Use Perl to check if a string has only English characters - regex

I have a file with submissions like this
%TRYYVJT128F93506D3<SEP>SOYKCDV12AB0185D99<SEP>Rainie Yang<SEP>Ai Wo Qing shut up (OT: Shotgun(Aka Shot Gun))
I am stripping everything but the song name by using this regex.
$line =~ s/.*>|([([\/\_\-:"``+=*].*)|(feat.*)|[?¿!¡\.;&\$#%#\\|]//g;
I want to make sure that the only strings printed are ones that contain only English characters, so in this case it would the first song title Ai Wo Quing shut up and not the next one because of the è.
I have tried this
if ( $line =~ m/[^a-zA-z0-9_]*$/ ) {
print $line;
else {
print "Non-english\n";
I thought this would match just the English characters, but it always prints Non-english. I feel this is me being rusty with regex, but I cannot find my answer.

Following from the comments, your problem would appear to be:
$line =~ m/[^a-zA-z0-9_]*$/
Specifically - the ^ is inside the brackets, which means that it's not acting as an 'anchor'. It's actually a negation operator
It is also possible to instead list the characters you do not want to match. You can do so by using a caret (^) as the first character in the character class. For instance, [^a-z] matches any character that is not a lowercase ASCII letter, which therefore includes more than a million Unicode code points. The class is said to be "negated" or "inverted".
But the important part is - that without the 'start of line' anchor, your regular expression is zero-or-more instances (of whatever), so will match pretty much anything - because it can freely ignore the line content.
(Borodin's answer covers some of the other options for this sort of pattern match, so I shan't reproduce).

It's not clear exactly what you need, so here are a couple of observations that speak to what you have written.
It is probably best if you use split to divide each line of data on <SEP>, which I presume is a separator. Your question asks for the fourth such field, like this
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
while ( <DATA> ) {
my #fields = split /<SEP>/;
say $fields[3];
%TRYYVJT128F93506D3<SEP>SOYKCDV12AB0185D99<SEP>Rainie Yang<SEP>Ai Wo Qing shut up (OT: Shotgun(Aka Shot Gun))
Ai Wo Qing shut up (OT: Shotgun(Aka Shot Gun))
Also, the word character class \w matches exactly [a-zA-z0-9_] (and \W matches the complement) so you can rewrite your if statement like this
if ( $line =~ /\W/ ) {
print "Non-English\n";
else {
print $line;


Telling regex search to only start searching at a certain index

Normally, a regex search will start searching for matches from the beginning of the string I provide. In this particular case, I'm working with a very large string (up to several megabytes), and I'd like to run successive regex searches on that string, but beginning at specific indices.
Now, I'm aware that I could use the substr function to simply throw away the part at the beginning I want to exclude from the search, but I'm afraid this is not very efficient, since I'll be doing it several thousand times.
The specific purpose I want to use this for is to jump from word to word in a very large text, skipping whitespace (regardless of whether it's simple space, tabs, newlines, etc). I know that I could just use the split function to split the text into words by passing \s+ as the delimiter, but that would make things for more complicated for me later on, as there a various other possible word delimiters such as quotes (ok, I'm using the term 'word' a bit generously here), so it would be easier for me if I could just hop from word to word using successive regex searches on the same string, always specifying the next index at which to start looking as I go. Is this doable in Perl?
So you want to match against the words of a body of text.
(The examples find words that contain i.)
You think having the starting positions of the words would help, but it isn't useful. The following illustrates what it might look like to obtain the positions and use them:
my #positions;
while ($text =~ /\w+/g) {
push #positions, $-[0];
my #matches;
for my $pos (#positions) {
pos($text) = $pos;
push #matches $1 if $text =~ /\G(\w*i\w*)/g;
If would far simpler not to use the starting positions at all. Aside from being far simpler, we also remove the need for two different regex patterns to agree as to what constitute a word. The result is the following:
my #matches;
while ($text =~ /\b(\w*i\w*)/g) {
push #matches $1;
my #matches = $text =~ /\b(\w*i\w*)/g;
A far better idea, however, is to extra the words themselves in advance. This approach allows for simpler patterns and more advanced definitions of "word"[1].
my #matches;
while ($text =~ /(\w+)/g) {
my $word = $1;
push #matches, $word if $word =~ /i/;
my #matches = grep { /i/ } $text =~ /\w+/g;
For example, a proper tokenizer could be used.
In the absence of more information, I can only suggest the pos function
When doing a global regex search, the engine saves the position where the previous match ended so that it knows where to start searching for the next iteration. The pos function gives access to that value and allows it to be set explicitly, so that a subsequent m//g will start looking at the specified position instead of at the start of the string
This program gives an example. The string is searched for the first non-space character after each of a list of offsets, and displays the character found, if any
Note that the global match must be done in scalar context, which is applied by if here, so that only the next match will be reported. Otherwise the global search will just run on to the end of the file and leave information about only the very last match
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use feature 'say';
my $str = 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n';
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
# 1 2 3
for ( 4, 31, 16, 22 ) {
pos($str) = $_;
say $1 if $str =~ /(\S)/g;

perl Regex replace for specific string length

I am using Perl to do some prototyping.
I need an expression to replace e by [ee] if the string is exactly 2 chars and finishes by "e".
le -> l [ee]
me -> m [ee]
elle -> elle : no change
I cannot test the length of the string, I need one expression to do the whole job.
I tried:
`s/(?=^.{0,2}\z).*e\z%/[ee]/g` but this is replacing the whole string
`s/^[c|d|j|l|m|n|s|t]e$/[ee]/g` same result (I listed the possible letters that could precede my "e")
`^(?<=[c|d|j|l|m|n|s|t])e$/[ee]/g` but I have no match, not sure I can use ^ on a positive look behind
Guys you're amazing, hours of search on the web and here I get answers minutes after I posted.
I tried all your solutions and they are working perfectly directly in my script, i.e. this one:
my $test2="le";
$test2=~ s/^(\S)e$/\1\[ee\]/g;
print "test2:".$test2."\n";
-> test2:l[ee]
But I am loading these regex from a text file (using Perl for proto, the idea is to reuse it with any language implementing regex):
In the text file I store for example (I used % to split the line between match and replace):
^(\S)e$% \1\[ee\]
and then I parse and apply all regex like that:
my $test="le";
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
if( $row =~ /%/){
my #reg = split /%/, $row;
#if no replacement, put empty string
if($#reg == 0){
print "reg found, reg:".$reg[0].", replace:".$reg[1]."\n";
push #regs, [ #reg ];
print "orgine:".$test."\n";
for my $i (0 .. $#regs){
my $p=$regs[$i][0];
my $r=$regs[$i][1];
$test=~ s/$p/$r/g;
print "final:".$test."\n";
This technique is working well with my other regex, but not yet when I have a $1 or \1 in the replace... here is what I am obtaining:
PS: you answered to initial question, should I open another post ?
Something like s/(?i)^([a-z])e$/$1[ee]/
Why aren't you using a capture group to do the replacement?
`s/^([c|d|j|l|m|n|s|t])e$/\1 [ee]/g`
If those are the characters you need and if it is indeed one word to a line with no whitespace before it or after it, then this will work.
Here's another option depending on what you are looking for. It will match a two character string consisting of one a-z character followed by one 'e' on its own line with possible whitespace before or after. It will replace this will the single a-z character followed by ' [ee]'
`s/^\s*([a-z])e\s*$/\1 [ee]/`
Try this.Replace by $1 [ee].See demo.
I'd do something like this
$word =~ s/^(\w{1})(e)$/$1$2e/;
You can use following regex which match 2 character and then you can replace it with $1\[$2$2\]:
Demo :
$my_string =~ s/^([a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z])$/$1[$2$2]/;
See demo

Extracting first two words in perl using regex

I want to create extract the first two words from a sentence using a Perl function in PostgreSQL. In PostgreSQL, I can do this with:
text = "I am trying to make this work";
Select substring(text from '(^\w+-\w+|^\w+(\s+)?(!|,|\&|'')?(\s+)?\w+)');
It would return "I Am"
I tried to build a Perl function in Postgresql that does the same thing.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extract_first_two (text)
my $my_text = $_[0];
my $temp;
$pattern = '^\w+-\w+|^\w+(\s+)?(!|,|\&|'')?(\s+)?\w+)';
my $regex = qr/$pattern/;
if ($my_text=~ $regex) {
$temp = $1;
return $temp;
$$ LANGUAGE plperl;
But I receive a syntax error near the regular expression. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Extracting words is none trivial even in English. Take the following contrived example using Locale::CLDR
use 'Locale::CLDR';
my $locale = Locale::CLDR->new('en');
my #words = $locale->split_words('adf543. 123.25');
#words now contains
Note that the full stop after adf543 is split into a separate word but the one between 123 and 25 is kept as part of the number 123.25 even though the '.' is the same character
If gets worse when you look at non English languages and much worse when you use non Latin scripts.
You need to precisely define what you think a word is otherwise the following French gets split incorrectly.
Je avais dit «Elle a dit «Il a dit «Ni» il ya trois secondes»»
The parentheses are mismatched in our regex pattern. It has three opening parentheses and four closing ones.
Also, you have two single quotes in the middle of a singly-quoted string, so
is parsed as two separate strings
But I can't suggest how to fix it as I don't understand your intention.
Did you mean a double quote perhaps? In which case (!|,|\&|")? can be written as [!,&"]?
At a rough guess I think you want this
my $regex = qr{ ^ \w++ \s* [-!,&"]* \s* \w+ }x;
$temp = $1 if $my_text=~ /($regex)/;
but I can't be sure. If you describe what you're looking for in English then I can help you better. For instance, it's unclear why you don't have question marks, full stops, and semicolons in the list of intervening punctuation.

cant get the perl regex to work

My perl is getting rusty. It only prints "matched=" but $1 is blank!?!
EDIT 1: WHo the h#$! downvoted this? There are no wrong questions. If you dont like it, move on to next one!
if ($crazy =~ m/([.\n\r]+)/gsi) {
print "matched=", $1, "\n";
} else {
print "not matched!\n";
EDIT 2: This is the code fragment with updated regex, works great!
if ($crazy =~ m/([\s\S]+)/gsi) {
print "matched=", $1, "\n";
} else {
print "not matched!\n";
EDIT 3: Haha, i see perl police strikes yet again!!!
I don't know if this is your exact problem, but inside square brackets, '.' is just looking for a period. I didn't see a period in the input, so I wondered which you meant.
Aside from the period, the rest of the character class is looking for consecutive whitespace. And as you didn't use the multiline switch, you've got newlines being counted as whitespace (and any character), but no indication to scan beyond the first record separator. But because of the way that you print it out, it also gives some indication that you meant more than the literal period, as mentioned above.
Axeman is correct; your problem is that . in a character class doesn't do what you expect.
By default, . outside a character class (and not backslashed) matches any character but a newline. If you want to include newlines, you specify the /s flag (which you seem to already have) on your regex or put the . in a (?s:...) group:
my $crazy="abcd\r\nallo\nXYZ\n\n\nQQQ";
if ($crazy =~ m/((?s:.+))/) {
print "matched=", $1, "\n";
} else {
print "not matched!\n";
. in a character class is a literal period, not match anything. What you really want is /(.+)/s. The /g flag says to match multiple times, but you are using the regex in scalar context, so it will only match the first item. The /i flag makes the regex case insensitive, but there are no characters with case in your regex. The \s flag makes . match newlines, and it always matches "\r", so instead of [.\n\r], you can just use ..
However, /(.+)/s will match any string with one or more characters, so you would be better off with
my $crazy="abcd\r\nallo\nXYZ\n\n\nQQQ";
if (length $crazy) {
print "matched=$crazy\n";
} else {
print "not matched!\n";
It is possible you meant to do something like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $crazy = "abcd\r\nallo\nXYZ\n\n\nQQQ";
while ($crazy =~ /(.+)[\r\n]+/g) {
print "matched=$1\n";
But that would probably be better phrased:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $crazy = "abcd\r\nallo\nXYZ\n\n\nQQQ";
for my $part (split /[\r\n]+/, $crazy) {
print "matched=$part\n";
$1 contains white space, that's why you don't see it in a print like that, just add something after it/quote it.
perl -E "qq'abcd\r\nallo\nXYZ\n\n\nQQQ'=~/([.\n\r]+)/gsi;say 'got(',length($1),qq') >$1<';"
got(2) >
Updated for your comments:
To match everything you can simply use /(.+)/s
[.] (dot inside a character class) does not mean "match any character", it just means match the literal . character. So in an input string without any dots,
will just match strings of \n and \r characters.
With the /s modifier, you are already asking the regex engine to include newlines with . (match any character), so you could just write

How can I find repeated letters with a Perl regex?

I am looking for a regex that will find repeating letters. So any letter twice or more, for example:
booooooot or abbott
I won't know the letter I am looking for ahead of time.
This is a question I was asked in interviews and then asked in interviews. Not so many people get it correct.
You can find any letter, then use \1 to find that same letter a second time (or more). If you only need to know the letter, then $1 will contain it. Otherwise you can concatenate the second match onto the first.
my $str = "Foooooobar";
$str =~ /(\w)(\1+)/;
print $1;
# prints 'o'
print $1 . $2;
# prints 'oooooo'
I think you actually want this rather than the "\w" as that includes numbers and the underscore.
Ok, ok, I can take a hint Leon. Use this for the unicode-world or for posix stuff.
I Think using a backreference would work:
\w is basically [a-zA-Z_0-9] so if you only want to match letters between A and Z (case insensitively), use [a-zA-Z] instead.
(EDIT: or, like Tanktalus mentioned in his comment (and as others have answered as well), [[:alpha:]], which is locale-sensitive)
Use \N to refer to previous groups:
You might want to take care as to what is considered to be a letter, and this depends on your locale. Using ISO Latin-1 will allow accented Western language characters to be matched as letters. In the following program, the default locale doesn't recognise é, and thus créé fails to match. Uncomment the locale setting code, and then it begins to match.
Also note that \w includes digits and the underscore character along with all the letters. To get just the letters, you need to take the complement of the non-alphanum, digits and underscore characters. This leaves only letters.
That might be easier to understand by framing it as the question:
"What regular expression matches any digit except 3?"
The answer is:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# uncomment the following three lines:
# use locale;
# use POSIX;
# setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1');
while (<DATA>) {
if (/([^\W_0-9])\1+/) {
print "$_: dup [$1]\n";
else {
print "$_: nope\n";
The following code will return all the characters, that repeat two or more times:
my $str = "SSSannnkaaarsss";
print $str =~ /(\w)\1+/g;
Just for kicks, a completely different approach:
if ( ($str ^ substr($str,1) ) =~ /\0+/ ) {
print "found ", substr($str, $-[0], $+[0]-$-[0]+1), " at offset ", $-[0];
FYI, aside from RegExBuddy, a real handy free site for testing regular expressions is RegExr at Handles ([[:alpha:]])(\1+) nicely.
How about:
The first part makes an unnamed group around a character, then the back-reference looks for that same character.
I think this should also work:
'u' modifier matching with unicode