C++: Thread Safety in a Signal/Slot Library - c++

I'm implementing a Signal/Slot framework, and got to the point that I want it to be thread-safe. I already had a lot of support from the Boost mailing-list, but since this is not really boost-related, I'll ask my pending question here.
When is a signal/slot implementation (or any framework that calls functions outside itself, specified in some way by the user) considered thread-safe? Should it be safe w.r.t. its own data, i.e. the data associated to its implementation details? Or should it also take into account the user's data, which might or might not be modified whatever functions are passed to the framework?
This is an example given on the mailing-list (Edit: this is an example use-case --i.e. user code--. My code is behind the calls to the Emitter object):
int * somePtr = nullptr;
Emitter<Event> em; // just an object that can emit the 'Event' signal
void mainThread()
// now, somehow, 2 threads are created which, at some point
// execute the thread1() and thread2() functions below
void someFunction()
// can somePtr change after the check but before the set?
if (somePtr)
*somePtr = 17;
void cleanupPtr()
// this looks safe, but compilers and CPUs can reorder this code:
int *tmp = somePtr;
somePtr = null;
delete tmp;
void thread1()
void thread2()
// now safe to cleanup (?)
In the above code, it might happen that Event is emitted, causing someFunction to be executed. If somePtr is non-null, but becomes null just after the if, but before the assignment, we're in trouble. From the point of view of thread2, this is not obvious because it is disconnecting someFunction before calling cleanupPtr.
I can see why this could potentially lead to trouble, but who's responsibility is this? Should my library protect the user from using it in every irresponsible but imaginable way?

I suspect there is no clearly good answer, but clarity will come from documenting the guarantees you wish to make about concurrent access to an Emitter object.
One level of guarantee, which to me is what is implied by a promise of thread safety, is that:
Concurrent operations on the object are guaranteed to leave the object in a consistent state (at least, from the point of view of the accessing threads.)
Non-commutative operations will be performed as if they were scheduled serially in some (unknown) order.
Then the question is, what does the emit method promise semantically: passing control to the connected routine, or evaluation of the function? If the former, then your work sounds like it is already done; if the latter, then the 'as-if ordered' requirement would mean that you need to enforce some level of synchronisation.
Users of the library can work with either, provided it is clear what is being promised.

Firstly the simplest possibility: If you don't claim your library to be thread-safe, you don't have to bother about this.
(But even) if you do:
In your example the user would have to take care about thread-safety, since both functions could be dangerous, even without using your event-system (IMHO, this is a pretty good way to determine who should take care about those kind of problems). A possible way for him to do this in C++11 could be:
#include <mutex>
// A mutex is used to control thread-acess to a shared resource
std::mutex _somePtr_mutex;
int* somePtr = nullptr;
void someFunction()
Create a 'lock_guard' to manage your mutex.
Is the mutex '_somePtr_mutex' already locked?
Yes: Wait until it's unlocked.
No: Lock it and continue execution.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_somePtr_mutex);
*somePtr = 17;
// End of scope: 'lock' gets destroyed and hence unlocks '_somePtr_mutex'
void cleanupPtr()
Create a 'lock_guard' to manage your mutex.
Is the mutex '_somePtr_mutex' already locked?
Yes: Wait until it's unlocked.
No: Lock it and continue execution.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_somePtr_mutex);
int *tmp = somePtr;
somePtr = null;
delete tmp;
// End of scope: 'lock' gets destroyed and hence unlocks '_somePtr_mutex'

The last question is easy. If you say your library is threadsafe, it should threadsafe. It makes no sense to say it is partly threadsafe or, it is only threadsafe if you do not abuse it. In that case you have to explain what exactly is not threadsafe.
Now to your first question regarded someFunction:
The operation is non atomic. Which means the CPU can interrupt between the if and the assigment. And that will happen, I know that :-) The other thread can erase the pointer anytime. Even between two short and fast looking statements.
Now to cleanupPtr:
I am not a compiler expert, but if you want to be shure that your assigment take place in the same moment you wrote it in code you should write the keyword volatile in front of the declaration of somePtr. The compiler will now know that you use that attribute in a multithreaded situation and will not buffer the value in a register of the CPU.
If you have a thread situation with a reader thread and a writer thread, the keyword volatile can (IMHO) be enough to sync them. As long as the attributes you use to exchange information between threads are generic.
For other situations you can use mutex or atomics. I will give you an example for mutex. I use C++11 for that, but it works similar with previous versions of C++ using boost.
Using mutex:
int * somePtr = nullptr;
Emitter<Event> em; // just an object that can emit the 'Event' signal
std::recursive_mutex g_mutex;
void mainThread()
// now, somehow, 2 threads are created which, at some point
// execute the thread1() and thread2() functions below
void someFunction()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(g_mutex);
// can somePtr change after the check but before the set?
if (somePtr)
*somePtr = 17;
void cleanupPtr()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(g_mutex);
// this looks safe, but compilers and CPUs can reorder this code:
int *tmp = somePtr;
somePtr = null;
delete tmp;
void thread1()
void thread2()
// now safe to cleanup (?)
I only added a recursive mutex here without changing any other code of the sample, even if it's now cargo code.
There are two kinds of mutex in the std. A utterly useless std::mutex and the std::recursive_mutex which work like you expect a mutex should work. The std::mutex exclude the access of any further call even from the same thread. Which can happen if a method which needs mutex protection calls a public method which use the same mutex. std::recursive_mutex is reentrant for the same thread.
Atomics (or interlocks in win32) are another way, but only to exchange values between threads or access them concurrently. Your example is missing such values, but in your case, I would look a little deeper in them (std::atomic).
If your are the user of a library which is not explicit declared as threadsafe by the developer, take it as non threadsafe and shield every call to it with a mutex lock.
To stick with the example. If you cannot change someFunction the you have to wrap the function like:
void threadsafeSomeFunction()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(g_mutex);


Locking pairs of mutually referencing resources

Consider the following:
// There are guys:
class Guy {
// Each guy can have a buddy:
Guy* buddy; // When a guy has a buddy, he is his buddy's buddy, i.e:
// assert(!buddy || buddy->buddy == this);
// When guys are birthed into the world they have no buddy:
: buddy{}
// But guys can befriend each other:
friend void befriend(Guy& a, Guy& b) {
// Except themselves:
assert(&a != &b);
// Their old buddies (if any), lose their buddies:
if (a.buddy) { a.buddy->buddy = {}; }
if (b.buddy) { b.buddy->buddy = {}; }
a.buddy = &b;
b.buddy = &a;
// When a guy moves around, he keeps track of his buddy
// and lets his buddy keep track of him:
friend void swap(Guy& a, Guy& b) {
std::swap(a.buddy, b.buddy);
if (a.buddy) { a.buddy->buddy = &a; }
if (b.buddy) { b.buddy->buddy = &b; }
Guy(Guy&& guy)
: Guy()
swap(*this, guy);
Guy& operator=(Guy guy) {
swap(*this, guy);
return *this;
// When a Guy dies, his buddy loses his buddy.
~Guy() {
if (buddy) { buddy->buddy = {}; }
All is well so far, but now I want this to work when buddies are used in different threads. No problem, let's just stick std::mutex in Guy:
class Guy {
std::mutex mutex;
// same as above...
Now I just have to lock mutexes of both guys before linking or unlinking the pair of them.
This is where I am stumped. Here are failed attempts (using the destructor as an example):
~Guy() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex};
if (buddy) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> buddyLock{buddy->mutex};
buddy->buddy = {};
When two buddies are destroyed at around the same time, it is possible that each of them locks their own mutex, before trying to lock their buddies' mutexes, thus resulting in a deadlock.
Race condition:
Okay so we just have to lock mutexes in consistent order, either manually or with std::lock:
~Guy() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex, std::defer_lock};
if (buddy) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> buddyLock{buddy->mutex, std::defer_lock};
std::lock(lock, buddyLock);
buddy->buddy = {};
Unfortunately, to get to buddy's mutex we have to access buddy which at this point is not protected by any lock and may be in the process of being modified from another thread, which is a race condition.
Not scalable:
Correctness can be attained with a global mutex:
static std::mutex mutex;
~Guy() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex};
if (buddy) { buddy->buddy = {}; }
But this is undesirable for performance and scalability reasons.
So is this possible to do without global lock? How?
Using std::lock isn't a race condition (per se) nor does it risk deadlock.
std::lock will use a deadlock-free algorithm to obtain the two locks. They will be some kind of (unspecified) try-and-retreat method.
An alternative is to determine an arbitrary lock order for example using the physical address of the objects.
You've correctly excluded the possibility that an objects buddy is itself so there's no risk of trying to lock() the same mutex twice.
I say isn't a race condition per se because what that code will do is ensure integrity that if a has buddy b then b has buddy a for all a and b.
The fact that one moment after befriending two objects they might be unfriended by another thread is presumably what you intend or addressed by other synchronization.
Note also that when you're befriending and may unfriend the friends of the new friends you need to lock ALL the objects at once.
That is the two 'to be' friends and their current friends (if any).
Consequently you need to lock 2,3 or 4 mutexes.
std::lock unfortunately doesn't take an array but there is a version that does that in boost or you need to address it by hand.
To clarify, I'm reading the examples of possible destructors as models. Synchronization on the same locks would be required in all the relevant members (e.g. befriend(), swap() and unfriend() if that is required). Indeed the issue of locking 2,3 or 4 applies to the befriend() member.
Furthermore the destructor is probably the worst example because as mentioned in a comment it's illogical that an object is destructible but may be in lock contention with another thread. Some synchronization surely needs to exist in the wider program to make that impossible at which point the lock in the destructor is redundant.
Indeed a design which ensures Guy objects have no buddy before destruction would seem like a good idea and a debug pre-condition that checks assert(buddy==nullptr) in the destructor. Sadly that can't be left as a run-time exception because throwing exceptions in destructors can cause program termination (std::terminate()).
In fact the real challenge (which may depend on the surrounding program) is how to unfriend when befriending. That would appear to require a try-retreat loop:
Lock a and b.
Find out if they have buddies.
If they're already buddies - you're done.
If they have other buddies, unlock a & b, and lock a and b and their buddies (if any).
Check that the buddies haven't changed, if they have go again.
Adjust the relevant members.
It's a question for the surrounding program whether that risks live-lock but any try-retreat method suffers the same risk.
What won't work is std::lock() a & b then std::lock() the buddies because that does risk deadlock.
So to answer the question - yes, it is possible without a global lock but that depends on the surrounding program. It may be in a population of many Guy objects contention is rare and liveness is high.
But it may be that there are a small number of objects that are hotly contended (possibly in a large population) that results in a problem. That can't be assessed without understanding the wider application.
One way to resolve that would be lock escalation which in effect piecemeal falls back to a global lock. In essence that would mean if there were too many trips round the re-try loop a global semaphore would be set ordering all threads to go into global lock mode for a while. A while might be a number of actions or a period of time or until contention on the global lock subsides!
So the final answer is "yes it's absolutely possible unless it doesn't work in which case 'no'".

C++ multithreading application crashes

I'm programming a simple 3D rendering engine just to get more familliar with C++. Today I had my first steps with multithreading and already have a problem I cannot wrap my head around. When the application starts it generates a small, minecraft-like terrain consisting of cubes. They're generated withhin the main thread.
Now when I want to generate more chunks
void VoxelWorld::generateChunk(glm::vec2 chunkPosition) {
Chunk* generatedChunk = m_worldGenerator->generateChunk(chunkPosition);
generatedChunk->shader = m_chunkShader;
m_chunks[chunkPosition.x][chunkPosition.y] = generatedChunk;
m_loadedChunks.push_back(glm::vec2(chunkPosition.x, chunkPosition.y));
void VoxelWorld::generateChunkThreaded(glm::vec2 chunkPosition) {
std::thread chunkThread(&VoxelWorld::generateChunk, this, chunkPosition);
void VoxelWorld::draw() {
for(glm::vec2& vec : m_loadedChunks){
Transformation* transformation = new Transformation();
transformation->getPosition().setPosition(glm::vec3(CHUNK_WIDTH*vec.x, 0, CHUNK_WIDTH*vec.y));
delete(transformation); //TODO: Find a better way
I have my member function (everything is non-static) generateChunk() which generates a Chunk and stores it in the VoxelWorld class. I have a 2D std::map<..> m_chunks which stores every chunk and a std::vector<glm::vec2> m_loadedChunks which stores the positions of the generated chunks.
Calling generateChunk() works fine as expected. But when I try generateChunkThreaded() the application crashes! I tried commenting out the last line of generateChunk(), then it does not crash. Thats what confuses me so much! m_loadedChunks ist just a regular std::vector. I tried making it public, with no effect. Is there anything obvious I miss?
You are accessing m_loadedChunks from several threads without synchronizing it.
You need to lock the usage of shared usages. So few tips here.
Declare a mutex as a member of the class
std::mutex mtx; // mutex for critical section
Use it to lock via a critical section each time you want to access the elements
std::lock_guard lock(mtx);
m_chunks[chunkPosition.x][chunkPosition.y] = generatedChunk;
m_loadedChunks.push_back(glm::vec2(chunkPosition.x, chunkPosition.y));
Hope that helps
When you have many threads access shared resources, you either have those resources available as read-only, atomic, or guarded with a mutex lock.
So, for your m_loadedChunks member variable, you would want to have it wrapped in a lock. For example:
class VoxelWorld
// your class members and more ...
std::mutex m_loadedChunksMutex;
void VoxelWorld::generateChunk(glm::vec2 chunkPosition)
Chunk* generatedChunk = m_worldGenerator->generateChunk(chunkPosition);
generatedChunk->shader = m_chunkShader;
m_chunks[chunkPosition.x][chunkPosition.y] = generatedChunk;
auto&& scopedLock = std::lock_guard< std::mutex >(m_loadedChunksMutex);
m_loadedChunks.push_back(glm::vec2(chunkPosition.x, chunkPosition.y));
The scopedLock will automatically wait for a lock and when the code goes out of scope, the lock will be released.
Now note, that I have a mutex for m_loadedChunks and not a generic mutex covering all variables that may be accessed by threads. This is actually a good practice introduced by Herb Sutter in his "Effective Concurrency" courses and on his talks at cppcon.
So, for whatever shared variables you have, use the above example as one means to solve race issues.

std::lock_guard example, explanation on why it works

I've reached a point in my project that requires communication between threads on resources that very well may be written to, so synchronization is a must. However I don't really understand synchronization at anything other than the basic level.
Consider the last example in this link: http://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/C11/7_C11_Thread_Sharing_Memory.php
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
// a global variable
// a global instance of std::mutex to protect global variable
std::mutex myMutex;
void addToList(int max, int interval)
// the access to this function is mutually exclusive
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if( (i % interval) == 0) myList.push_back(i);
void printList()
// the access to this function is mutually exclusive
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
for (auto itr = myList.begin(), end_itr = myList.end(); itr != end_itr; ++itr ) {
cout << *itr << ",";
int main()
int max = 100;
std::thread t1(addToList, max, 1);
std::thread t2(addToList, max, 10);
std::thread t3(printList);
return 0;
The example demonstrates how three threads, two writers and one reader, accesses a common resource(list).
Two global functions are used: one which is used by the two writer threads, and one being used by the reader thread. Both functions use a lock_guard to lock down the same resource, the list.
Now here is what I just can't wrap my head around: The reader uses a lock in a different scope than the two writer threads, yet still locks down the same resource. How can this work? My limited understanding of mutexes lends itself well to the writer function, there you got two threads using the exact same function. I can understand that, a check is made right as you are about to enter the protected area, and if someone else is already inside, you wait.
But when the scope is different? This would indicate that there is some sort of mechanism more powerful than the process itself, some sort of runtime environment blocking execution of the "late" thread. But I thought there were no such things in c++. So I am at a loss.
What exactly goes on under the hood here?
Let’s have a look at the relevant line:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
Notice that the lock_guard references the global mutex myMutex. That is, the same mutex for all three threads. What lock_guard does is essentially this:
Upon construction, it locks myMutex and keeps a reference to it.
Upon destruction (i.e. when the guard's scope is left), it unlocks myMutex.
The mutex is always the same one, it has nothing to do with the scope. The point of lock_guard is just to make locking and unlocking the mutex easier for you. For example, if you manually lock/unlock, but your function throws an exception somewhere in the middle, it will never reach the unlock statement. So, doing it the manual way you have to make sure that the mutex is always unlocked. On the other hand, the lock_guard object gets destroyed automatically whenever the function is exited – regardless how it is exited.
myMutex is global, which is what is used to protect myList. guard(myMutex) simply engages the lock and the exit from the block causes its destruction, dis-engaging the lock. guard is just a convenient way to engage and dis-engage the lock.
With that out of the way, mutex does not protect any data. It just provides a way to protect data. It is the design pattern that protects data. So if I write my own function to modify the list as below, the mutex cannot protect it.
void addToListUnsafe(int max, int interval)
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if( (i % interval) == 0) myList.push_back(i);
The lock only works if all pieces of code that need to access the data engage the lock before accessing and disengage after they are done. This design-pattern of engaging and dis-engaging the lock before and after every access is what protects the data (myList in your case)
Now you would wonder, why use mutex at all, and why not, say, a bool. And yes you can, but you will have to make sure that the bool variable will exhibit certain characteristics including but not limited to the below list.
Not be cached (volatile) across multiple threads.
Read and write will be atomic operation.
Your lock can handle situation where there are multiple execution pipelines (logical cores, etc).
There are different synchronization mechanisms that provide "better locking" (across processes versus across threads, multiple processor versus, single processor, etc) at a cost of "slower performance", so you should always choose a locking mechanism which is just about enough for your situation.
Just to add onto what others here have said...
There is an idea in C++ called Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) which is this idea of binding resources to the lifetime of objects:
Resource Acquisition Is Initialization or RAII, is a C++ programming technique which binds the life cycle of a resource that must be acquired before use (allocated heap memory, thread of execution, open socket, open file, locked mutex, disk space, database connection—anything that exists in limited supply) to the lifetime of an object.
C++ RAII Info
The use of a std::lock_guard<std::mutex> class follows the RAII idea.
Why is this useful?
Consider a case where you don't use a std::lock_guard:
std::mutex m; // global mutex
void oops() {
in this case, a global mutex is used and is locked before the call to doSomething(). Then once doSomething() is complete the mutex is unlocked.
One problem here is what happens if there is an exception? Now you run the risk of never reaching the m.unlock() line which releases the mutex to other threads.
So you need to cover the case where you run into an exception:
std::mutex m; // global mutex
void oops() {
try {
} catch(...) {
m.unlock(); // now exception path is covered
// throw ...
This works but is ugly, verbose, and inconvenient.
Now lets write our own simple lock guard.
class lock_guard {
std::mutex& m;
lock_guard(std::mutex& m_):(m(m_)){ m.lock(); } // lock on construction
~lock_guard() { t.unlock(); }} // unlock on deconstruction
When the lock_guard object is destroyed, it will ensure that the mutex is unlocked.
Now we can use this lock_guard to handle the case from before in a better/cleaner way:
std::mutex m; // global mutex
void ok() {
lock_guard lk(m); // our simple lock guard, protects against exception case
} // when scope is exited our lock guard object is destroyed and the mutex unlocked
This is the same idea behind std::lock_guard.
Again this approach is used with many different types of resources which you can read more about by following the link on RAII.
This is precisely what a lock does. When a thread takes the lock, regardless of where in the code it does so, it must wait its turn if another thread holds the lock. When a thread releases a lock, regardless of where in the code it does so, another thread may acquire that lock.
Locks protect data, not code. They do it by ensuring all code that accesses the protected data does so while it holds the lock, excluding other threads from any code that might access that same data.

Thread safe container

There is some exemplary class of container in pseudo code:
class Container
void add(data new)
// addition of data
data get(size_t which)
// returning some data
void remove(size_t which)
// delete specified object
data d;
How this container can be made thread safe? I heard about mutexes - where these mutexes should be placed? Should mutex be static for a class or maybe in global scope? What is good library for this task in C++?
First of all mutexes should not be static for a class as long as you going to use more than one instance. There is many cases where you should or shouldn't use use them. So without seeing your code it's hard to say. Just remember, they are used to synchronise access to shared data. So it's wise to place them inside methods that modify or rely on object's state. In your case I would use one mutex to protect whole object and lock all three methods. Like:
class Container
void add(data new)
lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex);
// addition of data
data get(size_t which)
lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex);
// getting copy of value
// return that value
void remove(size_t which)
lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex);
// delete specified object
data d;
Mutex mutex;
Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB) provides a bunch of thread-safe container implementations for C++. It has been open sourced, you can download it from: http://threadingbuildingblocks.org/ver.php?fid=174 .
First: sharing mutable state between threads is hard. You should be using a library that has been audited and debugged.
Now that it is said, there are two different functional issue:
you want a container to provide safe atomic operations
you want a container to provide safe multiple operations
The idea of multiple operations is that multiple accesses to the same container must be executed successively, under the control of a single entity. They require the caller to "hold" the mutex for the duration of the transaction so that only it changes the state.
1. Atomic operations
This one appears simple:
add a mutex to the object
at the start of each method grab a mutex with a RAII lock
Unfortunately it's also plain wrong.
The issue is re-entrancy. It is likely that some methods will call other methods on the same object. If those once again attempt to grab the mutex, you get a dead lock.
It is possible to use re-entrant mutexes. They are a bit slower, but allow the same thread to lock a given mutex as much as it wants. The number of unlocks should match the number of locks, so once again, RAII.
Another approach is to use dispatching methods:
class C {
void foo() { Lock lock(_mutex); foo_impl(); }]
void foo_impl() { /* do something */; foo_impl(); }
The public methods are simple forwarders to private work-methods and simply lock. Then one just have to ensure that private methods never take the mutex...
Of course there are risks of accidentally calling a locking method from a work-method, in which case you deadlock. Read on to avoid this ;)
2. Multiple operations
The only way to achieve this is to have the caller hold the mutex.
The general method is simple:
add a mutex to the container
provide a handle on this method
cross your fingers that the caller will never forget to hold the mutex while accessing the class
I personally prefer a much saner approach.
First, I create a "bundle of data", which simply represents the class data (+ a mutex), and then I provide a Proxy, in charge of grabbing the mutex. The data is locked so that the proxy only may access the state.
class ContainerData {
friend class ContainerProxy;
Mutex _mutex;
void foo();
void bar();
// some data
class ContainerProxy {
ContainerProxy(ContainerData& data): _data(data), _lock(data._mutex) {}
void foo() { data.foo(); }
void bar() { foo(); data.bar(); }
Note that it is perfectly safe for the Proxy to call its own methods. The mutex will be released automatically by the destructor.
The mutex can still be reentrant if multiple Proxies are desired. But really, when multiple proxies are involved, it generally turns into a mess. In debug mode, it's also possible to add a "check" that the mutex is not already held by this thread (and assert if it is).
3. Reminder
Using locks is error-prone. Deadlocks are a common cause of error and occur as soon as you have two mutexes (or one and re-entrancy). When possible, prefer using higher level alternatives.
Add mutex as an instance variable of class. Initialize it in constructor, and lock it at the very begining of every method, including destructor, and unlock at the end of method. Adding global mutex for all instances of class (static member or just in gloabl scope) may be a performance penalty.
The is also a very nice collection of lock-free containers (including maps) by Max Khiszinsky
LibCDS1 Concurrent Data Structures
Here is the documentation page:
It can be kind of intimidating to get started, because it is fully generic and requires you register a chosen garbage collection strategy and initialize that. Of course, the threading library is configurable and you need to initialize that as well :)
See the following links for some getting started info:
initialization of CDS and the threading manager
the unit tests ((cd build && ./build.sh ----debug-test for debug build)
Here is base template for 'main':
#include <cds/threading/model.h> // threading manager
#include <cds/gc/hzp/hzp.h> // Hazard Pointer GC
int main()
// Initialize \p CDS library
// Initialize Garbage collector(s) that you use
// Attach main thread
// Note: it is needed if main thread can access to libcds containers
// Do some useful work
// Finish main thread - detaches internal control structures
// Terminate GCs
// Terminate \p CDS library
Don't forget to attach any additional threads you are using:
#include <cds/threading/model.h>
int myThreadFunc(void *)
// initialize libcds thread control structures
// Now, you can work with GCs and libcds containers
// Finish working thread
1 (not to be confuse with Google's compact datastructures library)

Thread-Safe implementation of an object that deletes itself

I have an object that is called from two different threads and after it was called by both it destroys itself by "delete this".
How do I implement this thread-safe? Thread-safe means that the object never destroys itself exactly one time (it must destroys itself after the second callback).
I created some example code:
class IThreadCallBack
virtual void CallBack(int) = 0;
class M: public IThreadCallBack
bool t1_finished, t2_finished;
M(): t1_finished(false), t2_finished(false)
startMyThread(this, 1);
startMyThread(this, 2);
void CallBack(int id)
if (id == 1)
t1_finished = true;
t2_finished = true;
if (t1_finished && t2_finished)
delete this;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
M* MObj = new M();
Obviously I can't use a Mutex as member of the object and lock the delete, because this would also delete the Mutex. On the other hand, if I set a "toBeDeleted"-flag inside a mutex-protected area, where the finised-flag is set, I feel unsure if there are situations possible where the object isnt deleted at all.
Note that the thread-implementation makes sure that the callback method is called exactly one time per thread in any case.
Edit / Update:
What if I change Callback(..) to:
void CallBack(int id)
if (id == 1)
t1_finished = true;
t2_finished = true;
bool both_finished = (t1_finished && t2_finished);
if (both_finished)
delete this;
Can this considered to be safe? (with mMutex being a member of the m class?)
I think it is, if I don't access any member after releasing the mutex?!
Use Boost's Smart Pointer. It handles this automatically; your object won't have to delete itself, and it is thread safe.
From the code you've posted above, I can't really say, need more info. But you could do it like this: each thread has a shared_ptr object and when the callback is called, you call shared_ptr::reset(). The last reset will delete M. Each shared_ptr could be stored with thread local storeage in each thread. So in essence, each thread is responsible for its own shared_ptr.
Instead of using two separate flags, you could consider setting a counter to the number of threads that you're waiting on and then using interlocked decrement.
Then you can be 100% sure that when the thread counter reaches 0, you're done and should clean up.
For more info on interlocked decrement on Windows, on Linux, and on Mac.
I once implemented something like this that avoided the ickiness and confusion of delete this entirely, by operating in the following way:
Start a thread that is responsible for deleting these sorts of shared objects, which waits on a condition
When the shared object is no longer being used, instead of deleting itself, have it insert itself into a thread-safe queue and signal the condition that the deleter thread is waiting on
When the deleter thread wakes up, it deletes everything in the queue
If your program has an event loop, you can avoid the creation of a separate thread for this by creating an event type that means "delete unused shared objects" and have some persistent object respond to this event in the same way that the deleter thread would in the above example.
I can't imagine that this is possible, especially within the class itself. The problem is two fold:
1) There's no way to notify the outside world not to call the object so the outside world has to be responsible for setting the pointer to 0 after calling "CallBack" iff the pointer was deleted.
2) Once two threads enter this function you are, and forgive my french, absolutely fucked. Calling a function on a deleted object is UB, just imagine what deleting an object while someone is in it results in.
I've never seen "delete this" as anything but an abomination. Doesn't mean it isn't sometimes, on VERY rare conditions, necessary. Problem is that people do it way too much and don't think about the consequences of such a design.
I don't think "to be deleted" is going to work well. It might work for two threads, but what about three? You can't protect the part of code that calls delete because you're deleting the protection (as you state) and because of the UB you'll inevitably cause. So the first goes through, sets the flag and aborts....which of the rest is going to call delete on the way out?
The more robust implementation would be to implement reference counting. For each thread you start, increase a counter; for each callback call decrease the counter and if the counter has reached zero, delete the object. You can lock the counter access, or you could use the Interlocked class to protect the counter access, though in that case you need to be careful with potential race between the first thread finishing and the second starting.
Update: And of course, I completely ignored the fact that this is C++. :-) You should use InterlockExchange to update the counter instead of the C# Interlocked class.