Python speech recognition for Raspberry Pi 2 - python-2.7

I am trying to find a Speech recognition library similar to PySpeech that will work on a Raspberry Pi 2. I am new to this and have tried researching but there are so many applications I just need help choosing the correct one.
All I am trying to do is, when a user says something the program will recognize keywords and open up the correct part of my code which will just display information about that keyword.
Right now I am using Python 2.7 and PyQt4 to display what I want but am willing to change if there is something easier such as KivyPi, PyGame, etc.
I am up for any ideas or any help to push me into the right direction.
Thank You!

I created a library called SpeakPython that helps Python developers do exactly this, and just released it under GPL3. The library is built upon pocketsphinx (sphinxbase) and gstreamer (for streaming recognition, which leads to fast results). It will allow you to attach python code to speech commands.
It's very accurate and dynamic for command parsing such as this, and I've tested it on the Pi already. Let me know if you have any issues.

To recognize few words on Raspberry Pi 2 with Python you can use Python bindings to Pocketsphinx
You can find pocketsphinx tutorial to get started here.
You can find some installation details for RPi here.
You can find code example here.
You can find already functioning example using pocketsphinx and python here.

Here is what I have up and running on my pi, it uses python speech recognition, pyaudio and pythons espeak for voice response (if you want that, if not just take it out) this will listen for voice input, print it to text and speak it back to you.. You can manipulate this to do whatever you want basically -
import pyaudio
from subprocess import call
import speech_recognition
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone(device_index = 2, sample_rate = 44100, chunk_size = 512) as source:
print 'listening..'
audio = r.listen(source)
print 'processing'
message = (r.recognize_google(audio, language = 'en-us', show_all=False))
call(["espeak", message])
call(['espeak', 'Could not understand you'])


set_glue_version exception after upgrading aws-glue-sessions

Using interactive Glue Sessions in a Jupyter Notebook was working correctly with the aws-glue-sessions package version 0.32 installed. After upgrading with pip3 install --upgrade jupyter boto3 aws-glue-sessions to version 0.35, the kernel would not start. Gave an error message in line 443 in set_glue_version Exception: Valid Glue versions are {'3.0', '2,0} and the Kernel won't start.
Reverting to version 0.32 resolves the issue. Tried installing 0.35, 0.34, 0.33 and get the error, which makes me think it's something I'm doing wrong or don't understand and not something in the product. Is there anything additional I need to do to upgrade the version of the aws-glue-sessions?
Obviously this is not a good workaround - but it worked for me.
I went into the file in the directory: \site-packages\aws_glue_interactive_sessions_kernel\glue_pyspark
and hard-coded the 2nd line of this function to set the version to "3.0"
I'm on windows
def set_glue_version(self, glue_version):
glue_version = str("3.0")
if glue_version not in VALID_GLUE_VERSIONS:
raise Exception(f"Valid Glue versions are {VALID_GLUE_VERSIONS}")
self.glue_version = glue_version
I am a bit lost here as well -- and confused. I will add that I am a python newbie. I am running the whole thing on Windows. AWS has an article that describes the installation. So, I am assuming it's supported. I get the same error as #theOtherOne.
line 443 in set_glue_version Exception: Valid Glue versions are {'3.0', '2,0}
I checked of glue_pyspark, and found this code:
def _retrieve_os_env_variable(self, key):
_, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(f"echo ${key}")
return output or os.environ.get(key)
When I run the code below manually, I get $GLUE_VERSION as final result. That obviously doesn't match '2.0' or '3.0'. The command for retrieving environment variables on Windows is a different one. If my understanding is correct, then this whole thing will never work on Windows. Maybe I am the only one who wants to run it on Windows and no one else cares? I got it to work on WSL, but still. I lost quite some time to fix something that cannot be fixed (or can it?)
import subprocess
import os
_, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(f"echo $GLUE_VERSION")
osoutput = os.environ.get("GLUE_VERSION")
print(output) #$GLUE_VERSION
print (osoutput) #'3.0'
print(output or osoutput) #$GLUE_VERSION
enter image description here
So the issue seems to be that GLUE_VERSION is not set in the environment variables. Once this is set - it works

GDAL read several pictures from wmts server using same opened connection

I use C++ code to read pictures from WMTS server using DGAL.
First I initialize GDAL once:
But new connection is opened every time I want to read new image (different urls):
gdalDataset = GDALOpen(my_url, GA_ReadOnly);
URL example:
Unfortunately I didn't find a way to read multiply images by same connection.
Is there such option in GDAL or in WMTS?
Are there other ways to improve timing (I read thousands of images)?
While GDAL can read PNG files, it doesn't add much since those lack any geographical metadata.
You probably want to interact with the WMS server instead, not the images directly. You can for example run gdalinfo on the main url to see the subdatasets:
The first layer seems to have an issue, I'm not sure, but the other ones seem to behave fine.
I hope you don't mind me using some Python code, but the c++ api should be similar. Or you could try using the command-line utilities first (gdal_translate), to get familiar with the service.
See the WMS driver for more information and examples:
You can for example retrieve a subset and store it with:
from osgeo import gdal
url = r"WMS:,43.582524,-79.312167,43.711781"
bbox = [-79.35, 43.64, -79.32, 43.61]
filename = r'D:\Temp\toronto_subset.tif'
ds = gdal.Translate(filename, url, xRes=0.0001, yRes=0.0001, projWin=bbox)
ds = None
Which looks like:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ds = gdal.OpenEx(filename)
img = ds.ReadAsArray()
ds = None
mpl_extent = [bbox[i] for i in [0,2,3,1]]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5), facecolor="w")
ax.imshow(np.moveaxis(img, 0, -1), extent=mpl_extent)
Note that the data in native resolution for these type of services is often ridiculously large, so usually you want to specify a subset and/or limited resolution as the output.

Receiving back string of lenght 0 from os.popen('cmd').read()

I am working with a command line tool called 'ideviceinfo' (see to help me to quickly get back serial, IMEI and battery health information from the iOS device I work with daily. It executes much quicker than Apple's own 'cfgutil' tools.
Up to know I have been able to develop a more complicated script than the one shown below in PyCharm (my main IDE) to assign specific values etc to individual variables and then to use something like to pyclip and pyautogui to help automatically paste these into the fields of the database app we work with. I have also been able to use the simplified version of the script both in Mac OS X terminal and in the python shell without any hiccups.
I am looking to use AppleScript to help make running the script as easy as possible.
When I try to use Applescript's "do shell script 'python'" I just get back a string of lenght zero when I call 'ideviceinfo'. The exact same thing happens when I try to build an Automator app with a 'Run Shell Script' component for "python".
I have tried my best to isolate the problem down. When other more basic commands such as 'date' are called within the script they return valid strings.
import os
ideviceinfoOutput = os.popen('ideviceinfo').read()
print ideviceinfoOutput
print len (ideviceinfoOutput)
boringExample = os.popen('date').read()
print boringExample
print len (boringExample)
I am running Mac OS X 10.11 and am on Python 2.7
I think I've managed to fix it on my own. I just need to be far more explicit about where the 'ideviceinfo' binary (I hope that's the correct term) was stored on the computer.
Changed one line of code to
ideviceinfoOutput = os.popen('/usr/local/bin/ideviceinfo').read()
and all seems to be OK again.

Using pygame midi module [duplicate]

I'm trying to play a sound with the pygame.midi module. Here is the code I
use :
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygame.midi
import time
print pygame.midi.get_default_output_id()
print pygame.midi.get_device_info(0)
player = pygame.midi.Output(0)
print 'Playing...'
print 'Played'
I've found similar codes while searching for exemples, here is the output :
('ALSA', 'Midi Through Port-0', 0, 1, 0)
PortMidi call failed...
PortMidi: `Bad pointer'
type ENTER...
No sound is played, and I didn't find any info about the PortMidi error which
occurs surprisingly after pygame.midi quits.
Do you have any idea? I'm running an debian-based linux distribution if that
can help.
There are two small problems. The sound is not played because you don't set the velocity of the note. Try setting it to 127 (maximum) to hear the sound. The other problem is that you don't delete the midi output object at the end before quitting. This leads to the "PortMidi: `Bad pointer'" error at the end. So here is the corrected code that should work properly:
import pygame.midi
import time
player = pygame.midi.Output(0)
player.note_on(64, 127)
player.note_off(64, 127)
del player
thanks for your code, helped me to start with midi and python.
It seems to me you forgot the velocity (sort of volume) information in the note_on, note_off events. The default value is 0, so the note would 'play', but would not be audible.
About the quit error message you get... I can't help, i dont know about Linux and ALSA. For reference, this worked fine for me in a Win Vista box using the default midi mapper. This simply plays either a note, an arpeggio or a chord, using a base note and a major chord structure.
import pygame
import time
import pygame.midi
player= pygame.midi.Output(0)
def go(note):
player.note_on(note, 127,1)
def arp(base,ints):
for n in ints:
def chord(base, ints):
def end():
To use it, just import the module and, for example, type a command like go(60), chord (60, major) or arp(60, major)
The error message shows that your output device is a "MIDI Through Port" - which isn't capable of making sounds on it's own. You would have to connect it (e.g. using qjackctl or any other tool letting you connect ALSA MIDI ports) to a software synthesizer like qsynth.
Try importing the entire pygame module:
import pygame
import pygame.midi

how to pass a value to c++ from python and back?

i would like to pass values from python to a c++ program for an encryption from inside a python program and then return the value from there to the python program . how to do it?
If you want to use some existing Unix-style command line utility that reads from stdin and writes to stdout, you can use subprocess.Popen by using Popen.communicate():
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(["/your/app"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = p.communicate(input)[0]
As said msw in the other post, the proper solution is using PyObject.
If you want to have a two-way communication between C++ & Python, Boost Python would be interesting for you. Take a look at website Boost Python,
This post would also be interesting:
How to expose a C++ class to Python without building a module