Searching for a string in an executable's memory from an injected dll - c++

The title explains my goal very well, it should be simple but my solution just doesn't seem to be functioning properly. Currently, the function always returns NULL. When I use another program to locate the string and manually point memcmp to it, it returns 0 as it should.
DWORD findString(const char *input)
DWORD address;
size_t length = strlen(input);
DWORD baseAddress = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle(NULL);
DWORD maxAddress = (baseAddress + 26480640)-length;//the large # is the approximate size of the base module of the executable
for (address = baseAddress; address < maxAddress; address++)
if (memcmp(input, (void *)address, length) == 0)
return address;
OutputDebugStringA("String not found!");
return NULL;


Loading a 64-bit Windows PE file from memory

I wanted to load a Windows PE file (a.k.a. EXE) from a memory buffer in C++ so I found this code. Using a simple hello world example, it works fine. However, when loading a more sophisticated EXE with static dependencies the code crashes instead of loading the PE file successfully. My updated PE loader code is the following:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdexcept>
inline auto fix_image_iat(PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt_header)
auto import_table = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR>(nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].
VirtualAddress + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header));
const DWORD iat_loc = nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].VirtualAddress ?
const DWORD iat_rva = nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[iat_loc].VirtualAddress;
const SIZE_T iat_size = nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[iat_loc].Size;
const auto iat = reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(iat_rva + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header));
VirtualProtect(iat, iat_size, PAGE_READWRITE, &op);
while (import_table->Name)
const auto import_base = LoadLibraryA(
reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(import_table->Name + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header)));
auto fix_up = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA>(import_table->FirstThunk + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(
if (import_table->OriginalFirstThunk)
thunk = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA>(import_table->OriginalFirstThunk + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header));
thunk = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA>(import_table->FirstThunk + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header));
while (thunk->u1.Function)
if (thunk->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64)
fix_up->u1.Function =
reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(GetProcAddress(import_base, reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(thunk->u1.Ordinal & 0xFFFF)));
const PCHAR func_name = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME>(thunk->u1.AddressOfData)->Name + reinterpret_cast<
fix_up->u1.Function = reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(GetProcAddress(import_base, func_name));
inline auto map_image_to_memory(const char* pe_buffer)
auto raw_image_base = PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(pe_buffer);
if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE != raw_image_base->e_magic)
throw std::runtime_error(("Invalid DOS signature"));
auto nt_header = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS>(raw_image_base->e_lfanew + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(raw_image_base));
if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE != nt_header->Signature)
throw std::runtime_error(("Invalid NT header"));
if (IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 != nt_header->FileHeader.Machine)
throw std::runtime_error(("Not a 64-bit module"));
if (nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR].VirtualAddress)
throw std::runtime_error((".NET is not supported"));
auto section_header = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER>(raw_image_base->e_lfanew + sizeof * nt_header
+ reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(raw_image_base));
auto mem_image_base = VirtualAlloc(reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(nt_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase),
nt_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (mem_image_base == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error(("VirtualAlloc() failed"));
memcpy(mem_image_base, raw_image_base, nt_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders);
for (WORD section_index = 0; section_index < nt_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; section_index++)
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(section_header->VirtualAddress + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(mem_image_base)),
reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(section_header->PointerToRawData + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(raw_image_base)),
return static_cast<PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER>(mem_image_base);
//works with manually mapped files
HANDLE GetImageActCtx(HMODULE module)
WCHAR temp_path[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR temp_filename[MAX_PATH];
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
HRSRC resource_info = FindResource(module, MAKEINTRESOURCE(i), RT_MANIFEST);
if (resource_info) {
HGLOBAL resource = LoadResource(module, resource_info);
DWORD resource_size = SizeofResource(module, resource_info);
const PBYTE resource_data = (const PBYTE)LockResource(resource);
if (resource_data && resource_size) {
FILE* fp;
errno_t err;
DWORD ret_val = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, temp_path);
if (0 == GetTempFileName(temp_path, L"manifest.tmp", 0, temp_filename))
return NULL;
err = _wfopen_s(&fp, temp_filename, L"w");
if (errno)
return NULL;
fprintf(fp, (const char *)resource_data);
else {
return NULL;
ACTCTXW act = { sizeof(act) };
act.lpSource = temp_filename;
return CreateActCtx(&act);
BOOL FixImageRelocations(PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt_header, ULONG_PTR delta)
PULONG_PTR intruction;
(PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)(nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress +
while (reloc_block->VirtualAddress) {
size = (reloc_block->SizeOfBlock - sizeof(reloc_block)) / sizeof(WORD);
PWORD fixup = (PWORD)((ULONG_PTR)reloc_block + sizeof(reloc_block));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++, fixup++) {
if (IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 == *fixup >> 12) {
intruction = (PULONG_PTR)(reloc_block->VirtualAddress + (ULONG_PTR)dos_header + (*fixup & 0xfff));
*intruction += delta;
reloc_block = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)(reloc_block->SizeOfBlock + (ULONG_PTR)reloc_block);
return TRUE;
void load_portable_executable(const char* pe_buffer)
const auto dos_header = map_image_to_memory(pe_buffer);
auto nt_header = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS>(dos_header->e_lfanew + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header));
HANDLE actctx = NULL;
UINT_PTR cookie = 0;
BOOL changed_ctx = FALSE;
if (nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].VirtualAddress) {
actctx = GetImageActCtx(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(dos_header));
if (actctx)
changed_ctx = ActivateActCtx(actctx, &cookie);
fix_image_iat(dos_header, nt_header);
if (nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress) {
ptrdiff_t delta = (ptrdiff_t)((PBYTE)dos_header - (PBYTE)nt_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
if (delta)
FixImageRelocations(dos_header, nt_header, delta);
// Calculate the absolute entry point address
const auto entry_point_address = reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(nt_header->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint + reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(dos_header));
// Launch the PE file
static_cast<void(*)()>(entry_point_address)(); // TODO Crashes here
Note that C++20 is required to successfully compile.
Any idea why it crashes at the last line of code when passing control to the entry point address? Is there any library or clean reference implementation for PE loading (on Windows)?
I am doing a similar thing, loading an exe file (with LoadLibraryEx flag LOAD_IGNORE_CODE_AUTHZ_LEVEL) into the address space of the loading application. In this way I can observe all the activities of the program from its inception.
The steps are:
LoadLibrary, and if successful then
Patch the IAT
Get the address of entry-point of the loaded program
CreateThread, CREATE_SUSPENDED with the thread-start-address being the address of entry-point.
ResumeThread and off she goes.
So far there are 2 types of files that can be loaded, those with relocation table and those without. The ones with the relocation table are the modern ones compiled with /DynamicBase and the older ones do not have this information.
I compiled the loader to have fixed-base address way above the default 0x140000000 for x64 to ensure that there is ample space below it for loaded exes that have no relocation and have to be loaded at the default address.
The OS loader applies relocation fixups but does not fix import addresses which we have to do manually.
Any dll we load to fix the imports need no further cooking as the OS loader takes care of that.
Now just like the experience BullyWiiPlaza had I found some programs can be loaded and run perfectly yet many others crash on startup. And the annoying feature that when you exit your loaded program it tends to take with it the loading application on its way out.
To fix this I intercepted the CRT functions abort, _cexit, _c_exit and the kernel ExitProcess
and just the sheer virtue of using these functions enables the loaded program to go out alone but I use the opportunity to UnregisterClass in case I have to re-load the previous not so well written app.
Remember the RegisterClass function can fail with an error message ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS which isn't a sufficient reason to abort the application.
Another important function to intercept is GetModuleHandle because when the loaded app uses this function as GetModuleHandle(0) to query its base address then without intercepting it and returning its hModule the OS will give it the Loader's base address which will cause a crash.
What I find confusing is that some lost versions of my applications could load apps that have no relocation info and run successfully but after ceaseless tweaking I could no longer run them.
The problem appears to be write access violation.
So I checked the protection parameters given to VirtualProtect and found from this following code that the iat_size is small and does not include the thunk I wish modify.
DWORD iat_loc = (nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].VirtualAddress)
UINT_PTR iat_rva = nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[iat_loc].VirtualAddress;
SIZE_T iat_size = nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[iat_loc].Size;
LPVOID iat = (LPVOID)(iat_rva + (UINT_PTR)dos_header);
VirtualProtect(iat, iat_size, PAGE_READWRITE, &op);
If anyone wants to recreate the problem then the specimen I used was Celemony Melodyne 5.
It does not have a relocation table and loads at address 0x140000000.
What is confusing is that other x64 applications such as DarkWave Studio run normally except it takes out the loader when it exits.
And by the way Microsoft has made a fine mess of the pragmas data_seg and data_section with respect to x64 altho they claim it works in the documentation.

Windows program entry point using EnumProcessModules returns unexpected value

I am running a simple app and trying to read a specific offset within it's memory using Window's PSAPI.
when I run my debugger, I get the real value of the memory address, and the relative one to my ".exe" entry point.
yet, when I run the following code, the base module I get as an entry point together with my offset yields a different address(it's wrong, and off by a few (hexa)demical points).
what might be the problem?
ReadMemory is a template for ReadProcessMemory
DWORD address;
SIZE_T bytesRead;
int InitReadMemory(const char* windowClass,const char* caption, DWORD addressOffset)
DWORD cbNeeded;
DWORD dwdResult;
HMODULE mainModule;
BOOL enumResult;
//Get the window handle
WINDOW_HANDLE = FindWindow(windowClass, NULL);
//Window was not foud
return 10;
//Get the process ID
dwdResult = GetWindowThreadProcessId(WINDOW_HANDLE, &PROC_ID);
//Getting Process ID failed
return 20;
//Open the process
//Process failed to open
return 30;
*Get the Main Module-
*first entry in the returned HMODULE array from
enumResult = EnumProcessModules(PROC_HANDLE, &mainModule, sizeof(HMODULE), &cbNeeded);
if(enumResult != 0)
//Failed enumerating process modules
return 40;
//offset the requested memory address from the application's base address
address = (DWORD)((UINT_PTR)mainModule + addressOffset);
#ifdef DEBUG
using namespace std;
char filenameBuffer[64]="";
string number;
stringstream stristream;
stristream << address;
stristream >> number;
cout << number << "\r\n" << endl;
GetModuleFileNameEx(PROC_HANDLE, mainModule , filenameBuffer, 256);
cout << (byte)ReadMemory<byte>() << "\r\n" << number << "\r\n" << filenameBuffer << endl;
return 1;}
thank you in advance :)
P.S. I'm mostly just looking for pointers ...
bah dum tsss
apparently, checking for GetLastError value, EnumProcessModules prompts a 299 error code after it is done. and debugging shows that mainModule holds nothing... yet EnumProcessModules returns 0 as in "no errors".
yesterday, I managed to get it AND get GetModuleFileName to work propery(same code, only added GetLastError).
Apparently, my problem was that I was running the tests with the snippet
enumResult = EnumProcessModules(PROC_HANDLE, &mainModule, sizeof(HMODULE), &cbNeeded)
if(enumResult != 0)
//Failed enumerating process modules
return 40;
and a successful run of EnumProcessModules yields a nonzero result! (thus causing me some confusion and faulted my whole debugging process)
after I figured this detail out, I ran some old tests again and found out that my target process is 64 bit, while I was running a 32 bit application.
changed to 64bit and now it works like a charm

Converting "application's" memory address

So I am writing my very first trainer for Microsoft's Spider Solitaire. First I needed to backwards-engineer all memory adresses until I found a static one. I used offsets so I can easily revert them back.
I've found this:
1000157F78 <-- starting value(never changes)
+ E8 <-- offsets to pointers
+ 14
002DC3D4 <-- final adress(changes every time)
This is how my trainer gets his final memory address:
DWORD FindFinalAddr(HANDLE hProc, BYTE offsets[], DWORD baseAddress, unsigned char pointerLevel)
DWORD pointer = baseAddress;
DWORD pTemp = 0;
DWORD pointerAddr = 0;
// set base address
ReadProcessMemory(hProc, (LPCVOID)pointer, &pTemp, (DWORD)sizeof(pTemp), NULL);
for (int c = 0; c < pointerLevel; c++)
pointerAddr = pTemp + (DWORD)offsets[c];
ReadProcessMemory(hProc, (LPCVOID)pointerAddr, &pTemp, (DWORD)sizeof(pTemp), NULL);
return pointerAddr;
In this case, I do(roughly) this: FindFinalAddr(hProc, {0xE8, 0x14}, 0x1000157F78, 2);
This works fine when Spider Solitaire is open and I have just found the static value.
But when I close it and re-open it's no longer valid.
I found out that 1000157F78 is actually SpiderSolitaire.exe+B5F78 It's like a offset. If I enter this in cheat engine I get the right memory address, but I can't just simply enter it in my code.
Now is my question: How do I convert SpiderSolitaire.exe+B5F78 to the right memory adress?
Note: SpiderSolitaire.exe is 64 bit.
I've tried the following:
void * entryPoint = (void*) hProc;
DWORD base_addr = ((DWORD)(entryPoint) + 0xB5F78);
But that doesn't work, because the entry point is 5C. The adress it should give(in this session) is FF7A5F78, but what really happens is 5C + B5F78 = B5F4D.
I think you can query the load address using GetModuleInformation, passing NULL for the module handle parameter. If that doesn't work, you can take the longer route through EnumProcessModules and GetModuleBaseName.
After a long period of research I've found my own answer!
This piece of code gets the module base address(AKA entry point)(you need to include TlHelp32.h and tchar.h):
DWORD getModuleBaseAddr(DWORD procId, TCHAR * lpszModuleName)
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, procId);
DWORD moduleBaseAddr = 0;
if (hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
MODULEENTRY32 mentry32 = { 0 };
mentry32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
if (Module32First(hSnapshot, &mentry32))
if (_tcscmp(mentry32.szModule, lpszModuleName) == 0)
moduleBaseAddr = (DWORD)mentry32.modBaseAddr;
} while (Module32Next(hSnapshot, &mentry32));
std::cout << "Error on finding module base address: " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return moduleBaseAddr;
You give it the pid and the name of the module(like game.exe), then it browses through modules and check if they are the same, and then it returns the base address.
Now, I tested this with Spider Solitaire. It gave me an error.
That is because my compiled code was 32 bit and SpiderSolitaire.exe was 64 bit, which was caused because my Windows 7 was 64 bit.
So make sure your code has the same platform target as the code you're aiming for!

I want to copy the data in (wchar_t *)buffer but i am unable to do so bcz there are other incompatible types,typecasting but not getting the result?

I want to print buffer data at one instance avoiding all other wprintf instances but unable to convert data in compatible type with buffer.
Have a look at code:
Kindly tell me how to get through it:
DWORD PrintEvent(EVT_HANDLE hEvent)
PEVT_VARIANT pRenderedValues = NULL;
WCHAR wsGuid[50];
// Beginning of functional Logic
for (;;)
if (!EvtRender(hContext, hEvent, EvtRenderEventValues, dwBufferSize, pRenderedValues, &dwBufferUsed, &dwPropertyCount))
if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == (status = GetLastError()))
dwBufferSize = dwBufferUsed;
dwBytesToWrite = dwBufferSize;
pRenderedValues = (PEVT_VARIANT)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if (pRenderedValues)
EvtRender(hContext, hEvent, EvtRenderEventValues, dwBufferSize, pRenderedValues, &dwBufferUsed, &dwPropertyCount);
printf("malloc failed\n");
Buffer = (wchar_t*) malloc (1*wcslen(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProviderName].StringVal));
// Print the values from the System section of the element.
int i = wcslen(Buffer);
if (NULL != pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProviderGuid].GuidVal)
StringFromGUID2(*(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProviderGuid].GuidVal), wsGuid, sizeof(wsGuid)/sizeof(WCHAR));
wprintf(L"Provider Guid: %s\n", wsGuid);
//Getting "??????" on screen after inclusion of guidval tell me the correct way to copy it??
wprintf(L"Buffer = %ls",Buffer);
//Also tell the way to copy unsigned values into buffer
wprintf(L"EventID: %lu\n", EventID);
wprintf(L"Version: %u\n", pRenderedValues[EvtSystemVersion].ByteVal);
wprintf(L"Level: %u\n", pRenderedValues[EvtSystemLevel].ByteVal);
wprintf(L"EventRecordID: %I64u\n", pRenderedValues[EvtSystemEventRecordId].UInt64Val);
if (EvtVarTypeNull != pRenderedValues[EvtSystemActivityID].Type)
StringFromGUID2(*(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemActivityID].GuidVal), wsGuid, sizeof(wsGuid)/sizeof(WCHAR));
wprintf(L"Correlation ActivityID: %s\n", wsGuid);
if (EvtVarTypeNull != pRenderedValues[EvtSystemRelatedActivityID].Type)
StringFromGUID2(*(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemRelatedActivityID].GuidVal), wsGuid, sizeof(wsGuid)/sizeof(WCHAR));
wprintf(L"Correlation RelatedActivityID: %s\n", wsGuid);
wprintf(L"Execution ProcessID: %lu\n", pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProcessID].UInt32Val);
wprintf(L"Execution ThreadID: %lu\n", pRenderedValues[EvtSystemThreadID].UInt32Val);
wprintf(L"Channel: %s\n",pRenderedValues[EvtSystemChannel].StringVal);
wprintf(L"Computer: %s\n", pRenderedValues[EvtSystemComputer].StringVal);
// Final Break Point
The first error is when starting to write to the buffer:
Buffer = (wchar_t*) malloc (1*wcslen(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProviderName].StringVal));
StringVal points to a wide character string with a trailing null byte, so you should
Buffer = malloc (sizeof(wchar_t)*(wcslen(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProviderName].StringVal)+1));
or even better
Buffer = wcsdup(pRenderedValues[EvtSystemProviderName].StringVal);
Second error is when appending the GUID.
You are not allocating enough memory, you are just appending to the already full Buffer. And you are appending the raw GUID, not the GUID string. You should replace
int i = wcslen(Buffer);
with something like
// Attention: memory leak if realloc returns NULL! So better use a second variable for the return code and check that before assigning to Buffer.
Buffer = realloc(Buffer, wcslen(Buffer) + wcslen(wsGuid) + 1);
Besides, you should do better error checking for EvtRender. And you should check dwPropertyCount before accessing pRenderedValues[i].
BTW, wprintf(L"Buffer = %s",Buffer); (with %s instead of %ls) is sufficient with wprintf.
And to your last question: if you want to append unsigned values to a buffer you can use wsprintf to write to a string. If you can do it C++-only then you should consider using std::wstring. This is much easier for you with regard to allocating the buffers the right size.

Getting 32 bit base address of program, without making a 64bit (only) program?

I'm making a Pixel-Cheat for a game. The program only works for 64bit currently and I'm trying to compile for 32bit.
I tried many ways of finding base address of process, but to no avail. Only the 64bit function works, and it will create a 64bit program.
Here's my 64bit working function:
DWORD64 GetModuleBase(HANDLE hProc, string &sModuleName)
HMODULE *hModules;
char szBuf[50];
DWORD cModules;
DWORD64 dwBase = -1;
EnumProcessModulesEx(hProc, hModules, 0, &cModules, LIST_MODULES_ALL);
hModules = new HMODULE[cModules/sizeof(HMODULE)];
if(EnumProcessModulesEx(hProc, hModules,
cModules/sizeof(HMODULE), &cModules, LIST_MODULES_ALL)) {
for(int i = 0; i < cModules/sizeof(HMODULE); i++) {
if(GetModuleBaseName(hProc, hModules[i], szBuf, sizeof(szBuf))) {
if( == 0) {
dwBase = (DWORD64)hModules[i];
delete[] hModules;
return dwBase;
All 32bit functions on google fails, with error:
21 59 C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\main.cpp [Error] cast from 'BYTE* {aka unsigned char*}' to 'DWORD {aka long unsigned int}' loses precision [-fpermissive]
How to get this code work in 32bit?
DWORD64 GetModuleBase(HANDLE hProc, string &sModuleName)
HMODULE *hModules;
char szBuf[50];
DWORD cModules;
DWORD64 dwBase = -1;
EnumProcessModulesEx(hProc, NULL, 0, &cModules, LIST_MODULES_ALL);
hModules = new HMODULE[cModules/sizeof(HMODULE)];
if(EnumProcessModulesEx(hProc, hModules,
cModules/sizeof(HMODULE), &cModules, LIST_MODULES_ALL)) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cModules/sizeof(HMODULE); i++) {
if(GetModuleBaseName(hProc, hModules[i], szBuf, sizeof(szBuf))) {
if( == 0) {
dwBase = (DWORD64)hModules[i];
delete[] hModules;
return dwBase;
Your function as it stood compiled just fine in a 32bit exe on my machine with a few warnings which I corrected in the snippet above.
A few things you may want to do, is make sure your compiler is set to run in Multi-Byte Character Mode, and not Unicode if you're going to pass an 8bit char array(szBuf) to the function, otherwise use a 16bit wchar array. Also you passed hModules to EnumProcessModulesEx() on the first call which was where you were to get the number of modules, that would have generated an error since it has not yet been allocated, pass NULL on the first call to get the number of modules, then pass hModules.
Alas, the code should compile and run fine, but next time use GetModuleHandle() as mentioned before, will save you a headache.