error compiling opencv example - c++

I am trying to compile an example that is provided for one of the opencv_contrib modules (text detection module). The link is below:
I keep getting errors like: error: ‘ERStat’ was not declared in this scope
I have already compiled and installed opencv_contrib modules and I see text.hpp in /usr/local/include/opencv2. I included text.hpp as well, but I got the same errors. Does anybody know how I can fix the problem?
I compile the file with the following command:
g++ pkg-config --cflags opencv -o textdetection textdetecti
on.cpp pkg-config --libs opencv

Try replacing all ERStat in the code with cv::text::ERStat. It should solve the problem.


Can not compile mlpack C++ program on Ubuntu

i downloaded mlpack and its dependencies from ubuntu repos as described in the docs using :
sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev libmlpack-bin and then i ran :
pkg-config --cflags mlpack
And pkg-config --libs mlpack
And pkg-config --modversion mlpack
to make sure everything works and i got the expected outputs. Now in codeblocks i put the mlpack library directory in the search directory and the pkg-config --cflags mlpack in the compiler options, and the pkg-config --libs mlpack in the linker options. But when i build it gives me ld errors: libraries were not found. What frustrates me is that i have done the exact same procedure with other C++ libraries like OpenCV and it worked. So any help ? Does anyone managed to get it work before on linux ?
I managed to fix it by only adding -lmlpack and -larmadillo to the linker options and not adding all --libs.

Link PCL libraries while compiling C++ programs in Linux

I am new to the Point Cloud Library. There is a thing that has been bugging me for some time.
So, on my system, whenever I have to compile a C++ program, which requires OpenCV libraries to be linked, I use the following terminal command:
g++ -std=c++11 fileName.cpp -o executableFile `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`
Now, things have turned to a point where I have to use PCL. But, everywhere (including the PCL's official website) people link PCL libraries using a CMake file, and I am not familiar with CMake.
Is there a way to include the PCL libraries without writing a CMake file and just including some more flags/parameters to the terminal command?
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.
I experimented for a while, and here is how I figured this out.
man pkg-config tells you the folders where pkg-config looks for .pc files. So, I checked those folders for the exact .pc file names that I want pkg-config to link with my .cpp file. I found the required file (pcl_io-1.11.pc) at \usr\local\lib\pkgconfig
Next, I modified my terminal command to the following (please consider two back-quotes as a single back-quote below)
g++ -std=c++14 pcd_write.cpp -o pcd_write ``pkg-config --cflags --libs pcl_io-1.11`` -lboost_system
Note: Not including the -lboost_system would result in another error message. I found this helpful.
This compiled successfully. But, on running the executable, I would get this error message:
./pcd_write:error while loading shared open shared object file:No such file or directory
The solution to this problem was found here
sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v
Then, running the executable gave the expected results.

c++ SDL2 - ld||cannot find -lmingw32|

I was creating program on windows with SDL2 and the program worked fine, but when I changed my os to linux mint (and install code::blocks, gcc, g++, SDL2), I run into troubles with compiling my code.
I have one error:
- ld||cannot find -lmingw32|
I guess that I don't have mingw32 library, where can I get it? Or is the problem diferent?
BTW: I also tryed to google it.
Thank for response.
Read the manual.
On linux you don't need -lmingw32. Instead, use
`sdl2-config --libs`
to get the list of all needed linker flags.
Example usage:
gcc -o myprogram myprogram.o `sdl2-config --libs`
Problem was solved by removing linker on mingw32 and lib rotozoom.h.

Linking the Allegro library to a C++ application using the g++ compiler (Ubuntu)

In trying to get Allegro (A C++ game programming library) to work with a very simple C++ application in Ubuntu 12.04, I am unable to get the program to compile with the allegro header definitions. It returns the error allegro.h - no such file or directory found. I tried running a pkg-config to find the proper linker command, but that didn't help in compilation.
I am almost certain it is installed correctly at this point. I tried using a pkg-config --cflags --libs allegro-5.0 for the include file paths, none of which worked when using in the g++ compile line.
Thanks in advance.
Running a pkg-config --cflags --libs allegro-5.0 told me wrong on the include path. It told me to use -I/usr/local/include and after some digging into that folder, I found that the include path is -I/usr/local/include/allegro5 instead. It is compiling fine now.

Problems compiling gtkmm

OS: Fedora 14
Compiler: g++ (GCC) 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)
I installed gtkmm24-devel from repository via yum. To make sure the install went as planned I decided to try one of the examples on the page.
#include <gtkmm.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
Gtk::Window window;
return 0;
I ran the example, and, hey! It said it couldn't find gtkmm.h, no problem, I just forgot to link the library. I added /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4 to my library search through Eclipse. No bueno, g++ still can't find it!
fatal error: gtkmm.h: No such file or directory
I then try to include gtkmm by using #include <gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm.h> and recompile, another error! :(
/usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm.h:87:20: fatal error: glibmm.h: No such file or directory
Thanks for reading.
Short answer
Use the output of 'pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags' for include paths and 'pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --libs' for libraries to link.
Long answer
It said it couldn't find gtkmm.h, no problem, I just forgot to link the library.
Building a C/C++ program is done in two separate steps. First the source files are compiled, outputting object files; and then the object files are linked together. The error you are getting comes from the compiling step.
On Linux, most libraries come with pkgconfig files to make it easier for other programs to use the libraries. gtkmm also comes with its own pkgconfig files.
You are trying to manually specify /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4 for include path; this is wrong. Instead, use the output of pkgconfig to figure out where the header files are located. To get all the include directories needed for gtkmm, use the following command:
pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags
For linking, use the following pkgconfig command to get the libraries you need to link with:
pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --libs
You can test it on the command line by invoking g++ directly.
g++ myfirstprogram.cpp -o myfirstprogram `pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs`
For more information, see the gtkmm docs:
These steps usually help resolving this problem:
Search your computer for glibmm.h
If found - add its directory to the include path list
If not found - Google for glibmm.h and find out which library it is contained in. You will find out in this case it's (surprise!) glibmm. Install it using your package manager.
The problem, as noted in comments, is a compiler error and the compiler is arguing about a missing (header) file. The steps I described above either find the location of the missing file or help you to install a library that the header file belongs to.