Can someone explain the following result.
Code on requested page:
<Cfoutput>cgi.query_string: #cgi.query_string#</Cfoutput>
<Cfoutput>url.q: #url.q#</Cfoutput>
Output on requested page:
cgi.query_string: argentiniƫ
url.q: argentini?
For some reason url.q outputs to argentini? and not argentiniƫ. I think this has something todo with the encoding of the different variables.
After further testing i figured out that the problem is in the Helicon ISAPI_Rewrite plugin for IIS, not coldfusion.
This could be a stupid questions for some. But its truly important for me.
I know how to switch frames using selenium webdriver.
However, is there a way to download all the page_source of the entire page for all the frames at once.
Instead of switching them again and again?
Could someone please let me know the command if it exists?
If not then please say there is none. And that should answer my question.
Thanks in advance
Webdrivers' getPageSource will return some state in some formatting of the last page the driver was on.
From the (java)docs, but most probably applies to other languages:
java.lang.String getPageSource()
Get the source of the last loaded page. If the page has been modified
after loading (for example, by Javascript) there is no guarantee that
the returned text is that of the modified page. Please consult the
documentation of the particular driver being used to determine whether
the returned text reflects the current state of the page or the text
last sent by the web server. The page source returned is a
representation of the underlying DOM: do not expect it to be formatted
or escaped in the same way as the response sent from the web server.
Think of it as an artist's impression.
The source of the current page
Recently I am done with the SSL certification installation procedure in the Coldfusion Truststore, I'm getting Attribute Validation error now which clearly states that I need to have cfhttp in my code. I understood that. So,I'll have to use cfhttp something like the following: method = "post", clientCert = ?? and clientCetPassword = ?? result = "xyz"
I came across some posts ( and there they have mentioned that clientcert should include file with format, .pkcs ? If yes, then, I'm wondering from where should I bring this file and am I following the correct procedure? Is it the same file that I downloaded in the DER format? Please throw some light on this.
Does anyone know any good source where I can read about sending clientCert and clientcertPassword related stuff? Adobe docs aren't much informative for me.
P.S: The SSL instalaltion work I did is mentioned at one of my previous post. Please take a look.
Getting Unable to read WSDL error
There is an ASP application made to co-exist with other .net web apps. The cookies for the asp page is actually written to the client from an aspx page. So we have something like:
Response.Cookies("Credo")("ID") = "ido sans lum"
sent to the client.
The ASP page receives this cookie, but strangely gives corrupt results:
sID = Request.Cookies("Credo")("ID") ' this gives "idosanslum"
Unfortunately I don't understand why. I checked HTTP_COOKIE server variable in ASP, and even it said something like:
HTTP_COOKIE:...;Credo=ID=ido sans lum&DomainID=5&...;...
So I believe this means the cookie is being sent from the browser correctly, but Request.Cookies("Credo")("ID") is giving me wrong results.
Am I messed up with some configuration or is this a known bug.
There is a KB article on this problem at the Microsoft support site:
Hope this helps.
The proposed fix from the article is to encode your cookie content. In Classic ASP I think the following will work:
Response.Cookies("Credo")("ID") = Server.URLEncode("ido sans lum")
Please give it a go and let me know what you find.
In the application I designed, I named one of my web pages "error.cfm". I want it to display whenever there is an error from the application. So I put the following code inside "error.cfm":
An uncaught exception just 'happened' :-(
<b><cfoutput>#exception.message#</cfoutput></b><br />
<cfoutput>#exception.detail#</cfoutput><br /><br />
<cfif isdefined('exception.cause')>
<b><cfoutput>#exception.cause.message#</cfoutput></b><br />
<cfdump var="#exception#">
So after hosting the website, I discovered that this particular page refused to load and instead a '500 Internal Error' was displayed. I then complained to my hosting company and I was sent these details:
Dear Customer,
The actual error message is the following:
Security: The requested template has been denied access to createobject(java).
The following is the internal exception message: access denied (coldfusion.runtime.FunctionPermission createobject(java))
The error occurred in C:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\cms\error.cfm: line 10
8 :
9 :
10 :
Unfortunately some tags and functions are disabled on our servers due to security purposes. You can check full list here:,29,76
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Best wishes,
DailyRazor Support Team.
Now checking the lists of the tags they disabled on their servers, CFDUMP was among them:
On the shared ColdFusion servers you will have access to all tags and
functions except for the following:
CF Tags:
CF Functions:
Please is there any alternative for CFDUMP? Or does anyone know any ColdFusion hosting company that doesn't have these restrictions? I appreciate any ideas from you.
How about this:
If you get yourself VPS (google:coldfusion VPS) you'll be able to do on that machine whatever you want.
The whole point of not having cdump is security measure. Usually all debugging and dumping raw data is done on development server and on hosted server you run applications, right? Error.cfm is used to hide caught exception details, like path to your files, data about used libraries etc.
There're ways to display data without cfdump. In your case I don't see why you couldn't use plain cfoutput and write exception details as 2 lines of output.
In your place, I'd take source codes of fw/1 or Mura CMS to see how they handle error messages, better to see how more experienced people are doing it then to "waste" time reinventing the wheel.
CFDUMP began life as a custom tag before it was ever included in ColdFusion.
It still appears to be downloadable:
You may need to make changes to it to work (better) in more modern versions of CF, but it should probably do more than 90 per cent of what you need it for.
I will add that if you choose to "dump" details, you can also wrap the dump code in an "if" block that looks at your cgi.REMOTE_ADDR and if it matches your IP address, does the dumpout, otherwise doesn't.
<cfif cgi.REMOTE_ADDR EQ "">
<!--- execute dump code here --->
Caveats: YMMV, have to have a static IP, have to BE at that IP, etc.