Haskell- looping every second element of list - list

I want to be able to loop every second element of a given list. I can do this recursively as so:
check validate (x:xs) = check (validate x) (tail xs)
But the problem is that I need a function that accepts a list as parameter, then returns a list consisting of only every second element in the list, starting with (and including) the first element of the list, and I do not think this is possible recursively.
Can someone show me how to this using list comprehension? This would probably be the best approach.

second (x:y:xs) = y : second xs;
second _ = []
List comprehension may not be useful.

You can also try mutual recursion
first [] = []
first (x:xs) = x:second xs
second [] = []
second (x:xs) = first xs
such as
> first [1..10]
> second [1..10]

One of the Haskellish approaches would be something with map, filter, and zip.
second xs = map fst $ filter (odd . snd) $ zip xs [1..]
If you really wanted to use list comprehension, you could use the parallel list comprehension extension.
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
second xs = [ x | (x, n) <- [ (x, n) | x <- xs | n <- [1..] ], odd n ]
I think that the former is concise, though.


How to check if next element in a list is greater than the previous in Haskell?

(I am currently doing an online course on Haskell and this is an exercise. I am not looking for answers, but simply for some pointers on how to proceed!)
I have trouble wrapping my head around this. In imperative languages I would simply use a loop, but since Haskell doesn't really have those I am left scratching my head.
I need to write a function nextIsGreater :: [Int] -> [Int] that, given a list of numbers, produces a list with all elements of the input list such that the element is followed by a greater number in the input list (the next number is greater).
Here is what I've managed to come up with so far.
nextIsGreater :: [Int] -> [Int]
nextIsGreater xs = [x | x <- init xs, y <- tail xs, x < y]
So far it works if I have only two numbers in the list. Say [0,5], it returns [0] as it is supposed to. If I have, say [0,5,6] then my code seems to check the 0 against both of the next numbers in the list and returns [0,0,5], when it should return [0,5]. How could I compare each adjacent number to eachother?
Not a bad attempt, but
[x | x <- init xs, y <- tail xs, x < y]
corresponds to a nested loop: you choose x from init xs, and then for each of these choices you pick all possible y from tail xs.
To make the idea work as intended, you'd need to use {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-} or equivalently zip the sources:
nextIsGreater xs = [x | (x,y) <- zip (init xs) (tail xs), x<y]
But there's a simpler way to obtain all choices of two consecutive elements, with tails:
nextIsGreater xs = [x | (x:y:_) <- tails xs, x<y]
The intention of this exercise is almost certainly to have you write a standard recursive solution using pattern matching, not use list comprehensions or higher level functions or anything like that.
If the course is any good, you should already have covered some recursive list-to-list transformations, functions with definitions of the form:
foo :: [Int] -> [Int]
foo (x:xs) = ... something involving "x" and "foo xs" ...
foo [] = ...
or similar, and you're expected to write something along the same lines.
Here's a first hint, with further spoilers below.
A simple way of writing a recursive function that operates on adjacent elements of lists is to write a pattern that names the first two elements:
foo (x:y:zs) = ...
The "..." can operate on x and y, and then perform a recursive call to process the "rest" of the list. The recursive call might be either foo zs or foo (y:zs) (or switch between those based on some condition), depending on what the function is doing.
Because this pattern will only match lists with at least two elements, you will usually also need patterns to match both one-element and empty lists:
foo [x] = ...
foo [] = ...
If that's not clear enough, let me refresh your memory on basic recursive list-to-list transformations starting with an example that doesn't inspect adjacent elements.
Suppose we want to filter out all even elements from a list. A recursive solution would consider the two cases:
evens (x:xs) = ...
evens [] = ...
For the first case, the extraction of all evens from x:xs either includes x plus all the evens from xs (i.e., evens xs) or excludes x and includes only evens xs, depending on whether or not x itself even:
evens (x:xs) | even x = ...
| otherwise = ...
In particular, if x is even, the answer should include x together with evens xs:
evens (x:xs) | even x = x : evens xs
and if x is odd, the answer just should include evens xs:
| otherwise = evens xs
The final case is the subset of even numbers from the empty list, which is just the empty list:
evens [] = []
giving the complete definition:
evens :: [Int] -> [Int]
evens (x:xs) | even x = x : evens xs
| otherwise = evens xs
evens [] = []
The main difference in your example is that the decision to include x depends not only on x but on the element appearing after x, so let's consider a slightly different problem: take a list and output all elements that are followed by an even number.
We might consider starting with a similar structure:
beforeEvens (x:xs) | ... = x : beforeEvens xs -- include x
| otherwise = beforeEvens xs -- exclude x
beforeEvens [] = []
where "..." checks to see if the element after x (i.e., the first element of xs) is even. For example, we might call a separate function to check this:
beforeEvens (x:xs) | headIsEven xs = x : beforeEvens xs
| otherwise = beforeEvens xs
beforeEvens [] = []
You ought to be able to write a decent definition of headIsEven to complete this. Bonus points if instead of using head, it uses pattern matching. Note the special case headIsEven [] should return False.
A more direct approach, though, is to take advantage of the fact that patterns can be used to examine multiple elements at the start of the list. Here, we match a pattern that names the first two elements x and y, plus the rest of the list zs:
beforeEvens (x:y:zs) | even y = x : beforeEvens (y:zs)
| otherwise = beforeEvens (y:zs)
beforeEvens [x] = []
beforeEvens [] = []
Note a couple of tricky points here. If we match against the pattern (x:y:zs), then we have to be careful about whether we recurse on y:zs or zs alone. It depends on whether y should or shouldn't be considered for inclusion in the output. Also, the pattern (x:y:zs) won't match a singleton list, so we need an extra pattern match on that.
Because the last two cases are the same, we can combine them into a single case:
beforeEvens (x:y:zs) | even y = x : beforeEvens (y:zs)
| otherwise = beforeEvens (y:zs)
beforeEvens _ = []
You should find it relatively straightforward to modify beforeEvens to write your nextIsGreater function.

How to write a Haskell function that inserts an element into a sorted list

I tried with something like this but it doesn't work how I wanted it to do. I'm new kinda new to Haskell, and I don't really know how to do it, and what's wrong.
insert a (x:xs) = insert2 a (x:xs) []
where insert2 el (x:xs) hd =
if (x:xs) == []
then []
else if ( a>=x && a < head(xs))
then hd ++ [x] ++ [a] ++ xs
else insert2 a xs hd++[x]
main = do
let list =[1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6]
let out = insert 2 list
print out
The output I get is [2,2,3,4,5,6,1]
First a couple of cosmetics:
Ensure indentation is right. When copy/pasting into StackOverflow, it's generally best to use ctrl+k to get it in code-block style.
There's no point matching (x:xs) only to pass the entire thing into your local function.
Omit unnecessary parentheses and use standardised spacing.
With that, your code becomes
insert a allxs = insert2 a allxs []
where insert2 el (x:xs) hd =
if x:xs == []
then []
else if a >= x && a < head xs
then hd ++ [x] ++ [a] ++ xs
else insert2 a xs hd ++ [x]
main = do
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
let out = insert 2 list
print out
Algorithmically speaking, there's no point in using an “accumulator argument” here. It's easier and actually more efficient to directly recurse on the input, and simply pass on the remaining tail after done with the insertion. Also remember to have a base case:
insert a [] = [a]
insert a (x:xs) = ...
You also don't need to use head. You've already pattern-matched the head element with the x:xs pattern. If you did need another list element, you should match that right there too, like
insert a (x:x':xs) = ...
...but you don't in fact need that, x is enough to determine what to do. Namely,
insert a (x:xs)
| a<=x = -- if the list was ordered, this implies that now _all_
-- its elements must be greater or equal a. Do you
-- need any recursion anymore?
| otherwise = -- ok, `x` was smaller, so you need to insert after it.
-- Recursion is needed here.
Here are some hints. It's a lot simpler than you're making it. You definitely don't need a helper function.
insert a [] = ??
insert a (x : xs)
| a <= x = ???
| otherwise = ???
Two things:
Prepending to a list is more efficient than appending to one.
Haskell lets you write separate definitions to avoid having to write single, nested conditional expressions.
There are two kinds of list you can insert into: empty and non-empty. Each can be handled by a separate definition, which the compiler will use to define a single function.
insert a [] = [a]
insert a (x:xs) = ...
The first case is easy: inserting into an empty list produces a singleton list. The second case is tricker: what you do depends on whether a is smaller than x or not. You can use a conditional expression
insert a (x:xs) = if a < x then a : insert x xs else x : insert a xs
thought you may see guards used instead:
insert a (x:xs) | a < x = a : insert x xs
| otherwise = x : insert a xs
In both cases, we know (because the list argument is already sorted) that insert x xs == x : xs, so we can write that directly to "short-circuit" the recursion:
insert a (x:xs) = if a < x then a : x : xs else x : insert a xs
don't complicate! , make simple ...
insertme a list = takeWhile (<a) list ++ [a] ++ dropWhile (<a) list

How can I find the index where one list appears as a sublist of another?

I have been working with Haskell for a little over a week now so I am practicing some functions that might be useful for something. I want to compare two lists recursively. When the first list appears in the second list, I simply want to return the index at where the list starts to match. The index would begin at 0. Here is an example of what I want to execute for clarification:
subList [1,2,3] [4,4,1,2,3,5,6]
the result should be 2
I have attempted to code it:
subList :: [a] -> [a] -> a
subList [] = []
subList (x:xs) = x + 1 (subList xs)
subList xs = [ y:zs | (y,ys) <- select xs, zs <- subList ys]
where select [] = []
select (x:xs) = x
I am receiving an "error on input" and I cannot figure out why my syntax is not working. Any suggestions?
Let's first look at the function signature. You want to take in two lists whose contents can be compared for equality and return an index like so
subList :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
So now we go through pattern matching on the arguments. First off, when the second list is empty then there is nothing we can do, so we'll return -1 as an error condition
subList _ [] = -1
Then we look at the recursive step
subList as xxs#(x:xs)
| all (uncurry (==)) $ zip as xxs = 0
| otherwise = 1 + subList as xs
You should be familiar with the guard syntax I've used, although you may not be familiar with the # syntax. Essentially it means that xxs is just a sub-in for if we had used (x:xs).
You may not be familiar with all, uncurry, and possibly zip so let me elaborate on those more. zip has the function signature zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)], so it takes two lists and pairs up their elements (and if one list is longer than the other, it just chops off the excess). uncurry is weird so lets just look at (uncurry (==)), its signature is (uncurry (==)) :: Eq a => (a, a) -> Bool, it essentially checks if both the first and second element in the pair are equal. Finally, all will walk over the list and see if the first and second of each pair is equal and return true if that is the case.

how to filter the minimums haskell

now I already have a function that takes the minimum of the list of tuples' first element, for example;
mymin [(3,4),(3,2),(4,3)] = 3
By using this function, I'd like to take all the tuples which has 3 as its first element. I tried to filter the ones that has 3 on its first element but;
filter (\a -> mymin (x:xs) == fst x) (x:xs)
which gives
again because everytime it cuts the list, it finds mymin again, but I just want to take the
part, what track should I follow, I stuck. Thanks for any help.
Why not use let or where to precompute the minimum value prior to filtering based on it?
yourFilter list =
let m = yourMin list
in filter (\(a, _) -> a == m) list
Alternatively, with a point-free style lambda:
yourFilter list =
let m = yourMin list
in filter ((== m) . fst) list
You only have to replace x with a in
filter (\a -> mymin (x:xs) == fst x) (x:xs)
(fst a instead of fst x)

Comparing list length with arrows

Inspired by Comparing list length
If I want to find the longest list in a list of lists, the simplest way is probably:
longestList :: [[a]] -> [a]
longestList = maximumBy (comparing length)
A more efficient way would be to precompute the lengths:
longest :: [[a]] -> [a]
longest xss = snd $ maximumBy (comparing fst) [(length xs, xs) | xs <- xss]
Now, I want to take it one step further. It may not be more efficient for normal cases, but can you solve this using arrows? My idea is basically, step through all of the lists simultaneously, and keep stepping until you've overstepped the length of every list except the longest.
longest [[1],[1],[1..2^1000],[1],[1]]
In the forgoing (very contrived) example, you would only have to take two steps through each list in order to determine that the list [1..2^1000] is the longest, without ever needing to determine the entire length of said list. Am I right that this can be done with arrows? If so, then how? If not, then why not, and how could this approach be implemented?
OK, as I was writing the question, it dawned on me a simple way to implement this (without arrows, boo!)
longest [] = error "it's ambiguous"
longest [xs] = xs
longest xss = longest . filter (not . null) . map (drop 1) $ xss
Except this has a problem...it drops the first part of the list and doesn't recover it!
> take 3 $ longest [[1],[1],[1..2^1000],[1]]
Needs more bookkeeping :P
longest xs = longest' $ map (\x -> (x,x)) xs
longest' [] = error "it's ambiguous"
longest' [xs] = fst xs
longest' xss = longest . filter (not . null . snd) . map (sndMap (drop 1)) $ xss
sndMap f (x,y) = (x, f y)
Now it works.
> take 3 $ longest [[1],[1],[1..2^1000],[1]]
But no arrows. :( If it can be done with arrows, then hopefully this answer can give you someplace to start.
Thinking about this some more, there is a far simpler solution which gives the same performance characteristics. We can just use maximumBy with a lazy length comparison function:
compareLength [] [] = EQ
compareLength _ [] = GT
compareLength [] _ = LT
compareLength (_:xs) (_:ys) = compareLength xs ys
longest = maximumBy compareLength
Here's the most straightforward implementation I could think of. No arrows involved, though.
I keep a list of pairs where the first element is the original list, and the second is the remaining tail. If we only have one list left, we're done. Otherwise we try taking the tail of all the remaining lists, filtering out those who are empty. If some still remain, keep going. Otherwise, they are all the same length and we arbitrarily pick the first one.
longest [] = error "longest: empty list"
longest xss = go [(xs, xs) | xs <- xss]
where go [(xs, _)] = xs
go xss | null xss' = fst . head $ xss
| otherwise = go xss'
where xss' = [(xs, ys) | (xs, (_:ys)) <- xss]