operator new, new_handler function in c++ - c++

This is pseudocode for the operator new:
while (true)
Attempt to allocate size bytes
if (the allocation was successful)
return (a pointer to the memory);
// The allocation was unsuccessful; find out what the
// current new-handling function is
new_handler globalHandler = set_new_handler(0);
if (globalHandler)
throw std::bad_alloc();
Questions :
1) Why first time 0 is passed as parametr to set_new_handler function?
2) It says that when allocation failed, new_handler function invoked, try to allocate momory and if and only if cant makes more memory, it return pointer to the start of allocated memory or if it cant, it throws bad_alloc exeption or returns null pointer and else body works, which throws a bad_alloc exeption.
My question is why new_handler function sometimes throws exeption, if it can return null pointer and else body would do this ?

1) Why first time 0 is passed as parametr to set_new_handler function?
According to docs this code:
new_handler globalHandler = set_new_handler(0);
(1) set up handler to null pointer (passed as a parameter)
(2) retrieve function pointer to current handler into globalHandler variable
(3) set up handler back to what it was (whatever globalHandler is pointing to now)
This is performed to retrieve a function pointer to the current handler.
when allocation failed, new_handler function invoked,
try to allocate momory
Unknown. I don't see where it allocates any memory here, as there is no code for it. User is free to do anything inside the new handler, but allocating memory is the last thing I would do. In fact, appropriate behavior would be to release some memory.
and if and only if cant makes more memory, it
return pointer to the start of allocated memory or if it cant, it throws bad_alloc exeption or returns null pointer
Wrong. new_handler does not return anything, it's a typedef to a function pointer accepting no parameters and returning void:
typedef void (*new_handler)();
and else body works, which throws a bad_alloc exeption
else block only works when there is no handler installed (it is null pointer), not when new_handler "fails" or throws an exception or whatever
Read it like this:
void* operator new (std::size_t size, optional blah blah here) blah blah here
while(true) // until universe exists (or a nearest power station)
// Try to allocate somehow
// Allocation failed
// Retrieved `global_handler` - a pointer to `void (*new_handler)` somehow
if (globalHandler) // global_handler is not null pointer?
(*globalHandler)(); // no, invoke it and loop again
throw std::bad_alloc(); // it's null, nothing to do, exception, sorry
See also:
How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators?

This is pre-C++11 code, where the only way to get the current new handler is via the slightly hackish approach of calling set_new_handler to set a new one, which also happens to return the previous handler. Now we have get_new_handler so that we can avoid the set-the-handler-to-null-pointer-to-obtain-the-original-and-then-restore-the-value circumlocution.
In other words,
new_handler globalHandler = set_new_handler(0);
is a more convoluted (and more dangerous) way of writing
new_handler globalHandler = get_new_handler();
in C++11.
A new handler's return type is void - it doesn't return a pointer. Actually returning from a new handler (instead of throwing an exception or just terminating the program) essentially means "try again".


IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest with IRP_MJ_WRITE

I developed a WDM filter driver on disk driver. I want to send an asynchronous request to write data on disk. The windows will crash when I delete the writeBuffer memory in WriteDataIRPCompletion function.
My question is: How can I safely free the writeBuffer memory without crashing?
This my send request code:
NTSTATUS WriteToDeviceRoutine() {
context->writeBuffer = new(NonPagedPool) unsigned char[4096];
PIRP pNewIrp = IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest(IRP_MJ_WRITE,
This is my completion routine code:
NTSTATUS WriteDataIRPCompletion(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,IN PIRP driverIrp,IN PVOID Context) {
PMDL mdl,nextMdl;
KdPrint((" WriteDataIRPCompletion \n"));
for(mdl=driverIrp->MdlAddress;mdl!=NULL;mdl = nextMdl) {
nextMdl = mdl->Next;
KdPrint(("mdl clear\n"));
driverIrp->MdlAddress = NULL;
delete [] writeContext->writeBuffer;
KdPrint(("leave WriteDataIRPCompletion \n"));
you error in next line
context = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,sizeof(PMYDRIVER_WRITE_CONTEXT));
when must be
context = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,sizeof(MYDRIVER_WRITE_CONTEXT));
not sizeof(PMYDRIVER_WRITE_CONTEXT) but sizeof(MYDRIVER_WRITE_CONTEXT) you allocate not structure but pointer to it.
this not produce error only if your MYDRIVER_WRITE_CONTEXT containing single field writeBuffer and no more data. otherwise you overwrite allocated memory (which is only sizeof(PVOID)) and this create bug
and about completion for IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest. unfortunately documentation not very good. here sated that
Before calling IoFreeIrp, an additional step is required to free the
buffer for an IRP built by IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest if the
following are all true:
The buffer was allocated from system memory pool.
but then all attention for
The Irp->MdlAddress field is non-NULL.
however we must check and for IRP_DEALLOCATE_BUFFER|IRP_BUFFERED_IO, without this we can leak Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer. need next code
if (Irp->Flags & IRP_BUFFERED_IO)
if (!NT_ERROR(Irp->IoStatus.Status) && Irp->IoStatus.Information)
memcpy( Irp->UserBuffer, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, Irp->IoStatus.Information );
Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = 0;
and check for if (writeContext) after use writeContext->writeBuffer already senseless and nosense. really you need do check for context != NULL yet in WriteToDeviceRoutine()
I'm not too familiar with the specifics of what you're working with, so here're a few details that caught my attention.
In WriteDataIRPCompletion function
// ...
delete [] writeContext->writeBuffer;
Notice that your writeContext originates from your Context argument. However, you seem to be deleting/freeing the allocated memory twice.
The ExFreePool function docs state:
Specifies the address of the block of pool memory being deallocated.
It looks like the delete [] writeContext->writeBuffer; line might be causing the problem and it just needs to be removed.
As it is right now, part of the memory that should be freed by the function has already been manually deleted by the time you invoke ExFreePool, but not set to NULL, which in turn causes ExFreePool to receive a now-invalid pointer (i.e. a non-null pointer pointing to de-allocated memory) in its Context argument, causing the crash.
In WriteToDeviceRoutine function
The documentation for ExFreePool explicitly states that it deallocates memory that has been allocated with other functions, such as ExAllocatePool and other friends.
However, your code is trying to allocate/deallocate the writeContext->writeBuffer directly using the new/delete operators respectively. It seems like you should be allocating your memory with ExAllocatePool and then deallocating with ExFreePool instead of trying to do things manually like that.
These functions may be organizing the memory in a specific way and if/when this pre-condition is not met in ExFreePool, it could end up in a crash.
On a separate note, it seems odd that you check if(Context) is null before invoking ExFreePool, but not above before you try to type-cast for your local writeContext variable and use it.
Maybe you should also check at that first point of use? If Context is always non-null, then the check might also be unnecessary prior to invoking ExFreePool.

How does std::set_new_handler make more memory available?

From std::set_new_handler
The new-handler function is the function called by allocation functions whenever a memory allocation attempt fails. Its intended purpose is one of three things:
make more memory available
terminate the program (e.g. by calling std::terminate)
throw exception of type std::bad_alloc or derived from std::bad_alloc
Will the following overload gurantees anything ?
void * operator new(std::size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc){
while(true) {
void* pMem = malloc(size);
return pMem;
std::new_handler Handler = std::set_new_handler(0);
throw bad_alloc();
std::set_new_handler doesn't make memory available, it sets a new-handler function to be used when allocation fails.
A user-defined new-handler function might be able to make more memory available, e.g. by clearing an in-memory cache, or destroying some objects that are no longer needed. The default new-handler does not do this, it's a null pointer, so failure to allocate memory just throws an exception, because the standard library cannot know what objects in your program might not be needed any more. If you write your own new handler you might be able to return some memory to the system based on your knowledge of the program and its requirements.
Here is a working example illustrating the functioning of custom new handlers.
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
/// buffer to be allocated after custom new handler has been installed
char* g_pSafetyBuffer = NULL;
/// exceptional one time release of a global reserve
void my_new_handler()
if (g_pSafetyBuffer) {
delete [] g_pSafetyBuffer;
g_pSafetyBuffer = NULL;
std::cout << "[Free some pre-allocated memory]";
std::cout << "[No memory to free, throw bad_alloc]";
throw std::bad_alloc();
/// illustrates how a custom new handler may work
int main()
enum { MEM_CHUNK_SIZE = 1000*1000 }; // adjust according to your system
g_pSafetyBuffer = new char[801*MEM_CHUNK_SIZE];
try {
while (true) {
std::cout << "Trying another new... ";
new char[200*MEM_CHUNK_SIZE];
std::cout << " ...succeeded.\n";
} catch (const std::bad_alloc& e) {
std::cout << " ...failed.\n";
return 0;
I do not suggest the demonstrated strategy for production code, it may be too heavy to predict, how many allocations will succeed after your new_handler is called once. I observed some successful allocations on my system (play with the numbers to see what happens on yours). Here's one possible output:
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... [Free some pre-allocated memory] ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... ...succeeded.
Trying another new... [No memory to free, throw bad_alloc] ...failed.
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.046 s
Press any key to continue.
Instead, from my perspective, do the release of a safety buffer only for terminating your program in a safe way. Even proper exception handling needs memory, if there isn't enough available, abort() is called (as I learned recently).

catching exception for memory allocation

void newHandler() {
cdebug << "memory allocation failure" << std::endl;
throw std::bad_alloc();
int main() {
// ...
Once newHandler is established as our error handler, it will be called
when any heap allocation fails. The interesting thing about the error
handler is that it will be called continiously until the memory
allocation succeeds, or the function throws an error.
My question on above text is what does authore mean by " until the memory allocation succeeds, or the function throws an error." How can function can throw an error in this case? Request with example to understand.
Thanks for your time and help.
Basically, your handler may have 3 behavior
It throws a bad_alloc (or its derivate class).
It call exit or abord function which stop the program execution
It return, in which case a new allocation attempt will occur
refs: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/new/set_new_handler/
This is helpful if you dont want to handle allocation error on each new call.
Depending on your system (using a lot of memory) you can for example free some allocated memory (cache), so the next try memory allocation can be successful.
void no_memory ()
std::cout << "Free cache memory so the allocation can succeed!\n";
std::cout << "Failed to allocate memory!\n";
std::exit (1); // Or throw an expection...
The intent is that the handler can free some memory, return, and then new() can retry allocation. new() will call the handler as long as the allocation keeps failing. The handler can abort these attempts by throwing bad_alloc(), essentially saying 'I cannot free any more memory, so the allocation can't suceed'.
More details here:

global handler invokation

I have overloaded new function but unfortunetly never been able to execute global handler for requesting more memory access on my compiler. I also don't understand as per below code snippet if we invoke the
global handler for requesting more memory how it is gling to allocate to P.
I appreciate if anybody can through some light on this
void * Pool:: operator new ( size_t size ) throw( const char *)
int n=0;
void *p = malloc (100000000L);
new_handler ghd= set_new_handler(0);//deinstall curent handler
set_new_handler(ghd);// install global handler for more memory access
throw "out of memory exception";
return p;
To have any effect, some other part of the program must have installed a global handler previously. That handler must also have some kind of memory to release when the handler is called (perhaps some buffers or cache that can be discarded).
The default new_handler is just a null pointer, so your code is very likely to end up throwing an exception.
Also, I would have thrown a bad_alloc exception to be consistent with other operator new overloads.
Here are two things to discuss, the first is using new_handler, the second is overloading operator new.
When you want use a new_handler, you have to register it. It is typically the first thing to do after entering main(). The handler should also be provided by you.
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
void noMemory() throw()
std::cout << "no memory" << std::endl;
int main()
// this will probably fail and noMemory() will be called
char *c = new char[100000000L];
std::cout << "end" << std::endl;
When no memory can be allocated, your registered handler will be called, and you have the chance to free up some memory. When the handler returns, operator new will give another try to allocate the amount of memory you requested.
operator new
The structure of the default operator new is something similar you presented. From the point of the new_handler the important part is the while(1) loop, since it is responsible for trying to get memory after called the new_handler.
There is two way out of this while(1) loop:
getting a valid pointer
throwing an exception
You have to have this in mind when you provide a new_handler, because if you can not do anything to free up memory you should deinstall the handler (or terminating or throwing an exception), otherwise you can stuck in an endless loop.
I guess omitting parameter size in your code is just for test purpose.
Also see Scott Meyers' Effective C++ Item 7 for details. As operator new must return a valid pointer even with parameter size = 0, the first thing to do in your operator new should be overwriting size to 1 in case of the user want to allocate 0 number of bytes. This trick is simple and fairly effective.

Using C dynamic memory functions in C++ to avoid Segmentation Fault

I'm trying to safely recover from a segmentation fault I expect to happen. I'm trying to avoid it checking using my canAlloc() function here. When canAllow returns false, A0 (which is Ackermann's if you didn't see it) should throw an exception that I can catch in the main method. checkTable and saveInTable are both functions that use a map<int hash, int value> to store returns from A0.
bool canAlloc(){
bool reBool = false;
int * memch = (int*)calloc (10000, sizeof(int));
reBool = (memch != NULL);
return reBool;
int A0(int m, int n){
if(!canAlloc()) throw;
int reInt = checkReturnTable(m,n);
if(reInt == -1){
if(m == 0){
return n + 1;
} else if(m > 0){
if(n == 0){
reInt = A0(m-1,1);
} else if(n > 0){
reInt = A0(m-1, A0(m,n-1));
return reInt;
} else return reInt;
From a comment:
In main I have a try-catch block to catch any exception try{} catch(...){}. As I understand it the three periods should catch any exception thrown. And as I understand, the throw keyword throws the exception without any specifiers, but can still be caught by the three dots.
A segmentation fault is not a C++ exception. It is indicative of a program failure that causes the OS to send a SIGSEGV signal to your process. You won't be able to catch a SIGSEGV signal directly; you'd have to set up a signal handler and ... well, it gets tricky at that point, because it is not clear that you can throw an exception from within a signal handler.
A throw with no exception specified rethrows the current exception; it only makes sense inside a catch block.
You probably get the SIGSEGV when your system is unable to extend the stack any further, probably because you've run out of virtual memory. That means one of your function calls failed because there was no space to put its arguments or local variables or return address, etc. There is no clean way to recover from that, which is why the system generates the segmentation fault.
If the fault was because calloc() could not allocate memory, you'd not get a segmentation fault; you'd get a zero return value. And you could raise an 'out of memory' exception cleanly and synchronously when it happens. But that isn't your problem.
You cannot recover from a segmentation fault, because once the fault occurs, your program is no longer in a well-defined state, and there's no mechanism to roll back to a well-defined state, either.
A segmentation fault is always a programming error in one way or another, and you must simply avoid it. In C++, you can simply catch exceptions coming from a dynamic allocation:
T * p;
try { p = new T; }
catch(const std::bad_alloc & e) { /* ... */ }
Usually there's no need to be quite that manual, though, since you would wrap your dynamic allocations inside suitable managing containers (like unique_ptr or shared_ptr), and you should catch exceptions (not even just allocation ones) at points in your program flow where you are in a position to handle the error and continue meaningfully.
(Thanks to exceptions you should not usually need to check the result of possibly throwing functions right at the call side - that's the whole point of using exceptions.)
If for some reason you just want to allocate raw memory, without constructing any object, you can do it in two ways:
// Method #1, the C++ way:
void * addr = ::operator new(n); // will throw std::bad_alloc on error
// Method #2, the manual way:
void * addr = std::malloc(n);
if (!addr) throw std::bad_alloc(); // throw exception manually, handled elsewhere