How to logically group widgets in QT for easy show/hide? - c++

I'm grouping a set of widgets in a parent and then I control the visibility/flow of these widgets by hiding/showing the parent. Is this a good way to achieve what I'm trying to do? Here is the code:
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout(this);
// .....
QWidget* toolset_frame = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout(toolset_frame);
l->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Stuff")));
this->Toolset = new QLineEdit(toolset_frame);
// Call toolset_frame->hide() and this hides everything inside the parent
The problem with this solution is that the children shrink in size slightly, I think this is due to some padding or border in the parent. Ideally the children should appear as if they are not contained in an intermediate object, but rather flow with the parent. In this case the horizontal size of the children should not be affected.
This example shows that your approach is correct. Using a widget to contain the elements you want to hide, and so on.
If you want the margins/content margins/padding to be less, then change it.
// in finddialog.cpp
To quickly prototype what properties to change to get it to look right, try laying it out in the Qt Designer, and modify the property editor to get the look and feel you want.
Hope that helps.


Qt Desktop on Mac: QFormLayout sizing with subpanels

TL;DR: I'm having a grow/shrink probably using embedded forms inside a MainWindow. I'm unsure what to try next.
Okay, I have another sizing problem.
This is a sample app of what I'm trying to do:
When I click on the various toolbar options, I intend to change the central widget contents accordingly. Maybe I should just use a tab widget, but I wanted to do it this way.
In the simplest form, with a widget layout like this:
I set the central widget's layout to Horizontal, and the Inner Widget to FormLayout then set the inner widget's expand rules to expand any expandable fields. As I resize the window, the simple line edit expands and contracts as desired.
When I click the bus icon in the toolbar, I swap out the contents of the central widget with a separate panel. That panel has a widget with a form layout, and is also set to expand and collapse. Here are the layout rules for the second panel:
My trigger code does this:
currentCenter = ui->innerWidget; // In the constructor
if (v1Form == nullptr) {
v1Form = new V1Form(ui->centralWidget);
currentCenter = v1Form;
I have tried various orders to this, and I tried using setCentralWidget(). In all cases, the new central area remains a fixed size, even though the original one expands and collapses.
What is working: I can readily change the inner contains for different forms. That's working great. (It took a while to figure it out.)
-or- I can make simple popup forms that grow and shrink properly.
What is not working is grow/shrink when I embed my form inside my central widget or if I use setCentralWidget.
I'm not sure what else to try.
Maybe I should just use a tab widget, but I wanted to do it this way.
You should definitely use a QTabWidget as your central widget. It is designed specifically for your use case, and it will greatly simplify your code.
My trigger code does this:
currentCenter = ui->innerWidget; // In the constructor
if (v1Form == nullptr) {
v1Form = new V1Form(ui->centralWidget);
currentCenter = v1Form;
With a QTabWidget, your trigger code can be simplified to:
You don't need to dynamically construct a V1Form. Simply use Qt Designer to create multiple pages in your QTabWidget and implement all your subpanel widgets within your MainWindow.ui.
(Nonetheless, if you want to implement each subpanel in its own separate *.ui file, you can still promote each page in your QTabWidget to your custom widget.)
What is not working is grow/shrink when I embed my form inside my central widget or if I use setCentralWidget.
To address your original symptoms: Your widgets don't grow/shrink because you didn't put them inside a layout that is part of your main window.
I found a solution doing it the way I started. I had to add one line of code:
void MainWindow::switchForm(QWidget *widget) {
if (centralForm != widget) {
if (centralForm != nullptr) {
centralForm = nullptr;
if (widget != nullptr) {
centralForm = widget;
void MainWindow::on_actionSetup_triggered()
if (setupForm == nullptr) {
setupForm = new SetupForm(ui->centralwidget);
The missing line -- adding my new form to the layout:

Qt remove nested layout

I've got several QHBoxLayout objects nested inside a single QVBoxLayout. I've looked through a number of stackoverflow questions and answers, but I've not been able to find a way to completely remove the layout for the contents of the QScrollArea widget. All the answers I've seen have only made it possible to set the layout again, but when the layout does get set a second time, the objects are still present.
This is the code that I'm working with:
QSignalMapper* sMap = new QSignalMapper(this);
QVBoxLayout* vBox = new QVBoxLayout();
outerVector = 0;
for (vector<vector<QPushButton*>>::iterator o_iter = buttonGrid.begin(); o_iter < buttonGrid.end(); o_iter++) {
int innerVector = 0;
QHBoxLayout* hBox = new QHBoxLayout();
for (vector<QPushButton*>::iterator i_iter = (*o_iter).begin(); i_iter < (*o_iter).end(); i_iter++) {
sMap->setMapping(, ((outerVector * 100) + innerVector));
connect(, SIGNAL(clicked()), sMap, SLOT(map()));
connect(sMap, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(on_buttonGrid_clicked(int)));
Right now, I have this for clearing the layout:
delete hBox;
delete vBox;
What is the best, and most effective way to clear the contents of the widget?
I believe I've fixed this, This is less of a Qt issue, but more of a lack of clearing the vector<vector<QPushButton*>> buttonGrid object. It looked like the layout wasn't being cleared, because the additional QPushButton objects were being added onto the vector<vector<QPushButton*>> object.
It's a fairly rookie mistake on my behalf.
I infer that GameAreaWidgetContents is a QScrollArea. To clear its layout manager, you can do:
delete ui->GameAreaWidgetContents->layout();
The vbox will no longer be the widget's layout manager and any nested children will be deleted automatically by the Qt parenting system.
From the docs on QWidget::setLayout():
If there already is a layout manager installed on this widget, QWidget won't let you install another. You must first delete the existing layout manager (returned by layout()) before you can call setLayout() with the new layout.

Replace a widget in Qt

I have a base class which has some gui items that i have set positions of using the designer in Qt creator. Those items are:
QWidget* w1;
QWidget* w2;
QWidget* w3;
Now in a class that inherits that base class, I would like to "transform" those widgets into lineEdit items, that would keep all the geometrical parameters of that widgets. So I do something like this:
QLineEdit* leAmplitude;
leAmplitude = new QLineEdit(ui->w1);
But the added QLineEdit item doesn't appear in the exact same place as w1 item. Its just added at the bottom of other controls in the QGridLayout glControls. How to make the lineEdit to take all geometric parameters from w1?
Layout takes care of the widgets placed in the layout, according to the hints given by the widget, so calling setGeometry, then doing addLayout is not useful. Also, adding widget to layout resets it parent, so you setting new widget's parent to ui->w1 is not useful either.
Fortunately, there is QLayout::replaceWidget method! Just use that. Example:
QLineEdit* leAmplitude;
leAmplitude = new QLineEdit;
QLayoutItem *previous = ui->glControls->replaceWidget(ui->w1, leAmplitude);
// possibly assert that previous is ui->w1, or just delete it, or whatever
This method was added as late as in Qt 5.2 it seems, so if you need to support older versions, I can expand this answer to cover how to (try to) do the same manually. But in short, you have to use the right QGridLayout::addWidget overload and make sure relevant properties (including at least sizeHint and sizePolicy) match.
try this, it is works:
QLineEdit* leAmplitude;
leAmplitude = new QLineEdit(ui->w1->parentWidget());
ui->w1->parentWidget()->layout()->replaceWidget(ui->w1, leAmplitude);
ui->w1 = leAmplitude;

How to remove widgets from layout in Qt

I have a piece of code which does this: a method named prepareUI makes the UI ready to be able to load search results that are fed into it. A method named onClear that is called when the results that are already showing needs to be cleared. And a method named populateSearchResults that takes the search data and loads the UI with it. The container that holds the data is a publicly available pointer, since it is needed to clear the results from onClear:
void MyClass::prepareSearchUI() {
//there may be many search results, hence need a scroll view to hold them
fResultsViewBox = new QScrollArea(this);
fSearchResultsLayout = new QGridLayout();
void MyClass::onClear() {
//I have tried this, this causes the problem, even though it clears the data correctly
delete fSearchResultContainer;
//tried this, does nothing
QLayoutItem *child;
while ((child = fSearchResultsLayout->takeAt(0)) != 0) {
delete child;
void MyClass::populateWithSearchesults(std::vector<std::string> &aSearchItems) {
fSearchResultContainer = new QWidget();
for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < aSearchItems.size(); rowNum++) {
QHBoxLayout *row = new QHBoxLayout();
//populate the row with some widgets, all allocated through 'new', without specifying any parent, like
QPushButton *loc = new QPushButton("Foo");
fSearchResultsLayout->addLayout(row, rowNum, 0,1,2);
Problem is, when I call onClear which internally calls delete, it does remove all the results that were showing. But after that, if I call populateWithSearchesults again, my app crashes, and the stack trace shows this method as where it crashed.
How do I fix this problem?
It seems that you have some misconceptions about ownership. A QLayout takes ownership of any item that is added to it:
That means the QLayout is responsible for deleting these items. If you delete them then the QLayout will also try to delete them and then you get the crash you're seeing now.
QLayout doesn't have good functionality for deleting contents and re-adding them (for example removeWidget probably doesn't work as you would hope.) But there's a reason for this.
QLayout is not intended to be used as a list view.
What you do want is a, wait for it, QListView. Which will even handle the scroll functionality for you, and make adding and removing elements a possibility.
Actually you can solve this issue easily, even if you are using QGridLayout or any other Layouts :
subLayout->removeWidget(m_visibleCheckBox);//removes and then it causes some zigzag drawing at (0,0)
m_visibleCheckBox->setVisible(false);//asks to redraw the component internally
setLayout(subLayout);//for safety as we may use that layout again and again
If you just use the first line it will cause this :

How to set QListWidget in particular position

How do i set QListWidget in particular position say i have window size of(1000,1000) and i want to set QListWidget at position (200,200).
widget = new QWidget();
list1->addItem("Surya TV");
list1->addItem("Sony TV");
list1->addItem("Zee TV");
You can use :
void move ( int x, int y )
Something like :
p = new QListWidget(this);
In my case "this" is the QMainWindow.
Does it helps?
Please use spacers with predefined sizes to pad your list if you are going for layouts. It is better to go for layouts if you have more widgets along with the listWidget in your main form.
If you are unsure, please use Designer to build your forms. This will allow you to have the kind of control you wish achieve in terms of fine grained positioning.
Personally, I do not prefer designer though.