of macro replacement. The only way the language could influence the process would be in the valid preprocessing-tokens: C++ (especially recently) has more forms of valid preprocessing-tokens, such as user-defined string literals.

In the C++ standard, where does it indicate the spacing protocol for the replacement of category descriptives by the source code it represents?

At the risk of asking a question deemed too nit-picky, I have spent a long time trying to justify (as a single example of something that occurs throughout the standard in different contexts) the following definition of an integer literal in §2.14.2 of the C++11 standard, specifically in regards to one detail, the presence of whitespace in the syntax notation itself.
(Note that this example - the definition of an integer literal - is not the point of my question. The point of my question is to ask about the syntax description notation used by the C++ standard itself, specifically in regards to whitespace between grammatical category names. The example I give here - the definition of an integer literal - is specifically chosen only because it acts as an example that is simple and clear-cut.)
(Abbreviated for concision, from §2.14.2):
decimal-literal integer-suffix_opt
decimal-literal digit
(with nonzero-digit and digit as expected, [0] 1 ... 9). (Note: The above text is all in italics in the standard.)
This all makes sense to me, assuming that the SPACE between the syntax category descriptives decimal-literal and digit is understood to NOT be present in the actual source code, but is only present in the syntax description itself as it appears here in section §2.14.2.
This convention - placing a space between category descriptives within the notation, where it is understood that the space is not to be present in the source code - is used in other places in the specification. The example here is just a clear-cut case where the space is clearly not supposed to be present in the source code. (See addendum to this question for counterexamples from the standard where whitespace or other separator/s must be present, or is optional, between category descriptives when those category descriptives are replaced by actual tokens in the source code.)
Again, at the risk of being nit-picky, I cannot find anywhere in the standard a statement of convention that spaces are NOT to be present in the source code when interpreting notation such as in this example.
The standard does discuss notational convention in §1.6.1 (and thereafter). The only relevant text that I can find regarding this is:
In the syntax notation used in this International Standard, syntactic
categories are indicated by italic type, and literal words and
characters in constant width type. Alternatives are listed on separate
lines except in a few cases where a long set of alternatives is marked
by the phrase “one of.”
I would not be so nit-picky; however, I find the notation used within the standard to be somewhat tricky, so I would like to be clear on all of the details. I appreciate anyone willing to take the time to fill me in on this.
ADDENDUM In response to comments in which a claim is made similar to "it's obvious that whitespace should not be included in the final source code, so there's no need for the standard to explicitly state this": I have chosen a trivial example in this question, where it is obvious. There are many cases in the standard where it isn't obvious without a. priori knowledge of the language (in my opinion), such as §8.0.4 discussing "const" and "volatile":
cv-qualifier cv-qualifier-seq_opt
... Note the opposite assumption here (whitespace, or another separator or separators, is required in the final source code), but that's not possible to deduce from the syntax notation itself.
There are also cases where a space is optional, such as:
noptr-abstract-declarator_opt parameters-and-qualifiers
(In this example, to make a point, I won't give the section number or paraphrase what is being discussed; I'll just ask if it's obvious from the grammar notation itself that, in this context, whitespace in the final source code is optional between the tokens.)
I suspect that the comments along these lines - "it's obvious, so that's what it must be" - are the result of the fact that the example I've chosen is so obvious. That's exactly why I chose the example.
There are five kinds of tokens: identifiers, keywords, literals,
operators, and other separators. Blanks, horizontal and vertical tabs,
newlines, formfeeds, and comments (collectively, “white space”), as
described below, are ignored except as they serve to separate tokens.
So, if a literal is a token, and whitespace serves to seperate tokens, space in between the digits of a literal would be interpreted as two separate tokens, and therefore cannot be part of the same literal.
I'm reasonably certain there is no more direct explanation of this fact in the standard.
The notation used is similar enough to typical BNF that they take many of the same general conventions for granted, including the fact that whitespace in the notation has no significance beyond separating the tokens of the BNF itself -- that if/when whitespace has significance in the source code beyond separating tokens, they'll include notation to specify it directly (e.g., for most preprocessing directives, the new-line is specified directly:
# ifdef identifier new-line groupopt
# include < h-char-sequence> new-line
The blame for that probably goes back to the Algol 68 standard, which went so far overboard in its attempts at precisely specifying syntax that it was essentially impossible for anybody to read without weeks of full-time study1. Since then, any more than the most cursory explanation of the syntax description language leads to rejection on the basis that it's too much like Algol 68 and will undoubtedly fail because it's too formal and nobody will ever read or understand it.
1 How could it be that bad you ask? It basically went like this: they started with a formal English description of a syntax description language. That wasn't used to define Algol 68 though -- it was used to specify (even more precisely) another syntax description language. That second syntax description language was then used to specify the syntax of Algol 68 itself. So, you had to learn two separate syntax description languages before you could start to read the Algol 68 syntax itself at all. As you can undoubtedly guess, almost nobody ever did.
As you say, the standard says:
literal words and characters in constant width type
So, if a literal space were to be included in a rule, it would have to be rendered in a constant width type. Close examination of the standard will reveal that the space in the production you refer to is narrower than the constant width type. (Also your attempt to quote the standard is a misrepresentation because it renders in constant-width type that which should be rendered in italics, with a consequent semantic change.)
Ok, that was the "aspiring language lawyer" answer; furthermore, it doesn't really work because it fails on all the productions which are of the form:
One of:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I think, in reality, the answer is that whitespace is not part of the formal grammar, because it serves only to separate tokens; furthermore, that statement is mostly true of the grammar itself, whose tokens are separated by whitespace without that whitespace being a token, except that indentation in the grammar matters, unlike indentation in a program.
Addendum to answer the addendum
It's not actually true that const and volatile need to be separated by whitespace. They simply need to be separate tokens. Example:
#define A(x)x
Again, more seriously, Chapter 2 (with particular reference to 2.2 and 2.5, but you have to read the entire text) describe how the program text is processed in order to produce a stream of tokens. All of the rules in which you claim whitespace must be ignored are in this part of the grammar, and all of the rules in which you claim whitespace might be required are not.
These are really two separate grammars, but the lexical grammar is necessarily incomplete because you need to consider the operation of the preprocessor in order to apply it.
I believe that everything I said can be gleaned from the standard. Here are some excerpts:
2.2(3) The source file is decomposed into preprocessing tokens (2.5) and sequences of white-space characters (including comments)… The process of dividing a source file’s characters into preprocessing tokens is context-dependent.
2.2(7) White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant. Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. (2.7). The resulting tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated as a translation unit.
I think that all this makes it clear that there are two grammars, one lexical -- that is, it produces a lexeme (token) from a sequence of graphemes (characters) -- and the other syntactic -- that is, it produces an abstract syntax tree from a sequence of lexemes (tokens). In neither case (with a small exception, which I'll get to in a minute) is whitespace considered anything other than something which stops two lexemes from running into each other if the lexical grammar would otherwise allow that. (See the algorithm in 2.5(3).)
C++ is not syntactically pretty, so there are almost always exceptions. One of these, inherited from C, is the difference between:
#define A(X)(X)
#define A (X)(X)
Preprocessing directives have their own parsing rules, and this one is typified by the definition:
  a ( character not immediately preceded by white-space
This, I would say, is the exception that proves the rule [Note 1]. The fact that it is necessary to say that this ( is not preceded by white-space shows that the normal use of the token ( in a syntactic rule does not say anything about its blancospatial context.
So, to paraphrase Ray Cummings (not Albert Einstein, as is sometimes claimed), "time and white-space are all that separate one token from another." [Note 2]
[Note 1] I use the phrase here in its original legal sense, as perCicero.
[Note 2]:
"Time," said George, "why I can give you a definition of time. It's what keeps everything from happening at once."
A ripple of laughter went about the little group of men.
"Quite so," agreed the Chemist. "And, gentlemen, that's not so funny as it sounds. As a matter of fact, it is really not a bad scientific definition. Time and space are all that separate one event from another…
-- From The man who mastered time, by Ray Cummings, 1929, Ace Books. See first page, in Google books
The Standard actually has two separate grammars.
The preprocessor grammar, described in sections 2 and 16, defines how a sequence of source characters is converted to a sequence of preprocessing tokens and whitespace characters, in translation phases 1-6. In some of these phases and parts of this grammar, whitespace is significant.
Whitespace characters which are not part of preprocessing tokens stop being significant after translation phase 4. The Standard explicitly says at the start of translation phase 7 to discard whitespace characters between preprocessing tokens.
The language grammar defines how a sequence of tokens (converted from preprocessing tokens) are syntactically and semantically interpreted in translation phase 7. There is no such thing as whitespace in this grammar. (By this point, ' ' is a character-literal just like 'c' is.)
In both grammars, the space between grammar components visible in the Standard has nothing to do with source or execution whitespace characters, it's just there to make the Standard legible. When the preprocessor grammar depends on whitespace, it spells it out with words, for example:
any member of the source character set except the single-quote ', backslash \, or new-line character
# define identifier lparen identifier-list[opt] ) replacement-list newline
a ( character not immediately preceded by white-space
So there may not be whitespace between digits of an integer-literal because the preprocessor grammar does not allow it.
One other important rule here is from C++11 2.5p3:
If the input stream has been parsed into preprocessing tokens up to a given character:
If the next character begins a sequence of characters that could be the prefix and initial double quote of a raw string literal, such as R", the next preprocessing token shall be a raw string literal. ...
Otherwise, if the next three characters are <:: and the subsequent character is neither : nor >, the < is treated as a preprocessor token by itself and not as the first character of the alternative token <:.
Otherwise, the next preprocessing token is the longest sequence of characters that could constitute a preprocessing token, even if that would cause further lexical analysis to fail.
So there must be whitespace between const and volatile tokens because otherwise, the longest-token-possible rule would convert that to a single identifier token constvolatile.

dollar sign in variable name?

I stumbled on some C++ code like this:
int $T$S;
First I thought that it was some sort of PHP code or something wrongly pasted in there but it compiles and runs nicely (on MSVC 2008).
What kind of characters are valid for variables in C++ and are there any other weird characters you can use?
The only legal characters according to the standard are alphanumerics
and the underscore. The standard does require that just about anything
Unicode considers alphabetic is acceptable (but only as single
code-point characters). In practice, implementations offer extensions
(i.e. some do accept a $) and restrictions (most don't accept all of the
required Unicode characters). If you want your code to be portable,
restrict symbols to the 26 unaccented letters, upper or lower case, the
ten digits, and the '_'.
It's an extension of some compilers and not in the C standard
Microsoft Specific
Only the first 2048 characters of Microsoft C++ identifiers are significant. Names for user-defined types are "decorated" by the compiler to preserve type information. The resultant name, including the type information, cannot be longer than 2048 characters. (See Decorated Names for more information.) Factors that can influence the length of a decorated identifier are:
Whether the identifier denotes an object of user-defined type or a type derived from a user-defined type.
Whether the identifier denotes a function or a type derived from a function.
The number of arguments to a function.
The dollar sign is also a valid identifier in Visual C++.
// dollar_sign_identifier.cpp
struct $Y1$ {
void $Test$() {}
int main() {
$Y1$ $x$;
Newest version: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/identifiers-cpp?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=vs-2019
6.42 Dollar Signs in Identifier Names
In GNU C, you may normally use dollar signs in identifier names. This is because many traditional C implementations allow such identifiers. However, dollar signs in identifiers are not supported on a few target machines, typically because the target assembler does not allow them.
In my knowledge only letters (capital and small), numbers (0 to 9) and _ are valid for variable names according to standard (note: the variable name should not start with a number though).
All other characters should be compiler extensions.
This is not good practice. Generally, you should only use alphanumeric characters and underscores in identifiers ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]_).
Surface Level
Unlike in other languages (bash, perl), C does not use $ to denote the usage of a variable. As such, it is technically valid. In C it most likely falls under C11, 6.4.2. This means that it does seem to be supported by modern compilers.
As for your C++ question, lets test it!
int main(void) {
int $ = 0;
return $;
On GCC/G++/Clang/Clang++, this indeed compiles, and runs just fine.
Deeper Level
Compilers take source code, lex it into a token stream, put that into an abstract syntax tree (AST), and then use that to generate code (e.g. assembly/LLVM IR). Your question really only revolves around the first part (e.g. lexing).
The grammar (thus the lexer implementation) of C/C++ does not treat $ as special, unlike commas, periods, skinny arrows, etc... As such, you may get an output from the lexer like this from the below c code:
int i_love_$ = 0;
After the lexer, this becomes a token steam like such:
["int", "i_love_$", "=", "0"]
If you where to take this code:
int i_love_$,_and_.s = 0;
The lexer would output a token steam like:
["int", "i_love_$", ",", "_and_", ".", "s", "=", "0"]
As you can see, because C/C++ doesn't treat characters like $ as special, it is processed differently than other characters like periods.