TFS and Unit Testing - unit-testing

Firstly just let me explain my situation.
I am working on a legacy code. I try to cover a part of code with unit tests then refactor it. When every thing goes well, I will explain it for the manager and after approval, We will check in change sets to main solution.I use MSfakes to write unit tests. Nowadays I am trying to manage unit tests, for example I've wrote test cases in TFS for every unit test.
What is your idea about managing unit tests in TFS? If you are writing unit tests and refactor a legacy code, What is the best usage of TFS for you? Writing use cases and connect them to the unit tests? any more?
Please let me know if you had any experience that TFS helped you in managing your unit tests.


SWTBot vs. Unit Testing

We use SWTBot for writing of functional tests. To test some cases is very difficult and some programmers use classes and their methods directly from implementation (for example call methods from class AddUserDialog etc.). Is this good approach? And why?
And next qustion please. It is SWTBot enough for testing of eclipse RCP based application? Is is necessary to write unit tests please?
Note: We are scrum team.
SWTBot and JUnit serve two different purposes.
As the name implies, JUnit is meant for unit testing. Unit tests should be small and fast to execute. They test only a single unit of code and the above mentioned attributes allow them to be executed often while developing the unit under test.
But there is more to (good) units tests. You may want to read one of the following posts for further attributes of unit tests:
Key qualities of a good unit test
What attribute should a good Unit-Test have?
I would go one step further and say that unit tests only make sense in TDD, that is you write the test before the production code. Otherwise you neglect the tests. Who want's to do the extra effort of writing tests for something that already works. And even if you have the discipline to write the tests afterwards, they merely manifest the state of your production code. Whereas, like in TDD, writing tests beforehand leads to lean production code that only does what is required by the tests.
But I guess that's something not everyone will agree on.
In an RCP setting, unit tests would ideally be able to run without starting the platform (which takes rather long). I.e. they would not require to be run as PDE JUnit Tests but as plain JUnit Tests instead. Therefore the unit under test should be isolated from the RCP APIs.
On a related note, see also this question: How to efficiently JUnit test Eclipse RCP Plugins
While SWTBot uses the JUnit runtime to execute the tests, it is rather meant as a utility to create integration or functional tests. SWTBot, when used with RCP, starts the entire workbench and runs all tests within the same instance. Therefore great care should be taken to ensure that each test leaves the environment in the same state as it was before the test started. Specialized Rules may help here to set up and tear down a particular recurring scenario.
It is perfectly valid in order to setup an SWTBot test to call methods from your application. For example, you could programmatically open the wizard and then use SWTBot to simulate a user that enters data and presses the OK button. There is no need to use SWTBot to laboriously open the wizard itself.
In my experience, SWTBot is even too much for simple use cases. Consider a test that should enter some data into a dialog and then press OK. If you already have the dialog opened programmatically you can as well continue without SWTBot:
dialog.textField.setText( "data" );
dialog.okButton.notifyListeners( SWT.Selection, null );
assertThat( dialog.getEnteredData() ).isEqualTo( "data" );
Use Both
The best bet is to have both, unit tests that ensure the behavior of the respective units and functional tests that make sure that the particular units play together as desired.
Not sure if that answers the question, if you have further concerns please leave a comment.

Can someone give a concrete example of a unit test adding value when integration tests already exist?

Let's assume we are not doing TDD (for which unit tests are obviously part and parcel), and have integration tests for all the use cases.
The integration tests assume assume a certain input and validate the output is as expected.
My thinking is that adding a unit test for a method that is traversed in an integration test, using the same data as would exist in the method in the integration test, would not expose any additional bugs.
That would lead to the conclusion that provided you have suffcient integration tests you do not then need to unit test the same code.
So, can someone give a concrete example where a unit test could expose a bug in the above scenario?
Integration tests can be seen as a form of Acceptance Testing. They ensure that the software is doing what it is supposed to be doing.
Unit tests, on the other hand, aren't particularly useful for customers. A customer is not concerned that the InitializeServerConnection is failing, but they are concerned that they're unable to send internal messages to their co-workers as a result.
So what good are unit tests for? They are a development tool, full stop. A unit test verifies that a cog in the machine is working properly. And if it is not, it is very easy to see it failing.
Arialdo Martini offers a great explanation:
Oversimplifying, a software system can be seen as a network of cooperating modules. Since they cooperate, some of them depend on other.
With integration and end-to-end tests you would be able to find all the broken features.
Yet, this is not of any help in guessing where the bug is. The same system, with the same bug, would result in these unit test failures:
So, even though a unit test doesn't add any business value, it does add value in the form of reducing the amount of time spent manually testing, debugging, and sifting through code looking for the root cause of an issue.

When to perform my unit test and why use Moq

Q1: When is it ideal to run unit test? Should it be ran before each time I go to debug the app? Should they be ran before I commit changes to svn? I think if an app only has a couple of unit test it should be ran each time the app is about to debug. But lets say we hundreds of unit test that can take a bit of time to complete, not sure if this is ideal or not. I think then it would be better to just run them before committing or deploying.
Q2: In my app Im using a repository pattern with a service layer. I've done some research on how to test a service when the service is calling a repository and the repository is querying db. So in order for it to be a true unit test and not an integration test, I have to find a way to test without touching the database. I found people are using Moq to mock their repository. Here's where I have a problem, to me it seems if I mock a repository then I'm changing the behavior of how the method is suppose to work and to me seems like a pointless unit test. It doesn't seem you are actually testing your code. Am I completley wrong about this? Thanks for any advice.
Let me take a shot.
A1: When you refactor existing code, you should execute the corresponding unit tests (not all) and see if anything is broken by your changes. For new functionality you should implement new unit tests in parallel using TDD. You should never execute all the unit tests by your own but should use or rely on continuous integration.
A2: I had a same opinion like you. But now, I am convinced that unit testing for service layer is required. Whatever that can be covered using unit testing should be covered. At this point, the core of your services might just be a delegation to repositories but services evolves. The services takes up the responsibility of parameter validation, authorization, logging, transactions, batch-support API etc. Then, it is not only data-access but many more things. If I were in your place, I would go for unit testing of services by mocking repositories. Sometimes, services provide convenient methods on top of the repository.
Hope it might be of some help to you.
A1. When making changes to your code the more often you run the unit tests the faster you will get feedback on whether the behavior they were written to assert has been affected, so the more often the better! Unit tests should be very fast and running several hundred should only take a couple of minutes at most, but it might be worth looking into infinitest (if working with java, i expect an alternative will exist for .net etc) it is a plugin to eclipse and automatically runs your unit tests when eclipse builds your project. It is clever enough to run only the tests that have been affected since the last time it ran, e.g. if you update a test, or if you update some "application" code that is covered by some unit tests the specific tests will be executed.
A2. Unit tests will cover many different scenarios that will call your services + daos many times, using "real" services will make it difficult to guarantee the results of each call (and setting up the data for each test can be painful), but also the results can be slow. It's usually better when unit testing to mock these services and testing them independently with integration tests.

When to Unit Test and When to Integration Test

I am new to testing in general and am working on a Grails application.
I want to write a test that says "when this action is called, the correct view is returned". I don't know how to go about deciding if I should make something like this a unit test or an integration test. Either test would show me what I want - how do I decide?
One problem with integration tests is their speed. For me, integration tests take 15+ seconds to start up. In that time, certain things do slip out of mind focus.
I prefer to go with unit tests that start in no more then 2 sec and can be run several times in those 15 seconds. Especially with mockDomain(). Especially with Grails 2.0 implementing criteria and named queries in unit tests.
One more argument for unit tests is they force you to decouple your code. Integration tests always tempt you to just rely on some other component existing and initialized.
From Grails Docs section 9.1
Unit testing are tests at the "unit" level. In other words you are
testing individual methods or blocks of code without considering for
surrounding infrastructure. In Grails you need to be particularity
aware of the difference between unit and integration tests because in
unit tests Grails does not inject any of the dynamic methods present
during integration tests and at runtime.
From Grails Docs section 9.2
Integration tests differ from unit tests in that you have full access
to the Grails environment within the test. Grails will use an
in-memory HSQLDB database for integration tests and clear out all the
data from the database in between each test.
What this means is that a unit test is completely isolated from the Grails environment whereas an integration test is not. According to Scott Davis, author of this article, it is acceptable to write only integration tests...
Unit vs. integration tests
As I mentioned earlier, Grails supports two basic types of tests: unit
and integration. There's no syntactical difference between the two —
both are written as a GroovyTestCase using the same assertions. The
difference is the semantics. A unit test is meant to test the class in
isolation, whereas the integration test allows you to test the class
in a full, running environment.
Quite frankly, if you want to write all of your Grails tests as
integration tests, that's just fine with me. All of the Grails
create-* commands generate corresponding integration tests, so most
folks simply use what is already there. As you'll see in just a
moment, most of the things you want to test require the full
environment to be up and running anyway, so integration tests are a
pretty good default. If you have noncore Grails classes that you'd
like to test, unit tests are perfectly fine.
First go through this chapter of the grails guide
It talks about testing controllers and ability to get controller response like so :
Now deciding on which test is more of an art rather than science. I prefer unit tests cause they are faster to run :)
Its a really interesting and challenging question to answer, but the truth is it really depends on what exactly you are testing.
Take the following test: "saving a book to the database". The hints are in the description. We are saying we need a book and we need a database, so in this case a unit test wont do because we need the integrated database.
My advice is write the full test description down and break it down like I did above. It will give you the hints to help you decide.
This is made easier with spock where you can use strings for test names.

JUnit for JSF2.0 composite components

We are starting to build infrastructure components in JSF2.0.
What is the best approach for unit testing them?
I tried JSFUnit in the past but wasn't satisfied with it. Is there an easier way to implement it?
This may be more integration testing than unit testing, but if you want to see how your components work in an actual browser, the selenium project has some nice features, and you can do it all through unit tests. You can look it over here: I've found that between regular unit tests, unit tests using jmockit or the like, and selenium, I can cover pretty much everything when testing my components.