How can I use the (seemingly built in) device view? -

In this launch event, Hongxu Liu adds device views to his famous app. Are they open sourced? I cannot find anything about it. I am currently developing a phonegap app, and this would come in handy.

Here's an answer if all you need is to display your view in the browser.... You could probably do this on your own by finding some generic phone graphics and using to render the picture, and place your view inside the empty space in the middle of that graphic.
Here's an answer regarding the actual DeviceView answered in another thread too: Can I use "DeviceView" in my own app?


How to create a splash screen or progress loading bar in Ember web app

As an example:
If you visit this page, you see first the activity indicator, then the page loads up. It feels like splash screen. The site seems built in Ember.js 1.x. I like the idea to have such splash screen, better than nothing especially when the network speed is slow.
How to implement this feature in Ember? Any good addon?
Use the application loading substate, you can generate a template with
ember g template application-loading
(note the dash)
You can find out more about substates here:
Or watch Alex short talk about them:
Take a look at the Pace library that can show spin bar also on loading initial scripts

Sitecore Glass Mapper - Using Item Renderings

I'm setting up a carousel in Sitecore using Glass Mapper. In the foreach loop to generate each carousel item, I can get the items out easily enough and make them editable with the #Editable command. What this doesn't give, however, is finer control over the edit process. For example, I want to edit the background image using a custom button in the Experience Editor, but I need to set that up in a rendering.
If I was using straight Sitecore, it looks like I'd use Html.Sitecore().ItemRendering and pass in the carousel item as a regular Sitecore item. In this case, I have my strongly-type class from Glass Mapper, which can't be passed in that way.
Is there a comparable method in Glass Mapper for setting up an item rendering? Or is there another way to affect the Experience Editor buttons for the carousel items? I've also experimented with setting up a separate edit mode, which would work fine, but I wanted to put together a cleaner editing experience with a more WYSIWYG approach to the item.
You'll have to use Custom User Experience Buttons which will allow you to edit in Page Editor Mode.
I just googled and found couple of good article which might help you.
Try Html.Glass().BeginEditFrame() functionality built into Glass Mapper, wrapped in a #using block.
It allows you to specify the fields you wish to edit directly as params. Or if you're feeling adventurous, it can point to a full edit frame configuration in the core DB. Implementing History API for navigation

I'm trying to rebuild a basic app in (including it's magic of course). The problem I have is while creating the navigation. Every guide I've seen it only updates the content of the same Surface. In you can create a navigation but I think it would get very difficult to keep track of the history as the HTML5 history API does. Also the "back" button of Phonegap implement this functionality so it's something we should consider. At last, not less the Angular/ doesn't include a Router. So my question is, How should we be implementing a navigation system using
You are going to need (well... need...) to use hashbangs for this, or at least, that's how I'm doing it. You're basically using window.location.hash to do the navigation and editing this (even in a browser), does not trigger a page reload but just sends an event to notify the app that the hash has changed, and then you can let the app act on it. Changing the hash also adds a history element, so window.history can be used to navigate to the previous (or next) page(s)!
This is also (sort-of) the way does it:

Switching between multiple ui forms in Qt

I am developing the user interface for a embedded device. I have created about 30 ui forms. You have first the Welcome form which loads the database and connects automatically to the available known wifi and all those start up functions. Once everything is loaded the next form to be loaded is the user login
So this is how I go about it, if Login is my second ui
//Instantiating the Login class
Login *myLog = new Login();
//Close the welcome class
//open the Login class
Is this the right way to switch between multiple UI? The software can be imagined like any smart phone device with multiple Icon buttons to open different apps. And each app or folder has a functionality of its own. I have a home button to move back to main menu homepage and so on. I have used the above given code to switch between various ui forms and I am not sure if this is the way to go about it. I am very new to Qt and I was asked to do this task within 2 weeks and I created the easiest way I found. Is there a better way to go about it?
Any help or guidelines is appreciated. If you could give me links to understand better it would be great
Thank you
Every ui form has a short cut panel for direct access to login, main menu, settings-power options, wifi options (within settings). The layout flow shown under 1 is similar to 2, 3 and settings. Sorry for the ugly image. The two way arrow indicates i can switch back and forth. The single arrow shows linear movement.
Is there a better way to go about it?
I think so.
As noted in the comment, I would use a QStackedWidget myself.
I think this blog post explains how to establish "Home", "First" and so forth widgets inside it. This should be useful for you:
How to use Qstackedwidget in Qt (Switching between multiple views in Qt)

Best solution for managing navigation (and marking currently active item) in CakePHP

So I have been looking around for a couple hours for a solid solution to handling site navigation in CakePHP. Over the course of a dozen projects, I have rigged together something that works for each one, but what I'm looking for is ideally a CakePHP plugin that handles the following:
Navigation Model
Component for handing off to the view
Element View Helper for displaying the navigation (with control over sublevels displayed and automatically determining the "active" item based on URL and/or controller/model/slug
Admin pages for managing a tree of navigation
Any suggestions for an all-in-one solution or even the individual components would be very appreciated! Or even suggestions on how you have handled it in the past
We had this issue at work recently and i ended up whiping up a helper that would take query from the contents table and convert that into a menu. As it needed to become more flexible the code got worse and worse up to the point where i am currently rewriting it.
Don't hold your breath though as i will be taking my time to make it work right as it needs to be very flexible but it cant be confusing to use.